Careful Who You Trust Ch.6
by ~UmbrellaXstaff

Albert had followed her upstairs to their room, laying down on the bed despite her protests.  He wasn't going to give in that easily, not when so much was on the line.  Ada had already started packing, deciding he couldn't stop her from doing that.

"You're not sleeping in here tonight," she reminded him.

"And you're not leaving tomorrow," he chuckled.

Ada frowned.  Albert was treating this as nothing more than a game, and it made her upset.  He admitted to killing her father, told her he enjoyed it, and he expected her to stay?  "You can't keep me here.  I hate you."

"Ada, hate is such a strong word..." he smirked.

"No, hate is such a strong, accurate word," she corrected.

Albert rolled his eyes, taking off his sunglasses.  "Darling you're upset.  You need to see the brighter side in all of this."

"Brighter side?  What brighter side!  You killed my father!  But you never had one of those, did you? So you wouldn't know what it was like to have one in the first place," she hissed.

"Darling your icy words can't hurt me.  I'm glad I didn't have any parents, it taught me to look out for number one," he laughed darkly, getting up from the bed and stalking over to her.

"And even now you're looking out for number one..." she mumbled, turning back to her bag.

"Ada do you remember who saved you from Raccoon City?  Who patched up your wounds and breathed life into you again?"  he asked, lightly rubbing her shoulders.

"You did.  But that doesn't matter anymore."

"Ada I'm not much of a believer in fate, but I do think that certain things happen for a reason.  Your father's death brought you into this business, brought you to me.  You showed me that not every person was a lost cause.  You're a fighter, you inspire me.  I can still offer you so much, especially more than that cop I know you're thinking about right now."

"It's not my fault I'm thinking about L-"

"Don't say his name!" he growled, cutting her off.  "That little shit should have died in Spain if you had done what you were told.  But, if you honestly want to leave me to become a home-wrecker, be my guest.  We both know he has a soft spot for you and would leave Claire in a heartbeat."

"Don't say that.." she whispered, "Those two deserve each other. They've been through so much..."

"Like we haven't?  You know what I think Ada?  I think that you don't want to get married because you don't think you deserve it.  You think that you've cause so much pain to others, why should you have a happy ending? Well I'll tell you why:  because I've done terrible things too, and you don't know the half of it.  I promise you that if you change your mind, you'll never have to be Ada Wong the Spy ever again.  You'll be the stay at home mother, happily taking care of the children.  You'll be the woman every mom, neighbor, and young adult wants to be.  You'll be my wife.  You'll be Ada Wesker.  Has a certain ring to it, doesn't it?" he chuckled.

Ada closed her eyes and leaned against him, imagining everything he had said.  "Children?" she asked. "You mean you would-"

"Happily give you the chance to be a parent?  Of course.  All I ever do is give to you Ada.  Now take a few more pain pills and come lay down," he coaxed.

Ada bit her lip, reaching for the bottle of pills.  "Fine... Just let me have some time to think." she asked.

"Anything Dear Heart," he smiled, carrying her to the bed and tucking her in.  "I'll be in later."

Nicholai sat next to Ada at the breakfast table the next morning.  The two were having a cup of coffee and a bagel.

"So you're staying?" he asked curiously. "What changed your mind?"

"I guess.. I guess it was the picture he painted for me..." she smiled.

"Picture?  I didn't take Wesker to be an artist," Nicholai chuckled.

"Not literally painting Nich!  You know I had always wanted my own family, and Albert finally broke.  He promised to give so much, and I believe him," Ada explained.

"No offense Ada, but I can't picture Wesker being a father.  I mean, after Diane-"

"Who's Diane?" Ada cut off, worry clearly painted on her face.

"No one, never mind..." Nicholai mumbled.  "There's no one else Ada, stop giving me that look."

"Nicholai Ginovaef!  Don't sit there and lie to me!  Who was she?"  Ada demanded.

"Yes Nicholai, who was she?" Wesker smirked as he walked in the kitchen.  He had just gotten off the phone with TriCell, and was in quite a good mood.

Nicholai cleared his throat and tugged at his shirt collar.  He wasn't sure if Albert was challenging him or didn't fully understand the conversation.  "Diane Muller, I think that was her last name, she was Wesker's lover..." he informed Ada.

Wesker nearly choked on the coffee he had just poured for himself.  He thought they were talking about Nicholai's love life, not his.  "Stop there," Wesker warned. "Or I swear I'll-"

"You'll what?  Kill me?  Wesker you can't hide these things from her!  You knew all about John and the other men she's been with, why do you have to hide your past from her?"  Nicholai scowled.

"Because my past isn't up for discussion.  Ada chooses to be open about herself, I don't.  Change the subject."  he ordered.  "I won't have you telling all of my secrets."

"No Albert.  There shouldn't be any secrets between us," Ada frowned.  "Why didn't you say anything about her?"

"Because Diane Muller is dead to me, and that's all that matters," he told her.  "It was a long time ago, and I'd rather not bring it up."

Ada nodded slowly and sighed.  "Who was on the phone?"

"Business.  Speaking of which, I have to go on a little trip..." he trailed off.

"For how long?  Albert the wedding is in two weeks!"  Ada reminded.

"About two weeks... But Ada I promise you I'll be back in time for the wedding.  I wouldn't go unless it was absolutely important, you know that!"  he frowned.

"Do I?  There seems to be a lot of things I don't know about you still..." she trailed off.  "But fine, if you promise to be home in time."

Albert smirked and kissed her forehead.  "And by then your nose will be better, and you'll be a brand new woman."

"Yeah yeah.  Just hurry up and pack.  The faster you get there and get your work done, the sooner you can come home," she told him.  "Oh, and where are you going?" she asked.

"Africa.  I'll be sure to bring you home something nice."

Albert had just finished packing his last bag for the night and was putting it in the living room for easy access when Kimmi stopped him.  He wasn't all that surprised to see her, but he was curious as to what she wanted.

"So you got the call... That's good," she murmured.  "And Ada knows what you're going there for?"

"Business, Kimmi, that's all she needs to know," he sighed.  "I promised I'd be back."

"And you promised me you would leave her.  What kind of thoughts did you plant in her drugged up head?"  she frowned.

"I told her promises that I plan on keeping.  Nice move playing the father card, but now I have to say checkmate.  It seems that I'm going to get the company and the girl.  How does that make you feel?" he smirked.

"Hopeful for my daughter.  I know you've given her so much, including life  Behave while you're gone.  Excella will most likely be drawn to you, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants."

"Is that so?  I have no intentions of doing such a thing to Ada.  I may lie to her, but cheat?  That would truly make me less than a man.  Will you keep an eye on Nicholai for me?"

"I have no fear that Nicholai will be a good boy.  He hasn't done anything thus far.  Be safe Albert, and take care."

"Always Kimmi.  Good night," he nodded.