Careful Who You Trust Ch.7
by ~UmbrellaXstaff
The early morning sun caused Ada to wake up. It had been a long two weeks without her Albert, but with him gone she could finally get some of the plans for the wedding finished. As she stretched in bed, something felt different. Opening her eyes, she examined the engagement ring that had been placed on her hand. "He's home?!" she smiled to herself, jumping out of bed and throwing her red silk bathrobe on. Ada practically ran down the stairs, nearly tripping when she reached the bottom. She checked most of the downstairs, but saw no sign of her fiancé. Ada walked into the kitchen in disappointment.
"What's wrong Ada?" her mother asked. "You shouldn't be so sad the day before your wedding."
"Mom, he was here, wasn't he?" Ada asked, fiddling with her ruby and diamond ring. "I just want to see him."
"Who? Albert? Isn't he still in Africa?" she asked, hiding her knowledge of Wesker's presence.
"He can't be! I woke up with this ring on, and I know it was him!" she said confidently. "I'm going to take a shower. Maybe he had Nicholai do this or something..." Ada sighed to herself as she walked back upstairs. It still didn't seem right. Albert had to be here! But where?
She grabbed a towel on her way to the bathroom, and draped it over the bar near the shower. Dropping her clothes to the floor, Ada was glad to at least take a hot shower. "Never fails to soothe me and is always there," she joked with herself. Ada closed her eyes for just a moment, and during that time she felt strong arms wrap around her. "Albert..?" she murmured, leaning against him.
"That's a bit harsh darling. Don't I take care of you?" he asked, kissing behind her ear.
"You do! I was only kidding!" she said quickly.
"I know. Just teasing you Dear Heart. What do you think of the ring?"
"It's beautiful. I'm not sure if I deserve it..." she smiled.
"You do Ada. Trust me. By the way, your nose looks much better," he commented, rubbing shampoo in her hair.
"Mmm... yeah it is. Just in time for the wedding. Weren't you suppose to be home late tonight?" she asked.
"I managed to finish up a little early and decided to come back right away. No need to make you wait longer than you already have," he shrugged, rinsing the suds out for her.
"Aww, how sweet. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going out with some friends tonight. You know, for my bachelorette party?"
"And what am I supposed to do all night?"
"I don't know... You could take Nicholai and Mihkail out for some drinks... I'm sure they'd have a good time." she suggested. Albert cringed some at the thought.
"Why can't I just go with you?" he frowned.
"Because it's a party for me! If you tagged along, how am I suppose to enjoy my last night of freedom?" she laughed. "You'll be fine. Just pay for a few strippers and I'll be home before you know it."
"Ada I don't want strippers," he protested. "Please don't go."
"I am, Albert, end of discussion," she sighed.
Wesker grumbled to himself, arms crossed as he stared at the woman in front of him. The music was too loud, the lap dancers and strippers were overbearing, and the drinks weren't helping. He honestly just wanted to get out of the club and go home, but Mihkail and Nicholai wouldn't let him. Albert was distracted with thoughts of Ada when another girl decided to sit next to him and rub his thigh. He raised an eyebrow at her in question, wishing she would go away. Unfortunately, she didn't.
"So what made you want to come here tonight?" she smiled, scooting closer to him.
"You see those two guys over there?" he asked, pointing at Nicholai and Mihkail. "They made me. Said I needed to have a bachelor party the right way..."
"And what way is that?" she giggled.
"Apparently it involves half naked women, expensive drinks, and loud, shitty music," he frowned. "Look, I'm sure you're a nice young woman, but you have nothing I want."
The brunette took some offense to this, straddling his lap now. "Are you saying I'm not pretty?" she asked.
"Well, no. But my fiancee could probably show you a thing or two on how to put on make up without caking it on and how to give a proper lap dance," he smirked.
The woman narrowed her eyes at him, clearly angry. "Well she must be a whore..."
"Actually, she's right over there," he smirked, carefully taking her off of him so he could greet Ada. When he was halfway there, Nicholai and Mihkail grabbed his shoulders.
"I don't think so Wesker. This is Ada's night just as much as it is yours. Give the girl her space," Nicholai chuckled. "Why can't you enjoy the company of a different girl tonight?"
"You don't get it, do you?" Albert frowned. "I want her. These whores disgust me."
The two men sighed, giving up and letting him go. Albert followed the girls to a circular booth they found and greeted them.
"Do you have room for one more?" he smirked, looking at Ada.
"Sorry, but we're full," Ada frowned, wondering what he was up to.
"Don't be silly Ada! He's gorgeous! Maybe he'll open his shirt for us!" one of her friends giggled. "Come here big boy and sit in between us."
"A pleasure," he chuckled, moving in between Ada and her friend. "What's the occasion ladies?"
"Our friend here is getting married tomorrow, and she needed to get away from her man," Laura laughed. "Now, about what Mary had said, will you open your shirt for us?"
Albert smirked, reaching for the buttons of his shirt. "Only if the bride lets me have a jello shot on her."
"Whatever..." Ada mumbled, rolling her eyes.
Albert opened his shirt for the ladies to touch and look at, but Ada didn't take any part in it. "What's wrong? I'm sure your soon be husband won't mind. It is your night after all."
"Nothings wrong. You just look a lot like him," Ada said dryly, trying to stop him as he kissed her neck. She was surprised to feel him pick her up and place her in his lap. "H-hey! You can forget about that shot!"
"Fine. You're sweet enough anyhow," he teased, rubbing her thighs.
Ada squirmed in his grasp, trying to get him to stop. "My body isn't a toy for you to play with! Let me go!"
"Give up the act Ada. As if I haven't done this before to you..."
"You two know each other?" Laura frowned. "Ada do you want me to go get someone?"
"That won't be necessary ladies. I'll leave you be. After tonight, Ada won't have a choice but to be in my arms every day, isn't that right darling?"
"Quit being so cocky Albie. I'll see you home soon..."
Ada rubbed her bleary eyes as she tried to collect her thoughts. What day was it? What time was it? Where was she? Blinking slowly, she could tell that the curtains were pulled shut, blocking out the sun. "Albert?" she called. When she didn't get a reply, she got out of bed and stumbled around until she found the kitchen. "Albert! Why didn't you come when I called you?" she frowned.
Her husband gave her a confused look as he ate his strawberry jelly toast. "Ada you didn't call me. Maybe you weren't as loud as you thought..." he frowned. "Are you okay? You seem disoriented."
"What time is it?" she asked, leaning against the counter.
"It's eleven, and today is Saturday."
"Where are we?" she asked, reaching for his toast.
He reluctantly let her have his breakfast, going over to the toaster to make some more. "You don't remember? We're on some southern islands on our honeymoon." he informed.
"We are? What about the wedding?" she said surprised.
"Ada that was yesterday... Don't you remember anything from yesterday?" he asked.
"Actually... no. I remember being in a club with you... And then... I think I remember taking a shower last night."
"You did. But then after that-"
"We had sex. I think that's pretty obvious. But why can't I remember anything?"
"That's my fault," he chuckled. "It seems you gave out sooner than I had hoped..."
"Are you saying I passed out in the middle of it all?" she said surprised.
"Yeah. But the worse part is that I didn't notice until at least an hour later," he laughed.
Ada smacked his arm. "Albert! That's not funny! No wonder why I can't remember anything!"
"Relax. I'm sure you'll get your memory back. I have that affect on women," he smirked.
"Fine then! You stand there and gloat about how you're such a god, I'm going back to bed."
"I wouldn't sleep the whole day away. I only planned to be here for a week." he warned.
Careful Who You Trust Ch.8
by ~UmbrellaXstaff
Ada couldn't believe what he was telling her. He was leaving for Africa again, and she couldn't come? Her mind screamed unfairness. They had only just started their new life together, but she should have known.
"Ada I know you're upset, but Darling I don't want you to get hurt. It's too dangerous for you, and I couldn't risk that," he frowned.
"I can take care of myself, you know that," she protested as she cleaned the dinner plates. "I'd stay out of your way..."
Albert could hear the desperation in her voice, and it actually hurt him. "Ada I'll still come home plenty of times during the year to see you. I'll call you and write... But I can't take you with."
"You can Albert, you just choose not to. What's even in Africa for you?"
"There are some old Umbrella labs there that TriCell's biohazard division has control of, and by partnering with them I have full access."
"TriCell? How did you get a hold of a TriCell contact?" she frowned.
"That's none of your concern Ada. The less you know the better. You have to trust me," he sighed, kissing the back of her head. "Please don't be upset..."
"How can I not be?" she snapped, "You're leaving me here by myself! You promised me a family Albert! You said I'd never be lonely and that you'd always take care of me!"
"And I'm keeping that promise! Ada these are loose ends I need to tie up if we're ever going to be happy. I need you to make this one sacrifice, and I'll give you the world if you want it," he murmured, "Please darling?"
Ada bit her lip, holding back the tears she wanted to cry. "What if you don't come back..?"
"Ada I'll come back. I still have a few more days before I have to go, and I'll spend every waking moment with you until then. Everything I do, I do for you."
Ada was working in the garden when the shadows of two men were cast over her. Looking up, she wiped some sweat from her forehead and forced a smile. "Can I help you gentlemen?"
The one with the short brown hair nodded, he and his partner showing her their I.D.s.
"Are you Ada Wong?" he asked.
"That's my maiden name, why?" she asked, getting off of her knees to her feet.
The brunette man put his hand to his ear and mumbled something, the three adults soon
joined by Leon S. Kennedy.
"Ada! We almost weren't sure it was you... I'm... I'm so sorry..." he told her.
"About what Leon?" she frowned, taking her gloves off.
"We just received news from the B.S.A.A., it's about Wesker."
Ada nodded slowly, understanding what he was going to say. "I don't want to know what he became or how he died. I just want to be left with my memories..." she said softly.
"Ada, now that he's dead, there are so many other people that can rise up and take his place. We want to take you in to protective custody. You knew Wesker better than anyone, and plenty of people would kill for that knowledge."
"I appreciate it Leon, but we don't need your help. I think what I really need right now is some time alone. Were you able to recover his body?"
"No, why?"
"Beside what everyone perceived him as, I still saw him as a man, not a monster. I'd like for him to have some sort of burial..."
"I'll... see if I can arrange something. Ada my offer still stands, if you change your mind, just call," Leon smiled some, handing her his card. She nodded and put it in her pocket.
"Take care Leon. Say hi to Claire for me." she told him before watching them leave. Ada looked at her watch, deciding it was time for lunch. "Come on Adeline. At least mommy still has you..." she murmured, picking the two year old up out of her play pen and taking her inside.