Lost in Nightmares Ch. 1
by ~UmbrellaXstaff
Ada didn't know what to say when she saw him. He had shown up unexpectedly yet again. Albert denied it, but after his first year in Africa, he wasn't consistent with his visits, and it got to the point where he barely showed up two weeks out of the year. The loneliness took a toll on Ada, but she never let it show to anyone. She didn't have the heart to leave him because deep down she knew he would find her and never let her go. It wasn't fair.
Ada continued to take off her coat and hang it up in the closet, ignoring his presence. She could feel his anger building. Wesker had definitely changed while in Africa, and not for the better. He didn't smile like he used to, and the things he talked about... a superior race and gods, it scared her. This wasn't the Albert she remembered.
"What?" she asked, acting as if she didn't know why he was getting worked up.
"Oh you know what. Why are you ignoring me Ada?" he frowned, crossing his arms.
"I'd ask the same of you, but it would only start a fight," she remarked, kicking her shoes off.
"This again? Ada it's work! It's not like I can just drop everything I'm doing and fly back here!" he growled.
"You know what Albert? I didn't ask for any of this. I asked to be loved, but it seems you can't balance me and work. Do you remember the last time you came home to see me? It was seven months ago! You showed up just like you did now: out of the blue. I never hear from you, I never see you, I don't know why you bother coming back at all," she challenged. "You're not the same person anymore."
"I'm a god Ada! But you don't understand that, do you? I'm saving the world, and you can't appreciate that!"
"Saving the world? By killing everyone I love?! You honestly think any of my family members would survive something like that?"
"I honestly don't care Ada. As far as I'm concerned, our marriage is perfectly fine. We're still faithful, and we're still together."
"I don't know about that..." Ada mumbled, walking by him towards the stairs. Wesker tightly grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall.
"You bitch! Who is he?!" he yelled, smirking when he saw her cringe in fear. "It was the Russian, wasn't it? Goddamn Nicholai. I knew I couldn't trust him..."
"No!" she cried, struggling against him. "You're insane! Nicholai is just a friend!"
"Shut up! I don't want to hear your lies!" he barked, slamming her against the wall again.
This time it caused Ada to wake up. Her breathing was heavy and she shook terribly. Even in death, Albert Wesker had a tight grip on her. Ada's dream still unnerved her, making her unable to fall back asleep. To this day, she didn't know how he could have become so corrupted. Thinking of him caused her heart to ache. She quietly crept downstairs as not to wake Addy, and sat at the kitchen table. Boxes still scattered the kitchen of things she still had to unpack. It was about a year after Wesker died that she moved out of the mansion. It was too big for just her and her daughter. Their new four bedroom was much more to Ada's liking. Small enough for just the two of them, but big enough for family to visit.
Ada looked down at her cell phone, wanting to call somebody. She didn't want to bother her mother or brother at this time of morning, Nicholai was off doing some mission so he wasn't available... That basically left Leon. He's sleeping... I shouldn't bother him with my problems. He doesn't owe me a thing...
She rubbed her eyes tiredly, setting her phone back down. She really needed to start thinking about seeing a psychiatrist. That dream had felt too real to her. What unnerved her even more was that she knew what happened next. That was a nightmare for another night though, and now she just wanted to get some rest. "Sometimes I wonder if he had known who Adeline was, would he have changed and come home?" she said to herself, grabbing a quick glass of water before heading back up. As she crawled back into her familiar bed, the same one from the old house she and Albert had made love so many times in, she shook her head. "Never. Nothing could sway that man. He wasn't ready to be a father."
When Ada woke up that morning, she went through the motions. She checked on Adeline, bringing her downstairs for some breakfast and then grabbing something for herself. She gave the toddler a bath, playing with suds in her hair. "You're mommy's girl, aren't you?" she cooed. "Yes you are!"
Adeline smiled, giggling and reaching for her mother and babbling nonsense.
"Can you say mama?" Ada smiled, rubbing her daughter's chin.
"Mama.." Adeline repeated, not even having to think.
"That's good Addy! What about... dog?"
"Dog..." she giggled, then reached for her mother's hair, "Pretty..."
"Do I have pretty hair Adeline?" Ada asked, drying her daughter off. "Daddy used to think so too..."
"Daddy?" the toddler frowned, trying to think of a picture to go with the word.
"Papa..." Ada sighed, dressing her daughter in a cute summer dress. She carried the little girl to the living room and pulled a picture album out from one of the boxes. She flipped through it, looking for her old wedding photos. Adeline immediately pointed out her mother. "Yes, mama, and this is papa..." Ada informed, putting the toddler's finger on Albert's face. "But you'll never meet papa."
"Why?" she smiled.
"Because he's dead," Ada sighed.
Ada bit her lip, closing the book. Adeline was still too young to understand, and it was a topic Ada didn't want to talk about. "Mommy's going to put you down and go take a shower. Do you want to watch TV or play in your room?"
"TV!" Adeline smiled brightly, squirming from her mother's lap. "Mulan!"
"You want to watch Mulan again?" Ada sighed, searching for the DVD. "Alright, sit down.."
Later that evening, Ada received a call from an old friend.
"Ada? It's Claire. I know this is short notice, but we're having a surprise birthday party for Leon. I was hoping you could come tomorrow..."
"Claire I'd love to... but I have no one to watch Adeline," Ada frowned, watching her daughter eat cut up fruit as she watched Mulan for the third time that day.
"That's okay! You can bring her over tomorrow. I already have a sitter for Thomas, so I can just pay the sitter something extra. Please? It would mean so much!"
"Fine, fine. I need to get out of the house anyway I guess. I've been unpacking all week," Ada smiled. "See ya then?"
"Definitely, bye!"