[~Naruto. Make Me Strong~]

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Lost in Nightmares Ch. 1
by ~UmbrellaXstaff

Ada didn't know what to say when she saw him.  He had shown up unexpectedly yet again.  Albert denied it, but after his first year in Africa, he wasn't consistent with his visits, and it got to the point where he barely showed up two weeks out of the year.  The loneliness took a toll on Ada, but she never let it show to anyone.  She didn't have the heart to leave him because deep down she knew he would find her and never let her go.  It wasn't fair.

Ada continued to take off her coat and hang it up in the closet, ignoring his presence.  She could feel his anger building.  Wesker had definitely changed while in Africa, and not for the better.  He didn't smile like he used to, and the things he talked about... a superior race and gods, it scared her.  This wasn't the Albert she remembered.

"What?" she asked, acting as if she didn't know why he was getting worked up.

"Oh you know what.  Why are you ignoring me Ada?" he frowned, crossing his arms.

"I'd ask the same of you, but it would only start a fight," she remarked, kicking her shoes off.

"This again?  Ada it's work!  It's not like I can just drop everything I'm doing and fly back here!" he growled.

"You know what Albert?  I didn't ask for any of this.  I asked to be loved, but it seems you can't balance me and work.  Do you remember the last time you came home to see me?  It was seven months ago!  You showed up just like you did now: out of the blue.  I never hear from you, I never see you, I don't know why you bother coming back at all," she challenged.  "You're not the same person anymore."

"I'm a god Ada!  But you don't understand that, do you?  I'm saving the world, and you can't appreciate that!"

"Saving the world?  By killing everyone I love?!  You honestly think any of my family members would survive something like that?"

"I honestly don't care Ada.  As far as I'm concerned, our marriage is perfectly fine.  We're still faithful, and we're still together."

"I don't know about that..." Ada mumbled, walking by him towards the stairs.  Wesker tightly grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall.

"You bitch!  Who is he?!" he yelled, smirking when he saw her cringe in fear.  "It was the Russian, wasn't it?  Goddamn Nicholai.  I knew I couldn't trust him..."

"No!" she cried, struggling against him.  "You're insane!  Nicholai is just a friend!"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your lies!" he barked, slamming her against the wall again.

This time it caused Ada to wake up.  Her breathing was heavy and she shook terribly.  Even in death, Albert Wesker had a tight grip on her.  Ada's dream still unnerved her, making her unable to fall back asleep.  To this day, she didn't know how he could have become so corrupted.  Thinking of him caused her heart to ache.  She quietly crept downstairs as not to wake Addy, and sat at the kitchen table.  Boxes still scattered the kitchen of things she still had to unpack.  It was about a year after Wesker died that she moved out of the mansion.  It was too big for just her and her daughter.  Their new four bedroom was much more to Ada's liking.  Small enough for just the two of them, but big enough for family to visit.

Ada looked down at her cell phone, wanting to call somebody.  She didn't want to bother her mother or brother at this time of morning, Nicholai was off doing some mission so he wasn't available... That basically left Leon.  He's sleeping... I shouldn't bother him with my problems.  He doesn't owe me a thing...

She rubbed her eyes tiredly, setting her phone back down.  She really needed to start thinking about seeing a psychiatrist.  That dream had felt too real to her.  What unnerved her even more was that she knew what happened next.  That was a nightmare for another night though, and now she just wanted to get some rest.  "Sometimes I wonder if he had known who Adeline was, would he have changed and come home?" she said to herself, grabbing a quick glass of water before heading back up.  As she crawled back into her familiar bed, the same one from the old house she and Albert had made love so many times in, she shook her head.  "Never.  Nothing could sway that man.  He wasn't ready to be a father."


When Ada woke up that morning, she went through the motions.  She checked on Adeline, bringing her downstairs for some breakfast and then grabbing something for herself.  She gave the toddler a bath, playing with suds in her hair.  "You're mommy's girl, aren't you?" she cooed.  "Yes you are!"
Adeline smiled, giggling and reaching for her mother and babbling nonsense.
"Can you say mama?" Ada smiled, rubbing her daughter's chin.

"Mama.." Adeline repeated, not even having to think.

"That's good Addy!  What about... dog?"

"Dog..." she giggled, then reached for her mother's hair,  "Pretty..."

"Do I have pretty hair Adeline?" Ada asked, drying her daughter off.  "Daddy used to think so too..."

"Daddy?" the toddler frowned, trying to think of a picture to go with the word.

"Papa..." Ada sighed, dressing her daughter in a cute summer dress.  She carried the little girl to the living room and pulled a picture album out from one of the boxes.  She flipped through it, looking for her old wedding photos.  Adeline immediately pointed out her mother.  "Yes, mama, and this is papa..." Ada informed, putting the toddler's finger on Albert's face.  "But you'll never meet papa."

"Why?" she smiled.

"Because he's dead," Ada sighed.


Ada bit her lip, closing the book.  Adeline was still too young to understand, and it was a topic Ada didn't want to talk about.  "Mommy's going to put you down and go take a shower.  Do you want to watch TV or play in your room?"
"TV!" Adeline smiled brightly, squirming from her mother's lap.  "Mulan!"

"You want to watch Mulan again?" Ada sighed, searching for the DVD.  "Alright, sit down.."

Later that evening, Ada received a call from an old friend.

"Ada?  It's Claire.  I know this is short notice, but we're having a surprise birthday party for Leon.  I was hoping you could come tomorrow..."

"Claire I'd love to... but I have no one to watch Adeline," Ada frowned, watching her daughter eat cut up fruit as she watched Mulan for the third time that day.

"That's okay!  You can bring her over tomorrow.  I already have a sitter for Thomas, so I can just pay the sitter something extra. Please?  It would mean so much!"

"Fine, fine.  I need to get out of the house anyway I guess.  I've been unpacking all week," Ada smiled.  "See ya then?"

"Definitely, bye!"



Lost in Nightmares Ch. 2
by ~UmbrellaXstaff

It felt good to get out of the house.  For what it was worth, Ada was enjoying herself.  She got a short break of being a parent, the daily demands no longer weighing her down for a night.  Leon loved his party, and many of his government agent friends were there.

"Ada!" he called, waving her over to where he was.  "Ada this is my friend Benjamin.  We trained together in the academy."

Ada gave the man a charming smile, letting him kiss her hand.  "Is that an engagement ring?" he asked curiously.  Ada blushed some, looking over at Leon.

"Well, yes.  It was from my late husband.  After he died, I didn't have the heart of getting rid of something so beautiful..."

Benjamin gave a small smile.  "It doesn't compare to you though, my dear." he chuckled.  "What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a stay at home mother," she said sheepishly.

"Don't be so ashamed.  A single mother eh?  How old?"

"She's three now, four in November," Ada smiled.

"Troublesome threes,"  Benjamin teased.  "Well I'm sorry about your husband.  Perhaps one day you'll remarry?"

"Maybe.  If I can find someone who can put up with everything that goes on in my life..."

Benjamin remained silent, noticing something was bothering her.  "Would you like to dance?" he asked.

"I'd love to," Ada nodded, taking his arm and walking with him towards the dance floor.

Benjamin proved to be very light on his feet for such a well built man.  The only one she could compare him to was Albert.  But Albert had more class... He preferred to always look his best, where I can tell this guy would rather just have on jeans and a T.

"Do you miss him?" Ben asked quietly as he placed a hand on her hip.

Ada was surprised to be asked such a question.  "I have mixed feelings about it.  I loved him, but he was always away on business..."

"You were lonely,"  he sighed.  "You never cheated?"

"Never.  I wasn't desperate for sex, I was desperate for company.  I didn't have very many friends back then."

"He sounds very controlling.  I'm sorry.  I would have been your friend."

Ada smiled and laughed at him.  "He would've killed you..."

"Excuse me?" he asked surprise.  "Is there... something you're not telling me?"

"There is a lot of things I'm not telling you; it would only make you run away..." she sighed, leaning her head against his chest.  "But I thought you wanted to know more about me, not my husband."

"You're right, sorry. How about I go get us some drinks?" he suggested.  Ada nodded in agreement, letting him go.  She fiddled with her ring a moment.  As she looked up and around, a certain face caught her eye.  Those familiar sunglasses, that perfectly slicked back  hair...  "No..." she whispered, turning around quickly and shoving people out of her way.  She was yelled at by a few people, but it didn't matter.  She just wanted out.

Going out a side exit, she shut the door quickly and leaned against the brick wall outside.  Her heart was beating erratically and she thought she was going to explode.  Albert Wesker was dead.  He had been dead for nearly a year now, and nothing would change that.  If that was true, then what was he doing here?

Ada was suddenly embraced by strong arms, and she didn't fight it.  Warm lips grazed hers in the nighttime darkness as a drink was pushed into her hand.

Ada gave a sigh of relief, thinking it had to be Ben.  "Christ I thought you were someone else..." she breathed against his mouth.

"Were you expecting someone else?" a gravelly voice chuckled in her ear.

Ada's stomach twisted into a tight knot, the glass slipping from her hand and breaking onto the ground.  "Please don't do this... You're dead..." she whimpered, helplessly trying to get out of his grasp.

"Oh Ada, surely you're not shaking because you're cold?  It's the middle of summer!"  he teased, brushing her hair behind her ear.  "Or maybe you're just afraid for your friend?  I don't think he's any good for you, be careful."

"This isn't real...  This is just my mind playing horrible games.  Or maybe I'm dreaming...  It's just another nightmare.." she cried to herself.

"Lost in nightmares are we?  I assure you Dear Heart, this is no dream.  I'm back,"  Albert purred.  "I've cheated death yet again, and I've come to claim my shiny prize."

"No!" she screamed, shoving him back.  Ada used that moment to get away. She ran back inside and found a corner, shrinking down and crying into her hands.  She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she hit the person.   "Don't touch me! Get away!"

"Ada calm down!  It's me, Leon!"  he frowned, helping her to her feet.  "What happened?  Are you okay?"

"H-he's back Leon!  I knew it!  I knew he wasn't dead!"  she sobbed, clutching him tightly.

"Ada I don't understand.. Who isn't dead? Wesker?"  he frowned.  "Are you sure?"

"I have to leave before he starts killing people... I'm so sorry.  I didn't think he would show... b-but he did.. A-and now..."

"Ada you're rambling!  I'll get Ben to take you home.  What about-"

"No!  Don't say it.  He'll hear you!  I can't risk it."  she begged.  Claire had joined them now, wondering what the commotion was.

"Ada what happened?" she asked worriedly.  "Did someone hurt you?"

Leon shook his head.  "She says it's Wesker... but how could he have gotten in?"

Ada wiped her tears away, trying to stand on her own.  "It doesn't matter!  You can't kill the devil.  This is nothing more than another game to him, and I don't want to know what happens when he wins."

"Ada nothing is going to--  hey!  Where are you going?  Ada wait!" Leon called.

"I'm going home Leon.  Happy birthday,"  she called back.  "I'll call you tomorrow."


"Need I remind you who you're married to?"  he growled, gripping the back of her head.  "Were you out with him tonight?"

"There is no one..." she cried softly, "Albert you're hurting me..."

"I think you're lying to me again Ada.  You're only bringing on more pain for yourself," he told her, tightening his grip.

"Albert I love you... only you..."

"If it's not Nicholai, who is it?  Leon?  He's too far away.  Who did you go out with?" he demanded.

"I went out by myself.  I needed some fresh air...  I swear!  Let me go!" she pleaded.

Wesker clenched his jaw, throwing her onto the ground.  "You've truly stooped to your lowest, haven't you Ada?" he mocked.  "Pathetic."  Albert raised his leg up, prepared to bring his heel down and crush her head.  As soon as it was brought down, Ada woke up.  This truly had been the worst night of her life.  No matter what she did, she couldn't escape him.  She always blamed herself for him leaving months at a time.  Maybe if she had been a little more supportive, or maybe if she had held her tongue more he wouldn't have always been so angry.  Ada rubbed the back of her head, the pain still fresh in her mind.

"You were a bastard..." she whispered, gripping the blankets tight with her other hand.  "You didn't give a shit about me.  You hated coming home because there was nothing here for you.  No love, no control.  It drove you crazy..."  Ada threw the covers off, feeling the need to take her anger out on something.  "No matter how much you tried, I never cracked did I?  At least not when you were around.  I wouldn't give you that satisfaction, not when you had already taken so much..."

Ada made her way to the basement where she had turned it into a little gymnastics area for Adeline.  Off to the side, she had her own punching bag that she used to help keep in shape.  Taking her stance, she let out a slow breath before attacking it.  "I bet you enjoyed running back to that little whore you always lied about...  As if I couldn't smell that disgusting perfume all over your clothes!  Or how about that time when I found some of her hair on your suit... If anyone deserved to be beat down for cheating it was you..." she fumed, her hands becoming raw and sore as she relentlessly punched the heavy bag.


When Ada woke up again, she was disoriented.  Her hands hurt just has badly as her head did.  She looked over to her nightstand and was surprised to see pills and a glass of water.  She took them and slowly got out of bed, heading to the kitchen for something to eat.

"Benjamin?" she asked surprised, stopping in the doorway.  He set the paper down and smiled at her, getting up and kissing her cheek.

"Hey.  I hope you're feeling better.  Leon and I came early this morning to make sure you were okay.  We found you passed out in your basement, so we wrapped your hands and carried you back to bed.  I decided to stay just in case." he explained.

Ada hugged him, not knowing what to say.  "Thanks.  You really didn't have to do this.  You must think I'm crazy..." she sighed.

"Not at all.  I think you just need someone to talk to.  Someone who will relieve some of the pain you're feeling," he soothed, rubbing the back of her head.  "And I'm all ears."

Ada smiled some, not having been touched with such tenderness in a very long time. "I remember when Albert used to rub my head like this..." she whispered.

"Your husband?  I thought he was never around?"

"He wasn't... But before the trips, before the loneliness, he was so gentle.  There was so much passion in everything he did.  And before I knew what was happening it was gone," she said sadly.

"Ada... you were more than just lonely, weren't you?  You were beaten and neglected.  He broke you down, blamed you, and there wasn't anyone to tell you any different!" he scowled, making her look at him.

Ada's eyes were misty with tears as she tried to hold it back.  "I think you should go.." she told him, letting him go.

"Ada I'm just trying to help..."

"I was not a victim!" she said angrily.  "He may have been rough, but most of the scars he gave were the ones people couldn't see.  Now get out."



Lost in Nightmares Ch. 3
by ~UmbrellaXstaff

Ada didn't like being mean to Benjamin, but his words were still in her mind, reminding her that she couldn't get too comfortable with Ben.  She ate something light and went to go take a shower.  Ada knew he would show up again, and it scared her.  What would he do to her?  Would he kill her and take Adeline away?  Her phone vibrating caused her to shake out of her reverie.  She carefully reached for it and looked at the message.

Enjoying your shower?

Ada frowned, wondering who it was from.  Was it him?  She jumped, seeing she had already gotten another.

I have a surprise for you.  I hope you'll like it.

Ada bit her lip, not sure what to say.

That's okay, I don't want it.

Are you sure?  You don't even know what it is.

I don't want it.  Leave me alone. 

Dear Heart, I won't take no for an answer.  Hurry up before I come up there and get you...

Ada's eyes widened, tossing her phone back onto the counter and turning the water off.  She dried off as fast as she could and wrapped up in her towel.  Not sure what to expect, she crept silently downstairs with her guard up.  "Alright Albert... I'm down here.  What is it?" she called.  Ada didn't receive a reply, so she went into the kitchen first.  Nothing seemed out of place.  Before she could turn around, something was pressed to her face, causing her eyesight to become blurry and her body to become numb.  As she went limp, Wesker caught her in his arms.  "Surprise..." he smirked, getting a better grip on her and picking her up.

Ada was slowly wakened by the sound of her own voice.  She blinked away the grogginess and tried to move.  Unfortunately, her wrists and ankles were tied together, causing minimal movement.

"You're awake..." Albert murmured, pulling her closer to him.  "Just in time too."

"In time for what?" she asked.

"To get ready for dinner.  You and I are going out tonight."

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" she hissed.

"Oh but you are.  Right after I'm done with this movie, I'll help you get dressed."

Ada was confused a moment, but when she turned to the TV hanging on her wall, it was playing their wedding video.  She quickly turned her head into his chest, not wanting to relive that memory.  She lost track of how many times she had watched it when he was away.  It didn't bring the same comfort that it used to.

"Turn it off..." she asked.  "Please.."

"But it's just getting to the good part Ada!  You know, when you tricked me and smashed cake all over my face and suit?  You thought that was real funny, didn't you?"

"Stop it." she warned.

"Or how about afterward, when I reached under your dress to get the-"

"I said stop it!" Ada yelled.  "That's not you!  That will never be you!  You're a monster!  A demon!  The devil!"

Wesker kissed her briefly, helping her into a better sitting position.  "Ada why do you have to be so cruel?  I'm just trying to relive some old memories..."

"Those are the only memories we've ever had..." she whispered.  "You weren't around enough to have any new ones."

"Now we're getting somewhere.  You're still hurting," he sighed, turning off the TV.

"How couldn't I?  You made sure that I remembered you being pain.  I'm just waiting for you to lash out like then..."

"Ada I'm different now.  I regret hurting you, really, I do.  I know now that I was blinded by my work, my love of power.  I had no right to belittle you..."

"Belittle me?  You threw me down, pulled my hair, yelled at me, bruised me, and damaged me psychologically!  I never heard from you and never got to see you.   I hated you!  I still do!"  she growled.

Albert clenched his jaw, rubbing small circles on her back with his thumb.  "But you still wear your engagement ring?" he questioned.

Ada tried to turn away, wanting to avoid the question.  "So what?  It's my ring..."

"True, but I gave it to you.  Surely if you still hated me, you would have gotten rid of it.  I left you with plenty of money.  You could have bought something else," he pointed out, slowly freeing her hands.

"Can't you just kill me already?" she asked, rubbing her wrists.

"Ada I'm not going to hurt you!  Not anymore... I want to right the wrongs I've done to you.  I want to hold you every night as you fall asleep.  I want to make you feel special, important.  I want you to be the mother you've always wanted to be,"  he smiled, helping her untie her ankles.  "Don't you still want that?"

"I can't Albert, not with you," she said slowly.  "I haven't seen you in nearly four years.  You've missed out on so much, and I don't have the patience to fill you in."

"I don't think you understand Ada.  I don't care how much you hate me, I'm not going anywhere." he informed, holding her against him.  "I won't let you go until you say it."

"Albert no..." she sighed, "I won't fall for you, not again."

"Then I'll just have to persuade you..." he smirked, kissing her deeply.

Ada's eyes fluttered shut, moaning softly into his mouth.

Albert rolled her over so she was on bottom, tracing her curves through the tank top and underwear he had dressed her in when she was passed out.  She reluctantly began to wrap her arms around his neck, only imagining the things he might do to her to change her mind.  The moment he gets too rough, it's over... she thought.  Ada gasped when she felt him pull down her underwear, something she wasn't expecting him to do.  "A-Albert wait..!  I don't think I'm ready!" she protested, pressing her thighs together.  "Ada quit acting like a virgin," he smirked, opening her legs.  "It's so not like you."  Before she could utter another protest, Wesker buried his face between her thighs.  He was greeted with a moan of pleasure, her hands tugging at his hair.  Still just as sweet as I remembered... he thought.

"You know, I still haven't heard you say it," he chuckled as he drove them home from dinner.  "Maybe we can go another round when we get home."

"No thanks.  I need you to go to Leon's house for me though," she told him.


"Because I have something I need to pick up."

"Can't it wait until tomorrow?" he frowned.

"No, it can't.  Turn here," she ordered.

Albert sighed, following her instructions until they reached the agent's house.  "Will you at least tell me what we're picking up?"

"Something important," Ada smirked, climbing out of the car.  She was gone for at least a good fifteen minutes before returning.  Ada opened the rear passenger door and placed the sleeping infant in a car seat Wesker had failed to notice before.

"What the hell is this?" he asked.  "Shit Ada, I don't want to babysit Leon's brat."

Ada glared at him, having just finished Adeline's buckles.  She got back in her seat without a word, the silence agitating him.  "Did you not hear me? I said-"

"I know what you said!  For your information, she's isn't Leon's brat, she's yours," Ada hissed.  "Now if you would please shut the hell up and drive, that would be great.  The last thing I need tonight is her waking up and not falling back asleep."

Albert clenched his jaw, putting the car in drive and taking them home.  "What's her name?"

"Adeline..." she murmured.  "Adeline Noelle."

"Why Adeline?  I always liked the name Charlie."

"For a girl?"

"Yeah, it's a unisex name."

"Well I don't give a damn what you like.  I wanted her name to be Adeline, and it is.  Are you going to criticize her or be a father?" she asked.

"I can't do both?"

"No.  You don't have that right."

"Then what rights do I have?"

"You can stay, but you have to sleep in one of the guest rooms.  You do your own laundry, cook your own meals, and stay out of our way.  We've been just fine without you."

"Ouch darling, that seems a bit harsh..." he frowned, reaching over to hold her hand.  "When can we sleep in the same bed?"

"When I'm dead," she told him, jerking her hand away.

"That can be arranged..." he mumbled, putting both hands on the wheel again.

"Albert," she warned, giving him a stern look.  "I'm trying to be the better person here, but I won't hesitate to throw you out.  You're still a threat."

"The only possible threat I am to you is making you fall in love again, which I will," he smirked.

"Yeah, right, we'll see about that," she scoffed.


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