Here's chapter 4! Some things to expect: Marriage counseling and lots of swearing o.o
Poor Ada! I never wanted to do this, but yes, he slept with Excella *shivers*. If it isn't obvious, I can't stand any other woman in Resident Evil besides Ada and Sherry. If the rest died, I would be so happy :3
I didn't even want to remotely tie Wesker to Excella, but it helps the story along
Chapter 5 is already done, but I need to work on a one page essay about myself before I will even think about posting it. There's only 28 days until school starts, and there is still so much to do! I wish I never signed up for college English! D;
Lost in Nightmares Ch. 4
by ~UmbrellaXstaff
Albert only behaved for the first few days. The idea of having a child mesmerized him. He could spend nearly two hours at a time observing her, wondering what was going on in her mind.
"If she's my daughter... why don't I see any sign of the T-Virus?" he frowned, bouncing the child on his lap.
Ada shrugged, flipping through the channels on TV. "I don't know. I'm not a doctor."
"Maybe I could draw some blood and-"
"No! Adeline is not going to be one of your guinea pigs!" Ada protested. "You can forget about it."
"And are you sure she's mine? She seems... a little slow.." he added. "She barely talks."
"I guess she doesn't have a lot to say. Now what did I say about criticizing her?"
"Ada she's three years old! She should be speaking four and five word sentences!" Albert growled. "Do you know how bad that makes me look to have a retarded child?"
Ada turned off the television and smacked Albert across the face. "Adeline is not retarded! And even if she was, I'd still love her. Not everyone has to be a genius like you Albert!" she snapped, taking her daughter away from him.
"Then it's your fault." he scowled. "You're obviously a terrible parent. I don't see you work with her or read to her. No wonder why she can't speak."
"I'm a terrible parent? Where have you been the last three years of her life? Oh that's right, sleeping with a whore and developing something that would kill us all!" she retorted. "If I'm a terrible parent, then that makes you a failure."
"I'm not a failure," he growled.
"How can you not be? Our marriage failed because of you, you failed to love me like you promised, you failed to be a father, and your plan to take over the world failed. That's basically your life summed up."
"Shut up!" he hissed, his hands clutched tightly into balls. "I never wanted to be a father. I never wanted to love you. In fact, I never loved you. I used you Ada, and you gave in so easily. All I had to do was talk about love and family and marriage, and I had you hooked. You just couldn't resist, could you?"
"You're a monster..." she breathed. "Get out of my house."
"I own you Dear Heart, whether you like it or not. Now get out of my sight," he ordered.
Ada had taken Adeline upstairs to the toddlers room and locked themselves in there. She sat on the floor, watching her daughter play with her toys, but she didn't seem that interested. "Mama, stop crying.." the little girl smiled, going over to her mother and squishing her cheeks.
"Oh Addy... What would mommy do without you?"
"Can we see papa?" she asked.
"No, papa is bad Adeline," Ada whispered.
"Papa bad?" she frowned. "I bad?"
"Never...! Papa just needs some time alone."
"Because he's angry."
"Because mommy said things she shouldn't have."
"Adeline go play honey, please?"
"T'okay!" the little girl giggled. She heard soft taps on the door and thought it was some kind of new game. Stumbling over, she knocked back twice on the door. This went on a few times before Albert's muffled voice was heard on the other side of the door.
"Addy baby? Is momma in there with you?"
"Yes!" she laughed, banging on the door.
"Will you let me in?" he asked.
"Nope. Momma said you bad!"
"I'm not bad Adeline. Open the door?"
"Ada will you please unlock the door so we can talk?" Albert sighed. "I didn't mean it Dear Heart..."
"Go to hell!" Ada hissed. "I'm not your dear heart."
"Sure you are... I love you Ada. I was just angry."
"Fuck you! I hate you!" she yelled. "You piece of shit, no good, son of a bitch!"
Albert took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm. "Ada, that's no way to talk in front of Adeline."
"Go away Albert. I can say whatever I want in front of her because I'm her mother. You've been in her life for barely a week, you have no room to speak."
"I know. I know... But I don't want to miss another day Ada. Please let me in? For Addy's sake?" he begged.
Ada sat in silence. He still hadn't changed, even after Africa. He still had unexpected mood changes and a violent personality. He was still a manipulator, a killer, a liar. The only good reason she had to open the door was so that she could bring Adeline downstairs to feed her. "Fine, only if you do something for me," Ada replied, leaning against the door.
"Name it..." he breathed, placing his hand on his side of the door.
"Get help Albert. You're insane, and it scares me. I can't let you be like that around Adeline, what if you accidentally hurt her?"
"Ada I would never-"
"Save it. If you want to be in Addy's life, you're getting help. I don't care what kind, but you need to change," she ordered.
"Alright, alright.. Whatever you say.." he grumbled.
Ada was not a happy camper. She sat on the comfy sofa next to Albert, waiting for the doctor to come in. "When I said get help, I didn't mean marriage counseling." she frowned. "I was thinking more like anger management."
"Well we're already here. It won't hurt to just go along with it..." he sighed.
The two straightened up when the doctor came in. He gave them a charming smile and took his place across from them. "Good evening, my name is Charles Mallory. I'll be the one to hopefully help fix your relationship. I'd like to start off by asking why you're here today."
"Ada thinks I need help, so I got help," Wesker shrugged.
"And why is that Ada?"
"Because he's a terrible person. He has a bad temper, very controlling, violent... the list goes on and on," Ada scowled.
"Has he ever hit you?" Dr. Mallory questioned.
"Never!" Wesker said defensively. "I would never hit her!"
"True, you've never hit me, but you've pulled my hair, pushed me, slammed me against walls, threw me on the ground, and psychologically tormented me," Ada retorted.
"And why do you think he did all of this to you Ada?"
"Because he knew I didn't love him anymore. I was lonely, and he didn't care."
"Ada it was work! I've told you before!" Albert growled.
Dr. Mallory cleared his throat as a warning to Wesker. "Mr. Wesker your wife is expressing herself. The first step in fixing the problem is trying to figure out what the problem is. Why did you hurt your wife?"
"I... I was angry. I worked hard to get where I was, and she never appreciated it. It was always about her and her wants. She wanted to get married, she wanted a nice house, she wanted a baby... then when we had two of the three, she wanted me home more, wanted me to love her better..."
"So you were always away on business. How long were you gone at a time?"
"Two or three months."
"In the beginning," Ada piped up, "After the first year, it stretched a little more each time he came home. It got to the point when I barely saw him a week out of the year."
Dr. Mallory frowned, scribbling the important things down in his notepad. "Mr. Wesker, if you weren't going to be home for long periods of time, why didn't you move your wife out to where you were working?"
"My work was dangerous, doctor. I couldn't risk her getting hurt. I would never forgive myself."
Charles chewed on his pen in thought. "So, to sum up everything so far: you got married, lived happily as a couple for the first year, aside from the trips, Albert was gone longer and longer, Ada grew more lonely and depressed, and I'm assuming you two argued about it?"
The two nodded.
"So you argued about it, to which it escalated to him abusing you physically and mentally." he finished, "Ada why didn't you ever leave?"
"I.. don't know.." she murmured, looking out the window. "I felt like I didn't have anyone or anywhere to run to, and if he ever found me... I didn't want to know what he would do."
"You never called the police about the abuse?"
"No. He'd only be home for a few days. It got the point where I didn't expect him to ever come home again. Work was obviously more important than me, not to mention that whore-"
"There was a another woman?" the doctor asked curiously. "Would you like to explain that for us Albert?"
"It wasn't anything, really doctor Mallory. She was just a woman I worked closely with." Albert defended.
"Bull shit!" Ada hissed. "You smelled like her, not to mention all of her hairs I'd find on your clothes. You slept with her, and don't try to tell me any different!"
"Ada I never slept with her..." Albert sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"I bet you got her knocked up while you were there too. Was it going to be a boy or girl Albert?" she mocked.
"Fuck Ada! It was one time, okay?! I admit, I felt guilty at first, but it was business! I needed a way to gain her trust-"
"So you fucked her?! You son of a bitch!" Ada cried, jumping up from the sofa.
Charles set down his pen and pad and stood, gently moving Ada into her own chair away from Albert. "Let's calm down a minute. Ada I know you're angry, but remember why you're here, you want things to get better, right?"
"No you calm down! He fuckin' beat me down and constantly accused me of cheating when I never have! He did it once and not shit happened to him!" she cried.
The doctor gave her a box of tissues before sitting back down in his seat. "When did you cheat Albert?"
"Damn... by the middle of the second year, I think." he said, trying to remember.
"Right when he became more violent?" Mallory asked Ada.
"Sounds right to me." she mumbled.
Charles sighed, tapping his pen a few times. "Okay, I think that's enough for today. I'll see you two on Friday?"
"Yes," Albert nodded, standing and grabbing Ada's coat.
"Good. I have a homework assignment for you both. Trust seems to be one of the major issues, along with abuse. I want you to compliment each other every day. I don't care if it's before you go to bed, or when you wake up in the morning. Make each other feel special. Albert, you need to also make Ada feel wanted. I'm don't mean to point fingers, but you're the cause of any pain she has. She associates you with pain, and that isn't any way good for the marriage. Ada, I need you to work on forgiveness. I understand you're hurting badly, and not asking for anything big, but start with the little things. Okay?"
The couple agreed, leaving in a worse state than they had come.
"Hey Ada?" he murmured in the car, reaching out to hold her hand.
"What?" she grumbled, letting him do so.
"Can we sleep in the same bed tonight?" he asked.
"Go to hell," she spat, jerking her hand away. Something told her then and there that this was going to be a long process of making things right again.