[~Naruto. Make Me Strong~]

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Here's chapter 4! Some things to expect: Marriage counseling and lots of swearing o.o

Poor Ada! I never wanted to do this, but yes, he slept with Excella *shivers*. If it isn't obvious, I can't stand any other woman in Resident Evil besides Ada and Sherry. If the rest died, I would be so happy :3
I didn't even want to remotely tie Wesker to Excella, but it helps the story along

Chapter 5 is already done, but I need to work on a one page essay about myself before I will even think about posting it. There's only 28 days until school starts, and there is still so much to do! I wish I never signed up for college English! D;

Lost in Nightmares Ch. 4
by ~UmbrellaXstaff

Albert only behaved for the first few days.  The idea of having a child mesmerized him.  He could spend nearly two hours at a time observing her, wondering what was going on in her mind.

"If she's my daughter... why don't I see any sign of the T-Virus?" he frowned, bouncing the child on his lap.

Ada shrugged, flipping through the channels on TV.  "I don't know.  I'm not a doctor."

"Maybe I could draw some blood and-"

"No!  Adeline is not going to be one of your guinea pigs!"  Ada protested.  "You can forget about it."

"And are you sure she's mine?  She seems... a little slow.." he added.  "She barely talks."

"I guess she doesn't have a lot to say.  Now what did I say about criticizing her?"

"Ada she's three years old!  She should be speaking four and five word sentences!"  Albert growled.  "Do you know how bad that makes me look to have a retarded child?"

Ada turned off the television and smacked Albert across the face.  "Adeline is not retarded!  And even if she was, I'd still love her.  Not everyone has to be a genius like you Albert!" she snapped, taking her daughter away from him.

"Then it's your fault." he scowled.  "You're obviously a terrible parent.  I don't see you work with her or read to her.  No wonder why she can't speak."

"I'm a terrible parent?  Where have you been the last three years of her life?  Oh that's right, sleeping with a whore and developing something that would kill us all!" she retorted.  "If I'm a terrible parent, then that makes you a failure."

"I'm not a failure," he growled.

"How can you not be?  Our marriage failed because of you, you failed to love me like you promised, you failed to be a father, and your plan to take over the world failed.  That's basically your life summed up."

"Shut up!" he hissed, his hands clutched tightly into balls.  "I never wanted to be a father.  I never wanted to love you.  In fact, I never loved you.  I used you Ada, and you gave in so easily.  All I had to do was talk about love and family and marriage, and I had you hooked.  You just couldn't resist, could you?"

"You're a monster..." she breathed.  "Get out of my house."

"I own you Dear Heart, whether you like it or not.  Now get out of my sight," he ordered.

Ada had taken Adeline upstairs to the toddlers room and locked themselves in there.  She sat on the floor, watching her daughter play with her toys, but she didn't seem that interested.  "Mama, stop crying.."  the little girl smiled, going over to her mother and squishing her cheeks.

"Oh Addy... What would mommy do without you?"

"Can we see papa?" she asked.

"No, papa is bad Adeline,"  Ada whispered.

"Papa bad?" she frowned.  "I bad?"

"Never...!  Papa just needs some time alone."


"Because he's angry."


"Because mommy said things she shouldn't have."


"Adeline go play honey, please?"

"T'okay!" the little girl giggled.  She heard soft taps on the door and thought it was some kind of new game.  Stumbling over, she knocked back twice on the door.  This went on a few times before Albert's muffled voice was heard on the other side of the door.

"Addy baby?  Is momma in there with you?"

"Yes!"  she laughed, banging on the door.

"Will you let me in?" he asked.

"Nope.  Momma said you bad!"

"I'm not bad Adeline.  Open the door?"


"Ada will you please unlock the door so we can talk?" Albert sighed.  "I didn't mean it Dear Heart..."

"Go to hell!" Ada hissed.  "I'm not your dear heart."

"Sure you are...  I love you Ada.  I was just angry."

"Fuck you!  I hate you!" she yelled.  "You piece of shit, no good, son of a bitch!"

Albert took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm.  "Ada, that's no way to talk in front of Adeline."

"Go away Albert.  I can say whatever I want in front of her because I'm her mother.  You've been in her life for barely a week, you have no room to speak."

"I know.  I know...  But I don't want to miss another day Ada.  Please let me in?  For Addy's sake?"  he begged.

Ada sat in silence.  He still hadn't changed, even after Africa.  He still had unexpected mood changes and a violent personality.  He was still a manipulator, a killer, a liar.  The only good reason she had to open the door was so that she could bring Adeline downstairs to feed her.  "Fine, only if you do something for me," Ada replied, leaning against the door.

"Name it..." he breathed, placing his hand on his side of the door.

"Get help Albert.  You're insane, and it scares me.  I can't let you be like that around Adeline, what if you accidentally hurt her?"

"Ada I would never-"

"Save it.  If you want to be in Addy's life, you're getting help.  I don't care what kind, but you need to change," she ordered.

"Alright, alright..  Whatever you say.." he grumbled.

Ada was not a happy camper.  She sat on the comfy sofa next to Albert, waiting for the doctor to come in.  "When I said get help, I didn't mean marriage counseling." she frowned.  "I was thinking more like anger management."

"Well we're already here.  It won't hurt to just go along with it..." he sighed.

The two straightened up when the doctor came in.  He gave them a charming smile and took his place across from them.  "Good evening, my name is Charles Mallory.  I'll be the one to hopefully help fix your relationship.  I'd like to start off by asking why you're here today."

"Ada thinks I need help, so I got help," Wesker shrugged.

"And why is that Ada?"

"Because he's a terrible person.  He has a bad temper, very controlling, violent... the list goes on and on," Ada scowled.

"Has he ever hit you?" Dr. Mallory questioned.

"Never!" Wesker said defensively. "I would never hit her!"

"True, you've never hit me, but you've pulled my hair, pushed me, slammed me against walls, threw me on the ground, and psychologically tormented me," Ada retorted.

"And why do you think he did all of this to you Ada?"

"Because he knew I didn't love him anymore.  I was lonely, and he didn't care."

"Ada it was work!  I've told you before!" Albert growled.

Dr. Mallory cleared his throat as a warning to Wesker.  "Mr. Wesker your wife is expressing herself.  The first step in fixing the problem is trying to figure out what the problem is.  Why did you hurt your wife?"

"I... I was angry.  I worked hard to get where I was, and she never appreciated it.  It was always about her and her wants.  She wanted to get married, she wanted a nice house, she wanted a baby... then when we had two of the three, she wanted me home more, wanted me to love her better..."

"So you were always away on business.  How long were you gone at a time?"

"Two or three months."

"In the beginning," Ada piped up, "After the first year, it stretched a little more each time he came home.  It got to the point when I barely saw him a week out of the year."

Dr. Mallory frowned, scribbling the important things down in his notepad.  "Mr. Wesker, if you weren't going to be home for long periods of time, why didn't you move your wife out to where you were working?"

"My work was dangerous, doctor.  I couldn't risk her getting hurt.  I would never forgive myself."

Charles chewed on his pen in thought.  "So, to sum up everything so far:  you got married, lived happily as a couple for the first year, aside from the trips, Albert was gone longer and longer, Ada grew more lonely and depressed, and I'm assuming you two argued about it?"

The two nodded.

"So you argued about it, to which it escalated to him abusing you physically and mentally." he finished, "Ada why didn't you ever leave?"

"I.. don't know.." she murmured, looking out the window.  "I felt like I didn't have anyone or anywhere to run to, and if he ever found me... I didn't want to know what he would do."

"You never called the police about the abuse?"

"No.  He'd only be home for a few days.  It got the point where I didn't expect him to ever come home again.  Work was obviously more important than me, not to mention that whore-"

"There was a another woman?" the doctor asked curiously.  "Would you like to explain that for us Albert?"

"It wasn't anything, really doctor Mallory.  She was just a woman I worked closely with."  Albert defended.

"Bull shit!"  Ada hissed.  "You smelled like her, not to mention all of her hairs I'd find on your clothes.  You slept with her, and don't try to tell me any different!"

"Ada I never slept with her..." Albert sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I bet you got her knocked up while you were there too.  Was it going to be a boy or girl Albert?" she mocked.

"Fuck Ada!  It was one time, okay?!  I admit, I felt guilty at first, but it was business!  I needed a way to gain her trust-"

"So you fucked her?!  You son of a bitch!" Ada cried, jumping up from the sofa.

Charles set down his pen and pad and stood, gently moving Ada into her own chair away from Albert.  "Let's calm down a minute.  Ada I know you're angry, but remember why you're here, you want things to get better, right?"

"No you calm down!  He fuckin' beat me down and constantly accused me of cheating when I never have!  He did it once and not shit happened to him!" she cried.

The doctor gave her a box of tissues before sitting back down in his seat.  "When did you cheat Albert?"

"Damn... by the middle of the second year, I think." he said, trying to remember.

"Right when he became more violent?"  Mallory asked Ada.

"Sounds right to me." she mumbled.

Charles sighed, tapping his pen a few times.  "Okay, I think that's enough for today.  I'll see you two on Friday?"

"Yes," Albert nodded, standing and grabbing Ada's coat.

"Good.  I have a homework assignment for you both.  Trust seems to be one of the major issues, along with abuse.  I want you to compliment each other every day.  I don't care if it's before you go to bed, or when you wake up in the morning.  Make each other feel special.  Albert, you need to also make Ada feel wanted.  I'm don't mean to point fingers, but you're the cause of any pain she has.  She associates you with pain, and that isn't any way good for the marriage.  Ada,  I need you to work on forgiveness.  I understand you're hurting badly, and not asking for anything big, but start with the little things.  Okay?"

The couple agreed, leaving in a worse state than they had come.

"Hey Ada?"  he murmured in the car, reaching out to hold her hand.

"What?" she grumbled, letting him do so.

"Can we sleep in the same bed tonight?" he asked.

"Go to hell," she spat, jerking her hand away.  Something told her then and there that this was going to be a long process of making things right again.



Lost in Nightmares Ch. 5
by ~UmbrellaXstaff

Charles flipped through his notepad, looking up every now and then at the couple.  "You two have been coming to my office twice a week, for almost a month.  Judging from my notes, you've made little to no progress,"  he explained somewhat worried.  "Do you know why that is?"

"Because he's a lying, cheating son of a bitch.." Ada mumbled.

"Not exactly...  I think it's because you can't let go Ada.  Have you been doing the homework?"

"I've been trying," she shrugged.

"But I'm sensing you're not putting any effort into it.  When was the last time you two had sex?  I mean legitimate intimacy, not oral or anything like that." he asked.

"Four years," Ada informed without question.  "When I got pregnant with Adeline."

"And was your husband aware of this pregnancy?"

"No," she sighed, "He was back in Africa by the time I found out.  After that I hadn't seen him in almost four years."

Mallory nodded slowly.  "I want you to think about having intercourse sometime in the near future.  I think-"

"You're crazy!" Ada said surprised.  "After he screwed that whore?  There's no way-"

"Hush!" the doctor frowned.  "Ada you two came here for my help.  If you aren't taking my advice to heart, I'm afraid I can't help you.  Intimacy helps build trust.  You have to trust your partner during sex.  You trust that they know what they're doing, and that they won't cause any pain.  Now if you don't mind, I have to cut today's session short.  I'm taking my wife to dinner and I promised I wouldn't be home late," he informed, already packing up his things.  "Good day to you both."

Ada stood in front of her full length mirror, dressed in old lingerie Wesker never got to see her in.  "Well today had to be the worst session so far..." she mumbled.

"I don't think so," Albert chuckled in her bedroom doorway.  "When did you get that?"

"It was for our first anniversary.  The one you promised to show up for and never did,"  she reminded.

Albert cleared his throat, averting his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her.  "Oh..."

"Somehow you always managed to make of fool of me even if you weren't here..." she whispered.

"What do you mean Ada?" he frowned.  "I never wanted to make a fool of you.."

"I sat in that restaurant for hours!  It was a spot like out of the movies:  a table for two, lit by candles, placed right in front of the windows for strangers to see... But you never showed.  Why didn't you show?"

"I don't even remember Ada..." he sighed.  "But I'll make it up to you, really!  I'll... are you crying?"

"N-no!" she lied, trying to pry his arms off.  "You shouldn't be in here anyway.  You'll wake Addy or something..."

"Adeline won't wake up.  She's out like a light Ada.  The babysitter ran her ragged." he smiled, drying her cheeks and kissing her.  "Why don't we take the doctor's advice and--"

"No no no no no!  I don't care what doctor Mallory says, you're not sticking anything in me after you've been with her!"  she hissed.

"Ada I've been in you quite a few times since my night with Excella.  You never had an issue then."

"I had no idea then.."

"You think I enjoyed it, don't you?  Ada I assure it wasn't the least bit pleasurable for me.  She was a whore, you're right, but one with power and money.  I... there's no excuse, is there?"

"Of course not," she frowned, feeling him let go.  "But... I forgive you."

"For sleeping with Excella?"

"No, for not showing up for our anniversary," she smirked some, taking the lingerie off.

"It's a start," he smiled, laying down on her bed.  "Do you think I could sleep in here tonight?  My room is so far down the hall..."

Ada put a loose t shirt on and began to toss some of the pillows off the bed.  "Can you behave?"

"For you?  Dear Heart you have my word."

It wasn't long before he got Ada to open up in other ways to him.  He got her to reluctantly agree to him moving into her room.  She had warned him that the only thing they would do in bed was sleep, but he didn't care.  As a sort of celebration, he had taken her out to dinner.  He knew it was Ada's favorite place to go, and as a surprise, he had rented the whole place for the night.  Most of the night he had just stared at her, silently admiring her smile and taking pride in her happiness.

"Something wrong with you?  You've barely said a word all night!" Ada remarked, finishing her wine.

"I've just been listening to you, love.  Done?  We still have another hour before we told the babysitter we'd be home," he smiled.  "Anywhere you'd like to go?"

"No, I'm good.  As much as I love getting a break, I really do enjoy being home with Adeline," Ada smiled, holding his arm as he paid for dinner and then led her outside.  A few yards away from the car, Ada pulled at the lapels of his suit, bringing him down to her height for a kiss.

"Thanks, Albie, for dinner..." she purred.

Albert licked his bottom lip, still being able to taste her.  "Are you drunk?" he asked, unlocking the car.   It chirped back at them, but before Ada could respond, the beautiful Audi exploded.  The force caused the two to hit the ground hard.  Albert began healing almost immediately, but something wasn't right.  He pushed himself up some, glad that he had been able to shield his wife.  The only problem was that she wasn't moving.

"Ada?" he asked hoarsely, gently shaking her shoulders.  "Ada wake up.."

To his dismay, her body was completely limp, and he received no reply.

"Oh shit... oh shit... oh shit!" he breathed.



Lost in Nightmares Ch. 6
by ~UmbrellaXstaff

Wesker paced back in forth in the hospital for what seemed like hours.  What was taking so long?  Wasn't Ada okay?  He sat down a moment, checking his phone.  He had three missed calls from the babysitter.  Albert called her, having to explain what had happened.

"Listen to me Vanessa, there was an accident.  I'm going to call a friend, and she will take care of Adeline while I'm at the hospital.  Her name is Claire, okay?  Claire Kennedy.  Long hair, thin, you can trust her, okay?  Yes, bye..." he sighed, hanging up and wiping his face with his hands.

Nervously, he dialed another number and waited for the person to answer.

"Hello?  Claire Kennedy speaking."

"Claire, there's been an accident.  I need you to look after Adeline. Can you do that?" he asked.

"Who is this?" Claire asked hesitantly.

"Ada's hurt.  Just look after Addy, please?"

"What have you done to her?  You son of a bitch!" she yelled.

Wesker was losing his patience.  She hasn't changed a bit. I can only imagine what it will be like when we encounter...  "Claire just do it." he ordered before hanging up.  He didn't have more than five minutes to himself before the doctor addressed him.

"Mr. Wesker, we've done everything we could... We managed to get the shrapnel out, but from the scans we received, there may be an issue."

"Issue?" he growled.  "What are you talking about?"

"Well, it appears your wife has suffered some brain damage from her concussion.  Because of this, she may experience memory loss."

"Are you certain? Is it permanent?" Albert breathed.

"We can't be certain of anything until she wakes up sir.  I'm afraid you can't see her at this time and I suggest returning home." the doctor informed.

Albert rubbed the bridge of his nose, nodding reluctantly.  Getting up slowly, he left the hospital and got a cab, returning home just before eleven. He had never felt so exhausted.  Who would make an attempt on their life like that?  Would they try again?  Would they go after Adeline?  The last thought made his heart lurch.  The thought of some assassin or mercenary or whoever trying to hurt his Adeline, his beautiful little girl, his blood... it was infuriating.  He clenched his fists tightly, standing in the middle of the small foyer.  Rage was beginning to overtake him until he felt a pressure on his calf.  Looking down, he found none other than his Adeline, hugging his leg and grinning up at him.

"Papa! Where's momma?" the innocent child asked.

"She's... in the hospital," he said softly, reaching to grab her.  Wesker's motion stopped when he heard the click of a gun being cocked.  Looking over to the kitchen, Claire stood in the doorway, gun pointed in his direction.

"Don't you touch her you sick freak!" she spat.  "What have you done with Ada?"

"I didn't do anything!  We went to dinner, the car blew up, and now she's in the hospital!

"It just magically blew up?" she scoffed. "Yeah, like I'd buy that."

"It's the truth. I would never... voluntarily hurt my wife," he said, more softly towards the end.  "I thank you for watching Adeline, but your services are no longer needed."

"Oh I'm not going anywhere.  Who would want to kill you?"

"I don't know!" he growled, tired of her questioning.  "I don't know if they wanted one or both of us dead, but Ada's hurt and now I have to worry about Addy.  For all I know, they may have been trying to get to her."

"Why would they want Adeline?" Claire frowned, slowly lowering her gun.

"A daughter whose father is the infamous Albert Wesker can be a readily sought after specimen.  Half of her is me, half of her is my DNA. With her rare blood type, who knows what diseases she could cure, or what terrible things she could help to create..."

"But she doesn't have the T Virus..." Claire said confused.

"As far as I know, you're right.  But it's also possible that it's simply dormant.  It could reawaken at any time, and there are so many things that could happen."

"So what do we do?" she questioned.

"You're leaving.  The only thing I can do for now is protect Addy and wait for Ada to wake up. Perhaps I'll also try and figure out who planted that bomb..."

"What do I tell Leon?"

"Nothing. At least not until I can think of something. Go home Claire.  You have nothing to fear of me." he informed, picking up Adeline and taking her upstairs.

Ada felt like she was in a dream.  She didn't know what to think, what to say, how to react to the people who called themselves her family.  Her mother, her brother, her husband, her daughter.  She felt no attachment to any of them, and it saddened her.  Even with the three year old bouncing in her lap, calling out to her, Ada stared off in the distance. She could feel a small pain in her chest, ashamed she couldn't feel love towards the child she had forgotten. The one she had apparently given birth to, the one who was half of her.  She jumped out of her reverie when she felt a strong hand on her shoulder.  Ada gave a sigh of relief, looking to see who was apparently her husband.

"Are you feeling alright? Is this to much?" he asked, kissing her temple.
"It's okay, I'm just a little light headed," she lied. "Can you take Adeline? I think I'm going to go lie down."

Albert nodded, taking the toddler off of her lap and watching her go upstairs. He sighed to himself, gently bouncing Addy on his knee.  Kimmi took Ada's old seat in a calm, smooth manner.

"It's okay Albert. I'm sure she'll be back to herself in no time. Even if she doesn't regain her memory, she wouldn't leave you.  She has nowhere to go..." she tried to comfort.

"I want you to take Adeline with you when you go back to Alaska." he said quietly, kissing his daughter's forehead.

"What? Why?" she said surprised. "Shouldn't she be here with you two?"

"Someone made an attempt on our lives, Kimmi.  The farther away she is the better. I can't risk her getting hurt."

"Hmph.  That sounds something awfully similar to what you told Ada before Africa," she remarked.

He gave her a look of warning. "You'll never let me live it down, will you? Just like her..." he grumbled.

"I trusted you to take care of her, Albert.  I trusted you to love her, and give her the life she wanted.  Instead, you neglected and beat her.  For your sake, you better hope she doesn't ever remember that." Kimmi frowned, standing up and smoothing her hair.  "But fine.  I'll take her.  Don't think I'm going to keep her for years though, I'm done raising children.  She's your responsibility."

"I understand... Kimmi I'm sorry. I admit, I was a monster. I was cruel to her when there was no need. Sometimes I almost wish I had died, but then I would never have known this... this beautiful little thing  that calls me papa," he murmured, setting Adeline down. "I can't undo the damage, but I can at least cover it up."

"If that's what you think," she mumbled, going to the kitchen to get away.

Albert told his daughter to behave before going upstairs and check on Ada.  He noticed she was sitting up on their bed, her knees hugging her chest as she stared off in the distance. His movement caused her to come back to reality, giving a sigh of relief.  "It's just you..." she whispered.

Albert frowned, knowing there was something else bothering her. He took his place beside her and rubbed her shoulders.  "Darling?  Maybe we should talk.  What are you feeling?" he inquired.

"You'll hate me..." she muttered, turning her head away.

"I love you," he protested.

"It must be nice..."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I don't love you," she said quickly, pushing his arms away.

Albert clenched his jaw.  I don't love you rang through his mind.  "You're just confused, Dear Heart."

"You hate me," she stated, trying to turn her body away.

"Ada I love you. I could never hate you. You'll get to know me all over again. You'll get to fall in love with me all over again, and I can't wait." he smiled, turning her face towards him.

"How can you be so sure?" she whispered, her eyes watering.

Albert took a minute to think. How was he so sure? In all honesty, he had no way of knowing.  "Because I won't give up on you."

Ada stared up into his dark shades, she was going to keep arguing with him, but something else popped into her head.  "Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?"

"My eyes are sensitive to the light."

"Oh come on, they can't be that sensitive!" she huffed, pulling his shades off and staring at his eyes.  At first her face showed confusion, then horror. "What the hell are you?!"

"Ada calm down, I can explain."

"Monster!" she gasped, twisting out of his grasp. "Monster!  What are you?!"

"Ada I'm not a monster, come sit down, please love?" he began to beg, reaching out for her.

Ada shook her head violently, racing for the door and going downstairs. "Mom! Mihkail!  We need to go right now!" she yelled, searching for Addy.  "He's a monster!  He'll hurt us! You have to listen to me!"

"Ada relax, sit down," her mother ushered, trying to get her on the couch.

"No! Mom!  You have to believe me!"

"Ada no one is going to hurt you!  What's the matter?" Kimmi tried to console.

"His eyes..!  They weren't right!"

"You mean Albert's?  Ada calm down, his eyes have been that way for many years.  You used to know that.  He's no monster, he's the father of your child!  He's your husband, and cares for you deeply!"

"Mom how can you be so calm? What if he--"

"He isn't going to hurt you. Listen to me Ada... You need to go back up there and let him know you're okay.  You just freaked out, and now that you understand, it's okay now, got it?"

"Please, mom... don't make me go back up there.." she whispered.  "Please?"

"Ada you're being ridiculous. Go, now. He has been nothing short of supportive of your new state, and here you are shunning him."

Deep down, Ada knew she was right. She could tell he loved her, she could hear it in his voice when he said it. She just hoped that one day she could return the feeling. To show him she appreciated everything he was doing.



Lost in Nightmares Ch. 7
by ~UmbrellaXstaff

His foot had just barely missed her head as it crushed a hole in the hardwood floor.

"Don't think I'll be so forgiving next time, Dear Heart," he sneered, pulling his foot out and leaving her there.

Ada was shaking like a leaf. Why had he tried to hurt her? Her mind was so confused, so lost, but her body knew just what it was doing as she made her way up the grand staircase.  It suddenly dawned on her that this wasn't her home. It was too large to be hers.  This was a mansion. As her mind fought to understand, her body continued until it had found the master bedroom.  It was spacious and nicely decorated. The fireplace on the far side of the room was going, and her body sat near it to warm back up.  What was going on?  Why had Albert been so angry at her?  She had never seen him like this.

Ada wasn't sure how much time had passed, but she eventually felt large, strong hands rub down her back before moving to the front of her shirt.  What was he doing now?  She gasped, feeling him begin to unbutton her shirt. What could he be thinking? He had very nearly killed her, and now he wanted sex?  "What do you think you're doing?" she whispered, trying to stop his hands.

"I'm sorry Ada.  I just... I don't know what came over me. I need you so much..." he whispered desperately in her ear. "I know I don't deserve this after what I've done, but this need is so strong. I need you to know I still love you Ada, and that I want to give you the world."

She could feel him kiss down her neck, ripping the rest of her shirt open. She didn't know what to think anymore. Her mind was confused, but her body seemed to know what it was doing. She had no control over herself. "I don't want the world anymore Albert! I want you to go! I want you to never come back!" she yelled, struggling to stop him from pushing her pants down.

He gritted his teeth in anger at her words, pulling at her panties much more roughly. "I've come from too far to leave so soon. I'm going to make love to you Ada. You're going to scream my name and writhe beneath me in pleasure, understand? Why can't you enjoy this as much as you used to?"

"Because it hurts..." she cried, holding tightly to his chest as he carried her to the bed. "It doesn't feel like love.."  As soon as she felt the soft touch of the comforter on her back, the fear her body sensed was more than what she could bear, and woke up.

She felt sick to her stomach at first, but it passed quickly when she felt him gently touch her waist.

"Ada?" he asked groggily, trying to pull her back to him. "What's wrong love?"

She slowly allowed him to pull her back to his chest, feeling him start to kiss down her spine. "Nothing, it was just a dream.." she breathed.

Albert stopped a moment to take in everything that was going on. He could tell her breathing was more heavy, and he thought he could smell something different about her. Arousal, perhaps? "What kind of dream?" he pressed, continuing his ministrations.

"I.. uhh.. it was about us..." she began to blush, feeling his hand going under her nightshirt.

"Well, I'm very interested to hear about it," he chuckled. "Care to enlighten me?"

Ada grew silent before nodding her head. "We were in this huge house... and you had just tried to... to..."

"To what Ada?" he frowned.

"Hurt me, but I don't know why. Your foot was inches away from my face, and you were so angry. I somehow managed to go upstairs and sat in front of a fire. I don't know how long it was, but you came up and started touching me. I didn't like it, and you wouldn't listen... I was so scared," she whispered.

Wesker had tensed greatly, knowing that that was more than a dream.  That was a nightmare. A memory that had come from a part he thought she had also forgotten. "You know that was just a dream, right Ada?  I would never do such a thing to you..."

"Yeah, yeah. I mean, we never lived in a mansion, and you've been nothing but kind," she murmured.

Albert kissed her cheek, sighing inwardly. "You should go back to sleep, Dear Heart."

"Yeah, I will," she smiled, holding his hand.

Albert was stepping out of the shower, drying off his hair when he heard Ada clear her throat. Looking up, her face was practically scarlet. He was slightly confused at first, and then realized where her eyes were staring.  Albert couldn't help but laugh at her. "You know, this isn't the first time you've seen my-"

"Ah bah bah! Don't say it!" she said quickly, covering her eyes. "Don't say that word."

He smirked, wrapping the towel around his waist and walking over to her.  "Look at me Ada."

"No," she said stubbornly, fighting him.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him.  "I know you're uncomfortable for the time being, but you can't avoid this forever. You can't keep undressing yourself in the bathroom before bed and sneak around with a towel on after you shower. You may have forgotten my body, but I still remember yours very much, and there is no point in trying to hide what I've already seen."

Ada bit her lip, her blush still on her cheeks. "I guess you're right... but-"

"No buts," he chuckled, picking her up and placing her on the sink counter. "Now, humor me?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

Albert handed her a razor, and while she held it, he put his shaving cream on his face. "You used to love doing this," he smiled.

"I used to love shaving you?" she asked surprised, taking the razor and gently dragging it down his cheek.

"There were a lot of things you loved doing with me," he smirked, "Showering, cooking, laundry... the list goes on and on."

She thought about what he had said, a new blush creeping onto her her cheeks. "What were you? Some sort of sex addict?"

"That's one word for it.." he shrugged.

Ada had accidentally nicked his  jaw with the razor and watched the small cut heal. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"Ada relax. It didn't hurt, and it healed right up. You can't hurt me love." he comforted, feeling her reluctantly continue.

"You mean physically?" she asked, pondering the idea.

"Well, yes, why?"

"So if I were to kick you really hard in your-"

"That would hurt, I admit, but only briefly," he interrupted, "And I ask that you don't try it."

"Of course I wouldn't," she smirked, cleaning off his now smooth face and kissing his cheek. Ada ran her hands through his still damp hair, still trying to learn his body after a week.  "How old are you?"

Albert chuckled, pulling her closer to him so he could claim her lips. The kiss was brief, but it obviously affected her. "Older than you."

"Well I figured that much..." she mumbled. "But how old?"

Wesker actually pursed his lips in thought.  How old was he? If he remembered correctly, he joined STARS when he was 36. After a little subtracting, it dawned on him how old he really was. "Can we just say late forties?" he asked hopefully.

"Forties? You still look like you're in your thirties!" she exclaimed, tugging at his thick hair.

Wesker smirked, applying some pressure to her hips before picking her up. "Thank you. If you don't mind, I ask you only tug during our love making. I know you don't remember, but it's actually a turn on for me."

Ada blushed, mumbling an apology before being placed down on their bed. "Are there any other turn ons I should know about?"

"Oh yes, there are, but I think you should find out for yourself," he teased. "In fact, we could experiment right now."

Ada leaned forward and kissed him, nibbling at his bottom lip. She didn't want to be some shy, ignorant wife to such a gorgeous man. He seemed all to eager to love her, so who was she to stop him? "Well, tiger, what are we waiting for?"


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