Love is a Battlefield
by ~UmbrellaXstaff
I kept my foot propped up on the dashboard of the car as I watched the road ahead. We weren't in any real rush, mostly because we didn't know what to expect when we got to our destination. I looked over at Vector, admiring his stoic demeanor. Even though he hadn't told me his real name yet, I felt like I knew everything about him. Ever since our showdown with Beltway and Lupo, we haven't been separated. It was hard, having to kill our team leader and fellow squad mate, but it had to be done. Umbrella had pushed their luck with us, and it was time for them to be destroyed. Vector's smooth voice pulled me from my thoughts.
"So where are we going again?"
"If anyone can help us finish off Umbrella, it would be my cousin. Ada has a lot of useful connections."
"What does she do for a living?"
"She's a spy. Ada never stays anywhere long enough to be tracked, but last I knew she lived in a mansion here in Maine."
"That seems odd. You'd think the mansion would bring a lot of attention to her."
"Yeah, I know what you mean. Hopefully she's okay. We're the only family we have left."
"The last two Yamatas? I'm sorry."
"Actually, I'm a Yamata. She's a Wong. My dad and her mom were siblings."
"Oh.." he said as he started to slow the car down. We had stopped in front of our destination. I personally thought the house was beautiful. Even though my cousin was a spy, I didn't think she made enough to purchase a house like this. We got out of the car and went to the front door. Thankfully it was unlocked, and we silently went in.
Vector and I were both in awe at how stylish the inside was. It was very neat and clean, the most I had ever seen in a house. Once we made our way upstairs, we heard the sound of classical music. Deciding to check it out, we had made our way to a luxurious bedroom fit for a king. I smiled, seeing my cousin taking off gauze that were wrapped around her abdomen. "Ada! I'm so glad you're safe."
My eyes widened at the sound of my cousin's voice. I spun around quickly to face her, not caring that I was in my bra and underwear. "Christine what the hell?!?" I hissed quietly, scared for her and her friend. "You can't be here. Oh my god, he'll kill you! Quick, hide!"
I took both of their hands and led them to Wesker's closet, shoving them in and shutting the door. I quickly composed myself, hearing Wesker coming down the hall and into his bedroom.
"Lets take a look at the injury, shall we butterfly?" he purred, kneeling in front of my abdomen and gently tracing the scar I had received from William Birkin. "Well, it appears you've healed quite nicely. Two months to recoup was definitely enough time."
"I agree," I smiled prettily, teasingly running my fingers through his hair. "Why don't you let me get dressed and we can go out and have some fun?"
"Or I could take off what you have left and we can have another kind of fun," he smirked, looking up at me with those amber cat eyes. I couldn't help but shiver as he traced my hips. That man had a way deeper into my heart than I could bear to imagine.
"Nice try lover boy, but no. I won't let you seduce me like god knows how many you've been with."
Wesker stood, about to give some witty remark but stopped. He sniffed the air a bit and my heart dropped. "Someone's here." he declared.
"It's just us," I tried to assure, grabbing his arm.
"No, it's not. And you know it, don't you? Where are you hiding them?"
"I'm not hiding anybody Al-" I was cut off when he closed his hand around my neck. I was slightly surprised that he would choke me since he had never physically hurt me in the past.
"Where are they?" he hissed, clearly no longer having any patience. "You traitor!"
"Let her go Wesker! It's okay!" I heard Christine say as she came from the closet. "You know me.."
Thankfully Albert let go, leaving me gasping for air on the ground. "Christine. It's been a while. Who's this?"
"Vector. We were part of Delta Team's Wolfpack."
"And where's the rest of your pack?"
"We killed Lupo and Beltway. Bertha accompanied Spectre back to Russia. We're here for Ada."
Albert looked down at me and sighed, showing some disappointment. "What have you gotten yourself into Miss Wong?"
I shook my head. What did I get myself into? Working for Wesker was bad enough in its own sense, but what did my cousin and her friend want from me? "I haven't a clue..."
He snorted, figuring I would say that. "You, my dear, are in so much trouble. Go get dressed and meet us downstairs. You two follow me," he ordered.
I leaned against one of the kitchen counters and crossed my arms. Christine was an old colleague and an excellent field scientist. Vector, though, I had never heard of. I'd soon come to learn he was Hunk's prodigy. I listened intently on why they had sought Ada out. I admit, I had no idea Christine and Ada were related, but it made sense.
"So let me get this straight: You want our help to finish taking down Umbrella because they screwed you over? I was prepared to wait it out and watch it crumble in on itself to be honest. I have plans of my own." I informed them.
"Well you don't have to help us, we just really need Ada. She has experience with this."
"I own Ada. When I say jump, she asks how high. If you think you can just simply borrow her for your own needs, think again."
"My cousin isn't your slave!" Christine yelled at me, quickly losing her temper. "I don't know what you need her for, but this is more important."
"Your cousin is playing a very important role for me. I'll help you tear down what is left of Umbrella, but I'm the one running the show."
"And how can we trust you?" Vector asked. "You're not exactly... one who plays by rules."
"If you want my help, you're just going to have to get over that, now won't you?" I smirked. I looked over to the doorway to see Ada finally joining us. She was wearing one of her tight dresses and looked simply ravishing. I reached out to put my arm around her waist, but she pushed me away, making me scowl. I was never the type of man to chase after women, but Ada was the exception. She had the ability to lure me in, only to shove me away, and I loved every second of it.
"Don't be such a prick Albert. I think we can put our plans on hold and help. Hell, we may be able to steal some data from Umbrella that can be useful." she told me. Another reason why I admired her: Ada was clever. By no means was she a genius like me, but still smart nonetheless.
"Very well. Ada will show you to your room and we'll start first thing tomorrow." I decided.
"Can I have a room next to Ada's?" Christine asked hopefully.
"Ada sleeps in my room," I chuckled. I saw the gorgeous Asian roll her eyes and sigh.
"It's a control thing with him. Don't worry about it, he knows better than to try anything." Ada assured as she led the two upstairs.
I stared at the king sized bed in disbelief. I was suppose to share this with Christine? Yeah, we're partners, but it's not like we're that close. It was a big enough bed, but how comfortable was she with this? "Can't we have separate rooms?" I asked Ada, seeing her opens the curtains some to let in more light.
"Uhh... no. Another control thing with him. It'll be easier for him to keep an eye on you if you sleep in the same room. It's a giant bed anyway, unless you two like to cuddle, then there shouldn't be a problem staying on your own sides," she smiled some.
This guy was starting to get on my nerves. I had read that Wesker liked to be in control, but this just seemed to be ridiculous. "Whatever... So what are you two anyway? Like lovers?"
I saw a small blush creep on Ada's cheeks as she shook her head. "No. He's just my boss."
"Does he cuddle?" I teased, dropping my duffel bag on the floor.
"Christine, tell your boyfriend to shut up before I kick his ass," she warned. I heard Christine laugh and lay down on the bed.
"He's not my boyfriend, although, I'd love to see you try. He trained under Hunk y'know."
"Yeah whatever. I make dinner at five, so we generally eat at five thirty." she informed us, heading for the door.
"Wow. You sleep with him and cook? I wonder if you clean too," I smirked, seeing that I irked her.
"Go to hell. I only do it because I know he won't, and I get sick of take out every night," she retorted.
After she left, I hesitantly laid down next to Christine. She turned her head and smiled at me, reaching out to take my hand. I let her hold it and smiled back. "What is it?" I asked.
"It's finally going to happen Vector.... Umbrella is finally going to pay. After this, we can live our lives in peace..."
"What are you going to do once it's done?" I asked curiously.
"I'm not really sure, but I want to do science again. Maybe be a teacher or see if the government will hire me. What about you?"
I snorted at the question. "My whole life I've been trained to kill. It's all I know. I can't be a teacher or a doctor or a lawyer. Honestly, I'm useless. I might do some freelance mercenary work, but that's all I can come up with."
"What about settling down? You could be a stay at home dad!" she giggled.
"Oh yeah? And who would want to marry me?" I inquired. I was surprised to see Christine blush and pull her hand away. What was wrong? It was just a question. "Are you okay Christine?"
"What's your name, Vector? Your real name?" she murmured.
"You can't answer a question with another question..." I mumbled, trying to avoid answering her.
"Why can't you tell me? You know mine. It isn't fair."
"Life isn't fair," I shrugged, sitting up and running a hand through my wispy black hair. "I think I'll go explore some. Why don't you get some rest? You look tired."
"Fine," she sighed, taking her jacket off and tossing it on the floor. "Wake me up for dinner?"
"I promise."