Chapter: 16

A/n: Still remember this story?

Chapter Sixteen: I Won’t be Lost Again

“Fuck it,” Blaise yelled, clutching Harrison’s arm. “You can’t do this.”

Harry raised his eyebrows, a humorless smirk playing across his face. Brilliant green eyes became hooded and mocking as they studied the black wizard clutching at his arm and holding him back. “I never pegged you as the type to curse so vulgarly, Blaise.”

He had returned to Hogwarts as soon as he had woken up from his vision. The vision that involved his father and Lord Octavio. It took an hour to argue with Voldemort before he convinced the Dark Lord to let him go. Of course the Dark Lord wanted to keep him chained to the bedposts, but Harry convinced the man that his little eyes around Hogwarts would watch for any more slips in character. And the first thing Harry had done when he came back to Hogwarts was pay Dumbledore a little visit.

“You had no right,” Harry stepped out from the shadows. Dumbledore slowly placed down his quill, a small frown playing his lips. “The manipulative ball you used…it’s unforgivable.” His shoulders where stiff with anger and he had to do all he could to keep his magic from licking and hissing out at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore opened his mouth, no doubt ready to give another manipulative answer. “I’m not going to listen to your excuses-,”

“Yes, I used the manipulative sphere on you, Harrison. I don’t deny it.” Inside, Harry shuddered, remembering. When he had been under Dumbledore’s spell, he had thought Voldemort was an idiot and Neville was his God. All that simpering and ground licking he had done to the Golden Trio… he would get his revenge for the way they treated him. So lowly. So horrible. His stomach felt weak at how he had acted for a better part of a month. He had wasted so much time…

Inside, he was still a wreck over what had happened. Perhaps he should have stayed with the Dark Lord a little longer. But the thought of letting himself rest in the hands of a sexually charged Dark Lord didn’t set well with him at the moment.

Nonetheless, his face was an emotionless slate compared to his inner emotions. “Then why do you do things like that?” He saw red. “Do you expect me to even listen to you again? To trust you? Never.” His Seer was out, invisibly reaching out to feel Dumbledore’s emotions. No one could fake emotions, and Harry got a good feel as to what Dumbledore felt.

Satisfaction, smugness…but there was a hint of guilt.

Albus Dumbledore was a strange man. “Harrison…I told you I wanted you on the light side. You are my student, my responsibility. Yet you are also my enemy and project.” Harry refused to flinch at that title. A project. He was a project. “How can you blame me for attempting to bring you over on my side? Yes, it was a gamble, but I took it.”

Harry didn’t understand why he had even come to confront Dumbledore about such a topic. No doubt Voldemort would disprove. But this was his life, and his actions. A part of him still liked the idea of two Lords fighting over him and his powers. Neville was being fought over, why couldn’t he? Despite the fact he was dark, he wanted to be wanted. Call it a childhood scar, but he wouldn’t deny feeling that way.

“What do you want me to say, Headmaster?” Harry whispered softly, his eyes cold. “What do you expect me to do after such an act?” A part of him, a part that Self wouldn’t let him deny, wanted Dumbledore to keep pursuing him… Harry enjoyed these mind games with the Headmaster, doubtless that he had lost the first round.

“The only thing you can do, Harrison.” Dumbledore looked him in the eye. “Try to keep up.” Harry lifted his chin, startled by the man’s stark truthfulness. “And I am to offer you an apology…. I still want you on my side Harrison. And there is one thing I will offer to you in exchange for your word that you will stay neutral for this school year. You will do no battles against the light.”

Green eyes widened only a fraction. “I don’t believe you can offer me such a thing.” He couldn’t. There was nothing Dumbledore could give him that would make Harry agree to those terms.

Dumbledore gave a small smile. “Your father’s whereabouts.”

And what had he done?

Something bloody abrupt, that’s what.

He had agreed, with the aid of an Unbreakable Bond, to remain neutral in this school year. Dumbledore had called Severus inside the room to act as the Bonder. Harry had been slightly put out about Professor Snape being the Bonder, not knowing where the man’s loyalties lie, but he agreed nonetheless to the Bond. And clutching Dumbledore’s gloved hand, Harry had spoke his oath to remain neutral. Granted, in mind, Harry could still be considered dark, but he couldn’t physically fight against the light in a battle. But in exchange for his oath, Dumbledore shared with him information that Lord Voldemort couldn’t give him.

Where his father was.

“What did you do, Harrison?” Blaise murmured, pulling him close by the biceps. His breath ghosted over Harry’s skin, causing the smaller wizard to close his eyes briefly. He remembered Voldemort’s kisses…their passionate caresses. Merlin, he was so weak. Thinking about him in Zabini’s arms. “What did Dumbledore make you do in order to give you the information of your father’s whereabouts?”

“Blaise,” a woman spoke up from behind Harry. Without turning, Harry already knew who it was. Her comforting aura always caused his own Seer to cower down and lie peacefully at her feet. “Is there a reason you’re harassing Mr. Malfoy?”

“Mistress Zabini,” Harry tugged out of Blaise’s hold and gave a warm smile toward his teacher. Although he was happy to see her, he was also wary. This was the first time he had seen her since the summer…since Dumbledore’s easy manipulation. “It’s good to see you again.” Throwing Blaise a look he turned back to the woman’s vivid blue eyes. “How is working with Professor Trelawney?”

Her shoulders were set and she carried the shadows around her with a deadly grace. He envied at how powerful and in control she looked. “As good as it can be working with a Prophet.” Her lips twitched upwards as she stepped closer to Harry. Fingers reached out and ran down the Seer design on his cheek. He resisted the temptation in closing his eyes. “It’s good to see you back with us, Mr. Malfoy. I was worried the Dark Lord would take too long.”

Harry looked away from her, knowing where the conversation would go. She would lecture him about his weakness, about his stupidity. “But what I want to know is what my son and you are fighting over now.”

It would seem he had been wrong. She didn’t want to discuss the Dumbledore incident. And Harry wondered at how much she’d Seen of the situation. Considering the knowing gleam in her eyes, he assumed she knew everything.

“Harrison agreed with Dumbledore to do something in order to find out about his father’s whereabouts. Apparently Lord Octavio has his father and a few of the Dark Lord’s followers.” Blaise stepped beside Harry, easily towering over him in height.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you, Blaise.” Harry looked calmly at his housemate. The handsome wizard was about to come back with his own retort, but Pythia Zabini put a hand on her son’s shoulder.

“Blaise,” the boy clenched his jaw. “I need time alone with Harrison. After which, we will talk.” Dark eyes then turned on Harry and the smaller wizard held his chin up, meeting Blaise’s intense stare. Subconsciously, he sent out reassuring waves toward Blaise. The Slytherin’s eyes widened a fraction until they narrowed.

“Don’t.” Zabini snapped. “I don’t understand you. Your father is a bloody bastard to you and what do you do? You risk your life for him. Why is that, Harrison? Did you’re mother brainwash you as a child to protect the Malfoy family despite their mannerisms towards you?” Pythia gave a hum of disproval at her son’s words, but Harry wouldn’t have her fighting his battles for him. Even if they were against her own son.

“Don’t bring my mother into this, Blaise. It’s my father; I can’t leave him like that.” Lifeless mercury eyes. Slack jawed… Lucius Malfoy was not a lifeless Mime… he couldn’t be. But seeing him sitting so dead while someone pet his hair…

Blaise gave a dangerous hiss, turning his back and easily dismissing the two. Harry refused to ponder on Blaise’s overprotectiveness and hoped the wizard wasn’t thinking of those silly thoughts of courting Harry into a relationship. He would have to have a discussion with Blaise on that. Until then…all he could think about was the vision he had of his father. His mind was on a one track way.

His gaze was on the floor. And he was more than aware of her stare. “Harrison…”

“Please,” Harry gave a deep sigh, not afraid of showing his emotions in front of her. She would sense them anyway. Granted, any other day, she would probably scorn him for showing those emotions, but tonight, he was sure she had other priorities in mind. “Don’t tell me what I did was stupid.” He couldn’t handle anymore of his faults. He was playing with Albus Dumbledore. He was a beginner in this mind game, but he needed to learn how to participate in such a game. And what better way to be introduced to the game by playing against the top contesters?

Voldemort might be angry at his weakness at getting snagged so quickly into Dumbledore’s trap, but Harry had to look at the positive. He learned from his mistake. He would never be that open and unaware again.

Pythia laid her hand on his back, slowly pulling him to her chest. “Harrison,” she whispered again. Harry wouldn’t collapse in her embrace. Not when he needed to be strong. If he allowed his eyes to close and his cheek to lie so comfortably against her bosom, he feared he would never be able to face his problems again. “What happened with Dumbledore was a good experience for you.” Her long fingernails ran through his silky curls. “I hated to stand by and watch, but you needed to open your eyes. Even if you are a mature sixteen year old, you are awfully naive and arrogant.”

His jaw clenched. He drew strength from within to keep from shuddering in emotional pain. She was right.

“I had to show you the true nature of humans. They will do anything in their power to gain possession of us. You had to see yourself and your enemies, Harrison.” Her hand left his hair and cascaded down to caress his cheek.

“I know, Pythia.” Harrison spoke softly. The two were cloaked in the shadows and it was late. There would be no students stumbling across a professor and student embracing loosely. “What happened…what he did…” Harry paused. “It did open my eyes.”

“And by doing so, you’ve finally reached maturity. This event thrust you into your adulthood and shed loose your childish innocence.” Pythia hugged him tightly, her warm body doing wonders on Harrison’s unsure and stiff muscles. “You have a long road ahead of you Harrison. An uneven road. From the moment you accepted your Seer ability, you’ve carved your road.” Her voice was unsteady and Harry understood.

“That’s why you are here, at Hogwarts.” To watch over him and help guide him…to assist him on that path.


“You won’t tell me what’s in store for me.”

“I can’t.” Her fingers tightened around him. “You are now the third player to Voldemort’s and Dumbledore’s game. Only you have the power to tip the balance. And you have finally realized it.”

He can start playing now.

Vibrant green eyes closed, and he leaned into Pythia.

“You believe in me.” It wasn’t a question, simply because Harry knew the answer. It was the same question he asked his mother when he had been lost to the world around him. When he asked Narcissa, he had been immature, confused, naive. He had still been living the life his father wanted of him, he had been struggling on what side of the war he wanted, and he had been unsure of who he was.

But now, now he knew who he was.

He was Harrison Regulus Malfoy, son to Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. He had a fraternal twin in Draco and he had a friend in Blaise Zabini. He had a Match in Tom Riddle. He was a Seer and a powerful wizard who could challenge both Dumbledore and Voldemort with a little more experience. He had enemies in the Golden Trio. And he had a drive to be the best damned wizard in history; without the bonds Voldemort threw on him to be his Match and without the bonds that Dumbledore threw on him as an enemy or a potential partner.

He was himself.

And he finally understood it all.

As he opened his eyes, he felt as if he saw things clearer. “I think you know the answer to your question, Harrison.” Pythia gave one last smile before pushing him away. They were back to being Mistress and student. “Now go find your father.”

Harry gave a smirk. With a sharp bow at the waist, he brushed past his instructor. “Oh, and Mr. Malfoy?” Turning back around, he witnessed Pythia looking at him with concern. “Look deep within him. You’ll see he’s more than just a painted face.”

Like her son, she turned her back and almost all but glided from the corridor.

She had been referring to Octavio.


Dumbledore said he knew where Octavio was hiding because he had ‘people’ watching the Death Demon’s movements. By ‘people’, Harry thought it would be a few members from the Order of the Phoenix. And he was right… but in particular, it had been Sirius Black and Mad Eye Moody. To make matters even better, they were not the only ones accompanying him. Dumbledore had agreed to let him go with, but he would be sending a few members of his little Order.

At the time, Harry hadn’t cared. He had just wanted his father back.

But now that he was walking toward Octavio’s hideout, he couldn’t help but to wonder why he agreed. He was a Malfoy. And he expected some discomfort at that and maybe because he was sixteen and so…small… but he never thought they would outwardly sneer and glare at him.

And who was the sixteen year old here?

Harry tightened his cloak around him, warding off the cold breeze. It felt slightly comforting across his adrenaline crimson cheeks. His father was all but a few yards away and his magic was literally sparking around his fingers. Ironic, really, how the Order was on a rescue mission for Lucius Malfoy in Death Eater robes. But Dumbledore had vowed, with the Unbreakable Bond, that they would not prosecute Lucius as long as Harry stayed neutral. There were other minor things Dumbledore and he had agreed with, but at the moment, Harry couldn’t concentrate on anything but his anxiety.

Someone rubbed against him and Harry flinched away from the contact on instinct. Turning, he saw Remus Lupin blushing and looking everywhere but at him. “Professor, you startled me.” He tried to smooth out the situation because he knew Remus Lupin’s werewolf was attracted to his Seer. In fact, the whole month he had been drugged under Dumbledore’s manipulations, he couldn’t quite remember what Remus had been like in DADA class.

During the summer, he had been interested in the werewolf. Now that he was clear minded again, he could focus on the relationship with Remus and Sirius. This werewolf in front of him was the reason Sirius Black was chained to the light side. What made the two tick?

“I apologize, Mr. Malfoy.” There was an unearthly silence. Harry had his hood drawn, the depths too deep to peer at Lupin’s expression. “You will be alright to engage in the battle?” Harry’s lips twitched. “Not that I underestimate your skill in dueling, Harrison. But with your father-,”

“That only makes me want to fight harder, Professor.”

“Silence,” Mad Eye Moody snapped, his magical eye whirling in the back of his head. “Focus on your enemy, not useless chit chat.”

Harry decided not to rise to the bait. He wouldn’t engage in any verbal spars with Alastor Moody. The man despised his family… why would Harry waste his breath? Professor Snape glanced over his shoulder at him and with a sharp raise of his eyebrow, he turned back around. The man had joined them all, staying his silent distance away from the crowd. A few others were also present; Harry didn’t feel the need to identify each of them.

The grass was wet but his boots stayed oddly silent in the thick mud. Others weren’t as lucky. Their steps made a loud suction sound with the ground. At the end long meadow, the sounds of waves crashed against the rocky shore, spraying them with droplets of water. Directly below them, a Death Demon resided with his puppets…with his Mimes. With his father.

The group paused, looking over the edge at the sharp rocks and deep endless waves. Harry resisted a growl and pushed past them, jumping off the cliff. He heard someone give a sharp intake of breath at the action, but he didn’t bother to look back to see who it had been. His boots touched the uneven ground, causing a few pebbles to come loose and fall into the sea. But he kept his balance like any Malfoy would and had his wand out in the ready.

A few others jumped after him, landing on the ledge. He kept his eyes to the left, inching closer to the cave. His Seer hesitantly reached out to test the air, blocking out the Order’s emotions. Inside, there was no sense of life. None. He paused in his advances, causing someone to bump into him and slip on the ledge. Harry whirled quickly around, using rapid reflexes to shoot his hand out and curl it around the falling wizard’s wrist.

It turned out to be Snape. The man flashed his dark eyes in his direction, his face an emotionless stare. “Sorry,” Harry breathed. Making sure the man was safely on the ledge, Harry let go of the wrist and turned back toward the entrance of the cave. With the Order behind him, he slowly moved forward. As soon as he stepped through the threshold of the cave, his breath became visible and the sound of droplets hitting the stone floor echoed loudly.

This was where Octavio resided? He had a suspicion that Dumbledore had been lying to him, just waiting for Harry to turn his back and then have his Order strike. But the Unbreakable Bond would hold Dumbledore’s words true. Octavio was here. The only problem was finding the Lord of Mimes.

Flicking his wand, he wordlessly lightened the end. With the light at the tip of his wand, he stepped deeper in the cave. In the dim light, he saw how deep the cave actually was. Several tunnels twisted and turned, revealing a slight problem on their behalf. “Split up?” Remus murmured in question.

“What are we here for anyway?” A nameless Order member grumbled. “For a lifeless Death Eater, that’s it. We risk our lives-,”

Harry’s magic unleashed around him, snapping like the angry waves beneath them. Glowing green eyes locked on the one who had spoken, watching in sick enjoyment as the man shuddered and fell to his knees in pleasure and shock at his magic. “You will do well to shut your mouth.” Harry hissed; his eyes alight. The man whimpered, breathing heavily with the onslaught of magic. He had probably never felt such magic, magic only Lord Voldemort held.

“Harrison,” Snape placed his hand on his shoulder, pulling Harry away from his enjoyment. “You need to control yourself.”

Pursing his lips, Harry turned away from the pathetic form on the floor and witnessed most of the other Order members staring at him in interest, surprise, or lust. He didn’t even need his Seer to tell them they were feeling such things. When a wizard held raw power like he, others were automatically attracted to him like a moth would a light; hence the reasoning why wizards followed Voldemort even when the Dark Lord wasn’t exactly known for his lenience.

“Point me, Lucius Malfoy.” His wand spun in his hand, the lumos reflecting off the wet walls. The wand in his palm spun, seemingly confused, before it rolled out of his hand and on to the floor. Eyes widening, he tensed as he watched his wand roll across the floor and then lift above a void of emptiness on the ground, pointing downward at a hole.

Harry took a deep breath, readying himself. Striding forward, he grabbed the wand above the large hole and jumped down. It was rather reckless, but he was confident enough. The walls weren’t as wide as he would have liked, causing his shoulders to hit painfully against them. But it wasn’t a steep drop. He hit the ground within seconds, successfully hitting his head on a low rock as he tried to straighten up. Idiot. With his lightened wand, he lightened the path for the Order members following in his wake. It wasn’t a surprise that Snape had jumped in right after him.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a quick movement behind Snape. “Professor-,”

The Mime stepped out of the shadows, his dead eyes staring at them lifelessly. Harry stared back unblinkingly. Was this one of Voldemort’s old Death Eaters? He wouldn’t be able to tell. The Mime had thick white make up on his face, disguising the true facial features. And the emotions were a blank slate…he wouldn’t expect less from a dead victim. The Mime cocked his head to the side, his permanent frown painted across his lips.

With a cold and dead giggle, the Mime turned its heel and ran deeper into the shadowy depths. Before he could run after the Mime, he heard muffled shouts from above. “We have company.” Snape drawled, clutching his left forearm.

Damnit. Lord Voldemort had made his appearance. If it wasn’t for Snape’s Dark Mark, it would be the smell of lilacs flooding the cave that revealed to Harry who was here.

Would he be irate with Harry? He would no doubt be exasperated that Harry hadn’t told him about Lucius’ and the other followers’ whereabouts. But then how did he get here? Was there more eyes than Harry thought there was? Snape raised his eyebrows as Harry gave a low growl. This was just a distraction for finding his father.

With his magic, he wrapped it around himself and floated himself up the tunnel, landing gracefully and silently on the above ground. As he would have suspected, the Order members where fighting against the Death Eaters who had entered the cave’s mouth. It was a large mosh pit of fighting bodies and glowing spells being blasted across at one another. What they weren’t paying attention to, was the way the cave seemed to crumble as a missed spell hit the cave’s wall.

Harry sneered.

His Seer magic reached out and grabbed a hold of every body in the cave. Pouring horror and fright into all, he watched as they went down to their knees, whimpering softly. To them, they would think it was his magic doing such things, they would never realize it was his Seer ability. Eventually, he supposed, someone might figure out what a Seer’s true abilities really was; aside from Seeing the future and past. But now he couldn’t dwell on such things.

Lifting the feeling of horror and replacing it with fatigue, Harry stepped swiftly between the aisle of bodies, glaring at them. Their eyes were looking up at him in barely hidden surprise. Pulling his hood down, he held his hand out, palm facing downward. The pile of pebbles from the caving roof flew and hit his hand. He then cupped them in his hand, looking at them in the eye.

“Fools,” he hissed quietly, dangerously. “You’ll bring down the roof with your brainless actions. And in the process you’ll alert the enemy of our presence. If you haven’t done so already.” With an added affect, he tossed the pebbles at the wizards at his feet. Across from him, he watched the tall and thin figure of the Dark Lord slither his way closer inside the cave.

Around Harry, the wizards finally pushed away the Seer magic and stood up shakily. The respected sides split apart, making an aisle. Harry stood in the center of them, chin up, watching Lord Voldemort make his way slowly toward him.

“I leave you alone for hardly a day and where does that bring you? In a cave with the enemies.” Voldemort hissed in Parseltongue. Harry smirked. No one knew of his ability to speak Parseltongue but Bellatrix, his family, and Voldemort. He wouldn’t spoil that surprise for the Order and the other Death Eaters.

“Lord Voldemort,” Harry greeted coolly. He could feel the suspicious stares from the Order and decided to act as professional as he could.

“Harrison Malfoy,” Voldemort greeted back, the underlying tone of irritation coming through in his crimson eyes. Harry felt a few flashes of fear from the Order. No matter how brave they may seem, Harry knew they were petrified of the Dark Lord.

“I have a pact I’d like to make with you.” He cocked his head to the side, aware of Snape approaching from the underground tunnel and stepping behind him. “We are both here for something we want. He has your Death Eaters,” he paused just briefly, remembering their dead bodies. Voldemort knew this. He knew his followers were dead. So he was here on behalf of getting Lucius alive. That touched Harry. Faintly. “And he has my father. Why not just put aside our…differences and work together to bring down Lord Octavio?” His eyes flashed as he looked at the wizards around them. “Afterwards we can bring down the cave all we want.”

Voldemort stood straight, his shoulders set and the air around him buzzing with his magic. “After you, Mr. Malfoy.” He made a mocking bow, motioning for Harry to lead. “I will take the rear.” Crimson eyes became intense as he swept his gaze down Harry’s body.

Clenching his jaw, Harry turned his back on the Dark Lord and motioned for the Order to follow. He saw and felt some of their disagreement with the prospect of working with the Dark Lord and his lackeys and the part of Harry leading, but they wouldn’t speak up. Not after his demonstration of magic. Flashing them all a grin, he approached the tunnel. Jumping down, he used his magic this time around to cushion his shoulders from the rocky walls. Landing in a crouch, he straightened up quickly and moved out of the way for the others to follow.

Walking away from the tunnel, he raised his wand, casting eerie shadows across the cave. There was only one way to go and he started making his way, doubtless of the fact not everyone was down the tunnel yet. They would follow.

He kept his pace passive, feeling Lupin and Sirius and Snape coming close behind him. Following the winding tunnel, it was in no time at all that the two groups were on the same pace. Harry was hypersensitive of Voldemort’s presence behind him. The Dark Lord kept to his word and brought up the rear. But it didn’t matter if he was feet away, Harry could still feel his gaze drilling into the back of his head.

The tension in the air between the Order and the Death Eaters were high, choking Harry’s Seer. “Snape, surprised to see you here…” a Death Eater leered at the potion’s professor next to Harry. “Considering-,”

Harry whirled around, his wand pointing directly in the Death Eater’s mask. He was getting a migraine. “Shut the bloody hell up.” His words were whispered, and he laced the emotion of fear in them, pushing it toward the man. The Death Eater stumbled away from him while his comrades raised their own wands, hesitantly pointing them at him. They were uncertain what to do with him. Harry knew. He was the son of a respected Death Eater. He was a nephew of Bellatrix Lestrange. And he was sure Lord Voldemort had spoken a warning to stay away from him.

“Desist,” Voldemort hissed in displeasure. The Death Eaters all shot their wands to the floor, eyes wide in fear of the Dark Lord.

Harry turned back around, shouldering past Sirius and Lupin and falling into stride with a silent Snape. He had a soft spot for the professor. Ever since first year, he had looked up to the man. But Harry knew things would either change or strengthen between the two after he found out which side Snape was truly on.

Ignoring the potions professor’s inquiring gaze, Harry stopped in his tracks. Something about this section of the cave felt off.

“Ah….Harry?” Sirius croaked. Someone vomited and Harry’s shoulders stiffened. His eyes closed, feeling pain. “You may want to take a look at this…”

“Shut up, Black.” Snape hissed angrily. “Just continue on, Mr. Malfoy.” Snape’s hand clutched his shoulder, urging him forward. But something held him back. There was something he needed to see. Pushing away Snape’s hold, he turned and glanced where Sirius was standing.

His cousin’s face was grey and beaded with sweat. His lightened wand was pointed lazily in a side chamber of the cave while others were crowded around, trying to take a look inside. Some looked sick as they turned away while some Death Eaters turned away nonchalantly. He stepped forward, the wizards crowding around the entrance fell back to allow him entrance. Hesitantly, he pointed his light at the ground.

There, painted so innocently in blood on the floor, was the Seer mark. The mark was painted to the exact angle and curve, the elegant design looking oddly fascinating in crimson. Holding his breath, he shot his wand hand up, blazing the side chamber with light. Feeling the bile in his throat, he gave a grimace as he looked up. All around him, heads were engraved within the stone. But not just any faces…

They were all heads of Seer. Every face held two noticeable traits; vivid eye colors and the Seer mark on their cheek. He spun in circles, feeling dizzy. The heads were preserved, looking as if they were freshly beheaded. And they were all looking down at him. Horrified, pained, shocked, frightened. He saw young children and he saw old men and women. And they were of different nationalities.

Lord Octavio had been speaking the truth. He was after the Seer. And by the looks of the different nationalities on the ceiling, Britain was his last stop. There were more than thirty in the chamber. How many Seer were there? Why hadn’t Pythia told him about the seriousness of this? Was this another leap he had to get through on his own without her help? But he remembered her warning before he came here. She said he was more than just a painted face.

Would she have such sympathy for a Demon who had killed so many of their kind?

The world spun before him and he stumbled on his feet. His Seer was hyperactive and felt all the dead’s fear. Breathing irregularly, his vision flashed.

Pythia stood tall, her face gleaming with such strength and beauty. Seeing her now, Harry knew she had never looked so beautiful. Her nose was pouring blood, falling down her lips and dripping off her chin. Looking closer, he saw that her leg was twisted the wrong way.

“Pythia,” Harry whispered, horrified. She was still standing.

“You may have gained possession of me.” Her voice was strong, sturdy. “But you won’t get very far after me.”

“Is that a warning?” Harry turned to stare at the advancing Death Demon. But Octavio looked different, less insane. His bowler hat was absent and the amused grin on his face was now a frown. “Did you See it?” he mocked.

“I did.” She raised her chin, her voice faltering slightly. “He will be your end.”

“Harrison left.” Octavio’s lips twisted in a pained smile. “I hold no more attachments to my little Seer.”

Pythia laughed. “You lie.” She said with such clarity.

Octavio roared; his eyes crazy at her statement. Pulling back an elongated claw, he sliced it across her neck, successfully beheading.

Harry cried out, feeling himself loose control and loose his footing. But he didn’t fall to the crimson painted floor. Instead, warm arms grabbed him and lifted him against a thin chest. A spidery hand cradled his head further into the chest, pushing him into an embrace. Harry inhaled the scent of lilacs, feeling safe for just this moment.

With a cracked open eye, he watched from Voldemort’s hold as they left the side chamber and into the original tunnel they had been advancing in. The wizards, both light and dark, stared wide eyed at the image the Dark Lord made. Harry supposed he should pull away and climb away from Voldemort’s hold. But if the Dark Lord wasn’t worried about the public appearance, then he would enjoy this as long as possible.

His head ached and Voldemort finally set him down against a wall. Everyone crowded around, staring at him. Across the room, Harry was aware of Lupin’s animalistic growls and whimpers. His Seer must have affected the werewolf. They were much more sensitive to the Seer then humans. “Remus…”Sirius attempted to calm him down.

But he wouldn’t calm down until Harry was calmed down.

Voldemort leaned forward, throwing a privacy shield around them. The Order and the Death Eaters wouldn’t be able to actually see or hear anything. It would all be a confused blur to them. “I’m fine,” Harry tried to push away from the cold wall. He hated being seen as weak, especially around his Match.

“You’re not.”

“I am.” Harry gave a sigh, rubbing his palm against his forehead. “I just Saw Pythia Zabini’s death.” Green eyes locked with crimson. The Dark Lord didn’t really seem sympathetic. “And I realized that Octavio really is hunting the Seer.” He looked away from Voldemort. “I just want to find my father, my Lord.”

Voldemort tisked; crouching down on the balls of his feet in front of him. “And I want to know why you’re here with the Order.”

Harry placed his head against the cold stone, surveying the man before him. A smirk lifted the smaller wizard’s mouth. Might as well tell him. “I agreed to an Unbreakable Bond with Dumbledore.” He paused, watching the pupil’s in Voldemort’s eyes slit further in rage. “I vowed that I would remain neutral in this war for this school year. And in return, he would give me the whereabouts of my father and let him loose without any charge of Death Eater involvement.”

Voldemort’s long fingers plunged down his cloak and grabbed the burning Horcrux. It was a flash from the past as Voldemort used it to strangle him. Harry gagged, his head being unnaturally lifted at an odd angle. Voldemort’s nose was closing in on his own. “You are an idiot. What game do you think you’re playing with the old fool? Surely not a game you think you can win at.”

“No,” Harry breathed, eyes widening in wonder at the black dots in front of his vision. “I’m playing the same game you and he are.”

“Fool,” Voldemort repeated, loosening the slack to the chain. Harry gave a strangled breath. “You are too young to play.”

“But not too young to lie in bed with you.” The Dark Lord hissed. “You underestimate me.” Harry accused.

“No, I do not underestimate you. I just think you aren’t as bright as you think you are.”

Harry’s lips flattened into a thin line, tugging back on the chain. His head snapped back as Voldemort shortened the slack again. “I’ll prove to you just how bright I am. You’ll see.” He spoke with such determination. His chest quivered with the resolve of proving himself to the world. To himself. “I’ll outdo both you and Dumbledore.”

“That’s a large burden to carry, little one.” And with that, Voldemort crushed his lips to his own. It wasn’t a compassionate kiss, more of a claim to who was the dominant one in the relationship. Harry was still strung up by the chain, his small body being crushed underneath the Dark Lord’s large one and the sharp wall. He refused to give Voldemort the satisfaction of taking control. With just as much force as the older man, Harry pushed back into Voldemort, wanting to fully possess the man.

It seemed to all fall away from him.

He was no longer surrounded by the Order and the Death Eaters, his father wasn’t being held against his will, and he wasn’t struggling to show his standings in this war…

Now. Now there was only Lord Voldemort.

Harry was consumed by the heat between them, their magic merging together as one. He shuddered at the passion the kiss entitled as it turned more fierce and powerful as the seconds went on. Through his Seer, he could feel the same emotions radiating from Voldemort.

Growling, Harry bit straight through Voldemort’s lower lip, instantly tasting the crimson blood. The chain around him slackened and the older wizard pulled away, his eyes wild. “Then I wish you all the luck, Harry.” The man leaned forward, his bloody lips close to Harry’s ear. “Because if you loose your standings, you’ll be my possession.” Harry pushed at his chest, standing up and dropping the privacy shield.

The Dark Lord thought he was all high and mighty…

Harry took a deep breath, calmly tucking in the Horcrux underneath his robes again. He knew exactly what Voldemort had meant. The man was giving him an opportunity to stand up and become his own threat to Dumbledore and the world. But if Harry failed again, the Dark Lord would always stand before Harry, shielding him. Harry wouldn’t be able to spread his wings and stand alone.

He wouldn’t allow that to happen.

Snape caught his eye, those black eyes intense and curious. Harry met his eyes levelly.

And then his gaze strayed over Snape’s shoulder, meeting mercury.

He blinked.


A/n: I promise you.

The next update won’t be this long in between. I was extremely busy and I also had a writers block with this. I realized I was writing this story for the readers. I was letting you guys decide what to happen… and your suggestions and pleads sent everything out of my hands. Not that I don’t like hearing your suggestions, but I actually tried to grant everybody’s favor and please you all. But over my absence, I finally grabbed hold of this story again. I know where I want to go with this. And I realize I will anger some of you and disappoint others. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Next one should be up within a week. It’s going to be a difficult one to write. Physiology issues with Octavio and Harry… it will be hard, but I hope to get the feelings across to all of you.