Chapter: 21
A/n: This chapter is dedicated to Cancount, who gave me a wicked idea
Also, a big, huge, thank you to those of you who reviewed! This chapter is a long one (Or at least I think it is). Sorry for the mistakes, I was kind of in a hurry editing this. I'll probably go back and try to re-edit it again.
Chapter Twenty One: All Your Hands on Me
Harrison rubbed his front teeth with his tongue, glancing at his reflection in a passing mirror. Was that…was that a bloody hair on his face? “Egh,” he hissed in disgust, reaching out his palm to rub at the small stubble on his chin. There was more than one hair. Granted, he knew he would grow hair there as he grew older, but did it have to look so… unattractive? So imperfect?
Sneering, he used his magic to shave wandlessly.
After which, it was nothing but smooth skin. “Better,” he murmured, satisfied. Brilliant green eyes looked passed himself in the mirror to watch Neville Longbottom roam the hall in a sort of dream-like manner. Giving himself a last minute cheek to see if everything was in place and proper, Harry tugged his sleeves and brushed off the imaginary lint off his robes, following behind the boy-who-lived. He stalked behind the boy, taking pleasure in the heavy weight of sorrow and grief.
Tragedy had finally struck the boy wonder. And it was brilliant to know that he had caused it.
“Hello Neville,” he softened his voice and his expression as the boy-who-lived turned around.
“Oh, hey Harry,” Neville whispered, the dark circles under his eyes pronounced with the shadows. “I haven’t seen you for awhile.”
The little boy was trying to be strong. Harry could see the tears right behind his eyes. “Well,” Harry shrugged, offering Neville a fake sad smile. “I heard about Ron. Well, we all have. I thought you might like some… space.” He threw in the feeling of sympathy, feeling Neville become drawn to him. The boy needed someone. He was pushing everyone away with his best mate’s death, but Harry would make him depend on him.
It was all part of the plan.
“I…” With his Seer influence, Neville seemed to shift closer to him. “I really am sorry about how we treated you before, Harry.” His head bowed. “Ron would have been sorry as well.” The boy’s voice cracked and Harry tisked gently.
His hands reached out and landed on Longbottom’s shoulder. For a moment, he paused, never being this physical close to the boy before. He felt it. He felt Riddle’s soul within Longbottom. It sparked and purred at Harry’s touch, warming his hand. Neville looked through his lashes at Harry, giving him a hesitant smile. The stupid, foolish boy probably wasn’t affected. Or was he? Harry considered Longbottom’s emotions. His sorrow was on the forefront of his mind, but there was something else. Attraction and desperation to be accepted.
So Neville was influenced by his proximity because of the Horcrux.
Oh. Things just got even easier.
“I could never hold a grudge against you at a time like this, Neville.” Neville, so easily brainwashed and manipulated, gave Harry a true smile.
“Thanks Harry, that’s one burden I can take off my shoulders.” Considering you have so many… fool. Longbottom reached out his own hand and laid it over Harry’s positioned on his shoulder. The Seer repressed his own feelings of repulsion and instead transferred warm feelings to the boy.
Neville towered over him. Harry was aware of that now, with how close they were. Even if the boy was only average height, and probably couldn’t hold a flame to the Dark Lord’s towering frame, he was still considered tall next to Harry. It ruffled Harry the wrong way. He should be the imposing figure. “If you ever need anything, anything at all, don’t be afraid to come to me, Neville. I know we haven’t been very close in the past, but I believe we can always start over.”
Riddle’s soul licked at him, sending a painful shock down his wrist.
Harry smiled and pulled his hand away, trying to look as subtle as possible. “I’ll keep that in mind, Harry. Thank you.” And Harry knew he would.
Neville and he were going to have such a fun time together. Especially with the conversations Harry would orchestra.
Longbottom looked lighter after their conversation. Of course, that was Harry’s doing. He had gotten rid of the grief and loss and instead poured comfort and hope to the boy, only around him, of course. When Longbottom would leave his presence, he would drown in the grief and loss… which would make him seek Harry’s comforting presence when he felt overwhelmed. This was all too fun.
Harry watched him leave through lowered lids, feeling lighter than he had ever felt in ages.
“Trying to seduce the boy wonder?” A voice whispered huskily in his ear. Hands rested on his narrow hips and slowly slid forward, wrapping possessive arms across his waist. Harry was pulled against a solid chest and lips traced the shell of his ear.
“Blaise-,” Harry protested, feeling the lips trail down his neck.
“Don’t try to stop me, Harrison.” His hold tightened on the smaller boy. “I want you, and you can’t deny that you’re attracted to me.” Chocolate colored fingers grasped his small chin and turned his head to the side. Plump lips crushed into his own; searing them.
Harry moaned into the kiss, feeling knots of tension tighten in his stomach. He would never deny that this felt good. Because it did. But it wasn’t rough like he enjoyed; it didn’t involve warm saliva and blood, or teeth that tore his skin. Blaise was gentle and passionately slow. Whereas Voldemort was dominating and controlling. Both of these types of kisses turned him on. It confused him how that could be, when they were as different as night and day.
Harry pulled away just as Blaise’s tongue came to play. Around him, students paused in their motions, staring openly. “Now is not the place to do this, Zabini.” Harry whispered fiercely, trying to step out of the hold. “It’s dangerous-,”
“This isn’t infidelity, Harrison.” Blaise wouldn’t let go. “You’re not being disloyal to him. Not after every thing he’s done to you. He betrayed you, it’s only right to realize you two aren’t in a relationship.”
Harry’s lips thinned. “I don’t want you to get hurt, Blaise.” He narrowed his eyes at the watchful Slytherins who passed by in the shadows. “He’ll know. And he’ll go out of his way to destroy you.”
Blaise clutched at his arm, not letting go. “I’m not afraid of him.”
Green eyes flashed. “You lie. You’re terrified of him.”
“My desire for you overpowers my fear for him. Tell me you don’t see this as infidelity; tell me you’re over your desire for him.” Blaise clutched his upper arms, shaking him. “Or are you simply keeping me at arms length because you’re too afraid to form attachments? I would never hurt you like they-,”
“This is hardly a place to have a lover’s spat, Zabini.” Harry turned to see Draco gliding toward them, his grey eyes narrowed on Blaise.
“Malfoy,” Blaise sneered himself. The two boys, of equal height, stared at one another, willing the other to look away first. “I don’t even know why you care.”
Harry sighed, feeling the hatred and jealousy coming off from both Draco and Blaise. His brother held more of the jealousy, Blaise held more of the annoyance. It didn’t make much sense why Draco was jealous. Unless… Draco had a thing for Blaise. But that wouldn’t make sense either. Looking closer, he saw his brother’s jealousy directed toward Blaise, not him.
“He’s my brother and he has a soft spot for you. Reasons unknown to me, of course.” Draco gave a deep smirk. “I just don’t want to see him hurt because of your foolish actions alerting the Dark Lord’s anger.”
Blaise scoffed, raising his eyebrows. “You’re just jealous because I’m closer to him than you.” Harry shook his head, exasperated. “You see he holds power now and all you want to do is worm your way into his life and become his number one priority. It won’t happen, Malfoy. You’re an idiot.”
He turned his back on the two, intent on going down to the Slytherin common room. Instead, he saw a worried Sirius Black jog toward him. “Harry,” Egh. He reeked of fright and horror. “Please, Harry…”
“Don’t ask that of me, Sirius,” Harry hissed, narrowing his eyes at his cousin. The man came to a stop beside him, looking weak and pathetic. Harry cast a silencing charm around the four of them, shielding their conversation from passerbyers.
“I warned you.” Harry remained stiff. “I warned Lupin and I warned you what would happen if he went. Let me guess, he went anyway?”
Grey eyes held unshed tears. “He tried to talk with Dumbledore. The old fool told him not to rely on your powers so much. You didn’t necessarily See his death, it was a good enough reason for Dumbledore to tell Remus to go anyway.”
“So what exactly are you asking of Harrison?” Blaise took an advancing step forward. Draco, not wanting to be in the shadows, took his own step closer.
Harry shot Blaise a look, mentally telling him to quiet. Turning back to Sirius, Harry gave the man a shrug. “I’m sorry Sirius, I can’t do that. I’ve already tried to save his life. I cannot enter the werewolves’ den by myself-,”
“I’ll go with you.” Sirius pleaded. “Merlin, Harry, please, I’ll do anything if you help me get him back.”
Harry and Sirius held each other’s gazes. “Anything?” Harry whispered softly. “That’s a pretty big offer, Sirius. One that I find myself not able to refuse.” Sirius’ face twisted, so many emotions trying to take hold of him; surprise, relief, panic…
“You’ll go then? You’ll help me save him?”
“You’ll owe me that debt-,” he was Slytherin after all…
“Yes, anything, please Harry.”
For awhile, Harry enjoyed the sight of Sirius so desperate. But then it got old and disturbing. Glancing at Blaise and Draco, he raised an eyebrow. “Are you up for a grand adventure with the wolves?”
Why was he doing this again?
He angrily brushed off another dirt particle from his robes, taking a deep breath to calm himself. It was dirty, it smelt… horrible, like sweaty feet and wet dog. And Draco wasn’t making it any better as he kept complaining out loud. “None of us like this, Draco,” Harry hissed, turning his head around to glare at the blonde. “But will you keep quiet? Werewolves have acute hearing, they will hear us if you keep talking.”
“What crawled up your arse and died?” Draco drawled, curling his lip.
“Your severed dick, Malfoy.” Blaise snapped back.
“Incest really isn’t my thing, Zabini.”
“Really?” He drawled. “Could have fooled me with those lustful stares you give Harrison all the time. You’re bloody obsessed-,”
“Silence,” Harry hissed, his magic spiking with annoyance. They wisely shut their mouths and continued forward. This…scene… reminded him strongly of Octavio’s hideout. Although it wasn’t in a cave, it was underground. The ground was spongy and the air was moist. Sirius had told him where the werewolves were residing considering Remus had told him beforehand. Harry just didn’t understand why people never took him seriously. He warned Lupin, and what does the werewolf do? Go off anyway, listening to that damned old fool.
“Incest is actually not unheard of in the dark pureblood world.” Sirius added his own two cents in. “I mean, the Malfoy’s and Black’s are all but related, and yet they get married anyway.”
“This is such a waste of conversation,” Harry snapped. “Will you all shut up?”
He’d rather not have the werewolves kill him and have this conversation as his dying memory. “Merlin, Harrison, you need to get laid.”
Green eyes glowed sinisterly as they locked with Blaise. It was enough to make the boy blanch and remain quiet. Sirius coughed in his hand, hiding a grin. “I don’t see why you’re so jolly go lucky, Sirius.” Harry whispered softly. “Your lover is going to die if we don’t get there on time. Not only that, but with your mindless conversations, we may be found out and ambushed before we have even so much as a warning. You all underestimate werewolves. You think Lupin is a werewolf? He’s a bloody mutt compared to Greyback and his pack.”
He pointed his wand at Blaise and Draco after Sirius paled and looked down. “And I picked you two to come along because I thought you could handle this. I thought you’d at least understand how serious this is and act like responsible adults.” Pleased, he watched as they looked down as well, loosing their mirth.
A slow and quiet clapping was heard through the underground cavern. “Those are the actions of a future Dark Lord, Harrison.” Harry tensed as he watched the shadows move and form into a group of Death Eaters. “My, you’ll make a fine and perfect consort for our Lord.”
Sirius stiffened, pointing his wand at the Death Eaters. They seemed to ignore him entirely as they stood, almost bored. In the front, who had spoken, was none other than his aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange. Beside her, was Lucius. Even if they all had masks on, Harry could easily tell them apart; from the manner they held themselves and also their aura. His father’s cold grey eyes shimmered out of his mask, staring at him, studying him.
Harry was too raw to handle all this now. It was too soon to see them again.
But what bothered him even more, was the fact that they were here, of all places. First it had been showing up at Octavio’s hideout unexpectedly and now here. He narrowed his eyes, furious. “How did you know I was here?” He barked.
Bellatrix gave a childish laugh. “When the Dark Lord says he has eyes on you, Harrison, he takes it very seriously.” The hair on the back of his neck stood up at her statement. He knew the Dark Lord was powerful; perhaps he had underestimated the man’s vow of watching him. It sent him on edge. He had many warnings; from Voldemort himself and Draco…and Blaise. He just never believed Voldemort could watch him with such…precision.
He eyed the large serpent around Bellatrix’s shoulders. The serpent coiled around her shoulders twice, and still, its tail almost brushed the floor. Nagini. The serpent’s eyes flickered as they watched him with a sick pleasure.
Bellatrix stroked the serpent with a lover’s caress, keeping her eyes on him. “The Dark Lord lent us to you, as aid and protection.” She gave a bow as much as possible with the heavy snake on her shoulders. Behind her, the Death Eaters bowed lower. “We are yours to serve, my young Lord.”
Harry breathed heavily through his nose, feeling his rage raise the hair on his arms. “He didn’t come on his own?”
“He had things to do,” Bellatrix replied as she and the rest of the Death Eater’s straightened up. Lucius remained quiet, keeping his stare an eerie calm. Harry refused to keep eye contact with the man. “He sends his warm regards, though.”
“That was very nice, of the man.” Harry drawled, swallowing his scream of outrage. How dare the Dark Lord act like Harry was his salivating servant, needing his help. “But I’m afraid I don’t want, nor need, your help.”
Sirius loosened his stance with a grin of pleasure at Harry’s words. Draco and Blaise stuck to his sides, closing him in like two bodyguards would do. Bellatrix’s gaze flickered to Blaise and those dark eyes deepened in hatred and disgust. “But Harrison,” she sang insanely. Harry saw her aura peek with holes. It was like Ronald Weasley’s, but… far more damaged. She wasn’t suicidal or depressed, just…insane. Although it did look slightly better from the last time he had seen her.
“The Dark Lord just didn’t send us as aid in getting your werewolf friend back. He sent us to retrieve you.” Nagini hissed in laughter at Bellatrix’s words, swaying her head back and forth. “No, he wants your presence. It’s time to go to your rightful place.”
“Clever,” green eyes glowed fiercely as he took a step forward. “Did he tell you to say that? Because I think I’ve heard those words before.”
Bellatrix seemed to hesitate at the show of power, her eyes widening before narrowing. “You’ve been very disrespectful to the Dark Lord, little nephew of mine. Running around with this trash, when your body belongs to the Dark Lord.” She hissed at Zabini, motioning her wand in his direction, ready to curse him.
She didn’t get the first syllable out of her lips. Her fingers froze over with ice. “You will not harm him, Bellatrix.” Harry stepped in front of Blaise. “Nor do you have a right to stick your egoistic nose in the Dark Lord’s and my privacy. What happens between him and I is private, you will not belittle me, you will not disrespect me. Do you understand?” The ice inched further up her arm. Harry knew it would be painful, but Bellatrix tipped back her neck and laughed. It showed him just how messed up in the head she was.
“Pathetic,” Harry spat, turning his back on the Death Eaters. “Bloody insane.”
“He’s worried about you,” a new voice took over for the Death Eaters. Harry knew, without turning, that it was Lucius. “You look like hell, Harrison. Your weight-,”
“The day the Dark Lord is truly worried; I’ll get on my hands and knees and lick the bottom of his boots.” Harry vowed. “I will not be leaving with you.” He looked over his shoulder at the silent crowd of Death Eaters. “You can either help me with the werewolves, as I’m sure the Dark Lord would love their alliance, or stay the hell out of my business.”
He continued forward. “Bloody hell,” Sirius breathed his eyes wide as he trotted to keep up with Harry. “I never knew the Dark Lord and you had such a…”
“Save it Sirius,” Harry whispered, using his nose to guide him to where the werewolves were. They already lost a lot of time. “You knew I was never light. The Dark Lord and I do have a history, yes, but you’d do better to stay out of it.” He turned to look at his cousin. The man was frowning. “You won’t tell anyone about what you’ve heard today.”
It wasn’t a question and it certainly wasn’t a plead, but Sirius nodded nonetheless.
Draco and Blaise pushed at each other to get on the other side of Harry. “That was brilliant,” Draco breathed, eyes drinking in Harry obsessively. “Who knew saving Lupin would be so much fun.”
“Ah,” Harry smirked. “The fun has yet to begin, my dear brother.”
The four lead the way, ignoring the slithering crowd of Death Eaters behind them. Harry had trouble pulling his rage and anger away before he encountered the werewolves. The last thing he wanted was to storm in there with his magic unveiled and have them attack out of fear and defense. But it was difficult when he knew that… man’s eyes were on him. Voldemort knew everything, just like Draco said. And now the Dark Lord had the audacity to request for Harry to leave Hogwarts and come to him?
It wasn’t right. And he’d do anything in his power to avoid that scenario. The man had yet to apologize for his wrongdoing. Sending his servants out to ‘help’ him didn’t count at all. And the fact that the Dark Lord knew everything that was going on with him at Hogwarts didn’t settle well with him.
“You’re giving off restless vibes,” Blaise murmured in his ear. “Calm down.”
Harry took a calming breath as he came upon a deep grove. He ducked down, and peeked inside the warm den. Already, the werewolves were surrounding Lupin and Greyback. From the looks of things, Lupin was dying. He was too late.
“Merlin, Harry, please…” Sirius whimpered.
“I’m sorry Sirius,” Harry breathed, seeing Lupin’s aura flicker. Behind him, the Death Eaters all crowded in close. There was not one bit of privacy… “We’re too late.” Bellatrix gave a snicker, sending Sirius on a rampage. “Sirius- Sirius!” Harry hissed, lunging toward his cousin who had charged inside the den, yelling in rage.
For a moment, all Harry could do was rub his temples. He watched as the werewolves all tensed up and snapped their attention toward the charging wizard. Greyback stood up, his amber eyes flashing in amusement. That was, until Sirius spat a curse at him.
Harry stepped forward and with his magic, he intercepted the curse. He subdued Sirius, watching as his cousin dropped to the floor, bound. “So sorry about that,” Harry drawled.
Wild amber eyes were immediately directed at him. Harry knew instantly that they were intrigued by him, by his Seer. Crouching down low, they prowled closer to him, sniffing him out. Harry remained still, keeping his hands calmly by his sides. He kept half his attention on the Death Eaters, making sure they didn’t attack. They kept still, waiting his orders like the good little servants they were.
Greyback straightened up from his position near Remus and drank Harry in.
The werewolves around Harry touched him and his robes, paying special attention of rubbing themselves against his body. Pretty soon, he was surrounded, blocked. He couldn’t see anything but burning and sweaty skin. He tried to hold his breath, because the more he smelt, the more his magic wanted to be released to attack. Growls of pleasure sounded in their chests and Harry did everything in his power to keep his gaze upward, away from their exposed and hardening members.
Fingers clutched at his skin, claiming it with licks and small bites. Harry had to remind himself that if they broke his skin, he wouldn’t get the infection. It was only semen, exchange of blood, and bites on the full moon.
Soon, Harry had to struggle in order to stay standing. He could feel the Death Eater’s and Draco and Blaise’s hesitation. They wanted to attack. And at the moment, Harry wouldn’t mind a little help.
“Back off lovelies,” instantly, the tongues and bodies disappeared, stepping away from him- if not a little slowly.
Taking his eyes off the ceiling, Harry turned his gaze on to the approaching figure of Greyback. Keeping his eyes on the alpha, Harry lifted Sirius off his bindings. His cousin stumbled to his feet, running to the prone form of Lupin. “What do we have here, hmm?” He walked through the parting werewolves, exuberating pure power. Not magical power, but physical and mental power.
Greyback stood in front of him, easily towering over him. With a large hand, he reached out and turned Harry’s chin, bearing the Seer mark to his eyes. “A Seer…” Greyback purred deeply. Leaning forward, his lips caressed Harry’s ear. “A pretty little Seer, a legend among werewolves. We call them our Moon Childe.” Sharp amber eyes glanced behind him. “With the presence of Death Eaters.”
Stepping closer, Harry could feel the burning heat from Greyback’s skin. Strong arms wrapped around his waist and brought him flush against his chest. “I would like to make a transaction with you,” he murmured as Greyback bent down low to inhale his neck.
“Get your filthy hands off him!”
It was Bellatrix, of course it would be. Fenrir gave a deep laugh, remaining close. He ignored Bellatrix’s spat and continued to caress Harry’s neck. “You smell delicious, pretty Seer.” A tongue came out and ran itself across Harry’s cheek. Refusing to shudder in disgust, Harry bit his lower lip. It wouldn’t do well to give off uncomfortable vibes… his Seer had to remain neutral, if not alluring with the werewolves around.
“A deal…” Harry reminded, feeling Greyback rub himself against him. Merlin. God… He was all but humping him. His face flushed, knowing what he must look like to the Death Eaters. He pulled back, but Greyback gripped his wrist, pulling him back.
“Let me guess,” Greyback leered. “You want that little mutt on the floor, am I right?”
The Death Eaters were advancing forward, finally getting annoyed enough with Greyback to come forth. The werewolves were in a circle around both Harry and Fenrir, and they growled, bearing their teeth as they faced the Death Eaters in a crouch.
Harry breathed through his nose. At least Greyback had stopped rubbing himself on him. But that could be because he was satisfied that Harry already reeked of him. Instead, his heavy hand was playing with Harry’s loose curls, while the other still curled around his wrist. “I think…” Harry started, flashing a grinning Greyback a glare. “That Lupin is already close to death. I think we need to make another bargaining chip.”
Greyback barked in laughter, his long finger nails scrapping and combing through Harry’s hair. “Oh, Childe, you want me to give my loyalty to the Dark Lord, don’t you? Become the dark side’s dog.” Sharp teeth flashed. “I think not.”
The Death Eaters all raised their wands, ready to cast at the werewolves. Harry turned away from Fenrir’s stare and hissed at them. “Do not attack; I have not given you the right to do so, have I?” They hesitantly lowered their wands. Harry turned back around to Greyback.
“Interesting…” The alpha murmured. “It seems with our absence, things on the dark side have changed. Is the Dark Lord still-,”
“Dark Lord Voldemort is still the Lord, yes. He has just given me a handful of his Death Eaters as an apology gift.”
“So you have just as much power as him?” Fenrir leaned closer. “Both in authority to the dark side and in magical means.” His lip turned up. “I detest wizards, pretty, but you… you are different. I may just have to make an offer with you.” Harry relaxed slightly. “Tell me, what is your name?”
“Harrison Malfoy,” he grounded out.
“A Malfoy?” Greyback’s eyes finally tore themselves away from Harry’s face, the first time since their encounter, and glanced at Draco. “The little blonde whelps?” Harry looked at his brother, Seeing the raw fear as Fenrir stared him down. “You are but an Adonis to them, pretty.” Greyback turned back around and stroked his hair. “What is it that you wish of us?”
“Lupin,” Harry shook himself, glancing at Sirius. The man was trying to heal Remus, shaking and muttering above the werewolf. Seeing Remus now, Harry knew the werewolf could hang on. “And your… assistance with the dark.”
Greyback chuckled lowly in his throat. “Assistance? Assistance, did you hear that?” He directed his question to the werewolves at his feet. They all flashed him a grin full of teeth, setting Harry on edge. “Assistance, pretty? Not servitude? Not slavery?”
The werewolves all laughed. “No,” Harry cut them off. “I believe werewolves are their own group of beings. Just like wizards are. You are but a Lord to your people, Greyback, are you not? Just like Lord Voldemort is to his wizards.” Harry took a step closer to Greyback, grinning up at him. “I can’t imagine a Lord of werewolves on his knees, sniveling. Just like I can’t imagine Voldemort on his knees for the Lord of wolves.”
Greyback lost his mirth. He was hard to read as he stared openly at Harry. “Of course, Lord Voldemort would still be the commander, if you will. He’s in charge, but you will never have to act so lowly to him.”
Harry knew he was digging on ground he should stay far away from. Voldemort would have wanted the werewolves to be sniveling creatures, crawling to him and salivating all over the floor. But Harry couldn’t see that. Werewolves were powerful creatures in their own right. It best if he approach them on equal grounds.
“I would kill you now, pretty, if I didn’t see first hand the amount of power you hold over the dark.” Greyback started. “Offering me partnership, instead of servitude is something no one can do, but the Dark Lord. I would take you as a double crosser, luring us to an agreement, and then ensnaring us as beasts as soon as we come within your proximity.” Harry could understand that, he supposed. “What I want to know is what you are to the dark side to hold this much power? To grant us something such as this?”
Harry remained quiet. Werewolves didn’t understand that the more magical power someone held, the higher their status. Considering he had the same amount of power as the Dark Lord, it was a given he would have the same authority… but it wasn’t really that way. It was complicated. Voldemort still saw Harry as lower, and Harry wasn’t even sure he wanted to be on the dark side… leading along side the man.
He wanted to be neutral. Yet, he was a dark neutral.
“Harrison is the Dark Lord’s consort.”
Harry took a deep breath, calming his rage. He was going to kill his aunt.
“I am not.”
Greyback smartly stayed silent on the subject, only tugging Harry closer. He seemed to take Bellatrix’s answer as acceptable, for his trust brightened. “Alright, little pretty, we will help the dark, more specifically, you.” Greyback leered. “I make this deal with you and you alone. I will only listen to your orders.”
“Merlin,” Harry groaned. Why did this negotiating have to be so complicated? He vowed he’d never do this again. “No, you don’t understand… Dark Lord Voldemort is in charge, not me.” Actually… the more he thought about it… the more he realized that it would piss off the Dark Lord if the werewolves listened to only him.
A smirk pulled the corners of his mouth. He was not a leader, he could admit that readily. He’d do a terrible job at leading the werewolves into wars or missions. But he could relay Voldemort’s orders… for a price from the Dark Lord, of course. “Only you, pretty,” Greyback barked, tightening his hold on his wrist. “If you are who you say, your orders will be just as true as the Dark Lord’s.”
“Alright,” Harry agreed.
“Good,” Greyback was pleased. “Now what do I get in return to our alliance?”
The Death Eaters all hissed and murmured in displeasure. “You mutt,” Bellatrix sneered. “He’s already stepped over the Dark Lord’s bounds and actually gave you dignity for the animal you are.”
“Bellatrix,” Harry turned to her, eyeing her still frozen arm. Nagini was still upright, staring at the scene unfolding, probably the Dark Lord’s eyes. “All it will take of me is a simple magic trick and your arm will be shattered. Forever. I’d keep your mouth shut.” She sneered at him but he turned away looking at Greyback. “What is it that you want?”
“I think you are smart enough to realize what I want.” Greyback drawled suggestively tugging Harry flush against his body again. “I want you; preferably as a mate.”
“You know I can’t accept that,” Harry scolded.
He shrugged, letting Harry go. “Then our deal is off. Either I get you, or the light side will gain us as an ally and I’ll just get you on my own method.”
Harry stood there stiffly, looking around at Greyback’s pack. “It looks like you need females.”
“My pack is a strong pack; I leave the weak women for my subpacks.” Meaning, Fenrir controlled more than just his pack. Harry’s lips thinned. He had planned on giving Greyback Granger, but seeing as Fenrir was stubborn, it appeared as if his plan was null. “I want you, pretty, only you.”
“He’s the Dark Lord’s consort, beast. Are you-,”
“Bellatrix,” Lucius’ hand shot out and curled around her frozen arm, squeezing the area where her skin and ice met. She hissed. “Keep quiet.”
“There must be something else you want,” Harry murmured. “I am a Seer, becoming werewolf will destroy that. And you won’t find me half as alluring as you do now without my Seer.” Greyback’s back was turned to him.
“I think you’re wrong about that, pretty.” Greyback looked over his shoulder. “But I suppose I can accept your denial. What I want, in return, is one night with you.”
“Do you think me stupid?” Harry spat. “Your semen will infect me.” He could feel the Death Eaters become far more anxious. They were just itching to attack. Remus was slowly loosing ground and Sirius didn’t look as healthy as he did when he was charging inside the werewolf den. His power was drained, having attempted to heal Remus. They need to go… soon.
Greyback gave him a predatory grin. “Perhaps. I’d say we can use magic to withhold my seed from you, but I’d like nothing better than to see it all over you.” Harry stiffened, feeling his stomach knot in both disgust and… Merlin. He wasn’t turned on.
He needed to get laid; preferably with someone other than a werewolf.
“Alright then, I have an idea.” Greyback turned back around. “You have your freaky magic tricks. You can shape shift, can’t you?”
“Animagus, yes,” Harry responded warily, knowing where this was going. There were potions out there, which allowed one to chose which form to be, rather than having it choose you. But Harry had yet to experiment with his magic. Perhaps, with his power, he could transform himself without the need to the potion.
“I want you to become a wolf and join us on full moon nights. Your presence is intoxicating and calm… my pack will benefit from having you around.”
“As will you,” Harry pointed out dryly. Greyback just flashed his canines. “That, I can accept, Greyback-,”
“Fenrir to you, pretty.”
He took a deep breath. “I will agree on that, Fenrir. But, there may be nights that are impossible for me to get away.” Greyback lowered his lids, glowering.
“Every full moon, Childe.”
Harry grinded his teeth together, stepped backwards. The werewolves all growled in protest of his retreat. “Every moon, Fenrir.” He motioned to a motionless Blaise and Draco to help Sirius and start leaving. They seemed to understand his message, for they jogged over toward Sirius and helped him off the floor. “I’ll see you here, next full moon, then.” He turned to leave, pausing when the werewolves all reared up, blocking his escape.
Greyback seemed pleased by his pack’s actions. “Greyback,” Harry hissed, snapping his head around to glare at the alpha. “Let me through. Or the deal is off.” The alpha sighed, motioning with a lazy hand to back off. They did. Regrettably. Harry pushed through their solid bodies, feeling a few wandering hands. “Let’s go.” He helped Draco’s struggling with his magic, lifting Remus’ dead weight from his arms.
His brother flashed him a thankful look and they hurried out of the den.
It was a matter of minutes before the Death Eaters caught up to them, their disappointment clearly showing. They had wanted a fight. “You’re coming back with us, my Lord.” Harry’s eye twitched at the voice of a Death Eater. “He has ordered your presence, we cannot fail.”
Whirling around, he gripped both Blaise and Draco’s arms. Making sure they were holding on to both Sirius and Remus, he turned back around, looking at Nagini. “You can tell him to fuck off, you understand me? Before he can even approach me, I want an apology. A real apology.” He hissed in Parseltongue.
And with that, he apparated. A spell whizzed past his shoulder, missing him entirely. The last thing he heard was Bellatrix’s scream of rage.
Owls passed up ahead, dropping letters and packages to their intended destination. Harry watch, disinterested, as a Malfoy crested enveloped landed in front of him. “Mummy and daddy on their knees again?” Blaise taunted; a smirk in place.
“Humorous,” Harry scolded, not amused. Draco met his eyes further down the table, staring at him intensely. His twin hadn’t received any mail from their parents. Odd. Usually Draco always got mail when Harry did.
Reaching out, Harry opened the envelope, feeling his stomach grow cold as he read the familiar spidery script. Voldemort.
You can’t avoid me forever, my sweet.
The hell he couldn’t.
Harry shredded the letter and placed it in his water, disgusted.