Chapter: 26

A/n: Next chapter will be a time skip and this chapter there is a small time skip as well… Thanks to those of you who reviewed last chapter ;)

This chapter and next chapter will be with the assassins. In chapter twenty eight, the last half, Harry goes back to the wizarding world.

Chapter Twenty Six: Candy Clouds of Lullaby

“Strip,” Keiran ordered, slamming the door behind him. Harry eyed the man in the corner of the sterile room. This room was the lightest room he had encountered as of yet. The walls were even white not stone or dark. The man in the corner was old, and seeing his aura, he knew it was a Healer.

“Strip?” Harry inquired, grimacing. He was in no way ashamed of his body, in fact, he may be the opposite. Only, he felt…awkward in front of strangers. No one had seen him naked before. Merlin, why did he have to strip?

“Did I stutter?” Keiran raised his eyebrows, motioning for the Healer to get up and approach Harry. “Now child.” Harry refused to show any vulnerability as he untied the golden tassel around his waist and allowed his cloak to drop to the floor. Next where the slacks until he stood in the room, completely naked.

He watched through lazy eyes as the Healer stood up and adjusted his glasses. In his hand, he held a needle and wand. “I’m taking blood first, nothing to be upset over.” The old man inserted the needle in his arm and Harry watched as the syringe filled with crimson blood. The man took the blood sample and made his way across the room toward a contraption of some sort. Setting the sample inside the disc, it started twirling, using the magic around it to test for any impurities.

Keiran stood motionless in the corner of the room, looking almost like a statue with how immobile he was. Harry tried to mimic the man, only to rear backwards when a cold hand touched his ribs. Narrowing his eyes on the Healer, he made himself stay still as the man prodded his body with both his hands and his wand. Harry breathed heavily as the hand wandered lower. “There’s nothing wrong down there, you do not have to wander.”

Keiran grinned. “Let the man do his job, apprentice.”

Harry clenched his jaw, staring at the ceiling. “What was with you saving my arse today?” Harry wondered out loud. “I thought Master’s allowed foul play between students. In fact, I would have thought you wanted to off me before you had to humiliate yourself with training me.”

“He was out of place to lay hands on another student in such a manner, it is against our code.” Keiran murmured. “As far as your training goes, apprentice, you won’t be too hard to train. We’ll focus mainly on your strengths.”

“Oh?” Harry wondered out loud, raising his eyebrows in a mocking fashion. “And what may that be? I thought I didn’t have any.”

“Stop feeling such pity for yourself, child.” Keiran shot back. “It is unbecoming.”

“Sorry Master, I was just repeating what you said to me last night.” Harry caught a ghost of a smile on the man’s face and a flicker of emotion. But it disappeared as quickly as it came.

“You have a tongue on you, little one. And a far hotter temper then I would have originally thought. That can get you into trouble, with not only your enemies, but the other Masters here as well. I am far more lenient with my students then most Guild members.”

Harry cocked his head to the side as the Healer’s fingers and wand probed his neck. He winced lightly as the wand emitted a shock. “That is why the other apprentices are jealous of me then,” Harry realized. “You don’t beat the shit out of your apprentice and you don’t force them to sleep on top of ice.”

“And how do you know that I don’t beat the ‘shit’ out of you?”

Harry gave a smirk. “Was that sarcasm, Master?”

The Healer cleared his throat, bringing the two men’s attention on him. “He’s severely underweight,” his fingertips brushed across his revealing ribs again. “Do you suffer from any headaches?” The doctor asked. “Loss of appetite? Loss of sex drive? Fatigue?”

Harry shifted uncomfortably. “Perhaps,”

“A yes or no,” Keiran ordered.

“Yes,” Harry responded, bored. The Healer motioned for him to put his clothes back on. Harry did so gratefully, tugging his cloak around him protectively from the stares. The hell, he was skinny, so what? His magic was also suffering in exhaustion with the studying and power struggles he went through. What did it matter if he lost weight? Or sex drive? He had a little… after all; he and Blaise had been slightly close that one afternoon…

“Was there anything life altering that has happened in your life recently?”

He glared up at the man. “I just broke up with my bloody girlfriend.” The Healer shook his head sadly and went over to stick his nose in Harry’s blood sample. Bloody idiot. Harry looked down as he tied the tassel around his waist. When he looked up, Keiran was inches from him. He didn’t allow his surprise to show on his face; instead, he met the stare evenly.

“You will be respectful to me and listen, that is all I ask of you. We will get along if you follow those two rules.” Keiran tapped his cheek. “I don’t care if you have a sharp tongue, as long as it’s not disrespectful to me or my teachings and I don’t care if you get angry. But you will respect me and that means listening to my orders. Do you understand?”

Harry frowned, keeping his chin down, but locking his eyes on Keiran. “Of course, Master,” Harry pursed his lips. “But I will stand by my word from last night. I will not tell you anything personal about me or my life. I’m only here to improve myself and to extract your teachings.”

Keiran raised an eyebrow but remained silent. Harry didn’t understand what the vampire was thinking. “Your blood carries the Lewd disease.” Harry snapped his eyes away from Keiran and over to the hunched over form of the Healer. The man’s glasses were slipping down his nose as he scribbled his quill against a piece of parchment.

“Excuse me?” Harry whispered dangerously. “I have the Lewd disease?”

The doctor looked up over his glasses. “No. But you are a Carrier for the disease. Meaning you don’t have the disease but you-,”

“Are able to pass it on to my children, yes, I know what a Carrier is.” Harry gave an ironic smile, feeling his heart miss a beat at the mention of the disease that took his mother’s life. “It’s a good thing I don’t plan on having children then.” Harry was breathing heavily, hating that now, was the time he was getting sore about Narcissa’s death. He flashed an observant Keiran a look. “You said we were going to train, Master, are we finished here?”

Keiran turned his eye on the Healer and the man gave a wave of his hand. “Fatten him up and he’s as good as healthy.”

“Come then,” Keiran led him away. “As I said earlier, we will be concentrating on your strengths; you’re small and you look as if you will never outweigh your opponent in muscle or physical strength.” Harry remained silent as he trotted after the vampire, glad to be out of that room. “With that in mind, we will improve your quickness, your reflexes, your stamina, and your grace. There are pressure points I’ll teach you about and you’ll exceed with the dagger and sword.”

“And what about my emotions?” Harry inquired. “Are you not going to play mind tricks on me? Flatten out my Seer into nonexistence?”

Keiran whirled around, eyeing him up and down with a glint in his eye. “You tell me everything a Seer can do, Harrison, and I’ll teach you to shield your emotions behind a solid mask.”

Harry’s eyes widened. “You’re serious? I though assassins and Seer-,”

“You’ve heard right,” Keiran took an advancing step forward. “Vampires…assassins, are trained not to feel anything. Nothing. But I want to know more about the Seer and you. If you tell me what I want to hear, I will train you to become an assassin and allow your Seer to stay with you. Or, I’ll try my best.”

“Why? Why would you allow that? Why do you want to hear about my-,”

Keiran cut him off again. “Because I disagree with the Head of the Guild,” he said quietly. “He does not want a Seer to be an assassin. But I feel as if you could be of value to us if you were to keep your natural power. Being a Seer… I want to know what it entitles.” The yellow eye was full of intense fire, Harry was unsure if this vampire in front of him was really who he said he was. Perhaps… perhaps Keiran had more to hide than what Harry saw.

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re hiding something? Why do I think that you’re trying to keep my Seer intact for your own personal gain?”

A predatory smile crossed the vampire’s lips. “That is for you to find out yourself, Harrison.” The yellow eye lost its fire behind an icy stare. “You’re far too expressive for your own good. Let’s start with that, shall we? After which, I will teach you how to fight without the use of magic and your Seer.” Harry frowned as he watched Keiran continue on the way.

There was something more to this. And he had a feeling that both Keiran and Regulus were in on it. Pursing his lips, he followed behind Keiran, knowing he would find out sooner or later.


Lucius brushed his robes down, taking a deep breath to compose himself. There were officials from the Ministry in the foyer downstairs. The reason for the visit was a mystery to him and on the contrary, he wasn’t very prepared. Grey eyes looked at himself in the mirror, eyeing the bloodshot eyes and the dark circles.

“My Lucius,” he murmured to himself, using his wand to conceal the signs of weakness and fatigue. “How far you’ve fallen…”

He lost his wife, his equal. Narcissa completed him and without her, he felt as if he were unbalanced. Nostrils flaring, he leaned heavily on his cane and swept out of the room. Harrison had left. He’d been gone for a couple of weeks now and Lucius had no idea where he went. Draco was in Hogwarts and reported Harrison missing, along with the Headmaster and Longbottom. The students were in an uproar over the three missing wizards and rumors spread like wildfire.

Not only were Harrison, Dumbledore, and Longbottom missing, but the Dark Lord took a leave of absence. Lucius hadn’t been called since Harrison had vanished. There was something happening behind the scenes, but Lucius was far too preoccupied with his own problems to really see what it was.

“Ah, Mr. Malfoy,” Lucius raised his eyebrows as Minister Rufus Scrimgeour stood up from the loveseat. With him, four other officials stood with their wands in their holsters, strapped across their waist.

“Minister,” Lucius gave a sharp nod, wary. “What brings you here?” He eyed the untouched drinks on the table before them.

“Actually, many issues are needed to be brought up, Lucius.” The Minister’s wild and unkempt hair shook as the man reared his head in a quick nodding. “First, I’d like to express my condolences for the loss of your wife. Narcissa, I heard, was a magnificent woman.”

“She was,” Lucius replied coldly.

Rufus cleared his throat, sitting down. Lucius stayed standing, crossing his hands over the silver cane in his grasp. The Minister’s eyes were just as cold when they looked at Lucius. “Let’s just get down to business then,” Scrimgeour pulled out a scroll of parchment. “We’d like to ask where your son is, Harrison Regulus.”

Chest contracting, Lucius remained motionless. “Why, may I ask, are you looking for my son?”

Scrimgeour gave him a large smile, a mocking smile. “Simply because he’s under arrest.”

It was news to Lucius. “Really?” he breathed, giving off an innocent expression. “Under what charges? You must know he’s underage…” The Auror next to Scrimgeour gave a snort. Lucius flashed him a glare, sneering at the man.

“He’s under the arrest for Albus Dumbledore’s murder and under suspicions for Neville Longbottom’s disappearance.” Lucius raised his eyebrows, unable to veil his surprise. His son had killed one of the most powerful light wizards of all time? As dangerous as this situation was, Lucius couldn’t help but to feel a bit of pride for his oldest son. Killing Albus Dumbledore?

“I see,” Lucius drawled, leaning against one of the armrest in a poised manner. “Have you found the body of either of them?”

“No, not yet-,”

“So you don’t know for sure if Longbottom is really missing or has just upped and left.” Lucius paused, cocking his head to the side in a thoughtful expression. “So let me get this straight.” Scrimgeour was about to interrupt, but Lucius wouldn’t allow as much. “The greatest wizard of all time was ‘killed’ but you have yet to find the body. Let’s repeat that once again, shall we? The greatest and the most powerful light wizard of all time was killed. And you’re saying a sixteen year old wizard played a hand in his murder?”


“Mr. Malfoy, you of all people should know about the speculations that your son was a growing threat. There are many sources that say Harrison was a very powerful wizard.” Scrimgeour grinned. “But it’s a good thing we have an eye witness of the murder. You see, a portrait witnessed the attack and before Mr. Malfoy could freeze the portraits, one of them was able to deliver the message to Minerva McGonagal.” Scrimgeour smiled.

Lucius grinned back. “You can never trust a portrait, Scrimgeour. That is hardly any proof; I suggest you get more evidence before you waste your time in looking for my son.” He paused. “My son, Draco, told me that the Headmaster was absent ever since school began back from break. That was almost a month ago, Minister. What took you so long?”

The Minister gave a predatory smile. “It’s funny you should ask that, Mr. Malfoy. You see, we wanted to make a…two in one stop, if you will.” Lucius stiffened, eyes flashing. “With Albus Dumbledore’s death, he wrote a will. He sent me an interesting pensive memory, Lucius. A memory about a deal he had with one Harrison Malfoy. He agreed to aid the boy in rescuing you, while holding the information on your…status as a Death Eater, in return for Harrison’s vow to remain neutral during his stay at Hogwarts.”

The three Aurors stood up, hands going to their wands. Lucius straightened up. “Let me see your left forearm, Lucius.”

Lucius lifted his chin up high and pulled up his sleeve, revealing the dark mark. “You will all fall,” Lucius whispered fiercely. “All of you.”

And then he was stunned.


The Great Hall was at abuzz this morning. Draco calmly poured syrup over his pancakes, pursing his lips in annoyance as he felt more than one gaze on him. “Did you see it, Malfoy?” Blaise wondered out loud. He slapped the Prophet. “No, I don’t think you did.”

“What, Zabini?” Draco snapped, sneering over at the black wizard.

Whispers grew louder and Draco looked up, shooting them all a glare.

“This,” the Prophet was thrust in his face.

Malfoy Empire Crumbles. Draco grimaced, taking the paper. On the front page was a picture of Harrison, grinning. It claimed him as a fugitive, responsible for the death of Albus Dumbledore and the disappearance of Longbottom. “Approach with caution,” Draco read, grinning. “How about, ‘if you approach, you’ll likely get killed’?” He read further down the page, seeing a picture of Lucius in custody.

His stomach twisted as he read that Lucius was taken into custody late the night before and very likely taken to Azkaban. This meant, he was the only one holding up the Malfoy name, he was alone…

But he had faith that his brother would come back, wherever he went.

Composing himself, he gave the Prophet back to Zabini and smirked into his pancakes. “You’re not upset?” Zabini questioned, raising his eyebrows.

“Why should I be?” Draco smiled. “I have a powerful brother who will be back and show these bastards’ who is really in charge. The Malfoy family will be great again, rising to the top.” He shot a superior look to the students glancing his way. “And whoever thinks otherwise will be shown wrong.”


“My Lord,” a voice sang. Voldemort took off his reading glasses, giving the women in his private chambers a scathing look. “My Lord!” She sauntered deeper into the chambers, clutching a Prophet in her hands.

“When did I ever give you the right to come in here?” Bellatrix pouted, her dark eyes flashing in mock hurt.

“When I thought you’d like to see this,” the Prophet dropped on his desk, over his open books and freshly inked notes. “My, my, how the Malfoy family has fallen.” Voldemort eyed the parchment, looking at the brilliant eyes of his Match.

“I’ve already seen this, Bellatrix. You may leave now.”

“Aren’t you at all saddened that Lucius has been taken away?”

“That is why I have asked you to retrieve a detailed map of Azkaban. With it, I want all the names of my followers and what floor they’re on and what number cell.” He turned back to his tome. His shoulders tensed as Bellatrix placed her chest on his back and ran her hands down his arms in a seductive manner.

“My Lord,” she moaned in his ear. Her fingers danced and caressed his bare skin on his hands. “Why don’t I help you…warm your bed while my nephew is away? It must be lonely without him. I can always help you… just like old times.”

Voldemort’s crimson eyes burned. With his magic, an invisible arm wrapped around her waist, tossing her across the room. She landed like rag doll, her head banging particularly heavy on the stone floor. He stood up calmly, gliding in her direction. “Old times, Bellatrix, was over twenty years ago. There is only one that warms my bed now.” He crouched down to her frightened eyes. “Don’t ever think that you are on the same level as him.” He hissed angrily. “Leave me and make yourself useful.”

She scrambled up, running out of his chambers.

She deserved much more than a head pounding. Voldemort hissed, looking at the bed across the room. He’d been clean for twenty years now. And on the contrary, it didn’t bother him. Harrison was the only one that would be touching those sheets, no one else. The thought of allowing another to touch him disgusted him. Blame it on the little brat… he’d get his revenge when the boy came back.

Breathing deeply, he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Perhaps it was time to get back to work; otherwise, he’d drowned in himself if he started thinking of the little minx.


“Regulus?” Harry stood up from his bed, about to get ready for bed. His whole body was sore and Keiran hadn’t shone any mercy today. Just as he was about to strip, he heard his door unlock. Thinking it was Keiran he was ready to give the man a tongue lashing, but to his surprise, it was his cousin.

The man stood in the shadows, clutching the door with his hand. “Do you mind if I come in?”

Harry gave a sharp nod, clearing his face. It had been weeks since he’d come here and Keiran had successfully showed him how to remain emotionless when the time called for it. Pythia, had been a great teacher, but Keiran was even better. The vampire knew his stuff and he taught it with a firm hand. Harry had been bruised on several occasions and even had broken a few bones, but he could say he was proud of himself. Despite all the humiliation he had to go through.

Regulus shut the door to his room and entered further inside. The last time Harry had talked with his cousin had been the day he arrived here. Keiran had kept him under wraps, only allowing him to eat with the other students and that was it.

His cousin stopped across from him, staring. Harry stared back.

Regulus allowed a smirk to spread across his face. “Keiran is teaching you well, it seems. How long has it been? Three weeks? Much improvement from the first time I saw you.” Harry watched as Regulus slowly advanced forward, sitting on his bed. “You mind?”

“No,” Harry calmly sat down, eyeing the vampire. “I’m guessing you’re here to finally tell me why you faked your death.”

“I wasn’t going to survive, being a Seer and all. But Keiran was my Master at the time and saw potential in me.” Regulus shrugged. “He destroyed my Seer and made me into this.”

“A cold hard assassin,” Harry finished for him. “But why did you fake your own death? Why leave behind your family?”

His cousin looked into the fire, giving a sad smile. “Because of what I turned out to be, I could have never gone back to them. Even if I was a Black, I was always grinning and laughing… I always tried to mimic Sirius. And Narcissa and I were close; she was one of my closest friends as a child.” The man shrugged. “I couldn’t go back, so I faked my death. I had the Assassin Guild owl my family and tell them I didn’t succeed in passing their standards. They sent my dagger to them after my last vision of you.”

Regulus sighed. “I wasn’t as strong as you, Harrison. Look at you, you’re a full fledged Seer and yet, you look as cold as the rest of us. Keiran tells me you are succeeding and improving much faster than he predicted.” Regulus reached over to lay his hand on Harry’s knee. “I’m proud of you.”

Harry stared at the hand on his knee. It was warm, unlike the cold touches he had felt earlier from all the vampires. He couldn’t help a smile to cross his lips, feeling something within him warm at the touch of Regulus. It was what he always dreamed his father to do. “Thank you, Regulus.” The man grinned, not mentioning anything about the lack of ‘Master’.

“You’re also changing Master Keiran with your presence,” Regulus winked. “And me, I suppose.”

“What do you mean? Master Keiran-,” Harry denied.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed, Harrison.” Regulus tightened his hand on Harry’s knee. “That vampire hasn’t smiled once ever since he became the Hand. And with you, I’ve seen him do it more than once. I suppose it’s a blend of your contagious personality and your Seer. He always mentions your sharp tongue. I think he’s rather fond of you.”

Harry frowned at that, scooting closer to Regulus. “And when are you going to tell me about Keiran’s and your plan?”

Regulus’ face morphed back into stone. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed, Regulus.” Harry used the vampire’s words back at him. “I’ve seen the way the Guild is usually split in two groups, how Keiran seems to always privately disagree with the Head…” Harry spoke softly, inching closer to his cousin. “You’re planning on a revolt, aren’t you?”


Harry whispered in the man’s ear. “But why are you aiming to kill the Head of the Assassin Guild?”

“What is going on here?” A cold voice spoke from just feet away from them. Harry calmly backed away from Regulus, eyeing Keiran who now stood before them, his yellow eye intense. “Master Black, I didn’t remember giving you permission to speak to my apprentice.”

“Master,” Harry started calmly. “Master Black is my cousin, my presumed dead cousin. We were just catching up.” Keiran stepped closer, his eye still on Regulus. That vampire…honestly. “Actually,” Harry drawled arrogantly, successfully getting Keiran’s attention. The vampire hated when Harry was arrogant. “I lied. I was just asking Regulus why you and he wanted to kill-,”

A cold hand lay over his mouth, shutting him up. “Hush,” Regulus hissed.

Harry took Regulus’ wrist and forced it off him. “I’m not stupid; I wasn’t going to say it.” He looked at his Master. “But I would like to know why I’m here. Why are you training me so hard?”

“I train all my students that way, Harrison.”

“No,” Harry breathed, frowning at both men. “There is something underhanded going on here. And for some reason, you believe I can help you. What is it?” He looked away from his Master and to Regulus, thinking he could break him first. “You told me I was destined to be here… why? What’s wrong with the Guild? Is there manipulation? Deception?” Regulus took a deep breath, glancing at Keiran.

Harry clenched his jaw, snapping his head around to see a yellow gaze on him. “Master? Will you tell me?” Keiran took a step closer, kneeling down before Harry. With quick hands, he took Harry’s face and brought him forward.

Heart giving a profound ‘pound’ at the proximity of Keiran’s mouth near his neck, Harry tried to calm himself. He wouldn’t bite him… he wouldn’t. Keiran’s nose traced his jugular and the hands on his face tightened. “Can you hear me?” he whispered softly.

Being a vampire, Harry knew they could talk as quiet as the wind and hear as sharp as any animal. He gave a nod, as much as possible with the cold hands on his face. The small hairs on his neck raised with Keiran’s breath ghosting across his skin. He shouldn’t be feeling this… aware of Keiran’s presence. His Master always touched him, especially when they were training. But never this intimately… a voice sneered.

“For over centuries, the Assassin Guild never stepped in wars, whether it is muggle or wizard. Recently, the Head of the Guild has been disappearing lately. He takes a few Guild members with him and just recently, I’ve found out that he’s meeting with a figurehead for the wizarding world. He’s been negotiating with them, planning on joining the war on one side.” Keiran paused and Harry could feel the hot breath become warmer with anger. “He’s power hungry; he wants to change the Guild, our whole society. He wants to destroy our secrecy and bring us out into the light… I don’t want that and there are others who are against it as well.”

Keiran leaned back, searching Harry’s expression.

Harry remained blank though, using his Master’s teachings. He understood where Keiran was coming from. The Head of the Guild, the most powerful assassin, wanted to join a side in the war- after centuries of being neutral. Assassins were secretive, they were mysterious, and they thrived on people not knowing anything about them. Participating in the war could damage their reputation, their power, their stealth…

“Do you know who the Head is negotiating with?” Harry whispered.

“That’s what we hoped you could answer, Harrison.” Regulus spoke up. “Master Keiran and I don’t go out much,” he gave a crooked grin. “If we do it’ll be to hunt our targets, not catch up on the outside world.”

Harry looked down. “It isn’t the Dark Lord Voldemort.”

Regulus leaned forward, a wicked grin on his lips. “And why is that, Harrison?” There was a iniquitous gleam in his eyes as if he knew what was between Harry and the Dark Lord. Harry narrowed his eyes on his cousin.

“Because we’re partners,”

“What kind of partners?”

“Regulus,” Keiran warned with a hiss, frowning in distaste. “Control yourself.” Harry watched as Regulus deflated, becoming a stone statue once again. For once, Harry was happy that his cousin was impassive again.

“The Dark Lord wouldn’t contact the assassins,” Harry repeated. “I was with him before I came here and he would have shared that bit of information with me.” He eyed Keiran. “No, I don’t think he’d want to be in an alliance with the vampires.”

Regulus leaned forward. “Then Dumbledore?” He asked quietly.

Harry looked upward, holding in a sigh. Keiran and he had been training for about three weeks now. The vampire hadn’t asked Harry again to share any information regarding the Seer and his own personal life. It was a nice gesture on his part, not to push, but Harry knew he’d eventually have to tell Keiran in order for the man to understand how to train him properly with his Seer.

“It would make more sense,” Harry pondered. “The light doesn’t like to get their hands dirty with blood… it would be convenient if they made an alliance with assassins in order to kill the dark wizards.” Regulus nodded along side him, Harry resisted a grin. “But it can’t be Dumbledore. The old fool is dead.”

Regulus lost his emotionless mask once more, leaning over and pinching Harry’s cheeks. “Did my little cousin kill off the most powerful light wizard?” Blood rushed to Harry’s cheeks at the man’s behavior. It couldn’t be, could it? Was Regulus Black slowly converting backward to his old self? How could that be? Perhaps… Harry’s Seer? He narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering if Regulus had foreseen this as well. Did the man know he would loose his emotions, only to gain them back when his Seer of a cousin came to him?

“Regulus,” Keiran hissed, taking Regulus by the hair and pulling him away. “Should we resume your training?” Harry observed the two beneath lower lids. Master and ex-apprentice stared at one another, the later slumping in submission.

“No, Master Keiran,” Regulus shot Harry a look. “But you obviously have never met Albus Dumbledore. It is an honor to be Harrison’s presence…”

Harry cleared his throat. Keiran narrowed his sights on Harry. “So you’re dark? You are on the Dark Lord’s side? And the Head has little favor of you being here, that means he has sided with the light… is there any other light figurehead besides Dumbledore?”

“No,” Harry shook his head. “There is no one… Dumbledore must have been corresponding with someone before he died… There is the Minister but he’s nothing of significance.” Harry shrugged. “I’ll think more on it, but as of now, I don’t know.”

The two vampires blinked at him. “What?” Harry asked.

“Nothing,” Keiran stood up, brushing at his robes. “You should get some sleep; I’ll be waking you at the same time tomorrow. Regulus, off you go.” His cousin stood up just as swiftly and gracefully as the Hand of Guild.

“You should know…” Harry started off quietly, looking at the floor. “That she died.”

From the corner of his eye, he could see both the vampires looking at him. “Who died?” Regulus asked coldly.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck. “Narcissa.” Glowing green eyes locked with dark green. “She died of the Lewd disease. I just thought you should know. She said you and her were close as children and all…”

Regulus took a deep breath, trying to compose himself and not show the raw feeling of loss. He succeeded, but Harry could feel it anyway. “So much for pureblood superiority, egh? You inbred and they die anyway.” The vampire grinned. “She’s in a better place, Harrison.” He reached out and ruffled his hair.

Harry smiled at the attempted comfort and watched as Regulus turned swiftly and left the room. Probably to grieve.

“Master,” Harry lifted himself from the bed and stopped Keiran before the man could leave as well. The Hand turned to him expectantly. “I think it’s time you know what a Seer can do.” Keiran raised his eyebrows, allowing that much emotion to come through. The yellow eye surveyed Harry before he shut the door behind him, entering deeper into the room. “Sit, please,” Harry motioned across the bed from his own sitting form.

“I guess Seer and assassins are much more alike than they’d like to admit.” Harry started as he watched Keiran sit as far away as he could with a cool air about him. “We both like the secrecy from humanity; hardly anyone knows what a Seer can really do. We also like to stay neutral, most of the time.” Harry said dryly, thinking of himself. “And we can kill easily.”

“And you are part of the dark,” Keiran murmured, leaning closer. “What are you? A Death Eater?” Harry was surprised the vampire knew that, considering how long he’d been out of the wizarding world.

“No,” Harry pursed his lips. “I am…an equal to Lord Voldemort.”

The vampire observed him quietly. “So you are important to this war growing.” It wasn’t a question. “I’m guessing, you’re not planning on staying here then.” Harry focused on the way Keiran shut off his expression.

“No,” Harry frowned. “Is that a problem?”

Keiran cocked his head to the side, nonchalant. “Of course not, Regulus hinted at it anyway. Assassins usually live with their families until they’re called for assignments. You must realize that if you pass your assassin exams, you’ll be called in to do assignments, correct?” Harry gave him a perturbed look. Of course he knew that. The vampire grinned, showing his incisor. “Continue on with what Seer do, I’m oddly interested.”

Harry leaned forward. “We can See visions, that’s the basic ability…”

And so he confessed his abilities to his Master. Not even Voldemort knew his full potential. But considering Keiran and he were going to be with each other for more than a few weeks, maybe months, Harry would clue the vampire in.

It was just a small sacrifice for Keiran attempting to train around his Seer.

And Harry was sure Keiran would keep his word and help Harry grab hold of his emotions and keep them while training as an assassin. Harry accepted the fact that he would need help with this. Sometimes, relying on yourself for everything became weary and overtime, mistakes became plentiful and severe.

For the first time in ages, Harry reached out and allowed someone to help him stand.

He just hoped that it would work out.