Chapter: 28

A/n: The big fight ;) lol. I hope it isn’t too bad. I suck at fighting scenes… hehe…agh…
Again, I had hoped I could have responded to those of you who reviewed. I apologize that I didn’t get the time to do so. I had to work a few hours unexpectedly… but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.

Chapter Twenty Eight: Open Your Eyes Hypnotized

“You’ll do fine,” Alex spoke near his ear. If Harry hadn’t felt his destroyed aura approaching, he might have been startled by the sudden voice near his ear. Brilliant green eyes directed their attention toward Alex, Regulus’ apprentice. The boy was cold, no longer carrying his bright aura. Instead, the bright dimmed into something far more…insane. Alex had always been a loose nut, and it showed through. Harry narrowed his eyes at the boy, looking over his shoulder at Regulus.

“Do you train all your apprentices to mirror your cousin?”

Regulus looked flabbergast. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Harrison.”

Raising his eyebrows, Harry watched Keiran make his way over. “Bellatrix? Does it ring a bell?”

His cousin winked at him. “Good luck, Harrison. You’d better make it out of here or we’ll have to deal with an angry Dark Lord…” Regulus took Alex around the shoulders and pushed him toward the arena. Everyone was going to be watching the fight between the Head’s apprentice and the Hand’s apprentice. Harry tried not to get himself too nervous, because he knew he’d succeed.

“You’re not nervous, are you?” Keiran drawled, placing his arm around Harry and guiding him further down the corridor, away from the arena. Harry took comfort in the gesture, leaning into the hard and cold chest of his Master.

“No,” Harry replied quietly. “I think I’m just ready to go back home… my Seer, he told me things were bad. And Voldemort thinks I’ve turned into a cold hearted assassin. No offense, Master.”

“None taken,” the vampire replied amused. They stepped in the shadows and Keiran let Harry go, holding him at the shoulders at arms length away. With an assessing hand, Keiran traced his jaw and neck. “You’re tense, have you stretched?” Harry refused to let his thoughts wander on the hand on his skin. Keiran had done it before why was everything so different now?

“I’ve stretched, Master, yes.” He replied wearily.

Keiran looked at him with his yellow eye. “Come on,” he turned Harry around and forced the smaller closer to him. Harry tensed as he felt hands on his shoulder’s, kneading them in a massage. “I want to apologize again for failing you.” Harry frowned, confused. “I thought I could keep your Seer with you, but I was unsuccessful.”

“You tried though,” Harry murmured; closing his eyes as his Master destroyed his tension. “I can’t really blame you. How can someone, who has been trained not to feel anything, expect to keep their apprentice’s emotions in tack?” He sighed. “It doesn’t matter now. I learned my lesson.” He pulled away from the massage, feeling a brief sensation of loss. And it didn’t come from him.

He stood stiffly, facing away from Keiran. The vampire was feeling things for him. Harry took a shaky breath, clenching his fists together. This couldn’t happen. Not when Harry had Voldemort. Perhaps if he just tried to ignore it, Keiran would either get the hint or he wouldn’t say anything about it. Harry was guessing the later. The Master vampire was probably ashamed at what he was feeling anyway. Harry, himself, felt somewhat ashamed that it was his Seer affecting things. That was the only downside of having the powers of a Seer.

“Do you have your dagger?” Keiran asked.

“Yes, Master,” Harry sheathed his dagger looking at the unique blade. He had fallen in love with it ever since his mother placed it in his hands. “I’m ready.” He flashed the vampire a grin, bowing to him at the waist. “You’ve trained me well, Master Keiran; I would like to thank you for all you’ve done.” What he said rang true. When he had abandoned his emotions and his Seer, he distinctively remembered how hesitant Keiran became when he noticed Harry’s change. The vampire had tried, countless of times, to try to talk with Harry about his loss of emotions. And Harry had tuned him out, thinking he knew everything.

He was touched that Keiran had tried his hardest to get Harry’s emotions to remain. Even if it was in vain.

Keiran laid his hand on Harry’s bowed head.

The vampire didn’t speak back, but he didn’t have to. Keiran knew Harry’s Seer ability and he sent his emotions through with his touch; affection, thanks, gratitude, pride… Harry smiled as he felt the powerful hand remove itself from his head. “Come Harrison. It’s time for your last task.” Keiran turned his heel and walked toward the arena. By now, Harry could sense multiple of bodies inside, all waiting for the match. “Remember child, your Seer will aid you. Zachary probably has a few underhanded tricks up his sleeve from Akira.”

Harry felt his heart begin to beat wildly as he stepped foot into the arena. It was dim inside, the only lightened area were the mats in the center of the room. It was a wide fighting range, one that Harry preferred when he fought with many flips and quick maneuvers. He wasn’t a close rage fighter, he was touch and go. Some would say he was too jumpy, but Keiran denied it, telling him many smaller assassins fought in such a way.

Off to the side, in the deeper shadows, spectators watched and observed. Harry knew that every assassin and every Guild member would be in attendance. Not just because of a historic fight between the Head and Hand’s apprentice but because of what was surely going to happen after the fight. A split. Between assassins who wanted to stay in the shadows, away from humanity and then those assassins who wanted to follow the corrupted Head, who wanted limelight and to change their course of privacy.

Harry took a deep breath as he slipped off his shoes. Cold mats cushioned his skin, sending a small sense of serenity through him. Keiran approached behind him and at the opposite end, Zachary and the Head, Akira stood unmoving in the center. Keiran led him over. Harry was forced to bow to Zachary, his rival, while Keiran and Akira had to do the same gesture to one another.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Akira stay stiff, not returning the bow to Keiran. “Good luck, Keiran.” Akira whispered softly, smiling. “You’re going to need it.” With that, he turned away, leading his apprentice further on the opposite end.

“Bastard,” Harry hissed. “He shows no respect to you, Master.”

“Patience is a virtue, Harrison.” Keiran murmured, barely moving his mouth. “He’ll soon get what’s coming to him.” The vampire paused. “But he is a bloody bastard, isn’t he?” Harry grinned up at his Master, slowly untying his gold tassel around his waist. As was customary, before a duel, he got on his knees and presented his tassel. Odd, but in a way, it showed respect to his teacher.

Keiran took the tassel and gathered his cloak from him. “You’ll do fine… you’re heart is far too quick right now and you haven’t even started.” The vampire scolded.

“Sorry,” Harry muttered. “I’m…excited. Not frightened.” Keiran gave a quiet tisk.

Harry straightened up, placing his dagger in his holster at his hip. The taskmaster made his way over, bringing with him a long sword. Harry accepted the sword, nodding in approval at the taskmaster. It would appear as if they were allowed a sword for this duel. Other duels, he had used a crowbar, a Bo staff, or just hands. At least he was efficient with the sword and dagger. Across from him, Zachary approached the center, his clutch on the sword lazy and arrogant.

Harry turned his back on Keiran and made his way to the center as well. The taskmaster stood between the two fighters, eyeing both of them through lowered lids. He’d be the vampire that made sure the fight started fair. And he’d be the one to declare the winner.

“At the ready,” taskmaster ordered.

Twin swords clashed together, each putting pressure on their opponent. Beneath his lashes, Harry surveyed his opponent. Zachary was at least four inches taller than him. His naked chest revealed the young man’s muscular build and scars. He was definitely heavier than Harry in muscle and height and from what Harry heard from Regulus, Zachary was also quick. Of course Akira would take on the star pupil as an apprentice… to kill him off.

Harry was sure of it.

Akira wanted to off Harry. And whomever he was working with wanted to kill him as well.

He was more than sure Zachary had a deceitful trick up his sleeve. With a calm air about him, Harry slowly planted Seeds in his opponent, Seeds of uncertainty and insecurity. It would be slow, not so much as an onslaught of emotion. The boy would be suspicious if he all of a sudden felt a burst of emotion, not when he didn’t feel any. Through the battle, Harry would have to concentrate on the Seeds, making them grow.

With his sword against Zachary’s he felt the mere strength behind the boy. Almost…suspicious strength.

“Begin,” and the two didn’t waste a second.

Harry and Zachary danced around one another, parrying and thrusting. Each strike from Zachary made Harry breathless. It was almost like dueling with Keiran… how? Harry drove more force behind his attack and backed his opponent up a few steps before slicing the boy’s forearm. Blood spilt but Zachary barely even flinched as he twisted his arm around, disarming Harry. Sweat dropped in Harry’s eyes as he glanced at his flying sword that clattered close to Keiran’s feet.

Zachary grunted as he lunged at Harry, blade exposed.

It barely scraped his neck before Harry thrust his body backwards in a flip, his foot kicking Zachary heavily in his jaw. In mid back flip, as his hands touched the floor, he twisted his body and side flipped away from the lunging sword he knew would be waiting for his descent. Once his feet hit the mat, he ducked underneath a sword and grabbed Zachary’s elbow, twisting it sharply, hearing something crack.

The boy gave a pained grunt, dropping his sword.

They were on equal grounds. Harry’s neck was bleeding, Zachary’s forearm was bleeding, and they were swordless.

Harry crouched down low, mirroring Zachary as they circled one another. With his Seer, he urged the Seeds to grow. Zachary roared, flipping his dagger out of his holster and lunging. The blade nicked Harry across the chest as he cartwheeled away. By the time his feet hit the mat, he was feeling dizzy.

He blinked, giving a look at Keiran across the room, and stumbling on his arse. The dagger didn’t cut a large gash across his chest, yet it felt as if he lost a lot of blood…

The boy’s dagger had a type of poison on it.

Harry hissed, using his magic to clear his vision. “Check his dagger!” Keiran hissed at the taskmaster. The taskmaster made a move to step forward, but a halting hand from the Head of the assassins stopped him in his place.

Harry flipped himself off the floor, grabbing his dagger from his holster as Zachary came at him once again. His magic was allowing him to stand his ground, pushing aside the affects of the opponent’s dagger. His feet took hold of the fight and danced gracefully around the bigger boy. With quick reflexes, he arched away from each thrust Zachary attempted with his poisoned dagger. He could feel the Seeds start to grow, almost at their critical point.

Keiran always smugly complimented Harry on his dagger skills. And Harry believed he did his Master proud as he placed small cuts all over the larger body. He could never, truly, go deep enough, but the boy was starting to lose blood because of the many gashes he had. Harry gave an intricate twist, catching Zachary at his vulnerable waist. His blade sliced a good portion of the boy and blood fell freely onto the mats.

Zachary snapped, dropping his dagger in a fit of rage.

With inhuman reflexes, he grabbed Harry’s forearm and attempted to break it. But Harry flipped with the movement, bringing his body around and striking the boy at his temple with his heel.

Pity his dagger was lost in the motion, joining his sword across the mat toward his Master. Harry was dropped to the ground and he rolled into a summersault as the foot came down on him. He jumped up, evading the fist with a duck, but it hadn’t been prepared for the opposite fist from plowing at his stomach. Green eyes widened and his mouth opened in a silent scream at the power behind the hit.

His small body flew a few feet before crumbling to the ground.

And Harry knew, then, that Zachary was ingesting vampire blood.

Vampire blood, in any human, would strengthen them and make them faster.

He gasped for air, feeling a rib come out of joint. With shaking fingers, he placed his hands on the mat, intending to push himself up or at least do a flip, but Zachary came at him in quick movements, taking him by the neck. His whole body was lifted in the air, causing his feet to dangle uselessly above the ground. Gasping for breath, blinding green eyes narrowed on his enemy. He urged the Seeds to grow, causing Zachary to falter. His fingers loosened around his throat at the feelings of doubt coursing through him.

Harry brought his foot forward and dug it into the stab wound on the boy’s stomach. Zachary screamed. Harry could see the Seeds working their magic. His opponent would have never showed any emotion, nor pain. But now…now he was acting on his anger. And that would be his downfall.

The world spun as he was thrown roughly to the ground and a knee caught him in his stomach before he could drop. Harry coughed up salvia and blood as he felt his rib move once again. Before he could open his eyes or react, a foot kicked him, causing him to roll a good distance away.

Harry’s body shook and he stumbled on his hands and knees, realizing he was near his sword and dagger once more. Zachary was slowly advancing, taking all the time in the world with his arrogance…because of the Seeds.

Looking down at his weapons, he knew he had to end this. Keiran’s emotions were starting to get stronger and Harry knew the vampire would interrupt if things got too far. Making sure Zachary’s attention was on the sword, he nonchalantly slipped his dagger in the back of his pants. The cool steel reassured him as he stood up, making a show of having one free hand and the other around his sword.

And then he rushed forward.

Zachary picked his own sword up; doing exactly what Harry wanted him to do.

With a cold chuckle, Harry thrust his sword downward and up. As planned, Zachary bent downward just slightly, blocking his thrust. Unfortunately, he cut a decent size wound on Harry’s forearm, but it was worth the price. Swiftly, Harry grabbed his dagger from behind his back with a quick reflex he sliced it across Zachary’s bare and vulnerable neck.

Taking a step back, he watched the boy’s face turn gray. A terrified surprise etched Zachary’s face as the life liquid ran freely from his neck. Smirking, Harry wiped his blood soaked dagger on his black pants, watching as Zachary collapsed to the floor. Dead.

Clapping sounded through the dark arena and Harry had to swallow his surprise. He had forgotten that there were spectators.

The taskmaster took a step forward, opening his mouth to declare victory to Harry. But a blade cut straight through the man’s neck, beheading and silencing him. Harry hardly had time to react when he saw another dagger heading his way. Before he could use his magic to block it, a hand reached out and snatched it, inches from his face.

Keiran stood strongly in front of Harry, his fingers white as he clutched the thrown dagger. “Very underhanded, Akira.” Keiran whispered darkly, throwing the dagger down on the mat. The blade imbedded itself hilt up. “Giving vampire blood to your apprentice? Soaking his dagger with poison before the match?”

Akira stood calmly in front of Keiran, his expression neutral. “We all must make decisions in life, Keiran. We all must choose a side.” The vampire smiled. “Just as you have just done.”

And then everything erupted.

Harry had never seen vampires fighting each other. But it was amazing, fascinating almost. Keiran and Akira collided together, twisting and turning… it was all too hard for Harry to see properly with human eyes. The other vampires burst out in their own fights against one another, clearly showing Harry that Regulus’ word had spread throughout the assassins, and that the vampires and assassins were choosing their side as of now.

Hands dropped down on his shoulders, pulling him away. “Let’s get you out of here.” It was Regulus.

“I’m not leaving Keiran-,”

“He can hold his own. He’ll be coming right after us. We’ve discussed this before your match; he’ll stall long enough in order to get you out.”

“I can use my magic,” Harry argued, being literally pulled by the vampire. “Please Regulus,”

“Please just listen to me…just this once.” Harry grabbed his cloak from the floor and followed his cousin out. Regulus still had a good hold on Harry’s arm, forcing him to run beside the vampire.

They rushed down the stairs, further to the front of the stone castle. Harry had never seen outside and he had never been outside since his stay here. It was odd running out of here. But he saw why just seconds later. “No wonder why wizards can’t find this place,” he replied breathlessly, looking wide-eyed at the outside.

Regulus pulled him further out the castle. It was nothing but a black abyss. As they reached a cliff, Harry gave a yell, pulling back from Regulus’ hold. It wasn’t a cliff. Just the end of solidness. It was almost if the assassin castle were floating on nothingness. “Jump,” Regulus motioned. “And don’t use your magic to levitate yourself; you’ll have freaky consequences then. Just jump.”

Harry breathed, feeling mistrust at Regulus’ words. His cousin sighed. “Come on then, hold my hand like a little boy.”

Before he could protest, Regulus took his hand and jumped.

Harry screamed; slamming his eyes shut as he felt himself fall.


Harry sat stiffly on the gravestone, watching as assassins appeared from the sky as shadows one after another. They moved in the darkness, barely even alerting Harry with their presence. There weren’t many. Perhaps a good fifty or so. But the more Harry thought about it, the more he realized fifty was mostly half of the total amount of assassins and Guild members. Good. At least they were evenly divided.

His magic was thrumming around him, holding him conscious still. The poison from the dagger was still in his system, but he refused to allow it to take over. There was so much he needed to accomplish before he relaxed.

His small form sat above an ivory gravestone, a headstone that spelt out the name Narcissa Malfoy. Green eyes tore away from the assassins and onto the grave. Fresh flowers were placed on the mound. Considering Lucius was in Azkaban, they must have been from Draco.

“She was a lovely woman,” Regulus intoned quietly from beside him. “She saw the light in everyone.”

“She did,” Harry agreed, smiling fondly. “She didn’t deserve that disgraceful death.” Harry looked up at the dark clouds. “I always pictured her immortal.” He gave a sad smile. “Or I pictured her dying in the middle of a fierce duel with her enemy. She’d look breathtaking as she fell, bringing her opponent down with her.” Regulus didn’t say anything to that, but Harry could feel him agree.

“Congratulations, my child.” Cold hands came from the shadows and cupped his cheeks. “You are now an official assassin.”

“Master,” Harry grinned. “Thank you.”

Harry looked around him. It was dark, easy to mold oneself into the shadows. But he watched as the assassins slowly moved forward, crowding together behind Keiran. All the assassins had hoods up and scarves across their faces, only showing their eyes. Keiran and Regulus both followed in dress. Harry supposed it was their customary outfit to wear as they went on their hunt for their victims.

Across each back held a sword and across each waist held a dagger. They were fit for anything.

Harry himself was bloodied and had his apprentice robes on. It didn’t matter much, not when his mind was reeling with what steps to take now.

Keiran dropped his face, turning around to survey the crowds of assassins. “These are your followers, Harrison. They are completely loyal to me, thus they are loyal to you. Some of them stayed back with the students, protecting them, but these are your allies. They will listen to you and take orders. I trust them entirely. They also know the reason why they’re here.” Keiran spoke up. “They wish to remain hidden, in our world. They wish our secrets to remain secrets. They do not want attention; they do not want the limelight, and they wish to stay neutral. We will fight this war, this one time, under your command, in order to accomplish our goals. And kill the Head of the Assassin Guild.”

Harry’s eyes widened a small fraction as Keiran got on one knee, bowing his head. “In our world, you were my student. You could barely defend yourself physically. It was my job to teach you, to guide you. But in this world, I am your follower, waiting for you to guide me and my people.”

Behind Keiran, the assassins quietly got to their own knees.

Harry stood up from his position on his mother’s grave and savored the picture just this once. Assassins, some powerful vampires, were bowing before him. It was laughable, to know that just a few days ago, he was inferior to them, and now they were bowing to him, willing to serve. But he understood that it was right. Harry knew far more about this war. In this world, he was far more excelled then them.

Grinning softly, he gave Keiran his hand. The vampire took it without a moment’s hesitance and Harry forced him to stand up. “That means a lot to me, Master, thank you.” He whispered, meaning it. “But don’t ever bow to me again.” It was difficult to see his Master bowing to him, no matter the consequences.

Behind his head scarf, Harry knew the man was grinning.

“We have to give them a safe place to stay for now, while I gather… people.” Harry murmured, more to himself than anyone. He needed to see Draco, Severus, Remus, and more importantly, Voldemort and the werewolves.

“Do you know someone you can trust well enough to house assassins?” Regulus spoke up.

“Oh,” Harry flashed the man a smirk. “No, not particularly, but I know someone who owes me a debt. You may know him quite well.”


“Harry?” Sirius opened the door a crack, looking out. The man looked horrible. “Is that really you?” Grey eyes glanced at the two figures on either side of him. Keiran and Regulus were both in their assassin uniform, veiling everything but their eyes. Or in Keiran’s case, his eye.

“It’s me Sirius,” Harrison confirmed, raising his eyebrows coldly. “May we come in?”

Sirius had the audacity to flush slightly as he opened the door wider. “I haven’t seen you…for ages. I’d thought that you’d left.” Harry stepped through Grimmuald, feeling his two shadows on either side of him. “Where did you go?” The man asked, closing the door behind them.

“Ah,” Harry licked his lips, looking around the old house, subconsciously searching to see if anyone else was present. There weren’t any. “Around…” he cleared his throat. “We need to talk about what’s happened in my absence… and its time you repaid me for Remus’ life.” The man looked grey as he led Harry to the sitting room.

“Of course,” Sirius sat down heavily on the armchair. Harry openly eyed the half drunken brandy bottle. His cousin gave a sheepish grin and looked pointedly toward Keiran and Regulus who had all but morphed into the shadows.

“They are of no importance at the moment, Sirius.” Harry calmly sat down on the chair across from Sirius. Keiran didn’t want Harry telling anyone their names as it was part of their secrecy, and Regulus especially, wanted to remain hidden. At least until he felt it right to come out to Sirius.

Sirius swallowed swiftly, turning his gaze back on Harry. “You look like hell,” he eyed the crusted blood on Harry’s face and neck. At least he didn’t see what lay under the cloak.

“Yes, well, at least I have an excuse.” Harry motioned to Sirius. “What happened while I was away?”

The Head of the Black family shakily reached for the brandy bottle. His fingers caressed the neck of it in a calming matter, taking a deep breath. “A lot, or, at least I think a lot has happened.” He paused. “It looks good to be on the light side at the moment, Harry.”

“It’s a good thing you’re light then, isn’t it?” Harry asked dangerously, feeling himself grow agitated. Just how badly was the dark side? When he had left, things had looked up. But as he suspected, the light was overpowering.

“I’m not,” Sirius whispered, frowning. “You could say I thought about what you said that day in the hospital wing, about the dark magic and the temptation…” Harry nodded. “I hadn’t stepped foot in another Order meeting, especially when I heard Dumbledore was murdered.” He flashed Harry a look. “Which, by the way, you are being charged with. You’re declared a fugitive, Harry. For Dumbledore’s murder and…Neville’s disappearance.” He looked uncertain.

Harry waved it off. It didn’t surprise him and he frankly didn’t care. “Go on,”

Sirius glanced at the fire. “I was guilty at first…not going to the Order meetings and such. And Remus surprisingly stayed with me, you were right. He felt betrayed by Dumbledore the day he left to go see the werewolves.” Harry resisted the roll of his eyes. “We were both on edge about our decision and with you gone, our guilt was even stronger. But… it changed when the Ministry decided to take all the registered werewolves away.”

“What?” Harry whispered, flabbergasted. “The Ministry took the werewolves away? Why?”

Sirius frowned, his face crumbling. “I don’t know where or why. They just declared werewolves unfit for normal society. They took Remus away… Merlin, Harry, I wasn’t sure what to do, thank Merlin you’re back.”

And then Harry realized why the Ministry took such a large step. “Vampires… they took them away because the vampires from the Assassin Guild are working for them. And vampires and werewolves don’t mix.” Harry said very quietly, knowing his two vampire companions would hear.

“What was that?” Sirius frowned, leaning forward.

“I said the Ministry is stupid for doing such a daring and foolish step.” Harry flashed Sirius a look. “When did this happen?”

“About a month ago,” Sirius confessed. “I didn’t know what to do-,”

“What about Voldemort?” Sirius flinched, looking down. “You knew I supported him, why didn’t you go to him?”

“Save for the obvious reason that he’d kill me on the spot without you beside me? Simply because I don’t know where he is.” Sirius looked hesitant for a moment.

“What?” Harry pushed, feeling something tighten in his chest. “Hasn’t Voldemort been making any progress? Any news? He must be some threat to the Ministry.”

Sirius licked his lips again. “The Ministry has a stronger force than the first war, Harry. The Aurors and Unspeakables are banded together and the Order. They’re a powerful group, or, groups, I should say…” he trailed off but with the look Harry was giving him, he continued. “The Dark Lord was a threat for a good few months, he attacked, destroying some of the Aurors and Ministry figureheads but just recently, a few weeks ago, he decided to break into Azkaban.”

Harry frowned. Had Voldemort wanted to get his father out of Azkaban? Probably not just his father, but the other followers he had locked up as well.

“The dementors didn’t sway from the Ministry and they defended Azkaban pretty good until the Aurors and Unspeakables showed up. As far as I know, the Dark Lord lost a lot of his Death Eaters, Harry.”

The knot in his stomach tightened to a tenfold and he buried his face in his hand, showing his weakness. Merlin, he was worried for Tom. For them, the dark. Things didn’t sound too good. And the werewolves hadn’t even backed them up. Greyback was going to pay. The Ministry was collecting werewolves, true, but they wouldn’t be able to touch Greyback and his pack of wolves. Fenrir had no excuse for not joining with Voldemort.

“Hey,” Sirius leaned forward, placing his hand on Harry’s knee. “He’s ok,” the man started, hesitantly. “I know for a fact that the Dark Lord escaped…”

In his hand, Harry blinked back his fears and fright. He hadn’t expected to react in such a way from hearing that news. From what Sirius said, Voldemort had held his own and was his own threat until a couple of weeks ago. It was time for Harry to find him. His Match. Merlin… was he a love sick teenager? Pathetic…

Harry dropped his hand, giving a small smile toward his second cousin. “Anything else happen?”

Sirius shook his head. “The Ministry is still looking for you, McGonagal is the new Headmistress and Snape,” Sirius shuddered in disgust. “Is the new Deputy Headmaster. From what I gather, the man is no longer a Death Eater.” Sirius gave Harry a look. “And I think your brother dropped out of Hogwarts.” Ah, his little brother… pity Harry would make him go back to Hogwarts for a last task before he totally dropped out.

He stood up and Sirius stood as well. “I trust you’re on my side now?” Harry questioned.

Sirius nodded. “I am.”

“Good,” Harry allowed a malicious smirk to cover his face. “Because I have a task for you… you may think of it as your debt you owe me.” Sirius took a deep breath, looking at a silent and still Keiran and Regulus. “I want you to unplot this house. Anybody who ever remembers this house will become confused on where it is and will be unable to find it. I don’t want anybody, including myself, to be able to use the Floo Network. This house will be invisible to any magical folk that comes here and it will be warded…”

As he was speaking, he was striding toward the front door, a bemused Sirius following behind him. Regulus stood in his way and Harry watched, in amusement, as Sirius blanched at the figure, hesitantly going around him.

“Why all this secrecy? Are you using this house as a headquarters?”

“Something like that,” Harry opened the door wide, nodding his head nonchalantly. Out of the shadows, one by one, assassins swiftly moved inside the house. Sirius flattened himself against the wall, watching the figures appear inside.

“Assassins?” He whispered hoarsely, looking wildly over at Harry. “You went to the assassins?”

Harry made sure all the assassins were inside before he closed the door. He gave a breathless gasp as his rib moved again, reminding him of his weakened state. “Yes, cousin, I did.” Harry threw Sirius a smirk, easily covering his vulnerability.

“And you’re still Seer?” Sirius stared at the mark on his cheek. “After what I told you happened to Regulus, you still decided to go?” Harry refused to glance at the mentioned brother and instead gave a nod.

“As of tonight, I am an official assassin.” He played with the golden tassel around his waist, feeling the blood from his wounds stick and crust over, melding as one with his cloak. He batted his eyelashes. “And I’m still whole, aren’t I?” Harry opened the door. “I’m going out; I want you to start on binding your blood with this house and working on those wards. Merlin knows you should know how to control the Black house when you’re the last known heir…” he trailed off, glancing at Regulus.

Sirius nodded numbly, peeking over the corner at where he assumed the assassins went. Little did he know, there was no one in that room. Harry repressed a smile at that and made his way outside.

To his surprise, Keiran and Regulus followed at his heels. “Don’t you want to stay with your assassins?” He directed the question toward Keiran.

“I trust Ayden to take care of any issues.” Keiran whispered softly. “Between him and Regulus, I will have trouble deciding who will be my Hand.” If he succeeds in killing the Head.

“Well,” Harry flashed Regulus a grin. “There are always two hands to a head, why not just pick two?”

Regulus chuckled. “That was a terrible attempt at humor, Harrison.” Harry laughed, wincing at his ribs as he did so.

“You need to be healed.” Keiran ordered, touching Harry’s waist. The cold hand felt remarkable soothing on his burning body. He assumed he had a fever with his fractured rib and also due to the poison. “I’m surprised you stayed standing this long, Harrison.” His voice turned cold. “Akira tried every underhanded trick he could. Giving his apprentice blood… unholy unless his apprentice was part of the Guild.”

“I survived, didn’t I?” Harry knocked Keiran’s hand away, straightening up. “I have many things to do before I lay down. Finding the Dark Lord is one of them.” He held out both his hands to the two vampires. “I’ll apparate with you both to the Dark Lord’s hideout.”

Cold hands engulfed his, holding on to him, instead of the other way around.

Harry closed his eyes, concentrating on gathering his magic. Just for a moment, he had to take it away from his struggling body and toward apparating. As they cracked away and landed on cold ground, Harry collapsed, feeling the poison take its toll.

Keiran held him close, not allowing him to fall on the ground. “Harrison-,” Keiran started worriedly, but Harry spread his magic once again, building it inside his body as a wall of support. The affects of the poison disappeared as he did so, allowing him to see clearly and stand up on his own. Using his magic so freely again, felt magnificent to him.

That was, until he caught sight of Voldemort hideout.

The house he had spent so much time in, was a pile of nothingness.

“Merlin,” Harry breathed, staring at the shambles and dead bodies. He felt sick and he turned away, placing his hands on his knees to steady himself. The Dark Lord had to be alright. Harry would feel something if his Match was dead. But then again, Voldemort wouldn’t necessarily be dead, just not in existence.

How was he to know if the Dark Lord needed help? Wherever he was? What if the man was floating as a spirit, attempting to resurrect himself? Wouldn’t he need help? But who would understand him? Who would be able to help him?

“Harrison,” Regulus crouched down, placing his hands on his arms. Harry knew what he must look like to the two vampires. They assumed he was a leader of the dark, equal to Voldemort, but right now, he looked pathetic.

Harry stood up straight, clearing his face. “There is one person that may know where the Dark Lord is,” he held out his hands again. “I’m sure you’d like to meet my twin, Draco.”

Two hands covered his again, both of them squeezing his in reassurance. They weren’t fooled by his mask. After all, they were the ones that helped build it.

Clenching his jaw, he apparated to the Malfoy manor.

A/n: Many of you are noticing me update a lot- ha. No, it’s not because I’m staying up all night, sozuroyoku, lol, but because I’m on winter break from college. I’m going back on the 26 of January and I hope to have this story almost finished- if not completed. (I hope to). Then I can start on Can’t Break the Silence. Anyway… guess who is in the next chapter? Any guesses? Hmm? Yes, Voldemort.