Chapter: 31
A/n: Apologizes are in order, I suppose. Those of you who read my rant at the end of the last chapter, I apologize that you had to see that. My short temper got the better of me. But I took a breather and I’m composed now and ready to continue on with this story. Hiatus’ really aren’t my thing, I suppose, especially when we are toward the end of the story.
Thanks for all of you who reviewed.
Chapter Thirty One: It Ends Here Tonight
“Excuse me?” Harry asked dangerously, acid green eyes narrowing in on the kneeling form. “What did you just say?” The Death Eaters around them shifted uncomfortably when they felt Harry’s magic leak out and fill the air with ominous threat. Voldemort stepped next to him, even with his shoulder as he gazed down at the form of Snape.
“Albus Dumbledore,” Severus replied bitterly. “He’s not alive.”
Harry sneered. “Then how, pray tell is he a figurehead for the light?” The smaller wizard looked up at the dull sky, contemplating, and then back down at Snape. “Please tell me he’s not a damned ghost.” The thought of having Albus Dumbledore floating around as a ghost was simply…revolting.
“No,” Snape denied shortly.
Voldemort hissed softly, his wand lifting again toward the fallen wizard. “If you follow Harrison, you will address him with respect.” Harry felt a brief smugness make its way through his chest at his lover’s order.
The potions master looked to the ground, his shoulders hunching. “No, Lord Malfoy, he is not a ghost, but a portrait.”
Voldemort and Harry stayed silent, both of them flabbergasted. “You’re kidding me,” Harry grimaced. “The Minister is working with a bloody portrait?” Voldemort hissed in laughter. It was easily mistaken for just hissing, but Harry could See the amusement coming off of the Dark Lord. “Nothing is funny about this…” Harry hissed at the man, frowning. “I kill him and he comes back, as a bloody portrait no less... bloody hell.”
“Oh, it is amusing, little one.”
Harry threw the man a look and then back down at Snape. “It is… a mystery on how many portraits the man has." Severus started again. "I assume there is one in the Order’s headquarters as well as one in the Minister’s office. As well as one in Hogwarts. He was his own witness against his murder.” Snape buried his fingers in the ground. “The Ministry also has allies we, the Order, don’t know about. A couple of them. I know the giants are on the light side and the dementors take their position defending Azkaban seriously. But they are not on any side.”
“For now,” Harry remarked stiffly. “We’ll see how they hold up against a Seer.” After all, dementors were magical creatures as well. He had no idea how they would react around him. He could feel Voldemort’s curiosity as well. Perhaps a trip to Azkaban was in the works…
As far as Snape’s confession, Harry knew the ‘mysterious’ allies were the assassins. But Snape said there were a couple of them, and for the life of him, he couldn’t come up with anyone else who’d side with the light.
“The Unspeakables are now active in the war, along with the Aurors. Both groups have been trained hard for this war, My Lord. The Order is gaining courage now that Dumbledore is dead but still with them and offering his guidance.”
“More like manipulations…” Harry hissed under his breath. “Is there anything else?” Harry pursed his lips, frowning. “What about the werewolves? Where did the Ministry bring them?”
“Azkaban,” Snape murmured hoarsely.
Harry tensed, turning to gaze up at the tall man next to him. “What do you think, My Lord? Should we plan a break out for Azkaban again?” Crimson eyes turned away from Severus and onto him. “We’ll have Greyback with us this time around, along with the assassins. I know a few other wizards who would join us as well. And as soon we break out your…broken followers along with the werewolves who were thrown in there by the Ministry, we’ll have all but a new army.”
The Dark Lord looked expressionless. “Perhaps we may gain the dementors with your abilities as well.” Harry turned away from the crimson stare, feeling a grin threatening his face at the Dark Lord’s insistence that he could gain more allies.
“That’s if for now,” Harry murmured down toward Snape. “You’re a smart man-,”
“Are you sure about that?” Voldemort hissed, sneering.
“I trust you’ll act accordingly, Professor Snape. When I need you again, Lord Voldemort will call you in means of your dark mark until we find another way.” Harry ignored Voldemort’s mocking stare. “Thank you, Severus, for choosing the correct side. You may go back to your school.” Snape hesitated before standing up. Harry could see it in his eyes that he was grateful of Harry for sparring his life, but far too proud to show it.
Snape gave a bow at the waist. “Yes, My Lord Malfoy.” Black eyes glanced at the Dark Lord and dipped his head. Voldemort stood stiffly, watching as the potions master turned his heel and slowly walking away until he disapparated. Harry and Voldemort turned to one another, studying each other.
Green eyes darkened and he turned his back on the Dark Lord. “Yes…” he hissed, baring his teeth. “Let’s go see Greyback.”
“We should have brought Master Keiran with. At least to give Greyback a warning he’d be working with vampires.” Harry started, dropping down on the ground and entering the den. Behind him Voldemort murmured something. “What was that?” Harry questioned, looking over his shoulder.
Red eyes pierced his. “Nothing, my sweet.”
“Hmm,” Harry gave the man a look, entering deeper within the den. The man behind him silently stewed. Harry withheld an annoyed sigh. Instead, he put on his emotionless mask as a werewolf came crouching toward them in an animalistic air. “Where is Greyback?” Harry hissed. The werewolf landed on his haunches, inhaling Harry with a pleased air.
Voldemort stepped beside him, drawing attention from the werewolf. The beast gave a growl. “He will not see him. Only you, Seer.”
“Just what did you do to the werewolves?” Harry hissed, watching as another werewolf approached. The Dark Lord remained silent. Honestly… that man. Perhaps this wasn’t the werewolves’ fault, but the Dark Lord’s temper and lack of respect for anyone but himself. “He’s with me,” Harry murmured, stepping closer to the werewolves. The two werewolves never backed away, they all but leaned forward, pupils dilated in lust and hunger at his proximity.
“What is this?” The two werewolves’ hunched their shoulders and side lunged away from Harry. Greyback made his presence known, walking towards the entrance of the cave with his nude body. Harry ran his eyes down the length. Greyback certainly had nothing to hide, despite his gnarled hair and dirty skin. “My Adonis, my Moon Childe…” Greyback’s amber eyes leered at Harry. “You’ve come back.”
“I have,” Harry agreed, watching in amusement as Voldemort placed his shoulder in front of Harry’s body. The man was emitting displeasure and disgust. “And I came back to a disordered dark army. And here I thought we agreed that you’d follow the Dark Lord until I came back.” He pushed past Voldemort, peering up at the alpha.
Fenrir reared his head and leered down at Harry. “I will not follow such filth,”
Voldemort twirled his wand out of his pocket in less than seconds, jabbing it in Greyback’s throat. “You filthy mutt,” Voldemort hissed. Greyback fell to the ground, growling in pain as Voldemort sent him a curse.
Around the two wizards, werewolves crept closer from out of the shadows. They surrounded them, eyeing Voldemort with abhorrence. This wouldn’t do.
Harry stepped forward. “You gave me your word you would follow the Dark Lord.” Voldemort dropped the curse and Fenrir’s muscles tensed as he jumped up into a crouch, doubtless of the pain he had just gone through.
“Why? Simply because he treated both my pack and I like dirt.” Harry pursed his lips, his annoyance for Voldemort growing. The man seriously needed counseling. “You promised, sweet, that we would be treated on equal grounds. That was definitely not the case.”
Green eyes flashed toward an innocent looking Voldemort. “I did say he would treat you on equal grounds, yes.” Crimson eyes drilled into his own, silently telling Harry that the man would do no such thing. Harry grimaced. “But I’m afraid he will not listen to my plea, Greyback. It is I who will treat you with equality. And it won’t matter what he thinks, because you will be listening to my orders anyway.”
Greyback glowered at the Dark Lord as he kept bouncing on the balls of his feet in his crouch. “Then I would like to ask for another…gift for our alliance with you, Harrison Malfoy. Considering our deal about you visiting my pack each full moon was disrupted, you owe me.”
Voldemort all but growled at the werewolf. He was worse than a damned vampire facing a werewolf. Harry would be having a small talk with the man after this. “What would you like?” Harry murmured toward Greyback, his eyes shifting over the alpha’s shoulder toward his pack.
“After the war, I want a treaty with the wizards.” Fenrir growled. “They will treat us with respect and we’ll leave them alone. Allow us to have a forest to ourselves, without wizards’ presence.” He seemed to pause. “You, my childe, can come anytime you’d like though.” He flashed his sharp teeth in Harry’s direction.
“Deal,” Harry spoke. “When we win this war, you’ll have the same rights as humans do. And for those werewolves who won’t want to step in society, we’ll reserve a forest for you.” Harry shrugged. “It’s the least I can do. We can do.” Green eyes narrowed in on an emotionless Dark Lord. “I’d like to inform you that you will be working with another group of magical creature.”
Greyback raised an eyebrow suspiciously, his body moving fluidly as came to a stop in front of Harry. “And who is that?”
Harry smirked. “The vampires.”
The werewolves surrounding them growled, baring their teeth. “And what are they gaining at the end of the war?” Fenrir growled, his canines sheathing. “Will we be forced to interact?”
“Surprisingly, they want to remain hidden after the war. You will have to work well with them during this war and only for the war. Do I have your word you will behave?” Fenrir stared at Harry and then at the Dark Lord. The werewolf’s eyes glittered lethally as he surveyed Voldemort.
“Of course, Lord Malfoy,” Fenrir turned back around; giving a slight bow with his chin. “As long as the bloodsuckers stay away, we will stay away.” The werewolf paused, his nostrils flaring. “Your scent is tainted today, Childe, by his seed. It’s revolting.”
Harry flushed deeply while Voldemort put Greyback under a Crucio.
“I don’t need to be Seer to see that you harbor feelings for your… old apprentice.” Regulus drawled, smirking at the silent figure of Master Keiran.
The yellow eye directed itself on him, assessing him. “I harbor no feelings.” And Regulus would have believed it a year ago. After all, assassins were cold, emotionless beings.
The Black assassin gave him an incredulous look. “Which is why you and the Dark Lord radiated revulsion for one another yesterday? It was positively obvious, Master. You don’t like him because he and Harrison are together.”
“You’re right; I don’t like the Dark Lord. He’s arrogant, self-conceited, egotistical, and far too possessive over Harrison, who, by the way, can think for himself. I don’t like seeing my apprentice being submissive to a wizard like that.”
“Oh? But you wouldn’t mind seeing Harrison writhing underneath you in submission. Just like he did for the Dark Lord last night, I’m guessing. He surely wasn’t healing like you ordered him to.” Keiran whirled around, glaring at Regulus. The man’s yellow eye was fierce.
“I don’t know what I’m feeling for Harrison, simply because I haven’t had emotions…feelings for a long while now. I don’t want to act on them… I don’t even know if they’re passionate feelings for him or it they’re merely paternal feelings. All I know is I don’t like him with the Dark Lord.”
Regulus sat down on the chair in the Black library and looked at the Hand seriously. “Do you find him attractive?”
“Of course I do,” Keiran hissed quietly. “Whomever doesn’t- is blind.”
Regulus bared his hands in a gesture of surrender. “You’re right, of course. He is attractive; he gets that from the Black family.” Regulus gave a smug smirk but it quickly died down when Keiran flashed him a disgusted look. “Well, I guess the only way you will know if you’re attracted to him sexually is if…well…is if the idea of fucking him appeals to you.” Keiran flashed him another look and walked out the library.
“Well…” Regulus stood up, walking behind his old master. “I guess that’s a yes.” Keiran remained silent, brooding. “From what I hear… the Dark Lord is wrapped around Harrison’s finger. If the man does something wrong, it’ll take Harrison a long while to forgive him.”
“Why are you telling me this? As if I care?” Keiran drawled, turned around and causing Regulus to take a step back. “I don’t care about their relationship.”
“All I’m saying is that you may want to consider…rocking the boat so to say.”
Keiran took an advancing step forward. “And betray Harrison’s trust? I think not.”
“One little white lie won’t hurt. Plus, I agree with you full heartedly. The Dark Lord is not good enough for Harrison. Granted, they both are a force to be reckoned with, but the man is far too… controlling.” The two vampires studied one another, sizing each other up.
“What did you have in mind?” Keiran asked warily, tiredly.
“Harrison,” Harry was embraced tightly by the black wizard. He fought a grin as arms encircled him, tightening. “You bloody hell left without saying anything.”
“And yet, Draco said you knew where I was.” Blaise smirked, pulling away. Harry frowned. “Pythia told you where I went, didn’t she?”
“That was the first vision she had of you. Which is why she was interested in you in the first place. She knew you’d succeed where everyone else had failed.” His dark eyes glanced beyond Harrison’s shoulder at the brooding Dark Lord. Voldemort insisted he tagged along with Harry as he gathered the students that Draco herded from Hogwarts. At the moment, the man was hiding in the shadows, assessing the students who were brave enough to leave the school. Or, at least that’s what if looked like to an outsider, but Harry knew the man was healing his wounded ego after Harry’s tongue lashing about the werewolves’ treatment.
Harry pulled away from Blaise and stepped down the stairs, studying the students himself. There were a handful of students, more than a handful. Most of them were older, and Harry thanked Merlin for that.
Perhaps around one hundred students, mostly Slytherins. They were all herded together, but no one was speaking. Instead, they cast nervous glances around each other. “I thank you for coming,” Harry drawled out loudly, converting his face to a cold mask.
The students all snapped their necks around, staring at him in wonder and assessment. Draco, standing in the back of the manor, smirked at him and rolled his eyes upward. “It must have been around the time for finals… perhaps escaping the studying is why you decided to leave.” Harry joked lightly. A few snickered, watching as he made his way down the stairs.
Voldemort stayed upstairs, choosing to allow Harry to comfort the children before he made his appearance.
Stepping onto the ground floor, Harry watched as a few students went to their knees. The younger students all shifted and fell to the ground, following the older students. Harry stood before them, nodding in approval. He met eyes with the Slytherins that would have graduated in a few days, giving them a tight nod. They smirked, looking back down to the ground.
“You may rise,” Harry invited, watching as they scrambled up awkwardly. It would take some practice to do it swiftly…
The students stood straight shouldered, falling into their pureblood manner their parents bestowed on them. “Escaping your studies is not the only thing you must sacrifice by coming here.” Harry started softly, eyeing each and every one of the children. Most of them looked down at his stare, too intimidated. “By being here, you have agreed to fight. And when I say fight, I mean, literally, fight for your life.”
A few flinched but remained standing tall. “Being here… you are not only fighting for your life, but you are fighting to win. To succeed. The world we live in now is a prejudiced and narrow-minded place.” He met eyes with Zachary Qawley, a seventh year Slytherin and a proud pureblood. His dark eyes assessed Harry in approval. “This war isn’t just about Slytherin versus the light.” Harry moved his eyes onto a Gryffindor and Ravenclaw standing near one another. “This is about fighting for our right to use dark magic without fear. This is about dark wizards and witches being able to hold their head up high in a society, among light wizards.”
“When we win this war, muggles will be cut off entirely and light and dark will coexist together. Our children… even some of us will be taught dark magic in schools. That is what we’re fighting for. If you’re not ready to give up your life for this cause, you may leave now. I will not stop you nor hunt you down for leaving.”
The students stood stiffly, not one of them moving an inch. Their heads were bowed down low in respect and readiness.
Harry nodded in appreciation. “The Ministry has no doubt heard of the split in Hogwarts and will be actively seeking you out. The Death Eaters and werewolves are already at the hideout in which you will all stay. There will be portkeys that take you to the camp. Food will be provided for you all and you will be not be permitted to leave unless we are to go to battle together or until this war is finished. You may not contact anyone. Not even your family.”
Harry paced, looking at the students. “Your one main goal is survive. Your second main goal is to listen and respect both the Dark Lord Voldemort and I.” Stirs erupted within the crowd. Harry smirked. “In fact, your presence and willingness to fight in this war is greatly appreciated and the Dark Lord is here to see you off to his camp.”
He withheld a smirk as Voldemort all but glided and slithered down the staircase. Whispers were sharp as the students all pushed themselves to fall to their knees. He let a chuckle out, glancing at Blaise up the stairs. The black wizard raised his eyebrows at Harry in amusement.
Voldemort came to a stop beside Harry, sneering lightly at the students. “Be nice, Tom…” Harry hissed, watching a few of the children look up at him in awe.
“That, love, was your part. I’m the enforcer, remember?”
Harry remained silent, surveying the kneeling children. “As my consort has stated-,” Harry remained blank, biting his tongue at his ‘title’. “I apologize,” the Dark Lord muttered softly, correcting himself. “As your Lord had stated…”
“You have all signed your life away to me.” Harry smirked as he felt the fear from the children. “You will listen to both my orders and Lord Malfoy’s orders. I don’t want to see any bravado. From any of you. If you wish to impress us, you will prove yourself on the battlefield without causing a disturbance. Keep your chin down and you may find your chances of surviving greater.” Voldemort paused, his slit crimson eyes looking down his nose at the children.
“And as Lord Malfoy stated earlier, you will not contact anyone. One owl can have the Ministry tracking us which would result in a surprise attack.” Voldemort gave a twisted smile. “And that includes whoever was foolish enough to owl and go against my orders will find themselves disembodied.” He left no room for argument and Harry could feel the students’ apprehension. “If that is all?” Voldemort’s voice softened as he turned to Harry.
Harry took a step forward. “As declared earlier, you will all be sharing grounds with the Death Eaters and werewolves.” Harry let that sink in again. “If any of them give you any trouble, you may take the issue up with us.” Green eyes shot a look to an emotionless Dark Lord. “Preferably me.” The Dark Lord would probably find it amusing if the werewolves or older Death Eaters were making hell for the younger wizards and witches.
As he stated this, he felt some of the earlier fear from Voldemort lift. “I will split you all into three groups when we arrive at the camp. You will share a tent together and get to know one another very well.”
Harry nodded toward Draco. “Draco, could you bring the portkeys forward?” He waved a hand in front of the students. “You may rise.”
He turned slightly to the side, ready to escape and help Draco, until he caught sight of a small body in the crowd of fourth year students and up. Harry grinned, approaching the students. They all parted for him, revealing a small first year boy.
The boy had blonde curls and bright brown eyes. He was an adorable little boy and it warmed Harry’s chest as the child stood completely stiff with his chest out. “And what do we have here?” Harry murmured softly.
Brown eyes glanced quickly up at Harry and then forward. His stance remarkably like a soldier. “Matthew Jinkins, Lord Malfoy.” Harry raised an eyebrow, wiping the smile off his face. He hid his amusement. Around them, the students were watching closely, assessing the situation.
“Mr. Jinkins, may I ask, what made you brave enough to come here?”
“My mother, my Lord Malfoy.” The boy was completely respectful and full of strong will. Harry caved in and gave a soft smile, reaching out to caress the boy’s hair with a coo. He was such a little thing… and his mother was the reason he was so strong. He thought of Narcissa briefly.
“Oh?” Harry whispered; dropping his hand as the boy gave a pleased shiver. “And what happened to your mother?”
Matthew sniffed. “She was a werewolf; I don’t know what happened to her. But the Ministry took her away.” Tears veiled the brown eyes but the boy refused to let them drop. “I want to fight, My Lord. I’m not too young.”
Harry glanced at the Dark Lord. Voldemort had a blank expression on his face, his lips twisted in a sneer. Honestly, that man… Turning back to the boy, Harry cupped the small chin in his fingers, soothing him. “We’ll get your mother back, Mr. Jinkins. But alas, you are too young to participate in a war.” Seeing the boy was about to protest, Harry shushed him. “You may come with us, yet you will not participate in the battles. I will find a special job for you, understood?”
Matthew bowed his head. “Yes, My Lord.”
“Good boy,” Harry stroked the curls one last time before turning his back on the students and approaching the Dark Lord.
“I’m tired,” Harry hissed in a whine. “And I want you.”
Crimson eyes brightened at the prospect. “We’ll have to settle in the little brats first…I don’t know why you won’t just allow them to share the dirty den with the werewolves.” Harry chuckled at that, motioning for Draco to place the portkeys on the ground before them, spread out evenly. The children all cautiously approached them, sending wary looks toward the Dark Lord as if he’d jump on them.
Looking at the children, he realized they weren’t really children. Not when they were willing to fight for their cause with their life.
“My mother should be joining us shortly,” Blaise remarked. Harry felt Voldemort’s spark of irritation at seeing the Zabini. “Any chance you’d bunk with me?” Blaise whispered huskily, throwing the Dark Lord a look.
The crimson eyed man hissed at him, his wand out in a matter of seconds. “You speak one more disrespectful word, or speak any more suggestive comments to my consort, and your cock will do more than piss blood.”
Harry sighed. “Touch the portkey now,” Harry instructed, watching as they scrambled to do what he said while trying to make it look as if they weren’t staring in fear at the Dark Lord’s comment. “Blaise, now.” He wasn’t looking at the boy; instead he was facing forward, not allowing the students to see any favoritism. The black wizard brushed past him and herded around the other students.
Voldemort lifted his wand, making a circling motion, and with a crack, the students were gone.
“I’m tempted to leave them to the wolves,” Voldemort hissed in disgust, reaching out to pull at Harry’s collar. “You were magnificent today, my sweet.” His lips burned Harry’s neck as he sucked and nipped at the skin. “You were a little soft, but I think I can harden you up a bit.” A long finger stroked Harry’s crotch, causing the smaller wizard to groan lightly.
“Bloody bastard,” Harry growled; closing his eyes as the Dark Lord gave a particularly hard bite to his neck.
Someone cleared their throat. “You do realize I’m here still, correct?”
Harry pulled away, looking at his brother. Voldemort looked at Draco with hooded eyes and a heavy sneer. “Then get lost, boy!” Voldemort barked.
Harry bit his lip as he watched Draco stumble over his feet in attempt to leave in a haste. “No, Draco, I’ll apparate with you. We should be going anyway.” Harry looked pointedly at the Dark Lord.
Voldemort hissed in displeasure, disapparating. “He’s a right bastard,” Draco drawled, glowering where Voldemort had just stood. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say he needs to get laid.”
“Respect, Draco,” Harry scolded, grabbing his arm.
Draco pulled back, raising an eyebrow at his brother.
“You two did fuck each other last night rig-,”
“That’s none of your business,” Harry spat, taking the arm. “Now shut up and take my hand.”
Silver eyes flashed in wicked amusement. “Was it good?”
A smirk was all the blonde boy got in answer.
A/n: Mostly a filler chapter and it was hard to write for me, but it needed to be done. Next chapter will have the Azkaban breakout Yes. And hopefully updated faster. School is already heavy on me and it’s only been a week back D: