Okay, so I know some of you wanted me to update Lost in Nightmares, but as it turns out, I already had this chapter completed and forgot about it. To make it easier for me, I updated this fanfic instead. I've been thinking a lot about my stories, and I'm going try and update every friday or Saturday from now on, but no promises!

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and comments about what they thought about it. I love getting feedback.
Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends (if I haven't already told you

Ada had packed a light snack of bread, cheese, and an apple before leaving the house for some fresh air. When she deemed far enough away from the house, she ran as if something was chasing her. It felt as if a weight was lifted and she could breathe again, and she was thankful. After a few miles, she came upon a beautiful, clear pond and had the urge to go swimming. She made sure no was around before taking off her dress and undergarments. Carefully folding them, Ada placed them next to the cloth sack of food before jumping into the water. The water felt great and caused her to sigh from pleasure. Surely she would never get the chance to do this again.

Ada had lost track of time after that. Hours had passed as she played happily in the water and forgot all of her worries. Her body suddenly went rigid and fear overtook as she heard a familiar voice close by.

"You know, Miss Wong, it can be very dangerous for a young lady such as yourself to be out here all alone," Wesker informed.

"But when one is truly alone, sir, there is no danger..." she said softly.

"Is that what you think?" he asked, stepping on the bank of the pond. "Well, if you have nothing to fear, then why don't you come out of the water and greet me?"

"I would, sir, but I'm afraid I cannot."

"And why not?"

"Because of my lack of clothing... It would not be right for you to see me as such."

"But if I were your lover, you would have no quarrels about it, would you?" he said pointedly.

Ada was tired of his criticism and turned around in the water. "Why are you here, Mr. Wesker? Surely not for your health."

"I'm here looking for you. I was going to pay you a surprise visit this afternoon and you were not there. Your mother said you had gone out for some air, but I trust she had no idea you would strip naked and go swimming?"

"My mother told me to enjoy myself, and I was merely taking her suggestion to heart," Ada retorted. "Now sir, if you would leave me, it would be much appreciated."

Wesker's lip twitched a smirk. "Will you not need help with your dress?"

"I will manage."

"What man leaves his fiance to dress herself in the setting sun outside?"

"One who does not wish to be involved in a scandal," she informed.

Wesker clicked his tongue in thought. "Well if you won't come out, then I'll just go wait over there by that tree and keep guard." Without another word, he turned his back to her and leaned against the nearest tree, allowing her some privacy. He listened intently to her getting out of the water and trying to dress herself and found the situation nothing less than amusing. Albert would admit, Ada had a slight attitude, but he thoroughly enjoyed her playful side. His thoughts then began to drift to the conversation he and William had that morning...

"How do you do it, William?"

"Do what, old friend?" Will chuckled.

"You and Annette had an arranged marriage, and even so, it is obvious the love you share. Did she not loathe you in the beginning?"

"She did, yes. It pained me greatly, but I took a different approach to the situation."

"What do you mean?" Albert frowned, leaning back in his chair.

"Instead of making demands of her, I made it my goal in life to make her happy. I gave her small tokens to show I cared, ribbons and fruits and such."

"But why? Surely you both knew it was her duty to succumb to you."

William frowned at his friend's remark. "Is that really only how you see things, Albert? Why cause any more pain? Why would you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who is always miserable and hates to be around you?"

"What should it matter to me if she hates me forever? She hates me now," he shrugged.

"God dammit man!" William yelled, abruptly standing. "Do you not see why? She knows you care nothing for her! She thinks she will be used for nothing more than warming your bed and bearing your children. Can you not see you will be taking everyone and everything she loves away from her?"

Albert stared back at William with a stoic expression, having nothing to say. Will's eyes widened in anger, clenching his fists at his silent friend. "That's all you're going to use her for, isn't? You disgust me. Break off the engagement."

"Excuse me? Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"For your information Albert, I find Ada to be a very charming, appealing young lady. If your respect for her is that little, I can't let you go through with this. I would rather see her marry a poor man and be happy than marry you and die a little inside every day."

"I thought I was your friend William!" Albert said surprised.

"And I thought you still had some scrap of humanity left despite what we do for a living." Will threw back before leaving the dining room in frustration.

The two walked side by side back to the house silently. Ada ate her bread and cheese as they walked, saving the apple for last.

"Do you like apples?" he asked curiously.


"Are they your favorite?"

"Hardly. I prefer strawberries." she informed.

"What is your favorite color?"

"Albert, is there a reason why you're so suddenly interested in the things I like?"

"I just want to get to know you," he replied coolly.

"Don't trouble yourself with bothering. I'm sure you'll take a mistress soon after we're married and find her much more interesting," Ada said softly.

"Is that what you think?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Everyone thinks it, mainly because it is truth. Men like you grow bored easily."

"And what man do you know is like me?" he asked.

Ada was surprised by the question, and was slightly angry she had no one to compare to Albert Wesker.

"Now, what is your favorite color?" he asked again.

"Red. I love red..." she murmured. "What about you?"

"Hmm... I think I have to say black. It goes with everything," he smiled some, grabbing her apple and taking a bite.

"Hey! That was mine!" she frowned.

"I prefer to think of it as ours," he chuckled softly, handing it back to her. "May I stay for dinner?"

"Only if you can beat me to the house!" she laughed, forcing the apple and her cloth bag into his hand and running ahead of him. Albert smirked, carelessly dropping the items to the ground and catching up.

"Do you honestly think you can beat me darling?" he asked, reaching out to grab her skirt.

Ada turned her head to look at him, surprised by the endearment. During that moment, she had faltered over the uneven ground and began to fall. Unfortunately, Albert had lost his footing as well because of Ada and fell on top of her. After a minute, she had burst into laughter, holding him tightly to her.

Albert froze, analyzing the situation. Ada was laughing, and because of him no less. Had she hit her head? Ada would never laugh at him.  "Are you injured?" he asked, seeing her calm down.

"I'm quite alright Mr. Wesker. Although I must say, you are quite the cheater."

"And why is that?" he asked.

"You distracted me and made me fall, and I may have hurt my ankle." she giggled.

"May?" he frowned, climbing off of her. After dusting himself off some, he lifted her skirt away from her feet and took her shoes off. He carefully applied pressure on her ankles, waiting for any sort of protest.

"Oh! Not there!" she told him, pretending to moan in pain. "It hurts when you touch it there!"

Albert rolled his eyes, easily seeing through her. "Well, I suppose you can't walk, now can you?"

"I suppose not," she replied, trying to hide a smirk as he picked her up. "Thank you."

"Next time, be more careful."

"Next time, don't call me your darling."