For three days this went on between Ada and Albert. He would ride his horse two miles to her house, ask to talk with her, and she would refuse.  By the fourth day, he was done being nice about the whole ordeal.  He would not tolerate such disobedience, for it could only get worse after marriage. After being rejected for a fourth time, Albert walked past the servant and into the drawing room where Ada was sewing. She stood to tell him that he was not welcome, but what he did next surprised even himself.  Wesker pulled Ada into a hug. Her head was buried in his chest, and something inside of her started to melt. He would never get on his knees and beg for forgiveness, nor would he simply ask for it. But this... this hug, this embrace, was the closest thing she would ever get out of him. He was too proud to say anything.

"Stop this..." he murmured quietly, "You're making a fool out of the both of us."

Ada stayed silent as his warmth enveloped her. "Okay," she sighed, pulling back to look up at him, "Okay. But you must do something for me."

"And what is that?"

"You must tell me, Albert."

"Tell you what, darling?"

"Everything. Everything that is bothering you and making you act so.. cruel."

Albert gave a deep sigh and kissed the top of her head. Tell her? Tell her how nearly four years ago he had given himself to a Swedish woman? How a moment of cowardice caused him from marrying that Swedish woman and running away with her? Or how that same woman now raised his son, and that unless Ada were to give birth to a boy, that bastard could take everything that belonged to Albert after he died? Never. He would never let her know about it. Instead, he would do what he did best.

"I received a letter, a little over a fortnight ago," he began, making her sit next to him on the loveseat.  "It was from a gentleman named Lord Spencer who lives here in England. He told me that he would be attending our wedding."

"And that put you into such a bad mood because...?"

"Well, even though the man practically raised me, I don't entirely trust him. He has a... certain control over me that I can't quite explain, and I don't like it. I promise you I'll straighten up and be better, but you must give me a chance."

Ada gave him a skeptic look and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "Do you swear that's the truth? That that is the only reason why you've been acting so different?"

"Dear Heart, let me be struck by lightning if I'm lying," he purred before kissing her cheek.

With barely a week before the wedding, things seemed to go at a faster pace.  Mihkail was trying to help finalize the paperwork to join the companies and make sure everything was in order for the wedding.  Eventually it got to the point where Ada just had to stop. Too many questions, too many demands, and also the talking of Albert's servants drove her crazy. Right in the middle of a conversation with a florist, Ada put her hand up to stop the woman from talking, and walked away.  Confused, the woman watched Ada before having to go find the groom who was busy signing papers.

"Margaret I'm busy at the moment. Ada is the one who is suppose to pick the arrangements," he sighed, clearly annoyed with her presence.

"I know, sir, and we were talking, but she left," the woman frowned.

Albert looked up at this news. "Left? What do you mean she left?"

"I mean I was showing her the different styles that I think would look most appropriate for the wedding, and she simply walked away from me!"

"Where in God's name did she go?" he asked, getting up from his seat. "Never mind. I'll go look for her myself."

With that, he quickly left the room in search of his bride. He found her outside walking among the dying flowers in the garden. Grabbing his scarf and coat, he went outside to join her.

"My dear it is hardly warm enough now to be strolling as you are," he smiled, slipping his coat on her shoulders. "Now, what happened to make you run away so?"

"I'm just tired Albert..." she sighed, leaning into his arms. "It seems like it's been ages since I've found time for leisure. Not to mention all of the talk..."

"Talk? What kind?" he frowned.

"Oh you know, servant talk. Gossip," she shrugged. "I don't think many of them like me."

"Servants? Heaven's sake Ada! Not everyone can like you!" he chuckled, "Isn't my opinion the only one that should matter?"

"I thought it should be my opinion of myself, but I suppose I can include yours if I need it," she smiled, "And I think I need it."

"Very well then," he nodded, pulling her into a hug. "Let me think. You are beautiful, I think is a good start."

"Outer beauty does not concern me, Albert. In fact, beauty should not matter at all, for it is in the eyes of the beholder. To someone else, I could look like a wretch."

"True.. Okay. How about... You are perfect in every way, and therefore have nothing to worry about?"

Ada smiled and shook her head. "Do not give me an expectation I cannot live up to. No one is perfect Albert."

"Dear god woman! I give you my opinion, all of them being positive, yet you are being so difficult!"

"Is that the truth, Albert?" she smirked.

"The truth? I daresay it is. You are highly stubborn and difficult, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to please you! Either you are too modest or you are simply blind. Which one, I have not figured out."

"Thank you," Ada giggled, giving his cheek a quick peck. "That is what I was looking for."

Slightly stunned, he rubbed his cheek before realizing what had happened. "Darling you try my patience. Please return inside before we both die of a cold," he murmured, guiding her towards the house.

"People do not die of colds Albert," she corrected, "But if it pleases you, very well. I only ask that you help me with my duties of preparing the wedding. If we go simply on my tastes, then I would have three wedding dresses and one of them would be red!"

"Three dresses? What could you need three dresses for?!"

"Well one would be for the ceremony, one for the reception, and one for the going away. Chinese weddings are very complicated. If it is a traditional wedding, you would have to change your attire completely."

Albert gave an annoyed sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Fine. Where shall we start?"