Hello everyone! UmbrellaxStaff here! In case you don't know, this is the REAL chapter 2. I know I had submitted one before, but some files got mixed up on my computer, and I had uploaded chapter three in two's place. I hope you enjoy chapter two, and I'll also post chapter three (which many of you have already read). Thanks for reading and being great everyone!
William's pregnant wife Annette arrived a few weeks before Ada and Wesker's wedding. She and the bride quickly realized how much they had in common, and could spend hours a day simply talking, reading, or playing games. It happened to be a drizzly, boring afternoon one Thursday much to the ladies' disappointment. So, to pass the time, they curled up in the library away from the men.
"Ada what are your thoughts on Mr. Wesker?" Anne inquired as she set down her book.
"I hate to admit it Anne, but I think I'm beginning to like him. These past few weeks he's been so kind to me. You see this ribbon, here?" she asked, pointing the bow she had tied on her wrist, "He had given me that about a week ago. Actually, he's been doing that a lot lately... giving me small gifts and all."
"That's so sweet Ada. Why ever you would you hate to admit to liking your groom?"
"Well, you must know him better than me Annette. Can you honestly say you like him?"
Annette sighed and tapped her chin in thought. "Well, I've always had a hard time trusting Albert, but he's my husband's best friend, and soon to be god father of our child. I may not trust him, but you can always depend on him."
Ada nodded slowly, letting her words sink in. Trustworthiness may be a no go, but she could live with dependable.
Albert lounged in the gentleman's den drinking away a cognac while his best friend and life long companion began to tell him off.
"A woman Albert! You were flirting with another woman! How could you stoop so low as to do that?"
Wesker rolled his eyes and took another long drink. Before he could make a word out, Will continued on his rant.
"Not to mention she worked a fruit stand. What the hell has gotten into you man?! We came here for two reasons, TWO. Do you remember what they are?"
"Of course!" Wesker snapped, sitting up straighter and glaring at his friend. Albert couldn't help but feel as though William was being a bit melodramatic. "We came here to buy out Mikhail's business and for me to marry that sister of his."
"Ada. Her name is Ada!"
"I know what her name is!" the blonde hissed. "Honestly, William, I could care less at the moment. I have bigger issues than Ada Wong and fruit stand ladies.."
"Give me one good reason to not call off this wedding."
"Remember that Swedish beauty I fell in love with a few years back?"
"Of course. Wasn't her name Amelia?"
"That's the one. Well, I received a letter from Spencer a few days ago, and it's contents were most disturbing. It seems that same flower gave birth to a son two years ago.."
William wasn't sure what to say to such a statement. His best friend had fathered a bastard? It was a surprise, seeing how Albert always believed no two people should lie together unless they were married. "And he's yours... Wesker surely you can't hide this from Miss Wong!"
"Oh yes I can, and I will," he said defiantly. "Ada will be my wife soon enough, and once she gives me a legitimate son, all of this will be put behind us."
"Wesker you're drunk! Surely you realize there are no guarantees when it comes to a pregnancy. It is completely random!"
"Then I suppose I'll be quite the daddy," Wesker smirked.
"Why you! You disgust me sometimes! You act all high and mighty, but really Albert, you're no better than a farm dog! Low and mangy!" William spat. "Have you no respect for women and what they go through?!"
"None whatsoever. A good woman is one who knows her place. Miss Wong does not know hers yet, but with some training and managing, she'll come to see it is for the best."
William was turning red as he listened to Albert talk in such a manner. Of course he knew women had their place in society, but the way Wesker said it made it seem terrible. Before he could stop himself, William had punched Albert hard in the face twice. His breath was coming slightly shallow, and the realization hit him all too soon. "I can't tell you how to live your life Albert, but I can sure as hell change how you live it!"
Wesker threw his cognac glass against the wall, an evil look coming across his face. In an instant, the two men were fighting, and William was putting up quite the fight even though he was smaller. They were instantly pulled apart by their servants though, and looking up, they found the two most disappointed ladies possibly in the world. Annette shook her head sadly and scolded her husband for such behaviour. "William Fitzpatrick Birkin! You sir have made an utter embarrassment out of me! And you! Albert Wesker! Should feel no less ashamed. The two of you were acting worse than children fighting over a toy, and I better not catch it ever again, or God help me!"
Anne then turned to her pale friend, suddenly worried about her health. "Oh Ada, look at you darling! You're as white as a ghost! Come, let's retire away from these fools for the evening. I don't think my nerves can take much more."
Ada agreed silently, following Anne and never looking back once.
A few hours later...
Ada closed the book she had been trying to read for the past two hours. She hardly put a dent in the first three pages, and altogether felt horrible. She looked over at Annette who had been knitting clothes for the baby that would be arriving soon. The women looked up upon hearing the drawing room door open, and their gentlemen walking in. William immediately dropped before Annette and buried his head in her skirts, begging for forgiveness. Anne, being the good wife she was, hushed her husband and granted him forgiveness. Albert, on the other hand, stood proudly as if to show off his bruised cheek and busted lip.
Ada didn't expect him to apologize, but when he cleared his throat, she became hopeful.
"Miss Wong... I'm... I'm sorry you had to see such a display of... ungentle-manliness. It is with a heavy heart that I... ask for your forgiveness, even though I did nothing wrong."
Ada was prepared to give him a big hug and caress his cheek, wanting nothing more than to hold him. How had she fallen in love with this man so quickly? It didn't matter at the moment, for he thought he did nothing wrong. He was not really asking for forgiveness, but just wanted to get it done and over with to make her happy! Oh! She had fallen in love with a wicked man!
"No, sir, you are not forgiven," she said in a cold tone. "If you'll excuse me, I feel tired and wish to go home."
Wesker loosened his posture as he tried to adapt to her behavoiur. "Dear Heart I assure you it is no trouble if you would-"
"Go home. I would like to go home," she interrupted, heading for the exit. "Good evening Mr. Birkin, Annette, I bid you farewell."
As Ada walked towards the front door of the house, she could feel Albert grab a tight hold of her arm.
"Miss Wong..." he murmured, knowing he had made an ass of himself. "I... May I call upon you tomorrow?" Wesker asked hopefully.
Ada closed her eyes and let out a slow breath. She was angry with him. She mustn't let him win so easily. "No," she decided. "You may not. Good night."
She coolly pulled his hand off of her and left the house. It was almost painful to do such a thing, but it had to be done.
Simply Business Chapter 2
by ~UmbrellaXstaff
Literature / Prose / Fiction / Romance / General / Introductions & Chapters ©2012 ~UmbrellaXstaff
okay you guys! here is the REAL chapter two! I hope you love it as much as I do!
Insert regular disclaimer here and how I wish I owned Resident Evil.