a]n WARNING: This is a re-post. Again, this was written A LONG TIME AGO. There are several, upon several, mistakes in this story. It may also be cheesy and corny, so be mindful of that. *sigh*.
Summary: FEMALE! HP. Alex Quinn Potter is the Girl-Who-Lived. Drowning in grief with the death of Dumbledore, she receives a ‘vacation’ to the 1944’s. There she not only meets the ‘playboy’ of Hogwarts, but a society filled with racisms against women. Being a Tom-Boy herself, she will make heads turn her way, especially a certain head that she sees no desire to come close to. Grindelwald is on his rise, Slughorn is there, tutor Tom Riddle, and much, much more…
But is this really a vacation? Or was there a different motive behind Dumbledore’s head when he sent Alex there? And what happens when she gets back to her time?
Alexandra Quinn Potter turned the wet, metallic lever to the right to shut off the running water. Reaching her wet arm out around the curtain, her hand ventured on the soft pink towel on the rack. Pulling it toward her she started to dry off, while citrus smelling shampoo overwhelmed her smelling senses.
Her relatives where out for the day, taking Dudley to one of his action filled movies and dinner afterward at a fancy restaurant, no doubt. They were weary leaving her home alone in their clean house, but after a few, long minutes, Alex convinced them to leave her home to do chores.
And she finished them, leaving her to take a much needed shower.
The only negative to bathing was Petunia’s awful decorating schemes. In the shower she had to look at the flower pattered shower floor, the rugs, towels, and curtains were all a disgusting pink shade to go with that bright yellow painting on the wall. Alex shivered in horror and revolution. If she ever had a house to herself, the décor would be dark/warm colors, and definitely no flowers or pink.
She gave a loud out take of breath as she tied the towel across her blossomed chest and faced the mirror. She had grown into a very beautiful, young woman, yet she never really looked in the mirror or paid attention to how she looked. Alexandra was considered a slight tom-boy and when she was younger it was even worse.
Bright emerald eyes studied her appearance. Gone was the girl who had a curly, short afro and dorky, broken glasses. Now her raven black hair fell down to her armpits in very glossy loose curls. Her eyebrows arched finely over her large, expressive, green eyes. With a perfect shaped nose, her full, light pink lips puckered to herself in the mirror. Her lighting scar was almost white against her summer tan and unblemished skin.
In the past her body was just a thin stick but now she had womanly curves that showed off her petite frame…. she knew she was small, but a part of her wanted to be tall, like 6 feet. But it was a very tall dream for her 5’6”.
Overall she was stunning, beautiful… an ugly duckling to a white swan as Malfoy already generously retorted to her… just refusing to speak the white swan part. Jeering and mocking comments were always thrown her way by him.
She sighed and started to brush her pearly white teeth. Alex didn’t have to worry about him this year though… unwanted tears sprang to her eyes as she thought back to the end of her 6th year. She told herself she wasn’t going to think about that.
She threw her toothbrush down and walked heavily over to her small room to change into her oversized clothes. She vowed to avenge Dumbledore’s death to all Snape, Malfoy, and Voldemort lives.
This year she would search the globe for all the horcrux’s with her best friend and boyfriend, Hermione and Ron.
After pulling up her pants, she gathered her curly locks into a messy bun and sat next to her trunk at the foot of her bed. A smile settled on her usual frowning face. Her two friends were her shinning light in this dark world. Ron and her just recently started dating last year, but Alex knew it wouldn’t last long. Ron was in a hormonal stage right now, and Alex hated people touching her, sexually. She was self conscious of her body and the thought of others pressed up against her made her gag.
She knew she had more urgent problems to take care of. She had to concentrate with her magical powers and the conquering of Voldemort. Maybe after she could settle down with someone. Maybe.
Over the summer she had looked in many books, which Ron was horrified at, and she found a talent she wanted to possess. Or rather two of them. Shadow walking. It would be dead useful and she was willing to try her hardest once she turned of age.
Yet there was another gift she wanted to expand, wandless magic. Not many witches and wizards possessed the gift, but she remembered her outburst’s of magic here and there. Of course many underage wizards had accidental magic, but hers were more…severe. Unfortunately, when she was practicing wandless magic, nothing happened. Not even a spark of light.
The book said to find her ‘inner core’, hell, she tried non-stop to find her core and nothing but the insides of her eyelids showed up.
She wished Sirius or Dumbledore where here.
“Errr!” She let out a loud growl, and threw a book across the room. She had nothing to do in this house besides clean, and read.
She paused in her thoughts. That chocolate covered doughnut did look rather good downstairs. With a smirk that look very Slytherin she went downstairs, ready to hunt for her prey.
“What are you doing?” The shill voice of Aunt Petunia yelled through the kitchen, where Alex was sitting on the counter, devouring a doughnut.
A smudge of chocolate landed on her bottom lip as she stared open mouthed at her aunt, uncle, and cousin who had just entered the house. She didn’t even hear them coming in.
Her green eyes went to Dudley, who was eyeing the rest of the doughnut in hunger, and back to the pastry in her hand.
Making her mind up she shoved the rest of it in her mouth.
“Iwashungry.” She responded back at her aunt. Unfortunately that only made the women even more furious that she had food in her mouth while talking. A very un-lady like thing to do.
Damn. The dry and thick food went down her throat in a very bad way, what she needed was a large glass of milk.
A choking sound issued from her Uncle and Alex watched in fascination as his face turned an unnatural hue of purple, and his mustache was twitching.
“Out. Go to your room!” Alex flinched and looked at the refrigerator longingly. This incident reminded her of that commercial on T.V. about needing a Coke… or was it a Pepsi?
“NOW!” Alex jumped off the counter and looked back at the fridge.
“Cant I jest get a glass of mi-,”
“MOVE!” With a start, she ran past them up the stairs with her aunt telling her husband that they should have never let her stay home for the summer.
Alex sighed as she shut the bedroom door. When was her birthday again?
With a jump she turned her head to a formal looking owl who was perched at her desk with a package. Wondering who it was from, she opened the letter only to come face to face with familiar swooping writing.
If you are reading this then you know I have passed on. I don’t want you dwelling on my death, my dear. I was already on my way when I foolishly touched the horcrux with my bare fingers. But enough of that, I am in a better place.
I have written you today to bring you somewhere far from here. It is only a short time, but I would like for you to relax and enjoy your time. The necklace in the box is a portkey to your destination. Do not touch it until you are ready to go. Bring your wand, money and school things; you do not need to tell anyone that you are going away, you will be back shortly.
Don’t worry, I wont send you somewhere awful. This is vacation, time to do things your way. When you arrive to your destination, there will be a man there and he will explain more to you.
Take care, my dear, and do not blame Severus for my death, he did everything I asked him to do.
With love,
Albus Dumbledore.
Alex stood there, shocked at what she just read. Dumbledore didn’t blame Snape? And how did he know he was going to kill him?
She shook her head, she didn’t wasn’t to think about that right now. A vacation. She had never been on one, but it sounded so nice. Perhaps a sunny week at the beach? Or maybe the mountains? She knew she shouldn’t trust this note, or idea, but somewhere inside of her knew that this was Dumbledore.
She looked at the necklace box, then jumped into action.
About ten minutes later she had already packed her trunk and gave Hedwig as much feed as she had, and dressed in better fit clothing. Muggle because she had no idea where Dumbledore was taking her.
With her wand in her back pocket and a money sack in her trunk, she lifted the lid to the necklace and her eyebrows rose at the sight.
It was a silver necklace with a sparkling emerald diamond on it. Usually she didn’t gush out on jewelry but this was beautiful. With trembling fingers, she grabbed the necklace, feeling the familiar sensation behind her navel.
Chapter 2: The Year 1944
With a hard thud, she landed on her arse on a stone floor. “Ah, Miss Potter, it is splendid to finally see you.” Alex froze, that voice sounded oddly familiar, could it be? It was impossible.
Her large eyes slid up to the man who greeted her and her guess was correct.
“Pro- Professor Dumbledore?” But the man looked… younger. Much younger. And the room she was in looked like Professor McGonagal’s office…but different. Her confused expression must have showed on her face, for Dumbledore’s blue eyes twinkled.
“I gather you received a letter from me in response of a little vacation?” Waiting for a dumbfounded nod he continued.
“It so happens you are in the past.” Alex made a sound in her throat as she stood up and made her way toward the desk that stood between herself and the younger Dumbledore.
“But time travel, that is impossible! Except a short period of time, by time-turners, but not this far back in… in?” She looked over at the young Dumbledore in question.
“1944.” Alex's mouth dropped open in shock.
“I have worked on a device that would bring you back in time for a short while. Everything you do here will be erased on the witch and wizard’s mind after you go back in your own time.” Alex was processing the words as her mouth frowned.
“So what is the point of bringing me here when everyone will just forget me anyway?” Dumbledore smiled that damned knowing smile that Alex had grown to love and hate at the same time.
“This is just a vacation for you, my dear. You can be just Alexandra and forget about Alex Potter for awhile before you go back and play your role once again.” Alex tilted her head to the side, causing a rebellious curl to pop out of her bun.
“Go back? How do I go back? Do I just close my eyes and tap my heels three times? And pop I’m back?” With a long finger, Dumbledore pointed to the necklace clutched in her hand.
“Keep that on; it will bring you back when it is time. It is very important that you leave that on, if you miss the ride back to your time, you are stuck here forever.” Alex hummed and quickly put on the necklace, fully knowing that she would never remove it. Many things were swinging through her head right now…
“How though? How do you know me when I’m from the future? How did you know I would be coming today?” Her green eyes locked with twinkling blue eyes.
“Aw, I have my ways.” She waited for more of an answer, but she was sorely mistaken. Her teeth gnashed together as she gave a smile at the old man. Yes she did feel bad about the death of Dumbledore, but right now he was getting on her last nerves, and it had only been about five minutes in his company.
With great effort she took a deep intake of breath and let it out slowly. She should be glad Dumbledore did all this for her, and she was.
“Alas, women don’t wear pants often in this time. No matter, you will be wearing your school uniform most the time, and I took the liberty of going shopping for you. I got your clothing articles, books, and other necessities, and you have brought some of your other personal belongings.” He paused and gave her a smile. “You will find your belongings in the 6th year girls Gryffindor dorms. Since the students will be arriving today, you will be sorted in your house along with all the other first years.” Alex nodded, processing all the information giving, but immediately frowned.
“6th year? I’m going into my 7th though.” Dumbledore smiled warmly.
“Ah, but you are not seventeen in 1944 as of yet. And this is September 1st; and it seems in this Alternate Universe it skipped your birthday. So you will have to live your 6th year over again, but I have a feeling you won’t mind too much.” A smile came over her face. She wouldn’t have to study as hard since she would know most of the curriculum from last year.
“Other than that, you’re set. Let me just tell you a few things about this time that might be different from yours.” Seeing the serous expression on his face, Alex frowned.
“The women here are considered many levels beneath men. They are breed to be perfect wives and mothers, and are to be able to host parties. They wear skirts…” He paused looking again at her jeans.
“So overall they are breed for men’s uses?” Alex mumbled. She was red in the face and it was not by embarrassment.
“So you want me to act like a mindless… powder puff?” Dumbledore chuckled and leaned back in his chair.
“No child, I’m telling you the opposite. Go out for Quidditch, wear pants, be the top of your class, talk out of turn… just act yourself. Besides, no one will remember you once you return to your time.” She thought this over and smirked. This would be fun.
“Alright sir, thank you.” Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled as he waved off the thanks.
“No trouble, Ms. Hershey.” Alex’s eyes widened at that and gave a small smile.
“I’m guessing you’ve recently tried the muggle kiss, am I right?” Dumbledore’s old laugh filled the classroom as he took out the bag of Hershey’s Kisses.
“They are absolutely wonderful! Would you care for one?” He held out a silver wrapped candy and Alex accepted it graciously.
Popping it in her mouth, she sucked it for a while, loving the melting chocolate filling her mouth.
“If no one will remember me after all this, why can’t I use the last name, Potter?” She watched as he unwrapped the candy, nodding approvingly at her question.
“There are other Potter’s in this world, and it will cause such a headache if they get wind of a new Potter showing up at Hogwarts. You don’t mind, do you?” Alex shook her head, not being able to talk with the chocolate staining her teeth.
“Good. Come to my office at 6:30 tonight, by then I would have explained it all to Headmaster Dippet and you will be sorted then. In the mean time, you can go through your new stuff in the Gryffindor common room. The password is ‘brave soul’.
“Welcome to 1944, Ms. Alexandra Hershey.”
Tom Marvolo Riddle looked out the window at the passing scenery on the train; he was on his way to his 7th and last year at Hogwarts, his home for the past 7 years.
This summer had been an… eventful time. His unique blue eyes looked down at his Slytherin ring, glittering up at him. He couldn’t help as a smirk lit up his face as he remembered those events. His grandparents and bastard of a father’s screams still rang in his ears. Ever since he had found out about his parentage and being the heir to Slytherin, he had wanted to torture those who had betrayed him. And he had to admit that he did an excellent job at framing his uncle. The man was a disgrace of the Slytherin name, it was better that he was rotting away in a cell in Azkaban.
The best thing about all this was that no one suspected him. He was the star-student, Head Boy, teacher’s favorite and an orphan after all. Maybe that fool Dumbledore might have a hunch, but that was all he could have. He just had to wait awhile and then he would be the most powerful wizard in history, Lord Voldemort. No one would look down at him, nor pity him.
He needed to find more about Horcruxes but other than that he had good chances of succeeding with his friends, power, and looks. The friend part was a bunch of dung; he didn’t nor need ‘friends’ He just needed people to feed out of his hands and some money on occasions.
His power rolled off him in seducing waves, making people want to follow him in whatever he did.
As far as his looks, well he was handsome and he knew it. He changed over the summer quite nicely. Gone with the baby fat and in replace was a thinner body and face with higher cheekbones and his black, shiny, hair grew slightly, causing hair to go in his gorgeous eyes. His black school robes hung on him in the right places with a gold, shining, badge on his chest that read HB.
Before he could get deeper in his thoughts, the compartment door opened and his best mate, Edwin Flint, came strutting in. His usually long hair was pulled neatly back, but now it was like a bird’s nest.
Tom’s hand jerked toward his wand in aggravation. He couldn’t stand this man’s presence, but at least he was pureblood, in his last year in Hogwarts, and rich.
Inside, Tom sneered in disgust at the scent of sex coming off his friend.
“Who was it this time, Edwin?” Dark brown eyes looked up at Tom and smirked.
“Blithe Verity, great shag.” Tom shook his head and opened his trunk up to grab a book. Maybe if he started to read the man would get the hint and shut up.
No such luck.
“Hey, Tom! Don’t even look disgusted with me. You have shagged twice as many girls than me.” Tom gave a charming smile and shrugged.
“Women are so easy.” Edwin chuckled and started to fix his tie and hair.
“You got that right. It helps when girls fall head over heels for you when you give them your smile.” He paused for a moment and watched Tom pull out a charms book. “Are you and Brenda Marigold going out yet? Or are you just shagging each other once a week still?”
Tom smirked; Brenda Marigold was a 7th year Slytherin who had a tall and slim figure with gold hair and blue eyes. She was a slut who grew popular with being around Tom.
Every girl’s envy.
“The last one. Although I might cut down this year, she’s getting too loose for my tastes.” Edwin winced and laughed.
“Ouch! I want to see her face when she hears that.” Tom gave a smirk and went to his book. He had enough talk of sex; after all, it was just something to pass the time with.
“Mr. Riddle! Mr. Riddle, can I speak with you up in the Headmaster’s office, please?” Tom looked over at the voice and inwardly shivered with displeasure. It was Professor Pinker, the Care of Magical Creatures Professor who was smutted with him.
Putting on his charming smile, Tom bid his friends a farewell and followed… or rather led the way to the Headmaster’s office with the Professor behind his back.
Alex was sweating and yanking down her skirt from her school uniform. Her skirt seemed to short, and her socks seemed to low. She took a deep breath, but ended up pulling at her curl behind her right ear. That was one of her biggest habits when she was nervous.
Why was she nervous? She had absolutely no idea. It could be that she would be the center of attention for a while… or the fact that Tom fucking Riddle was at school during this time! She had just realized that when she was in the Gryffindor Common room.
Why the hell did Dumbledore send her in this time? Alex tugged her strand of curly hair and pouted. Not only Tom Riddle was in this time, but also women here were ditzy and had no mind for themselves, AND she hardly had any money for anything after spending some money at the village. Maybe she could get a job at Hogsemede?
Her green eyes looked around her at the side chamber where she was instructed to wait until someone fetched her. It was the same as the one back at her time… just less trophies.
“Ms. Hershey? If you could just follow me please? The sorting is about to start.” Professor Dumbledore ushered her through the door.
The last though she had before exiting was, “I’m going to be myself here.”
The Great Hall was full of students talking loudly to each other about their summer holidays, with bent, black, wizarding hats on their heads. And there was Alexandra, standing last in line with the first years.
She could feel stares boring into her, but she paid no heed. She did however notice Tom Riddle was nowhere in sight. That made her heart jump for joy, until she spotted a younger version of Professor Slughorn sitting at the teacher’s table.
“Welcome students to another year of Hogwarts. I’m afraid Headmaster Dippet and Professor Pinker are currently absent, so I’ll continue on with the sorting.” After all the first years went, Alex noticed there were fewer girls than boys and she started to get slightly angry.
Didn’t these people know Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were women?
“Before we go on with the feast, I would like to introduce you to a new 6th year student, Alexandra Hershey.” Alex grimaced as his enthusiastic voice filled the hall and polite claps echoed in her ears.
She sat on the stool and a newer hat dropped over her head.
“Hmm, Alex Potter, it’s nice to meet you again. I see Slytherin would fit you greatly-,”
“No! Absolutely not! Not with Tom Riddle in the house.”