Chapter Three
“Hmmm, Alex Potter, its nice to meet you again. I see Slytherin would fit you greatly-,”
“No! Absolutely not! Not with Tom Riddle in-,”
“Ms. Potter, you didn’t let me finish. Slytherin would do greatly for you, but in this time I would stick with,
“Gryffindor!” She smiled and headed toward her table, but she faltered when she had no idea where to sit.
Just as she was about to sit with the scared first year, she heard a high pitched voice.
“Alex! Come sit over here!” The stares on her were making her slightly annoyed. She had finally gotten away from being the Girl-Who-Lived, and now she was the New-Girl-At-Hogwarts.
A smirk came across her face as she stepped closer to the fake blonde ushering her over. She was on vacation right now and she didn’t give a damn if she didn’t have any friends, she was just going to act how she wanted- showing all these girls and boys that she wasn’t going to be a sleazy slut.
She sat gracefully down on the bench and faced her new house mates.
“Hi Alex! My name is Brinley Rusti and this is Chavi Sheffron, your new room mates.” Alex nodded over at Chavi, her ‘new’ roommate. She was Asian with straight, pitch black hair down to her waist. She was pretty but her image was distorted with the thick make-up plastered on her eyelids.
Alex herself just wore black mascara and skin colored eyeliner/eye shadow, simple, but pretty. She didn’t see reason why she had to cover up her face with a mask.
Her green eyes turned back to Brinley, and almost blushed in embarrassment on how Brinley was showing the wrong impression of women. Her skin was leather looking and her top buttons of her robe were opened showing a very large cleavage.
“Nice to meet you.” Alex replied sweetly and scowled when Brinley gave a loud squeal.
“I know we are going to be such good friends! I love your skin color, I wish my skin was naturally tan! And your eyes, they are… well, an odd color. I haven’t seen anyone with green eyes like yours.” Alex raised an eyebrow in disgust.
She loved her eyes… it was the only thing she received from her mother. It didn’t help that Chavi was nodding in agreement.
A chuckle was heard from her left and she turned coming face to face with a girl with a shocking appearance. Instead of fake blonde hair, this young women had dyed black hair with a blue shimmer, a black shocker around her neck, he skin was bone white, yellow cat eyes, crimson lipstick, and her sleeves of her uniform were cut of showing off her small frame full of muggle and wizard tattoos covering her arms.
To add to her gothic look, she had an earring on her lip and eyebrow. Alex’s green eyes slowly slid up the girl’s form until her eyes met with laughing yellow.
“Sorry I couldn’t help to laugh. Those two are as ditzy as they come, and you see too smart to become ‘the best of friends’ with them.” She held out a hand toward Alex. “The names Godiva Ramsey, and I love your eye color by the way, it brings out your will of magic.” Alex didn’t know whether to be insulted or grateful that she complimented Alex on something, but other than Godiva’s appearance, she had this…aura around her that Alex liked.
“Alex P- Hershey. Are you in 6th year also?” Godiva gave a nod and glanced toward the two girls on the other side of Alex.
“Unfortunately.” Alex glanced at Chavi and Brinley to see them glaring at Godiva.
“You don’t want to associate with the mudblood freak, Alex. We can help you meet a lot of people.” Alex was aware of many people glancing in her direction, but she gave them no heed and glared at Brinley.
“I’m a mudblood too, Brinley. Does that mean I’m a freak? As far as meeting some of your friends, I think I’ll decline; saving my attention to people other than pit stops for men.” Brinley glared fiercely at Alex while Chavi frowned in confusion, not understanding what Alex had just said.
Laughter around the table erupted and Brinley stabbed at her dinner angrily.
“That was good, Alex. I have been wanting to say that to her for six years.” Alex looked around at all the boys glancing in her direction with interest, but turned her attention on Godiva.
“Why haven’t you?” Alex asked her while Godiva just shrugged and bit into a dinner roll.
“A lot of guys like that she and almost half the female student body is easy. They all want to have ‘fun’ before their parents betroth them to someone for the rest of their lives.” Alex frowned in disgust and Godiva nodded.
“I know it’s sickening. Most muggleborns aren’t so slutty. But he for example is one of the phoniest guys I have ever seen. All the teachers and students are blinded toward his poor orphan act and his charming side. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has slept with all the women in Hogwarts.” Alex raised her eyebrows at the Goth.
“Who’s that?” Her yellow cat-like-eyes nodded toward the entrance doors at a tall, thin man around 6’3”. His raven colored hair fell straight in his teal eyes and his cheekbones were pronounced on his face. It was then when Alex realized who the man was.
Tom Marvolo Riddle.
It didn’t surprise her at all that he was a man whore, and a phony. According to what Dumbledore said, Tom was a considered a charming man to everyone in his childhood, someone who played on others feelings to get what he wanted. ‘He didn’t need nor want friends’ that was Dumbledore’s words.
Her disgust and anger must have come through, for Godiva continued,
“Yeah, I know, pathetic isn’t he?” She watched him sit at the Slytherin table, greeting his friends while a tall, golden haired girl latched on his arm and giggled like a hyena.
“That is Brenda Marigold. The Slytherin Queen. Her and Riddle always go off and on. Don’t let her ditzy looks fool you; she can be a real bitch sometimes.” It was that time when Riddle’s unique blue eyes locked with her vivid, Slytherin green.
Anger flushed to her face and she sneered at Riddle when he gave her a smile full of white teeth.
She looked down at her plate of mushrooms and stabbed one with her fork causing multiple people to jump at her un-lady like action.
I hate Dumbledore!
How could he send her to a place with a young Lord Voldemort?
“So it’s settled then? We’ll have three dances this year; a begging of the year dance, Halloween Ball, and Christmas?” Headmaster Dippet asked both the Head Girl and Boy.
Pipa Harrison, the pureblood Ravenclaw, nodded and Tom Riddle gave a nod of approval, but inside he hissed in annoyance.
More bloody dances.
“Now that we have that settled, we can go to the welcoming feast.” He paused and looked at the both of them. “Unless any of you have more concerns or suggestions?” Tom perked up in his chair and cleared his throat.
“Actually, Headmaster, I’ve been thinking about doing a dueling tournament this year.” He added an innocent smile and the Headmaster caved in and laughed.
“That sounds like a great idea, Tom. With the threat of Grindelwald, the students could learn from a dueling club, or in your case, a tournament. I’ll have the teachers start one up. And perhaps you would be generous and help setting it up?” Tom gave a nod of enthusiasm while he headed toward the door.
“I’ll be glad to, Headmaster. Thank you.” He made his way down to the Great Hall, knowing that a Dueling Tournament would be a great way to study the students for possible allies.
“Did you want another trophy on the shelf, Riddle?” Pipa scowled over at her schoolmate in disgust. Riddle was just an arrogant student… but she could feel his powerful- but dangerous aura. Something about the Slytherin sent chills go up and down her spine.
He turned his dark turquoise eyes toward her and gave a charming smile.
“I think your still jealous that I received a higher OWL test score, Harrison. How is your fiancé these days?” He was mocking her, but she just smiled sweatly.
“Addison is doing great, thank you for asking. And how is your girlfriend, Marigold?” Tom sneered and hissed toward the Ravenclaw.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Before she could respond back, they reached the Great Hall and separated.
“Tom! I thought you were hurt or something. Are you okay?” Tom looked down at the women attached at his arm.
To many men, she was considered hot with long, blonde, wavy hair and blue eyes.... but the more Tom got to know her the more he noticed how…un-unique she was, and how big of front teeth she had.
“No, the Headmaster wanted to talk with Harrison and I about some of the events happening this year.” He nodded toward his ‘friends’ and flinched when Brenda squealed and tightened her hold on his arm.
Oh, Slytherin, how he would like point his wand at her and…
“Dances? Please say we have a dance this year, Tommy.” Tom scowled at the name she insisted on calling him, even after he specifically told her to shut the bloody hell up. He promised himself that when he didn’t need her anymore, he would kill her… preferably slowly and painfully. But than again he wouldn’t want to hear her high pitched voice.
“Actually we have three this year.” She started laughing like a hyena and sat up, flicking her long hair behind her shoulder.
“We are going to look so cute together. I have the perfect dress to wear.”
Edward Flint cleared his throat and steered the conversation away from Brenda.
“Did you see the new girl? She’s hot.” Tom looked around the hall and didn’t catch anyone that was considered new, unless he counted the first years. But surely Edward didn’t think any eleven year old was…hot.
“She’s in Gryffindor.” Finally he locked eyes with Slytherin green.
No she wasn’t hot, she was beautiful…unique. If he ever imagined a consort beside him, she was the ideal image.
She looked one-hundred-percent Slytherin, despite the scarlet and gold that stood out on her uniform.
Her black, curly hair was knotted back in a messy bun, something that wasn’t often seen in this time… both the color, texture, and style.
Her skin was a darker shade and glowed radiantly in the candle light, and despite being a man he knew it wasn’t a tan she spent days on achieving like some of these other… girls here at Hogwarts.
Her eyes were her most winning quality. They were large and almond shape, showing off her every emotion and better yet, they were green… a vivid green. Avada Kadavra.
He shook himself out of his daze and gave her his winning smile. No doubt she would be like all the other women and blush like an idiot.
He watched as her cheeks blushed, but it wasn’t from attraction, but anger.
His eyes swept toward Godiva Ramsey and knew that mudblood freak was to blame for. No matter, he would have the new girl eating out of his palm in no time.
“She’s a babe. I wouldn’t mind sharing my bed with her, even if she’s a mudblood.” Tom’s eyes swiveled toward the speaker. Rodney Dolohov, a 6th year. He despised Gryffindors with a burning hatred.
Many of the Slytherins looked over her way and looked away uninterested while others nodded in agreement. Tom didn’t know why, but that bothered him like no other.
The girls were looking over at the new girl with jealous eyes, and Brenda looked at Tom and mistook his sneer, for disgust, and cuddled her head against his chest.
“She looks like a small girl going into her 3rd year, dosnt she, Tommy?”
Slytherins turned to look at their leader’s response and Tom knew why. If he agreed with Brenda, the Slytherins had the right to go after the new girl and if he denied, he had claim on her. A smirk fell in place. He had trained them perfectly.
“I don’t know, Marigold,” His voice was cold as he moved her head away from him. “She looks decent to me.” He watched in satisfaction as the Slytherin’s faces fell and averted their eyes away from Riddle’s claim.
A few dared to keep their gazes toward the Gryffindor table.
“Oh! Tom Riddle is looking right at me!” Brinley straightened out her uniform and stuck her chest out even more.
Alex looked up at the pre-Dark Lord to see him looking at her, not at Brinley.
“Brinley, your so lucky. You went out with him last year for awhile, maybe he wants you again!” Chavi gushed, excitingly.
“Wants you for another mindless shag you mean.” Alex muttered.
Despite the fact she said it quietly, half the table heard and all the guys started laughing. One in particular leaned over and stuck his hand out to her.
“It’s nice to meet you Alex. My name is Addison Clayborne, 7th year and Captain of the Quidditch team.” He was handsome looking with brown hair and brown eyes, he seemed the type of person to warm up to many people.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Addison.” She shook his hand, but was surprised when he brought her knuckles up to his lips and kissed.
She didn’t blush but gave him a small smile.
“Quidditch you say? Do you have any Seeker openings?” The table went silent and both boys and girls were looking at her as if she grew a second head.
Out of no where a dinner roll came flying threw the air straight toward Alex’s face. Using her quick reflexes, she caught it with her right hand.
“I’d say she has a pretty good chance to make the team.” She looked up to see a tall, well muscular man. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes were a stunning grey.
His smile was addicting, causing Alex to smile back like a small girl with a crush.
“Grover Harrison- sixth year, Ravenclaw… chaser on the Quidditch team.” Alex pulled at her curl behind her right ear and smiled at the way people introduced themselves around here… she gave it a shot.
“Alex Hershey, sixth year Gryffindor, and hopefully Seeker this coming year.” Grover laughed and pulled her hand toward his lips.
“It’s a pleasure, Ms. Hershey.” His grey eyes locked with her green and someone cleared their throat, causing Grover to come out of his daze.
“Snap out of it lover boy. Is there a reason you came over here? Or did you want to make a fool of yourself in front of Alex?” Grover smirked one last time at Alex and turned his attention toward Addison.
“We have to set up plans for the wedding before my sister takes over.”
Godiva leaned toward Alex to explain what Grover just said.
“Addison Clayborne and Pipa Harrison, Grover’s older sister, are engaged. I have to admit, they are a great couple. She’s Head Girl from Ravenclaw. Really pretty.” Godiva nodded toward a girl with short brown hair and a large smile.
Just like her brother Alex thought with a smile.
After dinner the Headmaster dismissed everyone to bed after giving a welcoming back speech. She caught Tom Riddle’s eyes before she made her way up to the Gryffindor tower and he went his way down to the dungeons.
Despite the fact that Lord Voldemort was in this time, she had a feeling this was going to be a great vacation.
Chapter Four: Riddle’s Mask Disappears… For A Moment.
“Bloody hell, Alex, wake up!” Alex’s eyes shot open and saw Godiva running around the dorm room in her braw and underwear.
“Wh-What is it?” Chavi and Brinley were no where in sight.
“Those whores shut my alarm charm off! Class started ten minutes ago!” Alex’s heart skipped a beat and narrowed her eyes toward the two empty beds.
Pay back was a bitch.
She got up and threw her uniform on and slopped a small amount of make up on. She was done before Godiva, who was pilling on her dark make-up and her cut off sleeves to her uniform showed her tattoos.
“Do you have our schedules?” She could’ve went on without Godiva if the girl had her schedule, but she had to remember that she was supposed to be ‘new’ to this school and she didn’t know her way around.
“No- the Head Boy and Head Girl pass them out at breakfast. I think Pipa Harrison stays in the Great Hall until all the schedules are passed out.” Alex heaved a breath of relief, at least she wouldn’t have to see Tom Riddle anytime soon.
“You have beautiful hair, Alex.” Alex looked in the mirror seeing her hair fall in loose silky curls down to the middle of her back.
She shrugged and muttered a ‘thank you’ to Godiva. She didn’t really think she was pretty- or her hair beautiful; those things just didn’t matter to her. After living years of being around males, her appearance didn’t seem important.
“Are you almost ready?” She looked over at Godiva, who was putting her final touches of lipstick, and Alex really looked at her for the first time.
Godiva’s eyes were a beautiful brown color before she charmed her eyes the cat-like-yellow, but before she changed them, Alex caught a glimpse of eyes that saw too much for such a young life; like her own eyes. It was then when Alex was curious on Godiva’s past. She wouldn’t push her for answers, but trust would play an important role in finding out about Godiva.
“Ready?” Alex blinked and nodded, following her roommate out the dorm room and toward the Great Hall.
To Alex’s horror, Godiva was wrong. The Head Girl wasn’t there- no one was, except for the Head Boy.
Tom Bloody Riddle
Godiva was probably thinking the same thing, because she gripped her book bag and scowled at the figure who was sitting upon the Slytherin table, with his legs crossed. He was studying a piece of parchment.
Upon hearing Godiva’s moan of distress, Tom’s head shot up and he quickly put the parchment underneath another one and stood up. She wondered what he was reading, but would find out soon, since he was heading their way with the parchment in hand… their schedules. He was studying the schedules.
Alex made her face emotionless, like how she’d been practicing this summer, when she noticed Riddle ‘received’ his Marvolo’s ring already. She wondered how many other people he had killed or planned to.
As he got closer, she did notice he was slightly handsome… in a dark way. He was tall… and thin. His eyes… they were a turquoise color, very vivid and noticeable. But that did not mean he had any positive points with her.
Tom frowned at the two late-comers and turned his heated gaze on Godiva.
“Your very late, Ramsey. 20 points from Gryffindor for not being responsible and getting up on time.” His shocking turquoise eyes glanced at Alex and she almost gagged on her own tongue as he gave her a one of his phony smiles.
“But of course your not to be blamed, Ms. Hershey. Ramsey here should have taken more care of you.” Alex gnashed her teeth together as the man who haunted her for years, offered his hand to her.
She shook his hand, letting go fast enough before he could bring her knuckles close enough to his puckering lips.
“Pleasure.” She responded coldly.
She could see Godiva shift uncomfortably on her feet and Alex realized she was afraid of Riddle. That was unusual. She turned her green eyes back to Riddle and gave a fake smile, making sure he knew it was fake.
“Tom… Riley, was it?” Riddle’s smile widened as he looked down at her in interest.
“Tom Riddle, Alexandra.”
“Yes, Tom Riddle, let me tell you something. I might be new here, but I’m not stupid. I’m sev-sixteen, and I can take care of myself, and Godiva here is not my mother. So if you could just give us our schedules, we can be on our way.”
Riddle lost his snake oil smile, but to her horror he replaced it with a true smile that looked halfway decent… she scowled at her thoughts and at Riddle. Damn, that man… no one, not even Malfoy got under her skin like he did.
“I didn’t mean to offend you, Alexandra. You certainly don’t look like a child to me.” His eyes swept her body in a suggestive way and he looked down at the parchments in his hands.
“Ramsey.” Handing her the schedule, he paused and studied Alex’s… almost if he wasn’t looking at it before they came in.
“It looks like I’ll be seeing you in some classes, Alexandra.” She ripped it out of his hands and turned her heel to exit the hall.
“Ah, Alexandra, you might want the other half of your schedule.” Alex stopped in her tracks and looked down at the half ripped parchment, apparently ripping it in half in her haste.
A blush rose to her cheeks and she turned back around grabbing the parchment from the outstretched hand, avoiding the smirking eyes at her back.
Once Godiva and she left the hall, Godiva gave her an understanding smile.
“Don’t worry, Tom Riddle always tends to make everyone seem small in his presence.” Alex glared at the Gothic girl and looked down at her schedule, mumbling something about ‘being tall in his presence’ and then stopped in her tracks yet again.
“I have seventh year classes!” She couldn’t believe this. Dumbledore couldn’t put her in seventh year, but he could place her in advanced classes? This was not part of their agreement.
Godiva looked over her shoulder and gave a snort.
“You never told me you were that smart, Alexandra.” Alex scowled at the name she used and the Gothic girl laughed out right, her eyes sparkling.
Alex huffed and started walking toward her first lesson, Care of Magical Creatures, regrettable with the Slytherins.
Tom Riddle slowly packed his things back into his bag and made his way after Alexandra Hershey. For being a Mudblood, she had a lot of spirit, something Tom hated and loved at times. She was also a enigma that he would solve. People loved to talk about themselves and Tom was sure that Alexandra was no different from the rest.
“I have Transfiguration right now, its on the other side of COMC, but I can show you where your class is.” Ramsey’s voice sounded hesitant and Tom rolled his eyes.
The girl was already late, what would make the difference if she showed Hershey around. If she was smart enough she could tell Professor Dumbledore that she was showing Alexandra around. It would save her more points for Gryffindor, but alas, the Mudblood wouldn’t know the difference between a wart to a tattoo on her arse.
“Ah, no Godiva, I think I’ll manage, thank you.” Tom smirked. She had a pleasant voice when she wasn’t spitting in anger.
It was then when he stepped out of the shadows, “No need to worry, Alexandra, I have COMC right now, I’ll show you were it is.” She turned around and glared at him with her vivid green eyes. In fact the more he looked at them the more he realized how unique they were.
No one had that color of eyes…it was the same exact shade as Avada Kadavra. He wondered if being close distance to the curse affected the eyes.
Something to look up.
“Don’t worry, Riddle, I can find my own way. See you latter Godiva. Just tell Dumbledore you were showing me around.” Tom held in his smirk as he watched Ramsey nod as if that were a brilliant idea.
Alex turned her heel and Tom jogged after her. He watched as her jaw tightened and noticed she picked up her pace, ignoring his presence all together… something that no one had ever done to him.
As they came to the door, leading outside, Tom opened the door for Alexandra and he watched in amusement as she paused in her walk, but continued forward.
“Thanks.” She mumbled as if she had an inner battle with herself if she should’ve spoken it out loud. At least she had manners…
“Your welcome, Alexandra.” Again, she clenched her teeth.
“Don’t call me that.” Tom walked directly beside her, following where she was going, not bothering to comment that they were going the wrong way.
“What do you want me to call you then? Quinn?” She turned to look at him with an angry flush on her face. He loved when her cheeks got all rosy….
“How did you know my middle name?” Tom smiled and lifted his chin arrogantly.
“I dug up all your secrets and memorized every last one.” He saw her face pale and she stared at him in disbelief.
A chuckle sounded through his throat. “It’s on your time table, Quinn.” Alexandra gave him a mocking smile and snorted… a sound he never heard out of a woman before.
“I knew that.” Tom looked ahead as they walked toward the Forbidden Forest.
“Did something happen to you this morning? Is that why your acting like you’ve just swallowed a lemon?” He gave her a glance and saw her glaring at him, a spark in her beautiful eyes.
“My, I didn’t know you had a sense of humor. Even if it is poor.” Alex grumbled and Tom shrugged.
“I didn’t know either. I’m just stating the obvious.” Alex scoffed and stopped in her tracks as she realized that there was no Hagrid’s hut.
“Why didn’t you tell me I was going the wrong way?” Tom sighed as he flashed a brilliant smile towards Alex.
“I wanted to spend some extra time in your…charming presence.” Alex growled and Tom laughed out right.
“For a woman, you sure make a lot of interesting sounds.” Color splashed her cheeks again.
Recovering her dignity she tossed her head. “I’m sorry. I’ll just walk around school like a mindless… whore like most the Hogwarts girls usually do.” Tom blinked and gave a small smirk.
It seemed like he was wrong about Alex. She wasn’t like the other girls at Hogwarts, or anyone for that matter. She was… interesting, funny, beautiful, and came back with her own insults just as quick as they came to her.
Instead of seeing her as a mindless toy that he would enjoy playing with, he saw her as his ideal consort. Why not? Once he got to know her better he could court her… although at the moment she was a very angry person, at something or another. And something seemed different about her. He couldn’t put a finger on it yet.
She was the only one out of a very few who saw beneath his mask, something only a strong minded person could do. He wouldn’t make a strong move just yet, but he would gently pry forth in her life.
He paused in his thoughts.
Lets not go that far, Tom.
“So, where did you go to school before coming here? It must’ve been a good school, since you have some 7th year classes already.” She shifted and Tom narrowed his eyes. Whatever was going to some out of her mouth was a lie.
“I was tutored.” His eyebrows shot up, excellent liar if he wasn’t a master a Legilimency.
“Hershey. You’re a muggleborn though, aren’t you? Your parents-,”
“Are dead. I live with my Aunt and Uncle.” That was true.
“And what is your Uncle and Aunts surname?” She heaved her bag on her shoulder and gave him that Slytherin glower of hers.
“What is this? Twenty questions?” Tom tried not to sneer, but it was useless.
“I’m just curious. You don’t have to be such a prat.” Just like that Alex watched as Riddle’s mask fell in a hiss, but something nagged inside her at being such a… bitchy person. She wasn’t used to throwing harsh comments at other people, but this was Tom Riddle, AKA, Lord Voldemort.
She was doing the right thing. Right?
Her green eyes watched as he walked at a faster pace ahead of her, and sighed. The humid air hit her and the heavy burden of her hair got to her. She quickly took a binder from her bag and knotted it up at the nape of her neck, leaving a few short curly strands to dangle here and there.
With a heavy heart, she ran after the tall, slim form of Voldemort.
“Look, I’m sorry. I guess I heard some bad things about you from people and assumed you were an arrogant person.” Which he is… she thought silently to herself as Riddle turned back around to survey her.
He took a few steps toward her and she stood her ground, chin held up high. Towering over her, he tilted his head, making his black hair cover his right turquoise eye as he gave her a chilling smirk.
“Is that really why, Alexandra?” He paused but continued, “No matter, lets start over, shall we? No judgment with our character until we get to know each other better. I’m afraid I labeled you as a… what where your words again? Ah yes, ‘a mindless whore.’ Which clearly your not.” He held out his hand and Alex tugged at the curl behind her ear and studied Riddle’s face.
What would it hurt? He would forget all about her when she left this time and in the mean time she could learn more about his character.
Meeting his eyes squarely on, she gave a smirk making Riddle blink. “And no masks.” Her voice was cool to her own ears and she watched as Tom kept out his hand and scoffed.
“What mask?” He watched as she frowned and started walking away.
She truly was something special. Something he wanted and would have.
His fingers curled around her small wrist and pulled her toward him, loving the shocked expression in her eyes. Putting her soft knuckles up to his lips, not quite kissing them, spoke in his silkiest voice he could manage.
“Tom Marvolo Riddle and you are?” She grinned and tilted her own head to the side; it was amusing to see Riddle try to seduce her.
“Alexandra Quinn Pott-,” She quickly recovered. “Hershey, but my friends call me Alex.” Tom stored her slip of tongue in the back of his mind.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alex.” He purred and kissed her knuckles, his eyes never leaving hers.
Pulling out of his hold, she started walking again, wondering if she made the right decision. No matter, she would keep her distance from him and observe from the sidelines.