Chapter Six: Giving the Metallic Life

The dark shadow crossing the dark corridor calmly walked toward a stone room on the other side of the room. The figure that cast that shadow was in no way affected with the eerie screams through out the stone, cold manor, or the creatures that peaked out at him as he walked past. A deep hood covered his face as he turned to enter the room that was set up for his own purposes.

Once the figure shut the door and sealed it tightly for security purposes, he made his way over to the tall, stone, table in the middle of the room.

“Are you ready to do this, Tom?” The figure flinched at the name and looked up at his mentor, the very same man that was reeking havoc on the wizarding world presently.

“How many times have I told you I want to be called Voldemort, Lord Grindelwald?” Turquoise eyes looked out from under his hood at the Dark Lord Grindelwald who was shadowed by his own hood in the far corner.

“I will call you Tom until you make a name for yourself. What I’m asking you is if you are ready to split yourself so early. You have recently created a horcrux this summer, is it wise to do it so early? Dumbledore might catch on.”  Grindelwald’s voice was harsh with cold emotion, almost a raspy sort of volume.

Tom seethed and placed the silver sword on the stone top. “Dumbledore is always on my case, Lord Grindelwald. Do you know how hard it was to acquire the Gryffindor sword with that old fool’s eyes on me the whole time?”

The golden and ruby gems sparkled up in the dim light, catching the stone with magical patterns.

A cold chuckle filled the room. “I’m sure you swiped it right under his nose, am I correct? You never cease to amaze me, apprentice. You’ll make a wonderful Dark Lord.”

Tom’s face was expressionless, but inside he felt warmer. He had always loved attention from his master… well; he never liked the word master. Tom Riddle would never have a master.

“Let’s get going. I have to be back at Hogwarts shortly with the upcoming dance.” He spat the word in disgust and caressed the ruby on the hilt of the sword.

“I’m not stopping you.”

Tom gave a sharp nod and turned toward the sword laying so innocently on the table. Soon, the sword would contain apart of his soul, making him become the powerful Dark Lord he sought to be once he discovered his heritage.

Last time he did this, he felt no guilt, only excitement on becoming what his grandfather failed to be. But now…

He looked down at the sword and the dagger he had drawn to slice a piece of flesh off his body. Something was nagging him in the stomach. Something or someone.

And it had to do with bright green eyes.

He had not even known her for a long time, but here he was, about to split himself once again and she was making him second guess his idea to immortality. It was not the thought of being sexually attracted to her, no; he was magically attracted to her. Something in her magic made his own magic flare up in awareness. Her magic aura around her interested him far more than he would like to admit to.

With a hiss in frustration, Tom Riddle brought the dagger to his opened robe and sliced a piece of flesh from his stomach. He had no time to worry about the pain that had caused him, for he was chanting the most difficult chant in Portuguese.

Green and black swirls of light transferred from him to the piece of metallic on the table. His head tipped back, causing his hood to fall down revealing his turquoise eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. Lips were wide open as if they were forming a silent scream.

The figure of Lord Grindelwald did not move an inch when he saw the scene unfold in front of him. Since he had already witnessed this twice before, he had no concern at all.

The sword on the table shook and stood up on its point with invisible force and then it stopped.

The light swirls stopped.

The silent screaming young man stopped and he fell to the floor.

The body on the floor was unconscious, but the Dark Lord Grindelwald still did not make his way forward. Yet, he watched as a ghostly form of Tom Riddle rose from the solid body on the floor.

The soul did not glance around the room in curiosity, nor did it pay attention to the man in the corner. With a sucking noise, the soul entered the sword and for a moment there was an eerie, green, glow surrounding it.

With a clatter, the sword fell to the table, its metallic gleaming in the light with an innocent wink.


Alex sat up in bed with a gasp of pain. Her scar had caused her to wake to an unknown cause. She didn’t have a dream, or a vision and she didn’t think Lord Voldemort was here in this time.

Tom Riddle was, but he had yet to turn into the monster that was back home.

She sighed and went back to sleep. Tomorrow she would have to try-out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.


She grabbed a broom from the school shed and looked down at it in horror.

Comet 2?

She had never even heard of that before. Would it be dreadfully slow? She hopped not; she loved Quidditch for the flying and the freedom it granted her.

“Hershey! You coming?” Addison yelled from the middle of the field with his maroon and gold uniform. They were different from her time back home, but really…what did she expect?

She currently had on some trousers, a plain green shirt and her cloak over her outfit. When she went to breakfast that day, most the girls had looked at her like she was crazy. Every girl that is except for Godiva, Unity, Taylor, and Pipa. All four of them were in the stands now, intending to root on Alex.

Running over to the Gryffindor Captain, Addison, she stood amongst the other Gryffindor’s that were trying out for Seeker and the other open positions. They were all boys and they towered over her...she tilted up her chin and meet their eyes straight on.

She would not be intimidated, they were the ones who should be. Especially the ones that were trying out for Seeker.   

“Thank you all for coming today. There are two Chaser openings and one for Seeker. All of you will have a fair chance to compete, and I wish you all luck.” With that he turned and walked away, and the people who were trying out all mounted their brooms.

Well, I’d better follow what their doing.

She mounted her broom and rose up in the air, loving the feeling that had given her. Alex noticed that the players were staying lower to the ground, awaiting orders from the captain that had just mounted his own broom.

“We will narrow down the position of Seeker to four, and for the Chasers, twelve. Each one of you will face the course set up for you position, and I will choose who gets to advance to the mock match. Do you all understand?” Nods were shared around the small group and Alex was ushered over to the set up course for the Seekers.

It was magically set up with small balls moving in the air toward the flier, and some balls were some distance away to see if you could rely on your reflexes.

The first boy up caught four out of twenty.


Alex shuddered. Was it really that hard? It didn’t look too hard, but the boy had only caught four. She glanced at the stands toward her friends and noticed Grover Harrison sitting by them.  She really didn’t have time to dwell on that fact, because she caught a dark figure sitting higher in the stands.

Tom Riddle

His head was in her direction and Alex turned back to the course. What was he doing there? Didn’t he bother her enough as it was? She had already agreed on one dance with him at the dance…if she even went, so what was he to gain coming here today?

Stop obsessing over the fact he’s here, Alex! And get your head in the game...or rather try-out.

Alex whipped her sweaty hands (that were not sweaty before she knew Riddle was here), on her robes. The two other boys in front of her caught ten, and the other caught seventeen. There was finally competition, and she would over pass every last one of those guys.

Before she knew it, her turn was up and she got ready for the small ball to head toward her. She cursed her eyes as they sneakily looked back up at her friends, they didn’t wonder over to the dark figure that was watching her still...they just looked to see if Grover was watching.

Yeah. That was it.

Whizzing sound was heard and she snatched the ball out of thin air. The first one was relatively easy, compared to the last ten or so. One of them, she had to hand upside down from her broom to catch it, but at least she had caught it…

Twenty out of twenty, a perfect score for Alex Hershey!

She managed to hold in her smug smile as she passed all the boys who were gaping at her from the sidelines. None of them received higher than her.

“Great job, Hershey. I knew it was in you.” Addison came up and clapped her on the back. He had been doing that lately, and Alex wondered if he was thinking of her as his ‘best mate’.

“Thanks.” She settled for the lady-like acceptance, rather then the victory dance she was doing inside.

Later on, she was dressed in pure yellow robes, with a number seven on the back. Yellow really wasn’t her color, but it didn’t affect her as much as it would have if she hadn’t been picked four the final four Seekers.

She was around a boy with the same shade of yellow, who was giving them a pep-talk on the mock match.

Who made him captain?

“And you…just get the Snitch.” The boy pointed to her and she rolled her eyes. Of course she was going to get the Snitch, who else was?

The whistle blew and they rose in the air to their positions.

“GO ALEX!” A blush rose to her cheeks as she heard Unity scream from the stands, and Taylor and Godiva followed her example. She turned her head in their direction and gave a sheepish smile.

Tom Riddle was leaning back and he had his legs spread in an arrogant fashion. His fingernails were up to his face as if he were bored with the prospect of even being there.

“I want a fair game! Begin!” Addison kicked open the chest and all four balls spilled out, flying in opposite directions.

Alex sized up her competition and snorted. The boy may be good at reflexes and such, but he was heavy built and tall. Usually Seekers are small in build...the only time Alex actually thanked Merlin for her small body. So, she would use her quickness over his slowness.

The game went on for about twenty more minutes until Alex spotted the Snitch. She put on as much speed as possible with the broom and was surprised when she felt it comply with her wishes. The boy followed behind her, but she did as much twists and turns as she could to loose him in the race.

Almost twice she got hit with the Buldger, but successfully avoided them with ease. Reaching out a hand, she closed her fingertips around the gold ball and gave a small whoop of excitement.

“Yellow team wins!” Her team cheered and ran to congratulate her on the amazing catch... all thoughts of her being a girl disappeared.


“When is your first match?” Unity asked, binding her red hair in a pony like Alex’s.

“End of October, around Halloween.” Alex responded, half mind on the conversation they were having, and half on watching the small creature in front of her, gnaw on her finger. Unity and she were in COMC, and they were assigned to take care of the creatures that looked like hairless puppies.

Addison had announced that Alex was the new Gryffindor Seeker, and the Gryffindor’s had all agreed heartedly on that. Well, the ones that were there during the try-out, but the rest were skeptical on her abilities.

Riddle had escaped the try-outs before Alex could make her way out of the marsh pit surrounding her, but she really didn’t care if he left or not. Why did he even come? As far as she knew, Riddle hated Quidditch.

A shadow fell over her and the puppy like creature, causing her to glare at the intruder.

“What do you want, Riddle?” Riddle was standing over her in all his bloody glory. His appearance looked the same charming self, with those half-lidded, dangerous eyes of his looking down at her. But the more she really looked; she saw the exhausted holes in his eyes...something that no normal person would see. No normal person who hasn’t seen such horrifying things as Alex had in her past.

Something was wrong with Riddle, but did she care?


“Must you always spit when you talk, Alexandra?” Alex clenched her fists, no matter if Riddle was on the verge of dying; he always got under her skin for unknown reasons.

She stood up, not liking how he could stand over her, only to come up to his collarbone. That didn’t stop her from lifting her chin and glaring at the future Dark Lord.

“Is there a reason you came over here, Riddle?” She would call him ‘Riddle’ as long as he called her ‘Alexandra’. 

“Just to remind you that when your go to the ball next week, you owe me a couple dances. I didn’t know how well you were listening on Friday with all those deserts clogged in your mouth. It’s amazing that you don’t turn out like that ‘friend’ of yours, Lester, was it?”

Alex’s face turned red from anger. Taylor would have ended up in tears if she had heard that comment.

“Why you-.”

“And of course, I wanted to say-.” He paused, eyes sweeping up and down Alex’s body in an undressing fashion. With his long finger, he slid it down her cheek, leaning his face closer to hers. “Congratulations on becoming Gryffindor Seeker. You were brilliant.”

Without a word, he swept away from her, leaving Alex speechless.
Chapter Seven: Longbottom is Taken?

“Look at Longbottom, the dateless, fat arse!” Howling laughter was heard through the halls and Alex stopped behind a pillar and peeked around it.

There were Slytherins surrounding Blake Longbottom, a 6th year Gryffindor. He wasn’t that fat…more of a short, plump boy. His hair was blonde and he had chocolate colored eyes.

“Leave me alone.” If it wasn’t for the slight stutter in his voice, Alex would have guessed that he was strong and confidante about himself.

“What’s the matter, Longbottom? Are you sad that you can’t get a date for the sixth year in the row?” Alex frowned and stepped around the pillar. She could never take it when people made fun of others. It was disgusting.

“Excuse me? Blake has a date for the dance next week.” She put up her chin and watched as the men turned to look at her in amusement. Blake himself was looking over at her in surprise.

“Really? And who is that?”

Alex gave a smile as she went to stand by Blake’s side, taking his arm in hers. The blonde boy was as tall as she was.

“Me.” She enjoyed watching their faces turn into gapping idiots. Before Blake could say anything stupid, Alex clutched his arm hard and he shut up.

“You? I thought Tom Riddle staked his claim on you.” Alex’s vision swarm with red and she hissed through her teeth.

“Riddle is nothing but an arrogant puss. He staked his claim on my disgust the day he introduced himself.” She glared at the Slytherins and tugged on Blake’s arm. “Come on Blake, let’s leave these boys alone.”

Once they were out of earshot, she let Blake’s arm go and continued walking like it was no big deal. Unfortunately, Blake didn’t see that it should be left alone.

“You didn’t have to do that. Now I will look stupid if I go by myself.” His voice was so down that Alex stopped in her tracks.

“Go alone? We are going together, Blake. I don’t have a date, and neither do you. So why don’t we go together?” She gave him her most warming smile and it turned wider when he gave her one in return.

“Are you sure?” With Alex’s nod, something inside of Blake snapped into place. “Then I’ll pick you up at seven next week in the common room.” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

She was too stunned to do anything…she watched him go along and touched her cheek. Alex didn’t want him to get the wrong impression; she was only going with him on friend terms.

But he seemed just so happy.


The week passed and the dance was tonight. Everyone heard that Alex Hershey and Blake Longbottom were going to the dance together. Her friends had given her some teasing, and other students had actually come up to her and asked if it was true.

Grover was angry when he found out, but Alex couldn’t bring herself to care. She was doing this for Blake; he deserved someone going with him for once.

She expected Riddle to say some scathing comment about her date, but ever since that day in COMC when he congratulated her, she hadn’t seen nor heard of him. Really… she didn’t care if she didn’t see him for the rest of her stay here.

As the dance came closer, Alex noticed that Godiva became distant and quiet. The gothic girl hardly met Alex’s gaze or started up conversations anymore, and when the Potter heir tried to ask what was wrong, Godiva coiled within herself and shook her head.

Right now, Alex was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom in her dorm while her dorm mates were already gone to the dance. She was running late, but after the harsh argument with Godiva, she had a perfectly good excuse to be late.

Once she zipped up the zipper in the back of her dress, she looked in the mirror and gave a fake smile. She really didn’t mind dressing up, but she always thought she was turning into one of those girls when she did.

With one last look in the mirror, Alex turned and made her way down the stairs toward Blake Longbottom.


He took a cup of punch from the far table and sipped at it while looking out at those fools dancing and making a joke out of themselves. They all looked horrible when they were dancing…they weren’t graceful or dignified.

Tom sneered and looked down at the red liquid in his crystal cup. He didn’t want to go to the dance, but being Head Boy made him committed to attend. Ever since that night a week ago when he had made another horcrux, he had felt tired and unemotional. His feelings were swallowed into a pit of his stomach and were blocked from coming out. One side-effect from splitting ones soul.

He knew it was both good and bad that he was suspended with his emotions for awhile.

For one thing, he didn’t feel the betrayal when Alexandra Hershey accepted Blake Longbottom’s offer to the dance, and not him.

He didn’t feel the surprise and pride when she made the Gryffindor Quidditch team as Seeker.

He didn’t feel the anger when Alexandra out right refused his claim on her in front of his fellow Slytherin classmates.

And after all those emotions came hitting at him just yesterday, he wondered if it was a good or bad thing that he didn’t feel those emotions at the time.

One thing was for certain, he had his vulnerable emotions back in full force tonight. Why did he know that? He felt his goddamn breath hitch in his throat when he caught sight of Alexandra Hershey enter the room.

She was beautiful as always. She had more make-up on then usual, but not overly done. Those beautiful, glossy curls were non-existent and her hair fell straight down to the small of her back in a silky curtain. Half her hair was pulled back and clipped with a diamond barrette.

Her dress hung perfectly on her. It was white, with spaghetti straps, and it went down to her calves with a risky slit up to her middle thigh.

Tom set down his cup and slid his eyes over her form as much as possible. He would’ve preferred her hair falling in those damned curls of hers, and instead of white, she would look stunning in black or dark green.

But she still looked beautiful.

Not at all like those other girls in the Great Hall.

And to set her appearance properly, her Magic was purring in crimson waves around her like a cocoon. Speaks of glitter where sparkling within her aura and they winked at Tom in a seductive way.

Her Magic had always made Tom’s perk up in awareness. Without warning, his emerald Magic unfolded from his strong barriers and danced upwards; desperately trying to get the attention of the crimson Magic nearby.

He hissed in annoyance and yanked his Magic down; ignoring the startled looks he received from the passing students. He would not flash his Magic like some prostitute for Alex’s attention.

Turquoise eyes looked at Alex’s joined hands with that lump of a pureblood wizard and they narrowed in disgust. Alex deserved better than that. Someone like…him.

“Tom lets dance!” His control took all his effort not to flinch at the high pitched voice that clung to his arm.

Brenda Marigold was his awful date for this bloody dance. She didn’t look beautiful like Alexandra did. She wore a black dress that popped her cleavage out like melons. Tom secretly thought that the dress would look ten times better on one midnight haired beauty.

“I’d rather not, Brenda. I told you before we came that we were not a couple. Therefore, I don’t want people to get the wrong impression.” He really didn’t care what other people thought of him, especially these…young, naive students.

But maybe he cared about one’s impression…

Marigold huffed and stalked off to find a willing man, and Tom stalked in the shadows, watching her from a distance. He couldn’t help but to notice how gracefully she moved…and he never admitted that about anyone.


Alex smiled at her friends that greeted her at the Gryffindor table. Music was blaring from the small wizarding band on the stage, and she couldn’t help but to acquire a headache from it. Blake was holding her arm in a vice grip and she noticed that he was puffing his chest out in a smug gesture.

Emerald eyes narrowed. If he thought he could show her off as some prize, she would stalk out of this god forsaken place. The only thing that made her stay was the dancing. Ever since the Twi Wizarding Tournament, she loved to dance. She just hopped Blake was at least willing like his grandson, Neville.

She noticed Pipa Harrison and Addison Clayborne dancing great together out on the floor and gave a smile. Those two were a perfect couple together…absolutely perfect. She wondered if they would have any kids together, and if they did, who were they during her time?

Her eyes landed on Marigold who was rubbing herself against a seventh year Slytherin with her large breasts popping out. Alex almost threw up her dinner at the sight. Marigold’s eyes weren’t on her partner’s though. She was looking over at…

Alex turned her head and saw a shadowy figure, leaning against the punch table in the shadows. Tom Riddle, no doubt.

An evil smirk formed her face as she tapped Blake on the arm.

“I’m going to get some punch, do you want some?” The blonde boy looked disappointed and gave a nod.

“Sure. Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, no. I’m capable of getting a cup with some liquid in it. Thank you.” With a huff, Alex walked away from her short date and snuck over toward the punch.

She stood next to the tall, slim, figure of Riddle and gave a glance in his direction. He didn’t look too dressed up, but if she knew better, she would say he didn’t want to be there at all. His hair fell in all directions in a messy way, making his high cheekbones stick out more pronouncedly. His Adams apple jagged out from his thin throat with a silver chain around it. His robes were a high collared, simply flowing black.

“Looks like your date is trying to be the first witch to take her clothes off just by dancing.” Alex muttered and filled up her small cup with the red liquid. Pieces of strawberry clumped in her cup and she avoided the spraying fluid that came toward her dress.

She could feel Riddle’s eyes on her and she picked up a small cut brownie, putting it in her mouth.

“And it looks like you are stuffing your face with chocolate, yet again.” Alex gave a huff and turned to glare at the tall form. She noticed right away that his eyes didn’t give that hunted glint to them that they had before, now they were glittering in pleasure.

“You probably would to if you weren’t watching your figure.” She retorted, glancing at his skinny form in a show and back to those other deserts calling her name.

He ignored her comment and turned to look at the plates of food. “Your hair looks better in your curls.”

Alex’s eyes widened in surprise that he was admitting that piece of information, but she didn’t turn to look at the man. “Thanks, I’ll have to remember to straighten it more often.” She was surprised when the man gave a chuckle.

“You always seem to amuse me, Alexandra.” There was a hint of something in his voice that she couldn’t put a finger on. Yet, she always had trouble reading Riddle.

“And you always seem to annoy the hell out of me, Riddle.” She poured another cup for Blake and turned to leave, but a rough hand gripped her elbow. She had to make all sorts of twists and turns just to balance the punch in her hands. When she made sure they weren’t going to spill anytime soon, she growled at Riddle and he gave a smirk of satisfaction.

“Fat boy can wait on his drink, Alexandra. I want to dance with you.” Alex spluttered when Riddle took her drink from her grasp and placed it on the table.

“Excuse me? Blake is my date-,”

“Out of pity. Now, I want to dance.” His voice went husky in just a matter of moments and he placed his arm around her waist possessively.

“E-excuse m-me, T-Tom? Alex is, she’s my da-date.” Alex whipped her head around to see Blake standing beside Tom, with his chin quivering in fright of Riddle’s glare.

“Run along, Longbottom. She only went with you out of pity.” Alex straightened up and went tense when she saw Riddle’s eyes give a sparkle and a smile flew on his face. “Did you honestly think she went with you because she…liked you?”

Alex watched as Blake’s chocolate eyes became watery. With a whimper he turned and ran out of the Great Hall.

“Pathetic.” Tom whispered and tugged at Alex’s waist toward the dance floor.

It was rather pathetic of Blake, but she couldn’t suck up the patience to dance with Riddle after what he did.

“That was bloody rude of you, Riddle.” Alex hissed and glared at the man who now wrapped both his hands around her waist.

“You can’t go around school making friends with such weak wizards, Alexandra. Longbottom had to realize that he couldn’t command me around.”

She looked up at Riddle with her bright green eyes and shook her head, escaping his embrace. Without a word, she walked out the dance hall and went up to the Gryffindor Common room.

Riddle would always be that arrogant, self-centered, man she always remembered.

She noticed Blake was no where in sight… neither was Godiva. Sighing, she went to sit by the window and took out her diary. She wrote her passage by the light of the full moon. 

Chapter 8: Back on Track

Alex woke up to the small footfall across the room. The wood creaked underneath the weight of the person, causing Alex’s eyes to snap open. The room had just been touched with the sun’s rays, barley even dawn. She gently moved her bed hangings to the side and peaked out. To say she was surprised was an underestimate.

Godiva was limping over to her bed next to Alex’s. She had bruises on her face and a deep scratch on her cheek. She looked absolutely terrible. What had happened?

If Alex didn’t know any better, she would say Godiva had spent a very long night with a man. But Alex did know better, and she knew that Godiva never once mentioned any man.

She decided to keep quiet and watched as the gothic girl wiped out on her bed.

Who exactly was Godiva Ramsey?

She was determined to find out.


The library was packed, and Alex debated on herself if she wanted to go in or not. But there was two people she had to talk to.

Sucking in her courage, she made her way over to her first person. Blake Longbottom. She hadn’t seen him at any of the meals today, and she wanted to apologize to him for what Riddle said to him.

If only her friends could see her now. Apologizing to someone on the behalf of Voldemort.

He was sitting down near the door, tapping his quill gently against the parchment rolled out in front of him. From the looks of it, it was potion’s and Alex cursed gently to herself. She had to finish that, or Professor Slughorn would have to talk to her. Something she avoided as much as possible.

“Er, Blake? Could I talk to you?” His chocolate colored eyes looked up at her in surprise and he nodded his head, motioning toward the empty chair beside him.

Not exactly the private spot she had in mind, but she wouldn’t complain. Settling down, she took his hand in hers and looked at him eye to eye. She could see people glancing over at them, but she didn’t really care.

“I want to apologize about last night. It was wrong of Tom Riddle to say that. Considering he doesn’t know the reason why I went to the dance with you.” She watched as he gave a shudder and squeezed her hand. Trying not to flinch at the contact, Alex gave a smile. “I went with you, Blake, because I didn’t have a date at the time, and the same went for you. So I took it as it came.” She paused and lowered her voice. “We did only go as friends, you do understand that, don’t you?”

Blake gave a sigh and ran his free hand through his hair. “Yes I understand that now, but a silly part of me thought you…actually liked me.”

Alex’s stomach dropped in pity. Blake was honestly a nice guy who treated women with respect. If only she could…

A smirk came across her face as she looked at Blake.

“You know what? I think I could set you up with someone, if you want to that is.” He gave a sharp nod and frowned.

“Who would want to go out with me?” Alex let go of his hand and welcomed the feeling of independence once again. She couldn’t stand Blake’s sweaty hand.

“Taylor Lester, she’s a 7th year Ravenclaw.” It was a spur of the moment idea to set those two up, but she had a feeling they would get along greatly. They both needed someone desperately, and why not put the two together?

“Yeah, I’ve heard about her.” Emerald eyes narrowed at the blush staining Blake’s cheeks. It was obvious that Blake heard about her.

“Meet me at the Three Broomsticks during Hogsmeade tomorrow. You two can catch up together.” With an nod that looked like his head would snap off, Alex stood up and made her way toward the gothic girl in the corner.


A hooded figure made his way toward Gringotts wizarding bank, ignoring all the curious stares cast his way. One of these days, those stares would turn from curious to admiration.   True, his magic sang around him in seductive waves now, but later on in life he would be the most looked up Lord around.

His black robes flew behind him in a dramatic swirl, and he smirked as a witch ran across the street just to get out of his way. That’s how it should be. He stepped inside the white marble building and made his way over to the head Goblin, looking down at him with that pointed nose of his.

“Yes?” Tom seethed, he didn’t like when people, much less a Goblin, spoke to him like some…child.

“I would like to withdrawal all of the Marigold fortune into a new vault please.” He tried to hold in a smirk at that.

Brenda Marigold….what a nice toy he played with for awhile. But after last night, he had thrown her away. She had served his purpose. Money, and shagging. After Alexandra had stormed out the Hall last night, Tom had grabbed Brenda and shagged her; letting all his frustrations with a certain green eyed girl, out on her. When she was peacefully sleeping with a mild sleeping charm over her, he had snuck out.

The Goblin gave a smile down at Tom with those razor sharp teeth. “That would require the key to the Marigold vault.” Thinking he had won; the creature sat back down and continued writing.

“Well then, it’s a good thing I have the key, is it not?” He slipped his long fingers into his pocket and withdrew a brass key, never taking his covered eyes off the Goblin.

The Goblin cleared its throat and leaned back forward. “Of course you do. What is the name of the new vault suitor?”

From underneath his hood, turquoise eyes turned scarlet.

“Voldemort. Lord Voldemort.”


She sat next to her gothic friend while putting her book bag on the table. If she was going to sit here, might as well finish her potions essay.

“How was the dance?” Alex swiveled her eyes toward Godiva who was reading a passage from a textbook, not looking up at the body who had plopped down next to her.

“Hell. I left in fifteen minutes or so.” Not to mention I wasted all my extra money on that dress. She paused and took out her potion’s book. The cover had a picture of a handsome man brewing a potion…to bad Snape didn’t look like that. It would make his class a little more easier on the eyes. “What did you do last night? You weren’t in the dorm room when I came in.”

“Oh, I was in the library. I had to check up something.” Godiva replied in an emotionless voice and kept reading.

Alex ran her eyes over the gothic’s form. Her died black hair was becoming washed out, and showing her natural strawberry blonde hair at the roots. Dark circles were under her eyes and against her abnormally pale skin. She was actually wearing long sleeves today, but that might have to do with all the Professor’s scolding her all the time to. In fact, the more Alex looked, the more she didn’t see the bruises and scratches she had from last night.

“Is everything ok, Godiva? You seem awfully tired-,”

“Everything is fine.” Her contact covered eyes shot up to Alex in a snap.

“I was just worried.” Alex defended herself and held up her hands in mock surrounder. Honestly, if the girl didn’t want to talk about it, she wouldn’t push the conversation. Instead, Alex took out the half written scroll and looked blankly at it.

“I’m sorry Alex; it’s just that I’m going through so much right now with my…parents.” Alex looked up and noticed Godiva’s right eye twitched when she lied…and that was exactly what the gothic did just a second later.

“Alright, if you ever need me for anything, don’t be afraid to come talk to me.” She offered Godiva a fake smile and went back to the damned essay that was starting to blur in front of her.   


The light from the full moon hit Alex as she snuck out her dorm room; she had successfully escaped Godiva, Unity, and Taylor’s presence to sneak to an abandoned classroom on the third floor. She had two text books in her arms and she intended to use both of them tonight.

Although Dumbledore had said to take time off and enjoy her ‘vacation’ she still intended to study her two abilities. Wandless Magic and Shadow Walking. She walked into the room and sat down in the middle of it.

Right now she had to find her ‘inner core.’


Alex gave a start as she snorted loudly. Her eyes flew open when she realized she had fallen asleep.


So it sounded easier then actually doing it. Maybe she should try Shadow Walking first? She cleared her throat and looked through the thicker text book. It said to gather her Magic and… and… wrap it around the body part you wanted to become invisible?

Alex clenched her teeth in anger and threw the book aside.

“This is absolutely, bloody, fucking, useless!” She growled and gave the book a last kick across the room.

“Troubles?” She gave a screech as she whirled around toward the voice in the door way. And she glared at the intruder.

“What are you doing here?” She demanded, while he made a show of brushing off some dust from his black robes.

“I could ask you the same thing, since I am the Head Boy, patrolling the corridors for students such as yourself who think they can go against the rules. Then possibly catch the student and report them to the Headmaster for punishment.” He paused and flicked off a piece of fuzz from his sleeve. “But I prefer handling the punishments myself.” He purred and looked up at Alex.

She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned most her weight on one leg. “Finished?” Boy, did he talk too much.


Tom ignored the comment and made his way over to the two books that were lying on the floor. He looked down at them and made sure he heard Alexandra’s shriek of disapproval before looking back up at her.

He already looked at the books when she was sleeping.

“Shadow Walking and Wandless Magic.” He paused and placed his hands behind his back, surveying her through half-lidded eyes. “Advanced Magic.”

She bristled, boy how he was so hooked on her already. He knew all her little habits and quirks. “You don’t think I can handle it?” She spat and he raised an eyebrow.

“I didn’t say that, did I? Shadow Walking is very advanced Magic, its tough, but I think you could handle it if you worked at it.” He responded and he knew what she was about to say before she spoke it.

“And Wandless Magic? You don’t think I could accomplish that?” She was blushing in anger, it was always anger. He had never once seen her blush in embarrassment before.

“Wandless Magic is a natural form of Magic for powerful witches and wizards. You can’t study it from books.” He watched as she bit her lower lip and that Slytherin glare of hers was directed straight at him.

Really, he knew she was capable of both forms of Magic, but he wanted to see her suffer. She would get no where without a mentor, teaching her to control her Magic. She had to realize that, in order to advance, she had to come to terms with the Form of her Magic. Dark Magic. Her magic was Dark, but she was locking that part away.

“I can do Wandless Magic, Riddle. I just can’t find my inner core.” She replied haughtily, putting up her delicate chin. He stared at the light from the moon hitting on her soft skin, making her cheekbones more pronounced and her lips pucker in annoyance. He felt himself react to her and he cleared his throat, putting on his trademark smirk.

“Aw.” He paused and motioned to where he saw her sleeping in the middle of the room. “I gather that your inner core involves falling asleep?”

She was amusing when she made all those different sounds from her throat.

“Exactly how long were you watching me?”

“A while.” He replied truthfully. In fact, he had seen her leave her Common Room, and followed her all the way up to the third floor. He took a step closer to her and was pleased when she didn’t move backward.

“What you need, Alexandra, is someone who is in control of their own Magic, to teach you how to control your own.”

She put her hands on her hips. “And? Let me guess. You can teach me, huh?”

Tom’s lips quirked upwards and he bared his teeth in a smile. With a wave of his hands, the two books came flying toward him without a verbal spell, and within a blink of an eye he was invisible to the human eye. He had just done Wandless Magic and Shadow Walking within seconds.

“Yes, Alex, I can be your tutor. I can teach you both of these Forms of Magic, and I can help you mold your magic to use easier. You have so much potential, Alex. Your magic is a waste of space just floating around you if you don’t use it.” He leaked out the shadows in his body and became visible, handing Alexandra her two books.

“What’s in it for you then?”

Aw, smart girl. A Slytherin thinker.

“It’s rather simple, really.” He walked closer to her, the bane of his thoughts, and he leaned down. His breath blew away a curl around her ear. He loved her hair. “A date, a simple date, and if you absolutely hate it, I will continue teaching you and I will stop trying to court you.” He moved away and looked into her Slytherin green eyes.

Within seconds, he was doubled over at the stomach, gasping for breath.

“You bloody prick, I don’t think so.” With one last glare toward Tom, she left the room in haste.

The Dark Lord held a hand to his stomach and looked after the petite figure of the women he was so obsessed with.

She would come around.