Chapter 9: Everything on Two Legs
It was a wonderful morning. The sun was shining in the windows, the owls were flapping into the Great Hall, and Alex had a maniac grin on her face. Her friends around her kept giving her worried glances, but she ignored every last one of them. She popped a chocolate scone, much to the amusement of Riddle across the Hall, and gave a hum. She would’ve been even more cheerful this morning if it wasn’t for the fact that Godiva wasn’t in bed last night again. She had come to the conclusion, that she would follow her Gothic friend tonight.
But enough of that grim thinking.
She buttered an English muffin and put cinnamon on it. Well, she rather drowned her muffin in the cinnamon, but that was what made it taste so good. She could still feel those turquoise eyes of Riddle from across the hall, chuckling at her eating habits. Really, he’s no better. She had spotted him across the Hall one time, drowning his pancakes with syrup. Not to mention that he added four cubes of sugar to his tea.
“Alex, what’s wrong with you?” Unity whispered, leaning across the Gryffindor table they were all sitting at. With a loud gasp, she ran a hand through her startling red hair.
“Did you get laid?”
Most the Hall got quiet and Alex pulled at the curl behind her right ear in embarrassment. Really, just because she was happy, didn’t mean she would’ve had to have sex.
“No! Just be patient.” She whispered, glaring at the students who were awaiting the answer.
She took a bite of the English muffin and gave a moan. She really did love food. How could people starve themselves just to be happy? Opening her eyes, she gave a glance at Taylor, the smart Ravenclaw.
“Taylor, someone wants to meet you today at Hogsmeade. I agreed, so you are basically going on a date.” It was better if she just came out and said it. Taylor was the kind of person to not beat around the bush with.
Taylor dropped her fork and put a hand to her short neck in horror. Her navy blue eyes were widened in surprise. “A… a date? Really? With a guy?”
Alex gave a snort and continued on her English muffin. “Of course a date, with a guy. He was really excited to meet with you.” She would’ve made a few sarcastic comments in there, but Taylor was already off her seat in horror.
Before she could say anything else, the Hall erupted in chuckles and whispers. The four friends all turned to the entrance of the Hall and burst out laughing.
There stood Brinley and Chavi, Alex and Godiva’s room mates. They were all looking at everyone in curiosity on why they were laughing at them. Each of them had absolutely no ounce of make-up on and their usual short skirt was down to their ankles in a Virgin Mary style. Not to mention that their collars were buttoned up to their neck, showing not one inch of skin.
Alex’s friends looked at her in amazement.
“Did you do this?”
Alex held her side and laughed, choking on the English muffin in her mouth. Really…she was choking.
Her laughter subsided, and her face grew red from the lack of air. She held her hands to her neck in a helpless gesture. Tears were gathering in her eyes and she saw her friends all stand up in shock.
Strong arms wrapped around her torso and a fist slammed into her stomach. After about five thrusts, Alex gave a heave and spit out the soggy clump of English muffin on her plate. She took large mouthfuls of air, and turned to her savior. Her eyes met Addison Clayborne’s concerned ones.
“You ok, Alex?” She gave a nod and collapsed into his arms in thanks.
“Thank you so, so, much, Addison. I almost died.” His hand patted her head and she sighed. What an ordeal. Laughing at the prank you just pulled and then choking on your favorite breakfast treat.
After a few moments she pulled out of his embrace and noticed everyone looking at her in shock. Yes… it was scary. That is, until she looked over at Riddle and frowned. The man had his head in his arms and his shoulders were shaking uncontrollably.
He was laughing!
Tom Bloody Riddle was laughing that she almost died. What was so funny about that? She glared at his form and looked away from him in anger. Who cared about what he did?
Not her.
After things got under control, the students started to laugh at both the two Gryffindor students and Alex’s incident.
The four friends stepped out of the carriage when the arrived at Hogsmeade. It was a slightly chilly day, and Alex found herself wrapping her school cloak around herself. She was proud that Taylor had dressed up for the occasion and she was sure Blake Longbottom had also dressed up.
She took Taylor’s hand in hers and led her up to the Three Broomsticks. Students all around were scurrying here and there, trying to shop for the things they wanted. The Three Broomsticks was packed and Alex squeezed her way through, ignoring all the shouts of anger she caused.
Moments later, she spotted Blake and tugged Taylor after her, Godiva and Unity following behind them in a much slower pace. Blake was sitting at a table seated for two and when he spotted them, he stood up and looked bashfully at Taylor.
Alex watched as the two looked shyly at each other and sighed. “Blake Longbottom, this is Taylor Lester. Taylor, this is Blake. Have fun on your blind date.” With a chuckle, she walked away, enjoying the awkward glances following in her direction.
The trio sat at a booth far away from the couple to notice them. They laughed at the expression on their faces.
“Taylor was so mortified that you left her, Alex! You should’ve seen her face.” Godiva burst out laughing and Alex smiled at her friend. This was the first time in a long time that Godiva had that sparkle in her eyes.
The three sat there for quit awhile, they ordered some fried cheese sticks and enjoyed their own company. Not to mention their perfect view of Taylor and Blake’s awkward, but cute date. They were having a great time, but it was interrupted by a throat clearing.
“Hello, Clifton, Ramsey, Alexandra.” He nodded to each of them, but his eyes stayed on Alex.
“I was wondering if you would like to share a drink with me, Alex.” He actually asked this time, and not ordered. But yet…
“No thanks.”
She gave a startled yelp as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Must you be so difficult, Hershey? I want to drink with you.”
Alex glared and pounded on his back. “And you should take no for an answer.” She was thrown down on an empty booth and she glared at the tall figure, leaning over her.
“One drink, that’s all I’m asking.” She looked at his eyes and sighed.
“Alright, one. No more.” He gave a nod and swept toward the bar, ordering two glasses of liquid. She tapped her fingers on the wooden table in front of her and tried to make herself seem more confident.
He came back a moment later and placed a tumbler full of crimson liquid in front of her. “Scoot over.” There was that damned order voice of his.
“There is a perfectly open spot right across from me-,” She growled as he interrupted her, by sitting very close to her; blocking the exit.
“I wanted to talk to you alone, Alex. I don’t know how much your friends know about you, but I was being generous by removing you from the table.” She was about to give a retort, until she looked at his face. Something was serious.
“Know what?” She played with the crimson liquid and gave a side look at Riddle.
“I’m on to you, Alex.” That was all he said, and she snorted.
“You’re on everything with two legs, Riddle.” She was surprised yet again when Riddle used physical contact again. His delicate, yet strong hands gripped her chin.
“I know something’s different about you. Your color of your eyes, the lightning bolt scar, the way you’re so different from everyone else, why Dumbledore favors you, and the unexplainable hate toward me. I am being as bloody patient as I can with you, and yet you have this anger toward me with no explainable reason. So, what are you hiding, Alexandra Quinn Hershey? Who are you exactly?” Alex’s heart skipped a few beats here and there with each statement he shot out.
Was she that obvious?
She watched, speechless, as Riddle leaned closer to her and whispered. “Not to mention you’re a parselmouth.” He didn’t whisper that, no, he hissed it in parseltongue.
She jerked back and glared into the smug eyes of Riddle. “It runs in the family.”
Tom shook his head and gripped her jaw more aggressively. “No, you’re playing a game with me Alex, and I don’t like that. I’ll find out the rules of the game and then I’ll beat you.” He let her go and drowned his drink in one go.
“Really, I just moved here-,”
“Don’t lie to me, Alex. I can tell when lies come out of that pretty little mouth of yours.”
She looked away from his gaze and down at the tumbler. Dumbledore had said that everyone would forget her when she left. No one would remember a thing from her stay. So what was the big deal about Riddle finding out?
“I’ll tell you if you agree on tutoring me.” Riddle’s eyes widened and his face was expressionless for a few moments.
She leaned back and looked ahead of her.
“I’m from the future.” That really did sound awfully bad. She half expected him to burst out laughing just like he had done at breakfast that morning when she was dying. Instead, he didn’t.
She turned to look at him and was surprised when he gave a curt nod. Alex opened her mouth a few times, but nothing came out.
“You- you knew!? How?”
He gave a dry chuckle and shot her a quick sideways glance. “It’s obvious, isn’t it? Why you think women should receive more credit for what they do, you wear trousers instead of skirts like it’s no big deal, you skipped a level in Hogwarts, and your two textbooks that you carry around on Wandless Magic and Shadow Walking was published in 1999.” He tilted his head to the side and gave a smirk at her gob smacked face expression.
He looked in her books?
“So I came to the conclusion that you are from the future. How far into the future?” He was just curious and she cleared her throat.
“Sixty four years into the future. It’s 2006 where I came from.” She didn’t like talking to him about this. She didn’t like to talk to him at all for that matter. He seemed absolutely hooked on the subject, though. His eyes were sparkling like a crazed man.
“Sixty two years…” He repeated and closed his eyes. “That would make me seventy nine years old. I figure I’m still alive because of the hate you harbor to me.” He snapped his eyes open and looked over at her once again. “Why does a young girl around seventeen hate me so much? What did I do to you?”
Alex tensed up and her eyes brimmed with tears. She couldn’t do this. The very same man who killed her parents and tried to kill her every single breath she took. What would he do if she told her? She bet he would look proud of himself of what he would accomplish.
She brought back her fist and slammed it into his nose. She was would’ve been smug if it wasn’t for the hurt cursing through her body. Riddle gave a loud cry and brought his hands up to his nose that was streaming with blood. She hoped she had broken it… just as he had broken her life.
Alex leaned in and made sure he was looking straight in her eyes. “What did you do?” She repeated with her voice as cold as ice. His own eyes were full of hatred, but they turned surprised at her actions a moment later. “You are a very sick man in my life. You broke my whole life, you bring the hatred inside of me out. You make the ground where you walk turn black with death.” She paused and repeated Riddle’s actions that he had done earlier that day. Putting her lips to his ears, she hissed parseltongue in his ear.
“And you enjoy every last bit of it.”
She stood up and climbed over the stunned form of Riddle and ran out the pub with tears coming down her cheeks.
He just sat there and stared at the door she ran out of. Her every last word was ringing in his head as he felt blood course through his fingers. What had he done to her that would cause so much hatred? True, he wanted to become a Dark Lord, someone who opposed the Ministry and Dumbledore, but would he become someone who brought terror to people?
He wanted everyone to look up at him in admiration, not fear or hate.
One thing was for certain, he needed to know what he was like in the future and what he had done to Alexandra Hershey… hell that might not even be her real name.
With a sigh, he stood up and left the pub. He had some planning to do.
She scribbled through her diary once she ended her section for the day. She was in her dorm room the whole day since the incident with Riddle at the pub. Her friends had tried to make her come out, but she refused. Alex couldn’t face Riddle again, not after what she had done…what they did together.
All she wanted to remember about Riddle was that he was Lord Voldemort, but as much as she wanted to think that about Tom Riddle, the more she realized he was not Voldemort yet. His face expression was sincere when he asked what he had done in the future to her…and yet all she had seen were the red snake eyes of her enemy and she had snapped. She had taken out everything on Tom Riddle, and he just sat there and listened.
She clutched her diary to her chest and made her way over to her trunk. And yet… hadn’t Riddle already made horcruxes? His Slytherin ring, and his diary…how many others could he have done? Did he not know that once he split himself seven times, he would become an unfeeling monster?
Opening her trunk, she placed the diary amongst her clothes, and she shut the lid. Taking her wand out, she locked the chest with an ancient spell, Hermione showed her during second year after Lavender tried to steal it.
It was starting to get dark and Alex remembered she was going to try to follow Godiva tonight. With a deep breath she went out the dorm room and down the Common Room. She spotted the gothic girl reading a book by the fire. Settling down in a dark corner, Alex waited until Godiva got up.
It wasn’t until a few more hours that she did stand up. She exited the Common and out the portrait, Alex following a great distance away from her. Before she knew it, they were outside and the grounds were deserted of people. The sun was going down and Alex wondered where the hell Godiva was going.
The full moon started to rise, and the Potter heir stopped in her tracks. Green eyes widened in horror as she saw Godiva collapse in the forest floor. Her limbs her changing and her screams turned into howls.
Godiva was a werewolf.
Alex did the only thing she could do, and ran back to her dorm room. She stayed up late that night, trying to find out ways she could help her friend…but she only came up with one option. It was the same choice her father, Sirius, and Pettigrew made.
If anyone heard the footsteps that night in the 6th year Gryffindor, girls dorm, they would wake up and see…nothing. It was a good thing they didn’t wake though, for if they did, they would be jinxed.
Tom used Shadow Walking to get into the dorm room of Alexandra. He needed to know her better. Not only because he wanted to know what he was like in the future, but because he wanted her. How would he win her over if he didn’t know how to fix the obvious hurt in her?
His first guess was that she kept a diary. Not many people did, but something told Tom she did. People who kept journals or diaries where the same people who kept all their emotions bottled up. Exactly what Alex does.
If that was false, he would gather her memories up in a pensive and study them all night, before morning came around. That option was the trickiest, if someone discovered her with a sleeping charm over her in the morning things wouldn’t look good if she woke up with her memories burrowed for awhile.
He made his way over to the furthest bed from the door and looked down at the sleeping figure. He couldn’t help the slight smile forming on his face. She didn’t have a scowl or glare on her face, but yet, she had her lips opened slightly and her head turned in an awkward angle. She would definitely have a pain tomorrow morning.
Tom touched his healed nose, and looked back down at her. He didn’t love. He vowed to himself a day at the orphanage that he would never love someone. Ever. But every time he looked at her, he felt something in his chest flutter. Corny.
He rephrased that.
Every time he looked at her, his cock hardened and his Magic sparked in anticipation. His Magic was the major key factor in this whole…relationship. It had never reacted like this around anyone else. Maybe if they got to know each other, he would indeed find himself having those feelings he cursed away so long ago.
That was what he was doing now. Getting to know her. Well, actually breaking in her trunk and stealing something…but whatever did the trick, eh?
He tapped the trunk with his wand, but nothing happened. He frowned and narrowed his eyes at the trunk. It was surrounded in white, ancient Magic. His lips twitched upwards. Alex sure surprised him multiple times a day.
Placing his hand on the chest he closed his eyes and muttered the reversal spell for the locking charm. With an audible ‘click’ the lock opened and he was free to look through her things.
It was mostly clothes, and some trinkets, but a leather bound book was what caught his eye. He picked it up and flipped through it, hissing in approval when he noticed that it was a diary.
He shut the lid quietly and placed the same ancient Magic that she had on before he broke in and left the room.
Chapter 10: Watching them Unfold
Tom took the diary in his own room, one of the great benefits of being Head Boy. He settled himself on the couch and took a deep breath. It would take a long time to read through this whole thing, but luckily he knew a spell that would allow him to watch the events through her memories that were placed on the piece of paper. He had used it once on his horcrux, the diary. His diary would allow the victim to view his memories that were placed on the diary.
He looked around the room and made sure the door was locked from intruders. The last thing he needed was Marigold to come storming in his rooms, crying about the news of her family’s poverty.
He pointed his wand at the diary and muttered his spell.
“Obvisour memoirs!” He was sucked into the pages and he hit his feet on hard ground. The spell would only allow him to view the memories that were written, but he wouldn’t be able to read any of what Alex felt. That, he would do later. Now, he wanted to visualize her memories.
He looked around as he landed in her first memory. It was a living room with a man with black messy hair playing with a small baby with her own messy hair.
It must’ve been Alex when she was a baby. Those are her parents; she has her mother’s eyes.
A women with red hair and bright green eyes watched her husband and child play together. They were all laughing, enjoying each other’s company. That is until a loud ‘crash’ was heard.
“The wards, he has found us.” The women stood up in a hurry and the man picked the child off the floor.
“Lily, take Alex and run!” Lily took Alex from her father’s arms and ran up the stairs just as the door burst open.
Tom turned to gaze at the hooded figure who had come through the door and instantly was hit with the foul Magic. It was powerful Magic, but it had a foul aftertaste to it.
Before he could see anything else, his body was sucked up after the woman and Alex. He hoped the hooded figure was not who he thought it was…
He watched as Lily started to sob, while clutching little Alex in her arms. Tom saw the mother straighten up in determination and place her daughter in the crib. Not a moment later the door opened and the hooded figure stepped inside with a cackle. He smelt of death, and Tom knew Alex’s father was lying downstairs, staring lifelessly up at the ceiling.
“Not Alex, not Alex, please not Alex!” Her voice was desperate as she stood protectively in front of her daughter.
“Stand aside, you silly girl…stand aside, now…”
“Not Alex, please no, take me, kill me instead-,” Tom frowned at the desperate tone in her voice.
“Stand aside!” The figure’s voice was raspy…
“Not Alex! Please…have mercy…have mercy…”
Tom watched as the figure snarled and pointed his wand in her direction.
“Avada Kedavra.” Lily screamed and fell to the floor in a lifeless thud. He watched in surprise as the figure advanced on the baby Alex.
Why did he want to kill a baby?
“Good bye, Alex Potter.” Tom’s eyes widened.
‘Potter? Alex is a Potter?’ Before he could think more of it, he watched as the killing curse hit her in the forehead. But it didn’t kill her, instead it bounced and hit the figure dead on.
With a screech, Voldemort, (he came to terms that it was Voldemort) exploded and his soul left his non-existent body. Tom whirled back at Alex who was crying… a lightning bolt scab on her forehead.
Her memories showed brief glimpses of living with those awful muggles. How she had to live with them instead of her parents…all thanks to him.
She didn’t even know she was a witch until that brute, Hagrid, revealed it.
He went through her first year, her adventures, and the end of the year when she faced his older self. To say he was disturbed was an underestimate.
What had happened to his beliefs? He was some skeleton monster who enjoyed pain and torture of helpless people. An eleven year old girl for heavens sake!
He knew that Alex’s mother had died for her protection, that was why Voldemort couldn’t stand her touch.
Then second year came, and went. He watched with unemotional eyes as she had killed the basilisk with his horcrux sword, and how she pierced and destroyed his other horcrux, the diary.
Third year came and she was presented with a new father, Sirius Black. She learned of Peter Pettigrew’s betrayal on her family and his loyalty to Lord Voldemort.
He came to the conclusion that she received Parseltongue from the connection they shared through her scar. But as much as he thought and thought, he still didn’t understand why he wanted to kill Alex so bad.
Then fourth year came, and he watched her grow before his eyes. She hated the media’s attention because she was the Girl-who-lived. Alex just hated being Alex Potter. He felt a twang of pity for her. How could he not? The whole wizarding world was looking up to her, for something she had no control over.
She was signed up for the Twi Wizarding tournament. A fourteen year old female. It was ridicules and he had a hunch of who was behind it. His hunch was correct as she was port-keyed to a familiar graveyard. He watched in disgust as Pettigrew killed the Diggory boy, and Tom noticed he stood by Alex’s side throughout Voldemort’s rebirth. He was amazed at how easily the ritual went.
Voldemort got his body back.
Tom chocked on his bile as he saw what had become of him in the future. He was distorted, a merciless killer. Far from what he thought he would become. Voldemort’s long finger touched Alex’s scar and she cried out in pain…and Voldemort didn’t. By using her blood, he had gained the protection Lily Potter gave her daughter. He was flabbergasted when he learned that both his and Alex wands were brothers.
Something about that piece of information made him uncertain. He had heard of that before…having both brother wands, and magic that reacted with each other’s… He growled and pushed it aside as he watched Alex escape him once again.
Fifth year came and went, and he watched as Alex lost yet another loved one, Sirius Black. He learned of the prophecy and he immediately stored that in back of his mind when the scene cut toward sixth year almost instantly after.
Sixth year made him uneasy. Alex had learned everything about him. She had known this whole time all about him… known about Voldemort, his horcruxes, the murder’s he committed this summer. And yet, she hadn’t done anything of major consequence. The only thing she had done was ignore and hate him.
It wasn’t until he watched as Dumbledore received the Slytherin locket and then be murdered by Severus Snape, and when Alex vowed her life to destroy him, that he was shaken. Everything about his future was bleak.
The diary spit him back out and Tom did something he hadn’t done in many, many, years. He collapsed on the sofa and buried his head in his hands. Sobs where heard throughout the room.
He was shaking uncontrollably…
He didn’t want to turn out like that.
A knock woke him up the next morning at his door and he sat up quickly. Rubbing his eyes that were crusted with his dried tears, he opened the portrait only to be met with the unfortunate sight of Marigold.
“Tom! You wont believe what happened.” Before she could go on, Tom slammed the door shut and went back to the sitting room.
His form sagged and he leaned his elbows on his knees, then placing his head on his open palms. For long moments, he sat there and stared into nothing. The events from last night replayed in his head and he felt darkness curl around inside of him.
Yes. He wanted to be a powerful Dark Lord. Yes, he wanted people to know him. Yes, he wanted to be immortal. Yes, he wanted to use Dark Magic…
But he didn’t want to become like that lifeless corpse he had seen. He admitted that he was afraid. Afraid of actually turning out that way.
He needed help. And he knew exactly who would help him.
Alex Potter. The granddaughter to Harold Potter, who had graduated last year from Hogwarts. He saw the similarities between them, but Harold was a young, arrogant fool. Alex was wise and very mature for her age. She had to be… with what her life was like back home. From the public’s attention to the threat of Voldemort.
And that brought yet another problem. Dumbledore. The man was clearly playing Alex’s strings into the Act he wanted to be played. He was manipulating her, molding her into the perfect tool against Voldemort. There was no prophecy, that so called Seer was no Seer. For one thing, when Seer’s had a vision, they collapsed to the floor in seizures and wouldn’t wake up for a few days.
There was no prophecy, and Tom felt strong concern for Alex. Here she was, never having a childhood of her own and when she steps foot into Hogwarts, she’s played by the old fool, looked up to by adults, and being hunted by a mature, powerful Dark Lord. She had a lot on her shoulders and she didn’t know who to turn to.
He would help her as much as possible. If one thing was for certain, they needed to team up in order to change the future.
And yet, there was that other problem. When she was returning to her time. He had a couple of options. One, find out the spell or object that was transporting her back. Two, going with her. Three, he would let her go (as painful as that sounded) and change the future his self. And he would wait for her…and claim her as his consort.
But something was bothering him. If she really was from the future, he knew it was true, then why did she admit it? Dumbledore was dead…how did she get here?
Tom shook his head and opened the diary, flipping until her found the passage he was looking for.
I received a letter from Dumbledore today. It was a surprise for me since he had passed away at the end of term. I was cautious of opening it, but to my surprise nothing was hexed on it. Instead, the letter told me I should take a vacation, and he had sent me a portkey toward my destination. It was a beautiful portkey, a silver chain with an emerald at the end.
To say I was surprised when I landed in the year 1944! I have no idea why he would pick a time such as this one, especially with Tom Bloody Riddle in it. But I calmed down when he told me when I returned, from the same portkey, that everyone would forget the events about me. So basically I could jump in front of Riddle and kick him in the family jewels and he wouldn’t even remember it. That sure does tempting.
Tom dropped the book in a growl. Of course that was it. He wouldn’t remember her when she left.
He stood up and started pacing back and forth. There had to be something he could do…some sort of spell or charm that would allow him to remember her. His fingers rubbed his chin in thought. Maybe a potion would be more beneficial.
Not to mention, Dumbledore sent her back her for a reason. Was it to get to know him better? ‘Know thy enemy?’ Maybe this diary was a fake?
He gave a snort and shook his head. Of course it wasn’t fake; he had just spent last night in Alex’s memories. It all made sense. Tom went over to a piece of parchment and scribbled down a list of things he had to remember.
Research way to remember
Research the bond she and I have. Why does my Magic react toward hers in such a way? Why do we have identical Magical cores?
Court Alexandra Potter
Teach her as much as possible IF I let her return to her time.
He dropped his quill and stared down at it, not really processing it. All he secretly knew was that if he had Alex in his life, he would not turn into what he feared to be.