Chapter 11: Those Conceited, Yet Handsome Eyes

Today I snapped at Tom Riddle. He found out that I was from the future. I didn’t snap at him because of that piece of information, no, I did because his bloody handsome turquoise eyes turned scarlet. That annoying smirk on his face became that lipless smile. In replace of Riddle, I saw Lord Voldemort.

I realize now, that Riddle is NOT Voldemort. But somewhere inside of me knows that I shouldn’t get closer to him than I already have been. He has already made two horcruxes and his soul is split in three now. How much longer until he becomes the very same man that haunts me every single minute of the day? Every single minute of the night?

It scares me, but I know I can protect myself from threats. I’ve been doing that since I’ve been eleven. He offered me to be tutored, but that arrogant prick wants something in return. Of course he would, he’s a Slytherin, no? He wants a “simple date”. He acts like its so easy, but to me it’s a major commitment. Not only do I not like physical contact with the opposite sex, its just that if I actually do become hopelessly in love with him… (I laugh at that) I will have to leave him when I go back home. And when I do arrive at my time, I’ll have to fight him…and kill him. I don’t think that’s possible. Not when I know that Lord Voldemort use to be human. A very handsome one at that…but a very conceited stuck up, overconfident, one.

Plus, he laughed when I almost choked to death. And he laughs at how much I eat; I think its better then being like all those other girls here.

Tom gave a smirk and set the diary down. Out of the whole diary, this was his favorite passage. It showed him that he had a chance with her.

And he would take it.


“Wake up, sleepy head.” Alex swatted at the hand that was shaking her. It was way to bloody early for this.

“Evemelone.” Accomplishing that she got that out, she moved her head back under the covers.

“We have classes today, Alex Hershey! Now get your lazy arse out of bed.” It was Godiva, and the sleeping monster crawled out from beneath the covers to glance at Godiva. She didn’t look bad, in fact she look…cheerful.

“You’re pretty, you know that?” Alex whispered bringing her eyes over Godiva’s form. The gothic gave a blush.

“Ok. Now you’re hallucinating.” Godiva turned around and went through her dresser for her school cloak. Alex shook her head and frowned at her friend.  She would have to work on her friend’s self confidence.

“No, I’m not. You know, I think we should do a make-over on you.” Alex winced…she had said the wrong thing. Godiva slammed her eyeliner down on the counter and turned to her with a sneer. Alex almost swore she saw the wolf’s amber eyes peer out at her beneath the yellow cat contacts Godiva was wearing.

“What? You don’t like the way I look now? Why did you even befriend me? Obviously you have something against people who are different from you.”  Alex stood up and clenched her fists.

“That’s wrong, Godiva and you know it! I am different from everyone else in the school, why would I be a hypocrite and make fun of you? If you want to dress like that, then by all means go right ahead. I just thought you would look gorgeous in strawberry blonde hair, and your normal amber eyes would blend in beautiful with the rest of you. I think you are the one who can’t stand yourself and you try to cover up behind a mask!” She stomped out of the room, ignoring that she was only covered up with men’s boxer shorts and a tank top.

She was confused on how to handle Godiva. She wanted to help her friend, but she didn’t know one thing about her. Yes, she was a werewolf, but that was really all she knew.  Before she knew it, she was standing at the top of the Astronomy tower, shivering in the cold wind. 

This vacation was fun, it had been about a month, but Alex was ready to go home. She needed to get back home to her war, and fight with all the strength she had inside of her. She had to get back, before her feelings toward Riddle got even more confusing.

Studying harder was the top of her list; with or without Riddle’s tutorage she had to learn Wandless Magic and Shadow Walking. Becoming an Animagus was second on her list, so she could help Godiva get a grip on her life…

“What are you doing out here?” And damn it! There was that…that person again. Always popping up all over the place. She gave a sigh and glanced over her shoulder at Riddle.

“How come you always stalk me?” That lazy smirk graced his lips and he took a step forward. His eyes ran the length of her body and the smirk was swept of his face as his gaze locked on her shorts.

“Why the bloody hell are you wearing men’s undergarments?” He took large steps forward with something dangerous in his eyes…Alex couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing.

“Why do you care, Riddle? If I want to wear the undergarments of the man I slept with last night I can do so.” Tom towered over her and he was standing awfully close.

“You didn’t sleep with anyone last night, Hershey.” Alex crossed her arms over her chest and rose and eyebrow.

“Oh? And how would you know? And why back to Hershey? I thought you were bent on calling me Alexandra?” She watched as he opened his mouth to respond, but instead a real smile slipped out. He slid his finger down her cheek bone and leaned closer to her face.

She couldn’t help the little spark of pleasure run through her at his actions, but she could give him a half-hearted glare.

“Hershey is your last name, is it not?” He was so bloody arrogant.

“Yes.” She pushed at his slim chest, causing him to take a step back for balance. She had to remember yesterday at the Three Broomsticks when he found out about her ‘future’ case. Emerald eyes looked at his nose to notice he didn’t even have an indent.

“It’s a shame you didn’t break it with all that effort behind it… I barely even bleed.” Tom replied, seeing Alex’s gaze on his nose. Before she could respond, Riddle turned and walked toward the exit.

“You are the most confusing person I know, Riddle. What was the reason to come up here when all you did was throw immature comments toward me?”

He paused in his retreat, but didn’t look back. “Why don’t you think that was the reason for coming up here?” He paused and looked at her neck. “And that is a beautiful necklace, Alexandra. But I don’t understand why you wear such a nice piece of jewelry to bed.” With that he retreated down the steps, leaving a fuming and confused Alex behind.


It was the dueling tournament today, and Alex was thinking about not competing. Yes she did sign up for it, but that was a whole month ago. It was October 25th and she had yet to improve on her Wandless Magic and Shadow Walking. That could have to do with all the Professors throwing loads of homework toward the students.

And she was not opening up to Godiva as she wanted to.

She tried to make moves to allow the gothic girl to indulge in Alex, but every time she got even close, Godiva stormed away. Alex then came to the conclusion that Godiva would come to her when she was ready.

Not to mention that Riddle was annoying as hell. He came around almost everyday just to talk with her. Not once did he mention the events from the Three Broomsticks, and he didn’t seem like he knew Alex was from the future. 

The only thing she was proud of was Blake Longbottom and Taylor Lester was a couple now, and a great one at that.

“Alex! Wait just a second.” She clenched her teeth and turned to look at Grover Harrison. Despite the fact that he was bloody handsome and a gentleman, he never left her alone.

“Yes, Grover?”  He started to match his pace with hers and before she knew it, he was leading her over to the Ravenclaw table for lunch. That didn’t bother her as much as it should, just because her friends where sitting there also.

“Are you competing in the Dueling Tournament?” She sat down beside Unity and gave an eye roll toward them as Grover sat by next to her. She didn’t notice turquoise eyes watching her and narrowing at Grover.

“I’m not sure-,”

“You have to. If you’re as good as you are at dueling that you are at Quidditch, you will be brilliant.” Grover’s eyes were locked on her face and Alex tugged at the curl behind her right ear. She had won both her two matches so far, and the men at Hogwarts were starting to see her for her talent, and not just her looks.

“Alright, I’ll do it. But don’t think I’m doing it just because you asked me to.” She joked…and he didn’t understand she was just kidding. That was another thing about Grover, you couldn’t joke with the guy.

Grover shook his head, “Oh, no. I understand.”

Alex sighed and spooned up some of those red shapes in the bowl next to her. It didn’t matter that she didn’t know what they were, as long as she was facing away from him.

“Don’t you get the hint, Harrison? She doesn’t want to converse with you.” Alex gave another sigh as she heard Riddle’s voice from behind her and Grover. Even without turning around, she could sense his eyes on her back and a sneer upon his lips.

“Go away, Riddle. Alex doesn’t want to talk with you either.”

“Nice comeback, Harrison. I didn’t know you had it in you.” Riddle’s voice with dripping with sarcasm and he brushed a piece of his hair away from his face. 

“As much as I love your company, Riddle, I would prefer Grover’s more than yours. So if you don’t mind…”

“I saw you’re signed up for the tournament today. Good luck, you’ll need it.” With that he turned and left the Ravenclaw table.

He was doing it again… confusing the hell out of her. What was the reason for him to come over? Laughter made her look up to see Unity and Taylor laughing. Godiva was just playing with her food, a small smirk upon her lips.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Tom Riddle is so smitten with you, it’s hilarious.”  Alex grunted and stabbed her potato, she ignored the fact that her cheeks started to heat up.

Maybe she would participate in the tournament today… she could kick Riddle’s arse. Her eyes widened at that thought. ‘No.’ she couldn’t kick his arse because their wands were brothers… damn.

Chapter 12: This is no Joke, this is War

“Next we have Alexandra Hershey and Blake Longbottom.” Alex gave a huff as she looked around the Great Hall. She told herself earlier that day she wouldn’t participate in this horrid competition to see who the greater wizard or witch was.

And now after a challenge from Riddle, she found herself facing Blake in front of most the school.

Not to mention Tom Riddle.

She sighed and made her way through the crowd. She had already faced two other occupants and had won. She didn’t like this at all… so why was she doing this again?

To prove to Riddle that she could do it.

Professor Slughorn and Headmaster Dippet were running the tournament and the other professor’s were spectators. Being the Girl-Who-Lived back in her time had settled fears about competing in front of a crowd.

She brushed back a curl of black hair that flew in her face and she gave a smile at Blake who gave his own in return. In the distance she could hear Unity and Taylor cheering her on, yet Taylor was also cheering Blake on for she was dating him at the moment. Godiva was no where even near the Great Hall today. She was gone and separated from Alex ever since that day in the Gryffindor dorm.


Alex inclined her head respectively and arched her body forward slightly. She didn’t want to look over eager to bow before Blake. Turning her heel, she walked her respected paces forward and got in her dueling stance.

“One.” Professor Slughorn was in the middle of the stage, holding up an arm between her and Blake. He was almost like her professor in second year. The man was just power hungry and stuck up to the certain students who seemed to have more powers than the others.

“Two.” Her eyes glanced off and they met his. Of course it would be his. The same man who knew of her secret and yet he had told no one, nor even spoke of it to her since that day at the Three Broomsticks.

The handsome features morphed into a smirk as the young, Dark Lord gave a nod toward her direction.



She was wonderful, absolutely wonderful. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her and morph that doormat power into use. All he needed to do was go up to her and set a date on what time they would meet to study.

She had won third place out of the tournament, and the only reason she didn’t win it all was because she knew she would have to duel him in the championship. Their wands were brothers and there was no way they could duel. It really was a pity they would never get to duel each other. He craved the competition she could offer him.

Alas, he received yet another trophy just as Pipa Harrison had predicted.

Tom hadn’t been to see the Dark Lord Grindelwald since he had split himself into four. He planned on staying away from his mentor until he figured out what the bloody hell he would do with himself. Maybe his mentor would teach Tom how to be a respected Lord and not some monster he was destined to be.

“Congratulations, Tom!” A young witch yelled in the hall, batting her eyelashes toward him. He didn’t even glance in her direction. His interests lied in the Potter heir.

His turquoise eyes caught her petite form up ahead with that lone Slytherin girl, Unity, by her side.

“Alexandra!” People glanced at him in disgust as he yelled in their faces and elbowed past them to get to her side. Unconsciously he pulled down his Magic that always sprang up around Alex.

Those Slytherin green eyes locked with his own and he had to glance away quickly when they started doing unseen things to his body. Instead, he gave a quick nod toward Clifton and pulled Potter’s arm toward the side of the hallway.

“Riddle! I have to get to-,”

He would love to latch his lips to hers to shut her up, yet he used words right back. “Hershey- meet me by the kitchens tonight at 10:30. Don’t get caught.”

Then… he did it. The very same thing he told himself not to do. Touch her. His abnormally long, but skillful fingers slid down her soft, glowing cheek in a caress. How he longed to do more. Instead, he turned his heel and left her overwhelming presence to go to the library for more research. He had to see why his Magic always acted up around hers. 


Making sure her roommates were sleeping, and no one would see her in the Common Room, Alex snuck downstairs after her entry in her diary. She made sure it was well past 10:30 to leave the Common, just to make that arrogant prick wait on her.

Having no idea what he wanted with her, Alex let her imaginative mind start conjuring up options. What if he wanted to demand more answers for the future? What if he wanted to kill her?

That was impossible. The only thing he knew about the future was that they hated each other. That was a really unfair reason why he would kill her. But he was the Dark Lord.


Tom Riddle is not a Dark Lord, not yet. She had to keep reminding herself of that.

Her mind was blank as she made her way down the steps. She passed a clock and mentally cursed. It was 11:00 on the hair. She didn’t mean to be this late to the meeting. Plus it would take her another ten minutes to reach the kitchens.

When she did reach the portrait of the fruit, Riddle was no where to be found. It was to be expected.

“I wait on no one.” The voice was deep and low, sending chills to crawl up Alex’s spinal cord. Whirling around, she saw a figure that was covered with shadows. The only thing visible was a mouth that was currently set into a deep frown.

“I-,” She felt guilty.

“I don’t want to hear your excuses, Alex.” It was hissed in parseltongue, sending more hatred into that simple sentence.

A silence settled over the two, and she shuffled her feet. Guilt, she hated guilt. She put her chin up and met his shadowed eyes.

“I understand, Tom. I’m sorry and I wasn’t responsible to get here on time.” There, she said it… totally admitting it was her fault. Which it was, but it was always worse to say it to another. And he was still silent, hidden dangerously into the shadows… studying her while she stood in the flame of the torch.

“I called you down here to hold my end of the bargain we made in the Three Broomsticks a while ago.”

What was he- Oh. He was talking about tutoring her. And here she was, thinking it funny to make him wait when he was just being true to his word. She felt terrible.

“Tom I-,”

“Please, Alex.” He sounded tired and he took a step out in the light. The flame from the torches made his lines on his face stand out and the weariness in his eyes were like shining beacons in the dark.   

“I don’t want to here your childish apologizes. Ever since you came here, you’ve acted like it was one big joke. That here was just somewhere you could relax… do you think Dumbledore sent you back here for a vacation? He sent you here for a reason. This is war, Alex; people are chess masters and love to control those that are younger and less experienced.

“I enjoyed your bickering and immature comments for awhile, but I know the true you. I can see that you’ve been through so much already and you’re wise, far wiser than you let on. And you’re smart. So put all your qualities together and smarten up.”

He was walking closer to her and his eyes were glowing fiercely. “Show me, Alexandra that you are ready for me. Show me, not with words, but actions that you’re ready to face this war and accept my help.”

His eyes lingered over her face and he turned and walked calmly out of the light, leaving Alex alone in her grief.

He was right.

That was the first thing that popped in her mind when she made her way toward the Gryffindor Common Room. He was right as always. She was wasting her free time as a joke when she could be preparing for the war that would hit her in the face when she arrived back home.

This is war, and it was. She was laughing and playing pranks when people back home were dying innocently.

He sent you back here for a reason and Alex realized that even if she loved Dumbledore, he was a manipulative old man. So what reason did he have to send her back here in time? How did Tom know all this?

Well, that was a stupid question. Tom knew everything from experience; he was always watched closely by Dumbledore all the time. Tom was wise… he was smart, devious, he was a perfect Slytherin. And it was then when she realized she could learn so much from him. If she ever gave him a chance.

With his help, she could defeat him in her time… how ironic was that? Did he know that? Of course he did… he always knew. So then why is he helping her?

She growled in confusion and shook her head as if to clear it. The only clear thing coming through was that she needed to take Tom’s words to heart and to shape up.

The astronomy tower sounded like a good place to sit and think, that was until she was caught by Professor Slughorn who took 20 points from Gryffindor and detention for staying out past curfew. If she was with Tom this wouldn’t had happened.


She slammed the book shut and put her head in her hands. It would take awhile, probably three months to become an Animagus. Too long to help out Godiva… but there was a second option. It was illegal, really illegal and it could kill her if she ever tried it, but she had to do it.

She had caught scars littering up Godiva’s arms earlier that morning and had skipped potions to look up Animagus’. The girl was a wreck and Alex would help her out before that razor slipped a little deeper.

It was called an Exliar potion… a simple potion that would speed up the process of transforming into her animal.  She refused to look up the side-effects in fear that it would be listed as death. How could something so simple of a potion be so harmless?

Boomslang, snake skin, Fangs of a Egyptian beetle, grinded wings of a sea turtle… etc. Just simple ingredients. They wouldn’t harm her that much. She could steal them from Professor Slughorn’s office later when everyone was down for dinner.

Right now, though, she had to find her inner animal. She hoped to all Gods that she wasn’t a serpent. Looking around the library, she pointed her wand to her temple and murmured, “Revealer Animagus.”

Slowly moving the wand away, a clear bubble, the size of her fist, floated from the end.  The process reminded her of removing the memories for a pensive. Emerald green eyes locked with glowing bright green, and she gave a small smile.

Her Animagus form was a fox. A black fox. It was beautiful, with a shining ebony coat, fluffy tail with a auburn tip, graceful feet, large ears perched on top her head. It wasn’t as big as she hoped it would be, but being a small animal had it’s advantages.

Excitement ran through her as the bubble popped. She couldn’t wait to start on the process. The anticipation dimmed when she remembered why she was doing this, Godiva. Before she left, she would heal her friend’s troubled soul.


She crept upstairs to the third floor of the girl’s bathroom. She knew Myrtle was there and she highly doubted anyone would come up here with a ghost flying around.

In her hands she had a pouch of the ingredients and a caldron she would use to brew the Exliar Potion. The whole school was down in the Great Hall, enjoying the warmth of the food and joyfully laughing at each other’s jokes.

While she was upstairs, risking her life for a troubled friend.

Settling herself down in the exact same spot Hermione had in her second year, Alex set the text book down which was opened to the procedure of brewing the potion.

Looking around, she didn’t spot Myrtle flying around the bathroom in tears… thank Merlin. She would be able to concentrate easier. A part of her was hesitant in doing this… something that was illegal that would kill her. Maybe Tom would be able to help her? He would understand anything illegal. But she couldn’t ask him. Their talk a two days ago was still on her mind and she was finding it hard to show him that she was ready for his tutorage. So far, he hadn’t even spared her a glance.

Sighing, she pulled her curly hair back in a pony and got to work, cutting the moss covered bark.


A week later, and four days before the full moon found Alex grimacing in the third floor bathroom. Sweat matted her body, and tremors of pain shook through her small statue.

A fox appendage was her two legs, and a tail was growing from her spinal cord. This was all she could get within a week.

A whole bloody week she had been distant with her friends, her schoolwork, and even Quidditch. As soon as classes were over she had thrown herself into her Animagus work. Nothing fazed her as she didn’t feel any emotions besides determination and obsession.

As far as this new Alex went, she didn’t know about Tom, Voldemort, wars, or any other concerns. All she was worried about was speeding up the process even more. And she knew it wasn’t healthy, but she couldn’t stop even if she tried.

She needed more Exliar Potion. That was it. If she took more potion, she would be able to transform even faster than what she was doing. Maybe it would be less painful?

A blood-chilling scream erupted from her throat as her arm morphed into a fox’s. It felt like sharp needles prickling at her skin.

She could do this…


Godiva was pale, she had more scars on her arms, and she barley ate. That drove Alex over the edge. It was the full moon tonight… and the night Alex would turn into her Animagus form successfully. Even if it killed her.

She had taken even more Exliar Potion to speed up the process. She didn’t care she lost twenty pounds over a period of a week. Nor did she care that her grades dropped considerably. She didn’t even care when Unity and Taylor had yelled at her for not being around anymore… and she didn’t care that she missed her period this month.

What she did care about was that she would be able to change tonight. Tonight, she would finally help her friend out.

Silencing charms were warded throughout the bathroom as her screams and pained moans filled it. Myrtle watched behind a bathroom stall as her body cracked and morphed into a beautiful fox. A beautiful fox with a troubled mind.

Alex whimpered as she opened her eyes. Everything seemed so different. So clear and sharp. It was like the time when her eyesight was fixed and she didn’t have to see with glasses anymore. Shakily, she stood up and lifted her nose in the air. Smells intoxicated her, some bad and some delicious. The roast beef from the Great Hall hit at her senses and her mouth started to water.

She could eat later. Right now the sun was setting and she needed to be there for Godiva.

Chapter 13: Even Through the Fog, There is Light

This is fun!

Her tongue was thrown to the side of her mouth, and a fox smile was on her face as she ran as fast as she could away from the werewolf chasing her. She felt as if all the burdens she put on herself disappeared when she transformed into her true Animagus form. 

She almost didn’t feel the weakness that was waiting for her deep down. Almost.

At least now Godiva was having her as the target and not herself. She could feel the thrill coming off the werewolf behind her at chasing a prey. Briefly she wondered if her father had felt this good when running from a raging werewolf. But back then… or rather in the future from now, Remus had Wolfsbane.

The castle loomed in the distance and she ran faster, skillfully jumping the logs and obstacles in the way. Being a small wolf made her easier to catch up to, but also easier to doge certain objects that was in her way.

She passed the entry way to the castle and didn’t see the turquoise eyes watching her with growing anger. Anger that was wrapping itself around a tall, slim figure in shape of a large serpent.

Instead she gave a howl and looked back at the werewolf that nipped her busy tail.

Faster… faster.

She was pushing her body too much these past few days and she wondered if that caused her to slow rather than go faster. The light from the full moon darkened as a shadow landed above her. Sharp, razor like teeth pierced her shoulder and she hissed in pain. The flesh tore itself away from the bone and she almost blacked out in unconsciousness. Yet she sucked it up as she thought about Godiva tearing at her own body on those lonely nights by the full moon.

The ground was hard and frozen as it got itself ready for the October snow and it made it harder to crash her soft paws down when she ran. Her stride was uneven as she had to limp on her front paw to reveal the pain in her shoulder.

Coming up ahead was the Forbidden Forest, and if she could make it there fast she could doge into on of those small, hollow logs. She didn’t make it that far, though. Just at the edge of the forest, she was tackled by a heavy weight of the werewolf, no, of Godiva. Those hooked teeth bared down on her and across her long muzzle causing her to cry out.

She tried to push at the wolf with her hind legs, but she was just too small to push it off her. Before the claw of the wolf’s could come down at her, a blinding flash of yellow filled Alex’s vision and she had to close her eyes against it.

The weight flew off her with such force, that she heard a large thump against a neighboring tree. Quickly getting to her feet, and ignoring the pain that shot through her, she turned to see Godiva unconscious on the forest floor.


She then heard a hiss and turned slowly to a tall figure pointing his wand at Godiva. Alex had never seen Tom look so angry. His wand was shaking from either anger or fear and his hair was in his face, covering his blazing eyes.

He then turned in her direction and Alex felt her ears flatten themselves against her head in fear. She couldn’t stand this…she was too weak to handle Tom right now.

The past few weeks caught up to her and she fainted on the spot.


“You’re a fool.” That is what Alex woke up to, wincing at the sharp voice next to her. Her body hurt all over and the muscles in her back shot pain all over. She barely could open her eyes, but when she did, she wished she were still out cold.

Tom Riddle was sitting in a chair beside her bed, watching her lazily. His long legs were crossed over one another and his uniform was unbuttoned at the collar. Alex huffed and shut her eyes again in exhaustion.

There was no light, save for the lone candle shimmering from the bedside table. “What happened?” Her voice croaked from the lack of use and she cringed at the twang of pain that swept through her.

Maybe if she wanted to, she could find out what happened… or remember, but the thought of thinking didn’t appeal to her.

Bright green eyes snapped open as she heard rustling near her head, only to come face with narrowed turquoise eyes. Riddle’s face was pulled back into a furious expression.

“Let me refresh your memory, Potter.” Alex’s eyes widened in horror and her petite body started to shake.

“How did you know-,” Tom hissed between his teeth and shook his head.

“Now is not the time to discuss that. What we need to talk about is how stupid you acted.” The man stood up abruptly and paced back and forth, running an elegant hand through his hair. Alex frowned; she had no idea what she did to make Tom act like this.

“What you did was senseless, Alex.” Tom took a deep breath and faced her. “I told you to show me when you are ready to be taught all that I know. Since that day in the corridor I’ve waited everyday for you to approach me, but I was disappointed when you never came.

“Over the past two weeks, I noticed your absence from meals and other events such as Quidditch, and started to get worried that maybe I pushed you too far.” Alex shifted in the bed she had no idea who it belonged to, when she realized what her actions were the past few weeks.

“That’s when I find out that you’ve been brewing and ingesting overdoses of Exliar potion… just to speed the process of your Animagus transformation.”  Here his voice rose and Alex flinched back. “Do you have any idea how dangerous that is, Alex? One dose is bad enough, but three? It could’ve killed you.” His voice broke off and he turned angrily away, watching the flames in the fireplace with a brooding silence.

Alex looked down at the bed and noticed it was black and silver. She gazed around the room to notice it was mostly a black, silver, and emerald décor. Moving the warm comforter aside, she surveyed her attire; a large black t-shirt with black boxers.  A blush came to her face as she noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra or underwear under Tom’s clothing, but that blush slowly crept away when she realized he had taken care of her, or perhaps saved her life.

She bowed her head and her wavy mass of hair fell in her face. Shame and guilt hit her hard for how she acted these past few months and she vowed to herself, she would act sensible and grown up from here on out.

“What happened after…” She couldn’t finish or find the right word that fit in that question.

Without turning his back, Tom responded in a neutral voice. “I knocked Ramsey unconscious and took you in up to my rooms in your fox form. After I discovered you over dosed on Exliar potion, I had to act fast.

“Forcing you out of your Animagus form was easy compared to how I forced the excess potion out of your pores. For a whole day I had to put you in my tub, casting charms that made you sweat until it ran clear.”  Alex averted her eyes from his form. “Then I had to brew a potion to calm down your nerves and body from the shock it went through, that took two days to brew and another two to take effect on your body. Overall you’ve been sleeping for five days in my bed.”

He turned back around and surveyed her slouched form. “That potion is dark, Alex. IF you overdose it you can loose your mind, appetite, and the ability to conceive an heir. If I left you in Madam Clerick’s care she would’ve reported you to the Ministry.” Alex was very grateful for Tom and at that moment all traces of Voldemort she used to see in him, vanished.

“Am I still… fertile?” She asked meekly, not seeing the spark that entered Tom’s eyes.

“Yes, you’ll be able to bear your partner’s heirs.” Alex buried her head in her hands and her body started to shake again.

“I- I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay you, Tom, for what you’ve done for me.” She looked up at his unreadable face. “Thank you.” 

They studied each other for a moment until Tom inclined his head. “You know exactly how to repay me, Alex.” With that, he swept out the room and shut the door behind him.

She collapsed against the pillows and fell asleep with a frown on her face.


“Mistress Alex?” A high voice squeaked in her ear. Snapping her eyes open, she looked timidly at the house elf beside her… or rather Tom’s bed.

A tray full of food was placed on her lap along with a crisp looking envelope. Before she could ask anything of the elf, it disappeared with a snap.

She felt wonderful today, her head was clear and she felt refreshed. Much better than what she felt like yesterday. With steady fingers, she opened the letter and met elegant writing.


Your Gryffindor uniform and book bag is placed at the end of my bed. Classes start in a half an hour, so I suggest getting ready shortly.

I explained your absence to the Headmaster, for being very ill and in my care. Likewise, the Professor are also notified. The student body on the other hand will want to know where you’ve been. It’s up to you to explain.

Eat as much as you like, I have giving you a potion to keep your stomach down.

Tom Riddle

It was short and very formal, but that was to be expected… after all he was still disappointed in her. She fingered her necklace, thanking Merlin that it was still on. Reaching for a fruit, she decided how she would fix her relationship with Tom.


“So are you going to tell us where you were now?” Unity asked as the group of four sat down at the Gryffindor table. Unity and Taylor had been nagging her ever since their classes, but Alex just told them to wait. 

Green eyes glanced at Godiva, who avoided eye contact with her on purpose, and Alex couldn’t stop the spark of anger that swept through her.

“First off, I want to apologize for both of you for how I was acting towards you the past few weeks.” She studied them and gave a smile when they gave a nod in acceptance. “I just found out my adoptive mother passed away… I was at her funeral this weekend.” She dipped her gaze to her plate in mock self-pity when they gasped.

A while ago, this would bother her for lying to her friends, but now id didn’t faze her one bit.

“I’m sorry, Alex. Will you take my condolences?” Unity asked and Taylor nodded in agreement.

Alex gave them a small smile. “Yes, thank you.” She averted her eyes to Godiva who turned away when she caught Alex looking at her.

“I heard about your loss, Alex, and I offer my condolences.” A voice interrupted from behind her, and she turned to see Grover offering a black ribbon that was velvet in her hands.

It was a tradition in this time to offer a witch a ribbon for the time of mourning.

“Thank you, Grover.” She was about to take it when he pulled it back with a slight smile upon his lips.

“May I?” He motioned to her hair and Alex studied him. He looked different to her for some reason, his brown hair seemed messier and his navy blue eyes sparkled brighter. He really was a handsome man.

She gave a nod and turned her head, shivering in pleasure as he played with her hair.  Tom was in her line of view and found him looking at the two in displeasure. Before she knew it, Grover was down next to her ear.

“I know this is short notice, and that your probably not in the mood to do it with your mother’s death and all… but I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Halloween ball with me?” She would like to go and give him a chance, but at the moment she asked someone else…

Owls flew in the Great Hall and Alex gave a sheepish smile to Grover. “May I get back to you on that?”

His eyebrow rose, expecting her to deny once again, but a smile crossed his face. “Of course, Alex.” Warm fingers grasped her hand and brought it up to his lips. She was captivated by the warmth his eyes held.

Once he left, she turned her gaze on Tom to see him receive and read the letter she wrote. What she didn’t suspect was for him to glance up at her with a frown and shake his head in disapproval.

Her stomach dropped and she looked away hurriedly in rejection.