Chapter 14: Standing Still
He rejected me
That was the main thought running through her mind as her stomach clenched in an unknown emotion. After all those hints and moves he made, she thought for sure he wanted to go out with her. But it seemed that he didn’t.
She had written him a letter, thanking him and apologizing for her actions. Even she admitted her words were very mature and serious. And after he said she knew how to pay her back, she had thought he meant she should ask him out.
So she did. She asked him to the Halloween ball.
And he declined.
She didn’t know exactly what to do know. But somewhere inside of her was determined to show Riddle she was mature and ready for war. And that’s what she would do. Her child side was nonexistent in her world, and when she came here she thought it would be ok to let it out… to experience it. But it wasn’t as good as she thought it would be. Being immature and childish was exactly that… childish. She was too mature to act anything but.
Taking a deep breath she looked up at Tom and made sure he looked back at her. And with eye contact she gave him a simple inclination of her head… a simple gesture that she understood, even if her head was swirling in a confused mass.
A spark of pleasure hit her as his eyes widened and then he became unreadable once again.
She looked back down at her dinner and pushed the food around. Hopefully he would still tutor her. And then there was the question on how he knew her last name. He had Legilimency, but she would feel the tingling in her head if he ever dug through her mind.
“Alex?” She looked up at Godiva who was shifting uncomfortable on the bench.
“Yes?” Her own voice was clipped and she felt that burst of anger go through her at seeing her troubled friend.
Yellow cat eyes looked up at her and Alex saw the pleading in them. “Could we talk alone up in our dorm?”
To say Alex was shock was an underestimate. How long had it been? A month since they’ve talked? Green eyes swiveled toward Unity and Taylor to see them nod.
She stood up and walked out the hall with Godiva leading the way. The two didn’t look nor talked to each other on the way up, just the sound of their footsteps broke the heavy silence. After giving the Fat Lady the password, Godiva glanced back at her in confusion.
“I’m so confused and sorry, Alex.” Tears were springing up to her eyes and she sniffed, sitting on her bed.
Alex stood standing, her rising anger slowly dissolving. “What are you talking about Godiva?” She wanted to throw a fit, to throw things and yell. But she was past that, and knew she wouldn’t get anywhere with it.
“Riddle told me, Alex.” Alex’s eyes widened and she sat heavily on her bed, which was across from the werewolf. “He assaulted me in the hallway, actually. I’ve never seen him so… so angry and emotional.” The yellow cat eyes glanced off in a memory and shivered.
“He told me what you did to help me, and what happened for the consequences. I was so shock and appalled.” Her eyes swept back to Alex. “You have to believe me that I had no idea you know I was a werewolf. You seemed so kind and helpful to know a dirty secret like that about me.
“I’m not used to people trying to help me. Before you came to Hogwarts, I had no friends, no one to talk to. My home life was non-existent. I’m a muggleborn as you probably already know, so my parents were shocked to know I was a witch. They shunned me for that, taking better care of my younger brother who became their center of attention. Without so much of a good-bye, I came here to Hogwarts, hoping to fit in with my kind of people.
“I obviously wished too hard because I was sorted in Gryffindor with Brinley and Chavi. They were appointed the head of the first years… something I look back and shake my head at. I was just trying to fit in with everyone, and to be liked for once in my life.
“Headmaster Dippet warned us in the begging of the year speech to stay away from the Forbidden Forest at all times. Brinley and Chavi found this amusing and the opportunity to test me on my loyalty.”
Alex sucked in a breath, knowing where this was going… but she kept quiet, wanting Godiva to tell her tale.
“They dared me to enter the Forbidden Forest that night.” Godiva pulled her legs up to her chest and have a puff of air in disbelief. “I was such a fool, so desperate for a friend. I agreed and accepted their challenge. Unfortunately I didn’t know werewolves were real, and the full moon was out that night. They stood at the edge of the forest and ran off as soon as they heard a howling from inside. I wasn’t fast enough and the howling turned out to be the biggest wolf I have ever seen.
“I knew it was male, and he chased me toward Hogwarts’ wards. Before I could make it though…” She paused and shook her head furiously. Lifting the hem of her skirt, she bared a long scar that ran across her upper thigh. “He bit me. I thought he was going to kill me, but he didn’t something unusual. The wolf looked at me with those eyes of his and ran off. Never looking back at me.
“I had to crawl my way to the school. And the rest of that you must know went downhill. They told me I was a werewolf, only Dumbledore and Dippet knew of my curse. They told my parents, who immediately looked at me in horror and disgust. I will never forget that expression. And they abandoned me to a magical orphanage. Since then, I’ve hid behind my… ‘mask’ so to say.”
Alex looked at Godiva with so much sympathy, that she was afraid it would look like pity. “Oh, Godiva.” She stood up and made her way over to her small friend. With strong arms she wrapped her in a hug and rocked her back and forth.
“That’s until you came, Alex. I was afraid what you would think about me being a werewolf. You were my first friend, and I couldn’t have you look at me like my parents did. But after Riddle told me what you did, I realized that you were a true friend and actually wanted to help me. I’m so sorry I ever doubted you, Alex.”
“I understand, Godiva.”
The two sat in silence for awhile until Alex’s eyes snapped open. “Godiva? Do you know who bit you?”
The werewolf shook her head and clutched Alex for support. “No, but I feel a presence every time I change. It’s like he’s there with me, but I despise him for what he did.” She paused and held her head up with a questioning gaze. “Alex? I was wondering if you could do that make-over you talked about the other day. I want to change… and accept myself like you told me to.”
Alex through a smile on her face and nodded. “With my help, Godiva, you will be able to love yourself and depend on only you. You won’t need anyone to tell you any different. I have a friend… or used to have a friend that was a werewolf. He accepted who he was and kept going in life, ignoring all those who thought he was beneath them.”
“I want to be like that, Alex.”
Alex stood up and offered Godiva her hand, “Then let’s get rid of that mask of yours.”
With a sure hand, Godiva took her offered help and they headed off to the bathroom.
Alex smirked as she head to the Great Hall for breakfast. This would be absolutely wonderful. She couldn’t wait to see their expressions on how Godiva looked. The Potter heir twirled a curl around her finger, wondering why exactly she wore Grover’s ribbon he gave her yesterday, but she shrugged it off.
Her green eyes looked over at Godiva who was a whole new person. The usually black/blue hair was now changed to her natural color hair. Strawberry blonde. It was beautiful against her complexion. It was slightly wavy as it fell to her shoulders. Her heavy make-up was thrown away for a more natural look, and all her piercing were gone, save for the eyebrow and ears.
As for her tattoos… it took over an hour to find out how to get rid of them, but eventually Alex found the right spell and erased all of them. Although Godiva made her keep the wolf on her shoulder blade.
Her yellow cat eyes were gone, and warm chocolate colored eyes with amber flecks looked back at her.
“Thank you again, Alex. I feel good about myself now, and feel like I can conquer anything.” Alex smiled at her friend and felt a burst of self pride go through her. She finally made Godiva lover herself for who she was.
She walked through the doors to the Great Hall and was happy to see everyone looked at the two in confusion and awe.
“Godiva? Is that you?” Unity shouted from the Ravenclaw table. Instead of shying off, Godiva smiled and nodded, throwing a shoulder over Alex.
All through breakfast Alex watched with prideful eyes as people came up to Godiva and socialize with her. Never once did Godiva’s head swell up with arrogance, but she was pleasant to everyone around her.
Alex’s first task before leaving was finished.
Now she had one more left.
Tom Riddle.
She had finally caught up in all her classes, Quidditch and her friends. Surprisingly she had even had a conversation with Grover without slamming her head on the desk in front of her.
It would seem that either his sister, Pipa, or even soon to be brother in love, Addison talked with him about his sense of humor and relaxing a little bit.
The Halloween ball passed and she didn’t go, along with Unity, Taylor, Godiva, Grover, Blake, and Christopher… and 6th year Hufflepuff that was smitten with Godiva. The seven of them spent time in the Hufflepuff common room playing all different kinds of silly games.
Currently it was November 15th, and Alex was improving all her studies. She had avoided Tom as much as possible, trying to show him that without his help, she could succeed and become more knowledgeable. But yet, she knew she needed the man’s help.
And she knew he was watching her from a distance.
“Hey Grover, what exactly does a Lethifold do?”
Grover looked up from across the table and gave a frown. “I think their like dementors, sucks the happiness from you. Their a bit smaller though.”
Alex gave a thankful nod and dipped her quill in the inkpot. Before she could drop the tip on her parchment, a voiced drawled silkily behind her.
“Harrison, you are absolutely mistaken. Lethifolds are hardly like dementors in such a sense. They consume their victim’s, mainly wizard and witches. Their a cloak like figure that gets larger with the more victim’s it eats.
“You can ward it off with a simple Patronus Charm. Although you don’t really have to worry about them since their seen only down in the tropics.”
Alex raised her eyes to see Grover flushing from embarrassment and anger. She turned her head and saw Tom leaning against the bookcase with a lazy pose.
“Tom.” She nodded and turned back to write the information down, totally ignoring his presence.
“Your full of knowledge aren’t you, Riddle? Doesn’t surprise me though.” Alex paused in her writing and looked over at Grover in shock.
“What do you mean by that, Harrison?” She could feel Tom step closer, and before long he was right behind her.
“Well, you must know a lot considering you don’t have any friends. Nothing better to do with your time than to read.” Alex frowned and felt Tom’s hands crash on her shoulders. They were like heavy weights, chilling her spine with the contact.
“Two years from now, after you graduate… I’ll show you just how important knowledge was rather than friends.” Alex tensed at his words. There was Voldemort shining through.
“Was there a reason for you to come over here, Tom?” Grover was looking confused at Tom’s account, so Alex hurried to end this conversation before he found out what the pre-Dark Lord was hinting at.
“I’m here to set up a date with you concerning your lessons. It’s time we started.” The voice drawled lazily and Grover glared over Alex’s shoulder, but wisely kept quiet. Without turning around, Alex felt Tom whisper in her ear. “Tonight, 9:00, by the kitchens; don’t be late this time.”
The breath tickled the stray hairs around her neck and temple, causing her to shiver. “Alright, should I bring my books?”
There was so many things left unsaid between her and Tom, she just had to act like him now… pretending nothing happened.
“No. Nothing but a wand, and your learning desire.” With that he turned and left, shooting Grover a smirk on the way out.
“What the bloody hell was that, Alex? A date? I thought you hated each other.” She flipped through her book, keeping her eyes away from the raving Ravenclaw from across her.
“No, he’s just tutoring me in potions. I have to get all the help I can get, plus Professor Slughorn told me Riddle offered his help.” She shrugged and picked up her quill, but before she could continue to write, a hand covered itself over her own hand.
“You know I like you a lot, right Alex?” Emerald eyes met grey. “I care about you and love your personality. I- I was wondering…” A flush met his cheeks and he cleared his throat. “Would you like to go out on a date with me? Perhaps on Hogsmeade weekend?”
Alex was flattered she asked him, but being a girl who never swooned for guys, she concealed her acceptance. A small smile morphed her grim face. “I would love to go with you, Grover.” It looked like something came off his chest as he breathed a breath of relief.
He gave a nervous chuckle and they talked with each other about nothing in particular… the whole conversation, Alex felt something nagging at her for accepting his offer.
So here she was, standing in front of the bowl of fruit, leading into the kitchens. And what was bothering her? No Tom Riddle. For being such a stickler at showing up on time, he sure did eat his own words.
Her eyes quickly swiveled toward the end of the hallway when she something move in the shadows. It could’ve been her imagination, but it looked as if a cloak was fluttering around the corner.
Taking out her wand, she slowly moved toward the commotion. Although this was Hogwarts, over the years she had seen no spectacular protection here. It could be anything.
Alex made her steps as light as possible, but when the torch above her flickered out, she stumbled on her own foot. Luckily she gained her balance, but a sound in the shadows made her heart race.
“Lumos.” Her eyes widened at what she saw before her…
Chapter 15: Loosing the Grip
“Lumos.” Her eyes widened then clutched shut as a blinding light hit her senses. Before she knew what happened, she was on the floor, her breath coming out in heaves and the flames of the torches were burning happily.
Her skirt rode up slightly from the fall and her hair was in a curly mass around her head. Trying in vain to get up or at least pull down her skirt, she was held down my an invisible force.
Wide, green eyes moved about the corridor only to land on the hunched figure against the wall. Trying to control her goosebumps, she met the bright turquoise eyes of Tom Riddle. Her fear hitched down slightly, but she was still wary. As he studied her, she studied him right back. Immediately she noticed that the shadows were playing around his thin form. But even if he was covered in shadows, the flame from above him played at his face… and he looked, well, tired and worn out.
Dark circles were placed under his unusual bright eyes and his cheekbones were more pronounced. The usually perfect black hair was messily sprawled all over, some spilling in his eyes.
Her eyes moved to his hands that were caressing a polished wand.
There was no smile or even frown on his face as he racked his eyes over her sprawled form. “You made it on time, Alexandra, congratulations.” His voice was hushed and she flushed. He always seemed to have an affect on her.
A part of her wished to that the spell he used on her would paralyze her voice, because she had absolutely no idea what to say next. And that arse knew she was speechless.
“Speechless, Potter? No witty comeback from you?” He pushed off the wall to come toward her and even from the floor; Alex couldn’t see his shoes from the length of his cloak.
Moving her eyes up to his face her wet her lips. “What was that?” Brilliant Alex…what a fine question you ask. That was the best she could ask in her shocked state.
She watched as he didn’t reply but circled around her, studying her expression. “You are definitely a Gryffindor with your curious nature, but a Slytherin for being cautious. You didn’t run head first to the action, but took out your wand ready for anything that faced you on the other side of the corridor. You made your feet light, which was good. That’s all I can really say positively on this situation.” He paused and gazed at her skirt that bared her exposed thigh. She narrowed her eyes as she saw his mouth twitch in amusement, and she just knew that he knew she was feeling uncomfortable about her position, but he made no move to take her off the curse.
“You were awfully clumsy though, and absolutely dimwitted when it came to knowing your surroundings. I was watching you for five minutes before you noticed I was there. In those five minutes, I could’ve captured you or tortured you to death if I were the enemy. And even used Legilimency to find out were your secret Headquarters were. Thus, attacking your allies and killing them for information… and then winning the war.” He never took his eyes off her, and she unconsciously hung on to every word he was saying.
“The attack you made itself was amusingly pitiful.” His eyes sparked in laughter. “You saw my cloak, as I let you. But you ignored your judgment and perhaps thought it was your imagination? In thinking that and denying your instincts, you let your guard down. You came toward me with your wand half raised and not grasped right in case of a duel. Your mind wasn’t even thinking of a defensive or offensive spell to cast incase an enemy was behind the corner.” The small blush she acquired in the beginning of his speech was steadily getting deeper and larger with the assessment he made in such a little time period.
“The non-verbal curse I put on you took two and a half seconds to take affect. In that time you could’ve put up a defensive barrier, instead, you closed your eyes. Although I do know you have excellent reflexes, we just have to put them to good use.
“While I work with you, Alex. I will teach you about the war and techniques to use in the battlefield. But I will also teach you to be a better and cautious witch.” He looked at her dumfounded face and gave a deep chuckle that filled the corridor. “Not a paranoid witch, mind you. You just need to be better… at well, everything.”
Ignoring her glare, he swept his eyes back down at her form in pleasure. At the moment, he stopped his circling and stood above her head were she couldn’t see him. It was an awkward silence that filled the corridor the next moment.
“I will be your teacher, and you will be my student.” He started to circle again, gazing at her with strong intention. “You will have to agree with me on my terms, Alex. No turning back. Remember, your doing this to help your war back home. It will be you affected by your choice, not me.”
“What terms?”
“You will listen to me in every lesson with respect and determination. If I give you a task, you fulfill it to your fullest. If I schedule a lesson on a night that you already have plans, you cancel your other plans and attend my lessons. You will not tell anyone about this, including your werewolf friend and boyfriend. And last, but certainly not least, you will not take these lessons as a joke, you should realize your life depends on them.”
Alex made her lips in a grim line and gazed right back at Tom without so much as a blink. “Do you honestly thing I would take this as a joke, Tom? I have lived my life and realize nothing is a gag. I realize that it’s serious and will agree to your terms.” And kill you in my time.
Tom gave a sharp nod and stopped his pacing finally letting Alex get off the floor. As the spell wore off, she quickly pulled down her skirt as far as it would go and stood up gracefully. When she looked up she was hit at how tall Tom really was. He towered over her at least a head.
“Well.” She took a step back picking her wand up from the floor. “That certainly is a long list, am I that terrible of a witch?” Green eyes avoided the man’s face; instead she looked off in the distance.
“Of course you’re not a bad witch, Alex. You are probably one of the best students in Hogwarts and can easily defeat many upperclassmen in a duel. You just have untapped power that I will help you to attain.” She was startled when a hand grasped her chin, tugging her toward the tall, lean, frame. “Trust me when I say that, Alex.”
He confused her so much. She was surprised she didn’t get a headache from him everyday. At this very moment, he seemed like he cared for her and wanted more from her, but three minutes ago? He was a cold hearted and unemotional wizard. But then, why did he care about training her? Why would he nurse her back to health after her foolish act last full moon? Why did he refuse her invitation to the Halloween ball?
It would seem Tom Riddle was a never ending enigma, something she would never solve nor understand. But she vowed to herself she would know him before she left for her time.
His turquoise eyes were unreadable as he searched her own face. “Of course I understand what you’re trying to say, Tom. I could kick your arse with a little more training.” She smirked as his eyes widened and he gave a laugh-pushing her away from him.
“I wouldn’t go that far, Alex.” He hissed, eyes shining with more light then she had ever seen before.
He looked playful, almost approachable for her questions that burned within. How did he know she was a Potter? Why was he helping her train if he knew he was her enemy in the future? Why did he reject her offer?
Her mouth opened, only to be shut again. She couldn’t do it right now. He looked to carefree. The shadows on his face seemed to dissolve and the rough planes on his face were less pronounced.
“So what are we going to work on tonight?”
“You are going to work on your potions homework. You still haven’t done it and its due tomorrow. I don’t want you slipping in that class, not when I’m supposedly ‘tutoring’ you in it.” She looked disappointed, but gave a smirk toward Riddle as she walked away.
“Wouldn’t want your reputation to go down, would we?”
“Don’t get any ideas, Alex. We met at my rooms every other night, same time.”
As she walked away, she could feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of her head.
“How did studying go with Riddle?” Godiva asked as they got ready for bed.
Over the past few weeks, Alex noticed the changes Godiva went through. For one thing the young woman had gained a healthy weight back and shot her grades up. Never once had she complained about herself in a negative way, and she was spending more time taking care of herself.
“How do you think? The man is closed off and only talks in his arrogant voice of his.” She put her toothbrush in her mouth. “’ow am ah oin’ to earn nythin?”
Godiva laughed and smacked her on the back of the head. “Maybe you should cancel the lessons. That way you will stay in 6th year potions with me. I need you in that class.” She scowled at herself in the mirror. “Especially with Professor Slughorn as the teacher. All he cares about is his star students.”
They brushed in silence until Alex gave a laugh. “Did you see Taylor and Blake today? They look so cute together, just perfect for each other.” Godiva nodded and spit the toothpaste out.
“And did you see Brenda Marigold? Her robes were second-hand today. The hem of the cloak hardly touched her calf. Ever since she lost her families fortune, her friends have distanced themselves from her.” Alex snorted, but she frowned inside. There was a connection to her loss of fortune and Tom’s good mood along with his sudden appearance of richer material for robes.
Whatever he did, Alex wanted to stay out of it.
The two friends fell asleep with lighter conscious… not aware Alex’s emerald necklace blinked once with a blinding flash of light then died back down.
The training with Tom was resourceful and interesting. The man knew a lot of things and he was an excellent teacher. Over the past weeks she had come to understand the politics of the wizarding world, the way to grip her wand in a duel, knowing her surroundings, and the necessary steps to take when without her wand.
With the knowledge came respect toward Tom. He showed her nothing but kindness and surprisingly patience. (Since she knew that wasn’t one of his strong points.) He was overall a different person when they were alone together. He had humor, patience, understanding, strictness, knowledge, and also the negative qualities such as a high pleasing level, demanding, very dominating, and his temper seemed to fly off the handle when his patience ran thin.
Never once during those few weeks had they discussed anything but their lessons. After he dismissed her, she always left without staying or looking back. And never once had he wanted to discuss other things. She became better at reading him though, and noticed his wondering eyes on her when she wasn’t looking.
Overall they became closer and more understanding to each other.
He had promised her they would start with magical theory next week, and that left the whole weekend free for Alex. It was a Hogsmeade weekend and she promised Grover she would accompany him after their Quidditch game against each other.
“Study them tonight, Alex.” Tom drawled from his corner in the library. Study the Dark Lords and Light Lords of the century. It really didn’t interest Alex at all, but after Tom’s face had flushed from anger, she readily took the book.
“Tom?” She paused and watched as the man looked up at her through his dark bangs. “Are you going to my Quidditch game tomorrow?” He usually didn’t go to any of the games, usually, meaning never participating in them.
“What do you think, Alex?” He sounded annoyed and Alex smirked.
“Alright, I’ll look for you then.” With that she turned and left the library with the familiar stare watching her retreating figure
Chapter 16: Sensations of Obsession
She threw on her maroon Quidditch cloak while watching as Addison, the Gryffindor Captain, scribbled some lines that were supposed to be players on the white board. Nodding along with the rest of her teammates, she took her curly hair and bound it upon her head.
The weather outside was drizzling, not yet raining, but close. Nothing that would stop them from play Quidditch.
This game was the last one before playoffs. If they won, they would compete against Slytherin for the Championship and if they lost, they would play Hufflepuff for third-place.
“Are you listening, Hershey?” She nodded absentmindedly and tugged on her Quidditch gear. She was slightly nervous for meeting Grover after the game. What if she won and he would be mad?
Alex almost punched herself in the head. Who the bloody hell cares if she won and he didn’t? Certainly not her. She wouldn’t be a sore loser if he won, and hopefully he would be man enough to be alright if she won. And if he was angry at her… then she would make him buy her a second helping of ice cream at the three broomsticks.
Then the next issue came up. Tom Riddle. She wondered if he would actually come. Alex knew when she asked him, the chances of him showing up for the first every Quidditch game of his life- was slim. The only reason she did ask him was because it annoyed him when she kept bugging him.
But that was her excuse to herself for covering up the fact that she wanted him there.
“We’re going to win this. Ravenclaw is a tough team and a bit aggressive, but we will manage.” Addison stood up and put his hand out toward his teammates. With a smirk, she put her leather gloved hand on top of his and the rest of the team followed suit.
The captain glanced at each player with a small smile spreading on his face. “Gryffindor.”
“Gryffindor!” They shouted and made their way steadily out in the drizzling stadium.
Ravenclaw was already doing their warm-up laps with the whole crowd acting up in either approval or discouragement. Alex felt a rush of adrenaline as she mounted her broom and took off.
Her loose curly strands blew in and away from her face as she accelerated as much as she could. The maroon robes behind her fluttered in the wind and pretty soon the stadium was a mix of royal blue and crimson gold.
She loved this atmosphere, and was surprised when she thought she could easily get rid of Quidditch. It would be impossible.
Green eyes wondered around the crowd and spotted Godiva and Christopher sitting with each other with the former trying to move away as much as possible. Unity, Taylor, and Blake were sitting behind the two with matching smiles and waves toward Alex.
She snorted and moved on the crowd, scowling at the Slytherin trio that included Brenda Marigold. Although she doubted the friendship would last long with her lack of money. Professor Slughorn was sitting with Professor Dumbledore, and Headmaster Dippet was talking to the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
And then he was in her line of sight. Tom Riddle was huddled in underneath his hooded cloak, watching the players fly above him. Something tingled in her stomach at his appearance. He actually came.
Bloody hell. She hadn’t expected that. Not at all. She had known Tom wouldn’t come.
A smile bloomed across her face whether she wanted it to come or not. He came for her.
Putting more effort into her broom, she flattened and exploded past the players in head of her. Tom Riddle had come to a Quidditch game. All this time during their lessons, she asked him to come and he replied with a void interest in the game. And yet, here he was.
The Quidditch Professor blew his whistle and the players gathered together on the pit of the stadium. He rattled on about playing fair and having fun, when Alex met Grover’s eyes. The Ravenclaw gave a smile in her direction and bowed his head in good luck. Doing the same, she mounted and hovered in the seeker position.
As soon as the captains shook hands, the whistle blew and the game began.
Alex and Grover walked side-by-side to the different shops at Hogsmeade. She was currently bundled with her Gryffindor scarf and gloves trying to get as warm as possible in the December air.
“Good game today, Alex. You were excellent.” Green eyes looked over at the Ravenclaw and smiled.
Gryffindor had won- with Alex catching the snitch from an upside down swing. Fortunately, there were no hard feelings between her and Grover so she didn’t feel uncomfortable in his presence.
“Thanks. You weren’t too bad yourself.” She didn’t really know what else to talk to Grover about. Just a couple moments ago she realized this was exactly why she was hesitant on pursuing things with him.
That thought made her mind head into another direction- Tom. After she grasped the golden snitch, her eyes swept over to him, only to see him not there.
“So-erm. Would you like to go to Madam Puddifoot’s shop? They have a great lunch menu there.” Alex’s heart stopped beating for just a second until she had to breath. Madam Puddifoot’s? That was here…in this time?
Oh, Merlin.
Grover chuckled and took her arm, heading her toward the familiar looking restaurant. “Come on, I know you probably don’t know what its like, but let me tell you, its wonderful. You should see it on Valentine’s day.”
Her face paled thinking back to the day she went out with Justin on Valentine’s day to Madam Puddifoot’s restaurant. It was an absolute nightmare.
Before she stepped foot in the store, her hairs on her neck stood up and she twisted her head around to look around the small wizarding town. But there was no one there. “Come on, Alex.” Grover growled, pulling her inside the restaurant.
Her eyes widened in horror and disbelief. This couldn’t be happening! No. Not again. The whole interior was done in whites, pinks, and frilly materials. Different from her time’s, but the same theory.
“Trust me, you will get used to the interior. After awhile, it kind of soothes you.” He took her hand and led her to a booth right by the window. Alex took the menu and put it in front of her face to make sure no one saw her by passing the window. Unfortunately, Grover decided to sit next to her rather than across from her.
“You should try the lasagna, it’s really good.” Grover nodded at the steaming picture of the food on the menu.
Alex took a deep breath and looked over the menu. She was hungry… and would rather sit in the feminine restaurant than to deny her angry stomach anymore. A big, fat, juicy burger sounded good. With salty fried and maybe a coke. But then again, Madam Puddifoot’s restaurant probably didn’t serve muggle food.
“Can I take your order?” She slowly glanced up at the waitress and almost chocked on her own spit. The woman looked like a man in a woman’s dress! And Alex thought she looked bad in dresses.
“Umm, could-,”
“We would both like to get the lasagna with a glass of milk, please.” Grover announced, taking the menu out of Alex’s limp fingers.
How dare he? She couldn’t believe he just ordered for her. Now this had gone to far. It would seem the more you get to know Mr. Grover, the more you saw how awful the man was. And milk? Sure she liked an occasional milk, but Merlin, she was in the mood for something more… well, more fattening. A milkshake perhaps. Chocolate.
What a pussy.
A weight settled around her shoulders and her body tensed as it was pulled toward Grover. “Isn’t this fun? I’m glad you could take the time to go out with me.” She slowly moved her gaze to the arm around her and back to the chest she was pressed up against.
Before she could hex the man’s balls off, screaming was heard from the other customers as they ran out of the restaurant in fright. She looked around Grover’s chest at them, not seeing the source of their fright. Hopefully it was something… suspenseful.
“What in Merlin’s name…” Grover’s voice shook as he clutched harder to Alex. “Merlin!” He was shaking uncontrollably and Alex couldn’t see his source of fright. “Alex! Something is moving up my-my legs.”
Then she heard it, and saw it. A hissing laugh filled her ears as a black reptile head peaked itself from underneath the table. Red snake eyes glowed as the snake made its way around Grover in amusement.
It was a large snake, about six feet long. A king Cobra by the looks of it, a black one. It had grey markings across it’s scales and a few green scales scattered here and there. It’s hood was shimmering emerald.
Grover and the snake’s red eyes met and the Ravenclaw opened his mouth, screaming hysterically in a high pitched tone. She heard the snake hiss with laughter and Grover removed his hand from Alex and jumped up-far away from the snake. Without so much as a glance at Alex, the man ran out the restaurant.
“Fool, how could you possibly agree to go out with him?” The snake hissed in Parseltongue and Alex had the strangest hunch it was…
“Tom? What in the bloody hell are you doing?” He had no right to disrupt her date with Grover.
“I was saving you from suicide, Alex. Or, did you want to sit and enjoy the fuzzy pink table clothes and his arm around you? Wouldn’t you rather have the comforting weight of a cobra around your… petite frame?” With that said the snake, or rather Tom, slithered around Alex’s waist twisting all the way around her neck. The cool scales felt good against her warm skin and she met his red eyes.
“Petite my arse. You just got rid of my source of food, why would I thank you for that?” Her stomach rumbled in proof and Tom laughed.
“Let me treat you then.” She raised her eyebrows and scratched him underneath his chin. He was a gorgeous Animagus.
“Will it be as good as lasagna? And a glass of milk?”
“I don’t think I can compete with that, but I can try, little one.” She glared heatedly at the smug King Cobra who was bathing in the sunlight hitting his scales and the massage Alex was giving him.
“Miss? Could you please take your…snake out of the restaurant?” Tom’s hood flared out as he hissed in the waitress’ direction in warning. The man-woman back off and wiggled her way toward the kitchens.
Alex sighed and tried to get out the booth, but to no success. “Tom.” Half his body was wrapped around her, and the other half was dragging on the floor. Red eyes looked at her as to say ‘Deal with it.’ She growled and braced her hands on the pink table and pushed herself up. He was heavy, really heavy.
“At least wrap the rest of yourself around me. That way I don’t have to drag your royal arse all over the place.” She was aware of all the eyes on her as she left the restaurant, but she didn’t give a damn. What was her business stayed her business. Her steps were like baby strides as she had Tom wrapped around herself, and she was aware of the wondering body around her own. The snake kept tightening itself around her and making odd hissing sounds…
Looking around, she disappeared between two shops in a dark alley way. There was no way should would be his bloody carter all day. “Change, you arrogant prick.”
“Language.” Tom hissed as he straightened out in his human form. Now that she looked at him-the more he resembled a snake more than anything else. His body was lean and tall, but his face hadn’t morphed into his snake features…yet.
Alex put her hands on her hips and smirked. “So?” She was hungry. Skipping breakfast for the nerves over dominating her appetite and then Tom scarring away her lunch.
His cheekbones were pronounced as he gave a toothy smirk. She watched as his sharp Adam’s apple bobbed before wetting his lips. “So? So what?” He took a flirting step closer and looked down at her through her dark hair.
“You know- I’m honored that you came to my Quidditch game, but I don’t think I will be playing anymore if I die of starvation.” The air was cold outside, but she didn’t notice it with the sudden rush of adrenaline going through her at the bickering her and Tom were doing.
“I rarely ever heard of someone die of not eating for a whole four hours, Alex.” His turquoise eyes were sparkling again…such a change from his normal unemotional face. “I’m guessing you want me to buy you some chubby treats.” His voice was thick with amusement as he flicked off a piece of imaginary flint from his velvet cloak.
Alex huffed and growled. “Chubby- what?” That man…
“Chubby treats, Alex. Let me guess. You will want a large bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream with two scoops of strawberries on the top, am I correct? And let’s not forget the hidden desire of washing all that down with a thick chocolate milkshake.” Her eyes widened at his daring success in guessing what she would get.
He took lazy steps toward her and pretty soon he had his hands touching her sides. “I’m so surprised how you stay so thin.” Playfully he tickled her stomach and she snorted in laughter. That was one of her weaknesses. She was very ticklish and absolutely hated it.
The stone wall slammed against her back as Tom assaulted her even more, but the harsh tickling died down into a caress and her eyes snapped open. He had his head bent slightly, their nose almost touching. She felt the warm breath hit her face with every rise of his chest. This couldn’t be happening. Not Tom and her. But her traitorous body yearned for his touch and she admired and respected him…so what if she moved her lips forward to lock with Tom?
No. If this…this thing between her and Tom advanced she needed answers.
Placing her palms against his chest- she pushed him as hard as she could away from her. The Slytherin hissed in displeasure and scowled at her underneath his mussed hair. “What the hell Al-,”
“I’m not going to play your game anymore, Tom.” She pushed herself against the wall and held her chin up high. This time around, he would get a lecture. “I tired of it. Absolutely sick with the riddle you give me to solve that ends up being a wild goose chase. I don’t mind the relationship we have during lessons, but out of those classes, you aren’t very smart.” She was hard on him for knowing that he wouldn’t even have the sense to do something right in a relationship he had never had in his life.
Tom was flushing from anger and his magic was making her hair stand up.
“I am confused on how you know so much about me- which I have never told you about. How do you know I’m a Potter? Why do you look at me with so much understanding? Why are you playing games with my emotions? You want to go out with me and start a relationship, yet you deny my invitation to the Halloween ball. You interrupt my date with Grover out of… of what? Jealousy?” She paused and looked cross eyed at him. “Stop sending me mixed signals, Tom.”
Snow flakes started to fall from the light drizzle and she turned to leave him to ponder on what she said. Instead of getting anywhere, a strong hand gripped her roughly and slammed her back against the wall. Tom’s eyes were blazing as he bent his face equal to hers.
“You want all those answers, Alex? I’ll be glad to get them off my chest.” He was exaggerating his letters. “After I heard about who I was from you that day in The Three Broomsticks, I wanted to know everything, not just the half told truth from you. So I broke in your chest and stole your diary.” Anger swelled up in Alex as this came out, but Tom placed a hand over her mouth.
“I thought it was rather equal in decency, Alex. You knew everything about me that I’ve tried to keep secret my whole life. It was only fair to know every detail about your past. After I visualized the events, I was horrified at what I would become. I was scared for the first time in my life. The Horcruxes I’ve made were thought to be a step toward immortally and power, not a step toward being a cold, cruel, killer.” She was speechless as she saw his eyes angrily mist over. “I don’t want to become Lord Voldemort. I have always dreamt of becoming someone with amazing talents and knowledge that the wizarding world looked up at with respect, not an insane man bent on world domination.” Tom chocked off and bent his head, brushing his hair against her cheek.
“After I viewed that memory I convinced myself that I would never turn out like that. I stopped seeing Lord Grindelwald and creating more Horcruxes. And I saw you in a new light also. You had been through so much with my future self, yet you took the time to get to know me. You saw under my mask and accepted I wasn’t Lord Voldemort yet.” His head went back up and he looked at her with such emotion…
“I thought maybe I could train you, train you to kill Lord Voldemort and make my soul rest in peace. That is until I think about it more often and know that’s impossible with my Horcruxes so closely protected. It would take years to discover the rest. So I would somehow keep the memory of you even when you leave.”
Alex shook her head. “That won’t work, Dumbledore-,”
“Set up a ward that would erase everyone’s memory of you the moment you leave? Yes, I know. But there are always counter work, Alex. Always. I can find it.”
“It still wouldn’t work. How do you expect Lord Voldemort to grow soft with the memory of me? I am nothing special to him-,”
He interrupted her hoarsely. “No, but your very important to me, Alex. You have affected me the moment I laid eyes on you… as corny as that sounds. You are so unlike all the other women. Before I knew you, I thought women were cheap entertainment, but you… you are much more. Your magic is compatible to mine… you made me see my flaws in my goals for more power.” His voice was thick with passion and he gazed in her eyes, trying to make her see.
She clutched at Tom’s cloak and whimpered. Everything seemed to go out of control at the moment. “Tom, you denied my invitation-,”
“Screw the bloody invitation, Potter. I like you. I want you to want to go with me. I thought you just asked me to repay your debt to me that night of the full moon. I didn’t know you really wanted to accompany me.” His cold hands rubbed her cheeks in a caress and her bottom lip trembled with an unknown cause.
“Tom.” She didn’t know what to do nor say. Nothing could shock her anymore than his confessions. He was just a scared, young man. Scared of becoming a monster in the future- after having such a horrible past. Scared of loosing everything he held dear.
He growled and covered his lips over hers. It was one of her first kisses, excluding Ron’s back home. Compared to her red haired friend, this was more…sensual, erotic and mature. His thin fingers bunched in her curly hair and brought her closer. They seemed to need more contact, but not gaining anymore inches considering they were already flattened against one another.
She brought her hands around his neck and caressed the back of his nape and the stray hairs sticking out messily.
He didn’t plan on telling her everything, but he knew she had to know sometime. And when she looked so cute standing all hot-headed, demanding answers, he gave in. That lead to where he was now, ravishing the woman he had wanted so badly to touch and caress for so long.
She was everything to him. Smart, beautiful, powerful, humorous, kind, sly, mischievous, and by the Gods… she was his. No more Grover Harrison in her future.
He broke for breath because he had to and looked down at those large, expressive eyes. They were in for a hard road ahead of them, but he would make it through. He had to…wanted to. A couple of weeks ago he realized that he could see himself with Alex by his side for all eternity. It was that alien emotion he thought he would never experience in his lifetime, love. He could’ve expressed this feeling to her, but he was afraid of the consequences leading after it.
Her Magic and his, swirled together around their bodies making a cocoon of energy around them. Emerald and Crimson untied finally. Compatible Magic. After so many questions about his magic making a fool out of itself around her, he had finally looked it up in the library.
They were partners, meant for each other. Another word that could be used to describe it was mates, but then again Compatible Magic couples could also be enemies or the same gender. In the end though, the partners and their magic was stronger when united romantically.
His eyes surveyed her face which was flushed and panting for air. Bloody hell, he would never get enough of her. Lord Grindelwald would claim that love was weak, but to him, love was something that made him stronger.
His lower regions hardened and he gave a desperate moan as he pushed his hips against her. She was innocent, and he would be gentle with her. But at the moment, he wanted to play dirty. After so many weeks and months, he had wanted this to happen.
Taking her small hips in his hands, he pulled her upward against the wall and then wrapped her legs around his waist. Together they were indestructible, and Tom would be damned if he ever left her go. That certain issue wouldn’t be discussed with Alex anytime soon. If he couldn’t find the counter active for Dumbledore’s ward, he would ground her here. The emerald necklace around her throat was her ticket out of 1944. Without it, she would be stuck here. She gasped as he tightened his hold on her and he smirked in the dip of her neck…so what happened if her necklace suddenly disappeared?
He took a hold of her chin and kissed her again. This was nothing like Brenda Marigold or any other woman. Alex was so exhilarating and his magic agreed with him readily. His tongue slipped into her mouth forcefully and he felt her stiffen beneath his hold.
“Alex?” A shocked voiced shouted from the mouth of the alley way and Alex and Tom separated, looking over at Godiva.
Tom calmly let Alex stand back on the ground, but retained a possessive arm around her small waist. He watched as she looked uncertain at Godiva and at him. He knew she was unsure about the whole situation.
The werewolf was shaking uncontrollably and clutching her fists. “How could you?” Tom frowned as he tickled her mind with Legilimency and bit back a hiss in disgust. It would seem Ms. Godiva Ramsey was a lesbian.
How…unfortunate for her. Tom placed both hands on Alex’s shoulders and glared at Godiva. Just by the feel of the shadows around him, he was sure he frightened her. “I’m sorry, Ramsey. Alex is taken, you are too late.” He tried to say it seriously, but a hint of amusement came out.
As Godiva turned to run away, Alex frowned up at him. “What do you mean by that, Tom?”
He surveyed her mind and was confirmed that she had no idea her friend was a lesbian. “She prefers woman to men, love.” It took awhile for her to understand, and when she did a pretty blush stained her cheeks.
“That’s impossible. I would’ve known… I have to go to her, Tom. We’ll talk later.” Before he could do anything he watched her hightail in out of the alley. Inside Tom seethed at Ramsey. The werewolf interrupted him, she always seemed to be stepping in his way to Alex.