Chapter 17: Seeing through his Eyes
Harsh breathing filled the compact potions room. It was dark and dreary but the occupant didn’t mind one bit. A tall candle stick was sharing its flame for his reading. His focus was on the two recipes in front of him that may or may not protect him against that old fool’s ward.
It had to work. Countless of nights he stayed up looking through potion’s texts, only to see if combining the two would work. It was a very difficult potion to brew, but he was capable of brewing anything.
Maybe it was because he was so desperate, or maybe because he was focused on the raven haired beauty he confessed his attraction to today… but within seconds the caldron blew up and he barley had time to duck.
The potion stung his cheek and the fumes were inhaled deeply in his lungs. Having no idea why it was making him dizzy all of a sudden, he rolled his eyes in the back of his head and collapsed on the stone floor.
For the next few minutes he had visions of her.
A lone silhouette was sitting in the window sill to the Gryffindor 6th year dorms. Her large, emerald eyes were watching as the hefty flakes of snow gracefully fell from the skies. No one witnessed as she caressed her lips with her finger or her expression as she replayed the events that transpired today.
She confronted Godiva after she witnessed Tom kissing her in the dark alleyway. And Alex shivered as she remembered the conversation.
“How can you do this, Alex? Did he force this upon you?” She sounded hysterical as she paced in front of Alex in their dorm.
“He didn’t force anything on me, Godiva. I just don’t understand why you’re so mad-,”
“Mad? Alex- he’s Riddle. He’s an arrogant prick that doesn’t deserve love or anything of the sort.”
Alex instantly felt a protective flare go through her at her friend’s words. “Don’t say that, Godiva. Tom deserves anything I give him. Be it love, or kindness, he had a tough past. Maybe you should just give him a chance like I did.”
Godiva’s amber eyes looked at her in disbelief. “Give him a chance? Alex- the whole year you two were bickering back and forth. I thought you hated each other-,” She paused and looked lost. “Is that why? You two were…flirting? Is that his way to show you that he likes you? To pick on you? And vice-versa?”
Alex shifted and looked away from her friend. It did seem that way. Tom had always nagged on her and her on him. Did they always have this…this relationship hidden deep within them? Were they destined to be together? Tom was saying something about their magic being compatible.
Turning her eyes back on her friend, Alex gave an innocent shrug. “I don’t know, Godiva. I don’t think Tom is much of a flitter type.”
The werewolf sighed loudly and shook her head. “I need time to think about his, Alex.” Without another word, she left the room.
Alex thought it was a good step forward if Godiva was thinking about the whole thing and not demanding that she leave Tom. Because the Potter heir knew, that if it came down between choosing Tom and Godiva, well, her friend wouldn’t want to be around her anymore.
Her black curls swept in her face as she unbound her binder. She started to massage her scalp, loving the feeling of relaxation it gave her. It wasn’t a surprise that she had received a headache after today, with all the events that had lain out before her.
Tom. Her thoughts were centered on him. She was…happy. There was no other word for it. She felt the attraction and the emotional bond they had, and when his lips latched on to hers, well, she knew this was right.
It shocked her when Tom confessed to her today. He seemed so open to her and in tune with his emotions. He had Horcruxes at the moment, but not seven. Every time he split his soul, his emotions would dwindle and die. That was what Voldemort was in her time- a soulless creature.
She had doubts though. What would happen when she left? He would forget everything and she would remember every last detail of their time together. It would be a strain on her when she faced Voldemort on the battlefield again, knowing he had feelings like every other human.
But there was one other option.
Her fingers trembled as they caressed her necklace around her neck. It was the only way to stay with him. She knew she would have a great life here, but her sense of duty was too strong. Without Dumbledore, the wizarding world needed order. And she was their key.
A voice taunted her inside her mind. But would she actually go through killing Voldemort when she got back?
Alex huffed and cleared her head. When it was time to leave, she would leave.
The same voice chuckled in disbelief and her necklace blinked twice without her knowledge.
A mouth landed on her neck and Alex gave a small exhale of breath. The library was empty, and for once she was glad for that fact. Sliding her hands through the messy black hair at her neck, she gave a chuckle as she felt gentle teeth nibble on her skin.
“Tom- stop.” Those artistic hands settled on her upper arms and squeezed before meeting her eye to eye. She didn’t think she would ever get used to the turquoise eyes glittering with such emotion.
It was almost a month since they-or rather Tom- confessed his feelings for her. And in that time, Alex noticed that the more Tom was around her, his whole aura lightened. Thanks to Tom, Alex could actually see his overwhelming aura that encircled with hers all the time. Each day the emerald magic grew brighter and brighter, and she had a hunch that with the strong emotion he was feeling, the more his soul drained back into him from his Horcruxes.
And she was in love with him. He was in love with her- even when he refused to say those three words.
So why couldn’t see take her damn necklace off her neck?
“We’re done here. I want you to get ready for the Christmas dance tonight. Wear the dress I go you- and of course wear your hair down.” His voice was commanding as he settled in the chair next to hers. Even his damn aura was brighter; he was still arrogant as ever.
“Yes, Tom.” She closed the books on wandless magic and started to pack up.
Over the past few weeks she succeeded in feeling her magic and the others surrounding her, she could defend her mind against a Legilimencer, and control some of the shadows surrounding her. Tom was an excellent teacher, full of knowledge and patience. But they still had a lot of work to do.
Before she excited the library, twin arms pulled at her waist and she lightly collided with the lithe chest. A cold hand lifted her chin lightly and his lips brushed against hers in a whisper. “I want you all to myself tonight. No dances with any others.” His arm tightened possessively around her waist and she smirked up at him.
“What will I tell all those disappointed wizards?” He growled, his eyes glowing brightly with that fierce emotion he had worn these past few weeks.
“You’re mine.” He hissed in Parselmouth, tugging her roughly and those lips were on hers a little more fiercely than before. Alex gave an inward chuckle at his behavior and slid her arms around his high neck. They had never gone farther than snogging senseless- which Alex was slightly grateful for. She didn’t think she was ready for… well, for that.
His tongue snaked out and caressed her bottom lip.
“Excuse me; the library is no place for teenage activities.” The two broke off and looked over at the passing professor.
Alex blushed while Tom narrowed his eyes at the intruder. “I’ll see you tonight, Tom.” Standing on her tip-toes she lightly kissed his chin. She loved watching as his eyes lit up just by her presence.
Leaving before she could do anymore damage, she went to get ready for the Christmas ball.
Tom played at his tie around his neck on his stiff dress robes once again. He absolutely hated balls and dress robes period. But he had something special in mind tonight and he thought the ball would be a good beginning.
But he couldn’t comprehend the nervous feeling going through him at the moment. He had never been nervous in all his life, and now he was feeling it over a woman. But a special woman at that. She was everything he wanted in a consort; she was his soul mate, even though he preferred not to get mushy and emotional about it.
Tonight, he would ask her to stay with him. Take that damn necklace off for him and remake the future. No matter how much he had experimented, he couldn’t find a counter curse for Dumbledore’s damned ward. And Tom knew there was a counter jinx for everything. The closest he had ever gotten was the potion he brewed that exploded in his face. But he could never seem to get it right.
So, throwing all that away, he would confess his love for her. He shivered at that. He was in a bloody script. Say it once, and that was all he needed to do. But he just needed her with him.
Once, when he was younger, he vowed never to depend on someone so much. And yet, he was standing in front of the Gryffindor Common Room, waiting on the woman he wanted to spend eternity with.
The fists at his side clutched and he took a deep breath of air. They would be powerful together. Defeating Dumbledore and Grindelwald, they would be looked up on by the rest of the wizarding world. Now if only Tom could convince Alex of purifying their purebloods from the muggles…
The door opened and Tom snapped his head to the side, wiping away the sweat on his hands. Alex stepped out and she looked absolutely stunning… and Slytherin. Beautiful curly hair was swept across her shoulder and her dress that Tom picked out was just perfect on her. Black and emerald.
She took a step toward his direction and almost fell down. His turquoise eyes brightened in amusement as he realized she was wearing the heels he sent for her.
“You look beautiful, my love.” He swept at her side and took her waist.
She gave that un-lady like snort and took his offered arm. “And you look smashing. I love the dress, thank you.” She paused and Tom knew what was coming next. “But I don’t know about the heels, I’m afraid I’ll be tripping all night from them.”
He chuckled and clutched her tighter, an unconscious act he seemed to be doing a lot lately. “You fall no matter what is on your feet, Potter. You’re as graceful as a new born hippogriff.”
Without looking at her, he knew those Slytherin green eyes were glaring daggers at him. “Just because we aren’t all graced with your unnatural poise, doesn’t mean we’re all useless.” She poked at his side in her usual playful gesture and Tom rolled his eyes upward.
“How many times have I told you I’m not as ticklish as you? That poking thing you do doesn’t affect me at all.”
She gave a cheeky smile. “Of course it does, you go crazy with just the slightest of my touches. Admit it.” He turned back toward her and studied her face. Something was off about tonight. Everything seemed perfect, and yet there was a tension in the magic around them.
“You caught me, Alexandra.” She gave a laugh and poked him roughly in the ribs, again.
They arrived in the Great Hall where it was lavishly decorated in whites and blacks. A winter theme, rather than a Christmas one. Which Tom was grateful for. He despised Christmas, it reminded him too many times of his orphanage days.
He caught Godiva Ramsey’s eyes across the hall and inclined his head. She was escorted by Christopher from Hufflepuff. Even if he didn’t approve of the werewolf, Alex did and in turn, the wolf accepted Alex’s relationship with him. Her eyes widened, but she nodded back eventually.
Grover Harrison was flirting with a girl from Ravenclaw and Tom gave a smirk. It would seem his interest in Alex was non-existent. He was afraid of snakes, and Alex was a serpent. They would never be good for each other.
Pipa Harrison and Addison Clayborne were talking at a nearby table, clearly involved with just each other. Tom hoped they would get married soon, all their tension was starting to spread around the school.
His eyes then landed on the desert table and he tugged at Alex. “Come on, I see some delicious chubby treats calling your name.” She stiffened beneath his hold and Tom suppressed a laugh. No matter if she was mad at the way he stated her eating disorder, she kept quiet when her eyes landed on the chocolate surprises.
They had a good time, even Tom had a good time- which he was surprised at. Alex always proved good company, hilarious yet under control at the same time. She did in fact, fall once during the night when Tom was gathering her some eggnog from the bowl. He had evidently started to laugh at her shocked face, and laughed harder when she turned her glare on him. He didn’t remember the last time he had laughed like this…
But now was the time. He had to confront her about their relationship, and what they were going to do.
“Come. I want to talk with you.” He stood up from their table and held his hand out to her. She was tired, her eyes drooping, but they sprang alert when he said this. She almost looked uncertain whether she wanted to take his hand or not. Tom sighed as he took her arm gently and guided her out in the deserted classroom.
“What are you doing?” He didn’t like the slight fear in her voice, so he took her in her arms. A gesture that provided him not as much comfort as he wanted.
“You know that you’ve changed me- right? As corny as that sounds, you’ve shined the light on my mistakes for gaining power. I was a fool to think that Horcruxes would actually make me a better Dark Lord. Instead they tore my soul away making me an insane monster.” He felt her tense in his arms, but he didn’t let her go.
“I believed I would exit Hogwarts, my only home, and continue on my path to absolute power. I wouldn’t need anyone, nor anything. But you showed up and my views for my future our blurry.” He was well aware that his voice hitched to a passionate speech, but he didn’t care. His words were in too deep to stop now.
“What are you trying to say, Tom?” She was smart. He gave her that. The hold never ceased around her.
“I’m saying, you belong with me. With our compatible magic and our similar pasts and futures.” He paused and let her go. Standing clueless in the middle of the room, she still looked stunning to him.
Striking out his hand, he pushed back his cloak and got on one knee. He could see from her face that she knew what he was doing. So be it. “Alexandra Quinn Potter, will you stay with me for all eternity, to take my name and stand by my side? Alex.” He paused and looked at her with the stare he knew she could never resist.
“I love you, Alex. When I believed love was nothing but a made up feeling, I was proved wrong with you. Will you marry me?” He inwardly cringed at his words. At least he only had to do this one time around. Thank Merlin for that.
Her mouth was open, the same expression he scolded her for showing too much emotion. Ignoring it, Tom took his Marvolo Gaunt ring off his right ring finger and held it up to her gaze.
“I offer you my Horcrux to symbolize my commitment to you, and my word that I will cease to create any more soul dividing curses.” Immediately her face expression closed off and even with his tickle of Legilimency, he couldn’t understand what her reaction meant.
Maybe it was inappropriate to offer his Horcrux as the engagement ring? Did she want a large gem instead?
Then it happened. He thought Alex would never do this, but he was, unfortunately, wrong. Tears welled up in those green eyes of hers and she bit her lip to keep from sobbing. “Alex, please. Don’t cry.” Plus, if she started to cry, his arm would get tired from holding up the Marvolo ring. But even his cynical side was silent in order to hear her reaction, he needed her.
She wiped underneath her eyes and cleared her throat. His eyes watched as her jaw set in the familiar gesture of determination. Please don’t do this, Alex. Not to me.
“Tom.” He kept absolutely still while he started right back at her. “You have no idea how much your gesture meant to me. Of course I’ll marry you, you git.” Inside, Tom’s heart dived to his stomach and then rose back up through his throat. But he wasn’t going to cry, was he?
Standing up again, he grabbed her face with both hands and crashed her lips against his. This feeling inside of him was starting to get awfully familiar when around Alex. And finally, he welcomed it.
They separated and he gave a laugh at their situation. How terrible they were together, yet so perfect. She was trembling with feeling and he could feel the slight tremble in his hands as he took her fingertips in his. With a gentle movement, he slid the Horcrux on her finger. It wouldn’t harm her unless the part of the soul was being touched by unfamiliar hands, but Alex was acknowledged by him.
What happened next made his diving heart falter. The ring, which was sizes too large on her left ring finger, started to shrink to a compressing size and the necklace around her neck started to shine like a golden halo.
“No.” He trembled and flung his wand out of his pocket. But he knew there was no spell that could stop this…
“Tom- take it off. Take the necklace off.” She seemed panicked, and Tom tried to stay calm as she started to fade before him. Barley with out much time, she swept her hair up and turned her neck toward Tom.
He seethed. “Bloody hell, Alex. There is no clasp.”
This whole thing was a bloody set-up. Just to get his Gaunt ring. She played with his emotions, and fled with his soul. Literally.
She was nothing but a faded outline, but he saw her fall to her knees before him. How could he ever fall for this? He had been a fool, a righteous fool. Grindelwald was right. Love was weak, and those who loved were fools.
Turquoise eyes swirled crimson as he hissed angrily at the faded memory.
“Please, Tom. I had nothing to do with this! Dumbledore he-,” But her voice faded and the form started to dissolve more before him.
Instantly, Tom back away and ceased his anger. Was it true? What if this was all Dumbledore? He could’ve used Alex-
Tom Riddle blinked and looked around the room in curiosity. How did he get in here? It was all…dirty. His thin hands brushed at his new dress robes in disgust. Where was Brenda Marigold? They were late for the awful Christmas ball he had to attend, due to being the Head Boy.
As he turned to leave, he paused for a moment.
He seemed empty inside…
A smile spread across his lips.
He loved it.
His fingers caressed his ring finger and paused. His small heart started to beat with emotion. Fear. Bringing up his hand, his crimson speckled eyes stared at the bare finger in disbelief.
A scream of range filled the small, empty room.
Chapter 18: Why?
For a moment, she sat there on her knees, looking up at the spot Tom used to be standing. But no matter how hard she imagined, he was gone.
Her eyes slid down to the ring on her finger, only to notice it was back to its original size before he put it on. So many questions and emotions were blurring inside her mind at the moment, she couldn’t pin-point her true feelings.
Sad, no- anguished, at being torn from Tom. He was her only lifeline; he was the only one who understood her. And now they were never to see each other again. She shook her head. Yes, they would see each other again.
But right now, she had to see exactly why Dumbledore brought her back just for the ring he had already destroyed. Why would he seek out this Horcrux if it was already gone? She remembered vividly that it was destroyed. Dumbledore’s hand was proof of that, it was ash black…
Her eyes widened. Maybe… no. She gave a nervous laugh and shook her head in disbelief at her silly notion. It couldn’t be…
Could it?
“Girl!” Alex started as heavy thumps were making there way up the stairs. It sounded like her uncle. Merlin, she hadn’t heard that voice for so long.
She stood up shakily and looked down at her outfit. She was wearing the usual Dudley’s attire, and not the dress Tom had given her. And the necklace was no where to be seen. Tears welled up in her eyes at the memory of Tom thinking she had betrayed her. But what did it matter? She thought bitterly. Tom would never remember her.
“Potter, open up the damn door.” She would have to deal about her emotions later. Right now, she had to face reality. At least, that’s what Tom told her to do.
She turned uncertainly to see if her trunk was there, and it was… Nothing made sense.
The banging at her door grew louder and Alex opened it cautiously. “Yes?” Her uncle was purple in the face as he looked down at her.
“Since you’ve had Dudley’s last doughnut, you won’t be getting any dinner, you got that?” Alex blinked in confusion and then her eyes widened.
Not even an hour had passed during her time.
“Yes.” That was all she could say, her tongue was heavy and dry with uncertainty. She didn’t see her uncle’s eyes widen at her lack of protest, since she slammed the door on his face.
What the bloody hell was happening? She had to get out of here.
Throwing all her belongings in her trunk, she threw on her Hogwarts cloak and took her wand out. Something black caught her eyes and she looked down at her diary. Her hands shook severely as she opened it to the latest entry.
The tanned face immediately turned white as she noticed the last time she had written in it was August 5th. There was no account on what happened when she arrived at the year 1944.
It was if everything was erased from that time… as if it were a dream. The only thing that kept her sane was her memories and the Marvolo ring still settled on her ring finger… the same ring Tom had proposed with.
A violent hiss escaped her lips as she slammed her trunk shut. Dumbledore did something…this whole thing wasn’t for a vacation. How could she be so naïve?
Grabbing the end of the trunk, she wheeled it down the steps, ignoring her relative’s yells at the noise. Screw them.
Once she was outside, she ignored the stares she was getting from the neighbors and threw up her hood. Tom would click his tongue at her foolish actions for drawing unwanted attention. But her lover wasn’t here right now. He was probably out killing innocents and brainwashing more followers.
Shooting her wand hand out, the Knight Bus arrived with a slam. “Thank you for choosing the K-,”
“Shut it, Stan. Leaky Cauldron.” She dug out the more than enough change for the ride and brushed past him. Occupants were snoring loudly at the back, so she decided to sit sulkily up to the front. Her eyes landed on her large trunk and decided it would be a pain if she had to tug it around.
With a lazy, nonverbal spell, the trunk shrunk and she placed it safely in her pocket. She could feel Stan’s stare on her, but she ignored it. There would be no use if he noticed her presence on the bus today. If something happened for the worse, she didn’t want anyone tracking her down.
Like Tom?
“Did you hear the good news?” Stan’s thick accented voice reached her ears, and Alex tried not to grumble in annoyance.
“Cant say that I have.” He was probably going to grace her with this good news. Nothing could be good. Well, maybe Lord Voldemort loosing his magic and serving tea to the local orphans.
“Albus Dumbledore is alive.” For a moment, she forgot to breath and her heart stopped.
“I-impossible.” She was glad for her hood, because if he saw her white face he might’ve called a medic. Something she did not want…. bloody hell. She was going to faint.
“Yeah! Apparently they found Dumbledore locked up in the dungeons at Hogwarts. They were spectacle at first, until they dug up his grave and found that the imposter who died was using Pollyjuice Potion.” She couldn’t breath. “Dumbledore states he was attacked when his back was turned. No one says exactly why the culprits didn’t just kill him.”
It all made sense now. The Dumbledore that was with her at the time was not really Dumbledore. It was an imposter. She should’ve realized that. The man didn’t seem like himself at the time…
And now…
Her eyes landed on her ring again and shivered. Dumbledore was dying from the Horcrux he touched. In turn, he locked himself up and sent her back in time to gather the object that landed his future death. Now that she had the ring, and Tom Riddle didn’t, Dumbledore would have never laid hands on it in the past.
And now…
He was cured. He was back in full power, probably looking for the Gaunt ring.
She gave a strangled cry and started to heave. That old man… he played with her. He played with her emotions and Tom’s. They were just players in his chess game. How could he? Was he that selfish?
But how? How did he know that Tom would give her his Horcrux?
Briefly, she remembered when she arrived in the year 1944 she asked him how this was all happening. He then responded…
“I have my ways.” With that damn twinkle…
He manipulated her. He manipulated her emotions…This, this was…
A tear slid down her flushed, embarrassed cheeks. She was a fool, a fool that moved accordingly to Dumbledore’s tugs and pulls. Her strings were held in his lazy hands. And she played just how he predicted.
“Are you alright, miss?” Stan’s voice was disorientated in her ears as she slouched her shoulders in thought. She sat there for a moment…thinking, flooding in self pity.
And then she raised her chin in determination. This was war. No one played her for a fool. And certainly no one took away her loved ones with selfish motives. She would play Dumbledore’s game of chess…and damn her if she lost.
Lord Voldemort was wondering the underskirts of the wizarding world, looking for his Gaunt ring and destroying anyone in his path…he wouldn’t help her. Especially when he didn’t remember their time together.
It appeared she was alone. Ron and Hermione were just children. They wouldn’t understand what she felt for Lord Voldemort, they would question her why she was angry at Dumbledore for what he did. And they would look at her oddly when she said Voldemort had feelings too, he was human.
I love you, Tom. I will do this for you.
With that, her mind locked up and she ceased her feelings. The only thing on her mind was revenge.
Tom would be delighted.
“I’m fine.” She lowered her hood and looked unemotionally at Stan. The boy’s eyes widened at her appearance and he gave a goofy laugh.
“Well I’ll be damned. It’s Alex Potter.” With a cold glare, she turned her head and looked out the window. Nothing could make her stray from this plan…nothing.
The bus gave a plunge, but she kept upon the swinging bed. It would seem they arrived at Leaky Cauldron. Dull green eyes looked out the window and a small smirk spread across her lips. It would seem that it was time… they were there.
She unfolded herself from the bed and took large strides to the exit. Nervous butterflies should be fluttering around her stomach, but all she felt was an icy determination. Feelings were useless now, nothing was worth living for anymore.
The sun was shining brilliantly outside- almost mocking her in the activities to follow. Once she stepped on the concrete sidewalk, the bus behind her jolted out of existence and she looked up to meet the eyes of Albus Dumbledore.
He was standing there in all his glory, smiling kindly down at her. There were a few Order members surrounding him, but she didn’t study them…her eyes were on his. “Aw, Alex. It’s good to see you again. I’m glad you had a safe trip.” His beard twitched with a knowing smile, but she didn’t respond in anyway.
His eyes widened a fraction, but they never lost his twinkle. “As you’ve probably heard, I am indeed, alive, thanks to your help.” He paused and studied her unemotional face. “While you were absent, the Order and I have finally destroyed all Voldemort’s Horcruxes. All we need is his Gaunt ring, and I’m sure it’s right in front of our faces.” He teased and the smile was as wide as she had ever seen it.
She considered this. If she hadn’t fallen in love with Tom, she would gladly have given up the ring. But it was too late. She loved Tom and would be damned to save the wizarding world by killing him.
Lifting her chin up, she held her hands eye level with Dumbledore. “I’m afraid I don’t know where it went.”
That did it. For the first time in her life, she witnessed Dumbledore’s face crumble in anguish. Before long, that anguish was replaced with fury. “I think you have a very good guess on where it is. Alex, he is worth nothing, he’s nothing but a cold hearted killer.”
She gave a shrug and lowered her hands. “That may be, Dumbledore. But you forget that love is a very strong emotion.” She made sure her eyes were locked on Dumbledore’s. “I never betray those I love.”
And then it happened.
The heavy weight of the cloth was lifted off her head and face, making the cold air hit her harshly. There were bright lights everywhere, drumming her sensitive eyes the wrong way. No matter how hard she squinted she couldn’t seem to see past the lights in front of her.
“Alexandra Potter, you are hereby sentenced to a lifetime imprisonment to Azkaban for treason and working in league with You-Know-Who. Do you have any last saving words?” Her ears picked up the loud murmuring through the audience.
Tight binders were clasped around her wrists in front of her and she wore a tattered grey robe that barley stayed upon her thin shoulders. All this didn’t matter, not even the absence of her curly hair upon her head.
What mattered was she was going to Azkaban.
“Potter, I asked you if you had anything to say in your defense?” She knew what that meant. They wanted her to confess where the ring was, and hand it over…thus killing Lord Voldemort in the process.
And then it dawned on her. She could confess. Live a whole lifetime happily with her friends and a new love who saw her for herself. She could become something after Hogwarts…a whole education diploma.
Maybe she could have a job at Hogwarts, teaching along side with Remus Lupin or other people she loved? She could have that husband she would always want, and children who looked up to her. She could teach them to be independent for themselves and be played by no one’s hand.
And if she confessed…she would kill the man that killed her parents, who also had a hand in killing Sirius. If she confessed she could save so many lives, she could also save Tom Riddle’s soul. Yes, she loved Tom Riddle, but he would never love her back. She could confess…
But could she?
Yes, she could confess.
Would she?
A smile blossomed on her lips and her eyes locked on the Minister.
“Rot in hell.”
The last thing she heard were screams of outrange from the wizarding world.
It was cold. That was the first thing she realized that Azkaban was. It also smelt like piss and mold.
She shivered and huddled in the dampest corner of the cell. Her robe was falling off her shoulder, but this time she paid it no heed. It was so cold… Her breath was vapor in front of her face and she gave a small smile.
This is what she got… for loving the Dark Lord; she received a cold cell in return. It was fitting, no?
“You know that you’ve changed me- right? As corny as that sounds, you’ve shined the light on my mistakes for gaining power. I was a fool to think that Horcruxes would actually make me a better Dark Lord. Instead they tore my soul away making me an insane monster.”
She moaned a painful moan as a dementor glided past her cell in excitement.
“You look beautiful, my love.” He swept at her side and took her waist.
This shouldn’t happen. Her thin arms clutched at her head and the teary green eyes slammed shut against the memories.
“I rarely ever heard someone die of not eating for a whole four hours, Alex.” His turquoise eyes were sparkling again…such a change from his normal unemotional face. “I’m guessing you want me to buy you some chubby treats.”
Her breathing went heavy and she desperately wished she could change into her Animagus form, but the Ministry had a new injection against that after they learned Sirius escaped from his Animagus form.
“… and then I saw you in a new light. You had been through so much with my future self, yet you took the time to get to know me. You saw under my mask and accepted I wasn’t Lord Voldemort yet.” His head went back up and he looked at her with such emotion…
Another four dementors came gliding past her cell, eagerly sucking her happiness, making her witness those memories that caused her so much pain and love.
“Tom.” She didn’t know what to do nor say. Nothing could shock her anymore than his confessions. Under that stoic mask of power, sureness, knowledge... was just a scared, young man. Scared of becoming a monster in the future- after having such a horrible past. Scared of loosing everything he held dear.
He gave a low growl in his throat and covered his lips over hers.
She could almost hear their laughter as she huddled closer to the wall. Her shields were desperately up and her hands balled into fists. The mind shields around her brain were strong and indestructible. She tried to lay them perfectly, not allowing one ounce of her mind out…
“I love you, Alex. Will you marry me?” Tom took his Marvolo Gaunt ring off his right ring finger and held it up to her gaze.
“I offer you my Horcrux to symbolize my commitment to you, and my word that I will cease to create any more soul dividing curses.”
Alex’s eyes flew open and her mouth widened in a silent scream.
And then her mind blacked out…
A dark throne room was lightened by a small fire in the distance. But the figure didn’t huddle near the heat. He was perfectly fine standing in the coldest corner of the room.
Long, pale fingers stroked Nagini’s head in a loving caress as he sunk in his light meditation. All his Horcruxs were destroyed, all but one. And he knew exactly which one. The Gaunt ring he once possessed when he was younger. He vaguely remembered that day in which he found his ring gone…he had thought Dumbledore had some how taken it, but it turned out he was wrong.
Someone had it, and he was very displeased at the game they were playing with him.
But something was pulling at his mind, he tried to dig deeper in his mind at the black hole, but nothing came out.
A knock heard throughout the room and he gave a sigh in annoyance. With a lazy wave, the door opened and the cowering Death Eater staggered inside.
“What is it?” His tongue hissed the syllables, and his eyes glowed bright as the man shivered.
“Master, have you seen the news?” Despite being afraid of him, the man seemed…gleeful. Perhaps Dumbledore had passed away for good this time.
Bone white fingers took the paper from the shaking fingers and his eyes landed on the picture of Alexandra Potter. Instantly his breath ceased and memories slammed themselves forward from that black hole that seemed so empty before.
With a flash of green light, the Death Eater in front of him was looking blankly up at the ceiling, not witnessing the troubled Dark Lord in front of him.